package com.BeeFramework.theme; import; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.View; import com.BeeFramework.example.R; import com.external.activeandroid.util.Log; /* * ______ ______ ______ * /\ __ \ /\ ___\ /\ ___\ * \ \ __< \ \ __\_ \ \ __\_ * \ \_____\ \ \_____\ \ \_____\ * \/_____/ \/_____/ \/_____/ * * * Copyright (c) 2013-2014, {Bee} open source community * * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ public class BeeBitmapDrawable extends BeeDrawable { private static final int[] attrArray = {android.R.attr.src ,android.R.attr.antialias, android.R.attr.filter, android.R.attr.dither,android.R.attr.gravity, android.R.attr.tileMode}; private static final int DEFAULT_PAINT_FLAGS = Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG | Paint.DITHER_FLAG; private BeeBitmapState mBitmapState; private Bitmap mBitmap; private int mTargetDensity; private final Rect mDstRect = new Rect(); // Gravity.apply() sets this private boolean mApplyGravity; private boolean mMutated; // These are scaled to match the target density. private int mBitmapWidth; private int mBitmapHeight; // Mirroring matrix for using with Shaders private Matrix mMirrorMatrix; public BeeBitmapDrawable(Bitmap bitmap) { this(new BeeBitmapState(bitmap), null); } public BeeBitmapDrawable(Resources res,Bitmap bitmap) { this(new BeeBitmapState(bitmap),res); mBitmapState.mTargetDensity = mTargetDensity; } private BeeBitmapDrawable(BeeBitmapState state, Resources res) { mBitmapState = state; if (res != null) { mTargetDensity = res.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi; } else { mTargetDensity = state.mTargetDensity; } setBitmap(state != null ? state.mBitmap : null); } public BeeBitmapDrawable(String filepath) { this(new BeeBitmapState(BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filepath)),null); if (mBitmap == null) { } } public BeeBitmapDrawable(Resources res) { mBitmapState = new BeeBitmapState((Bitmap) null); mBitmapState.mTargetDensity = mTargetDensity; } private void setBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) { if (bitmap != mBitmap) { mBitmap = bitmap; if (bitmap != null) { computeBitmapSize(); } else { mBitmapWidth = mBitmapHeight = -1; } invalidateSelf(); } } private void computeBitmapSize() { mBitmapWidth = mBitmap.getScaledWidth(mTargetDensity); mBitmapHeight = mBitmap.getScaledHeight(mTargetDensity); } public void setTargetDensity(Canvas canvas) { setTargetDensity(canvas.getDensity()); } public void setTargetDensity(DisplayMetrics metrics) { setTargetDensity(metrics.densityDpi); } public void setTargetDensity(int density) { if (mTargetDensity != density) { mTargetDensity = density == 0 ? DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT : density; if (mBitmap != null) { computeBitmapSize(); } invalidateSelf(); } } private boolean needMirroring() { return false ; } private void updateMirrorMatrix(float dx) { if (mMirrorMatrix == null) { mMirrorMatrix = new Matrix(); } mMirrorMatrix.setTranslate(dx, 0); mMirrorMatrix.preScale(-1.0f, 1.0f); } public void setGravity(int gravity) { if (mBitmapState.mGravity != gravity) { mBitmapState.mGravity = gravity; mApplyGravity = true; invalidateSelf(); } } public void setMipMap(boolean mipMap) { if (mBitmapState.mBitmap != null) { mBitmapState.mBitmap.setHasMipMap(mipMap); invalidateSelf(); } } public void setAntiAlias(boolean aa) { mBitmapState.mPaint.setAntiAlias(aa); invalidateSelf(); } public void setFilterBitmap(boolean filter) { mBitmapState.mPaint.setFilterBitmap(filter); invalidateSelf(); } public void setDither(boolean dither) { mBitmapState.mPaint.setDither(dither); invalidateSelf(); } public void setTileModeX(Shader.TileMode mode) { setTileModeXY(mode, mBitmapState.mTileModeY); } public final void setTileModeY(Shader.TileMode mode) { setTileModeXY(mBitmapState.mTileModeX, mode); } public void setTileModeXY(Shader.TileMode xmode, Shader.TileMode ymode) { final BeeBitmapState state = mBitmapState; if (state.mTileModeX != xmode || state.mTileModeY != ymode) { state.mTileModeX = xmode; state.mTileModeY = ymode; state.mRebuildShader = true; invalidateSelf(); } } protected void onBoundsChange(Rect bounds) { super.onBoundsChange(bounds); mApplyGravity = true; Shader shader = mBitmapState.mPaint.getShader(); if (shader != null) { if (mMirrorMatrix != null) { mMirrorMatrix = null; shader.setLocalMatrix(new Matrix()); } } } @Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { Bitmap bitmap = mBitmap; if (bitmap != null) { final BeeBitmapState state = mBitmapState; if (state.mRebuildShader) { Shader.TileMode tmx = state.mTileModeX; Shader.TileMode tmy = state.mTileModeY; if (tmx == null && tmy == null) { state.mPaint.setShader(null); } else { state.mPaint.setShader(new BitmapShader(bitmap, tmx == null ? Shader.TileMode.CLAMP :tmx, tmx == null ? Shader.TileMode.CLAMP :tmy)); } state.mRebuildShader = false; copyBounds(mDstRect); } Shader shader = state.mPaint.getShader(); if (shader == null ) { if (mApplyGravity) { Gravity.apply(state.mGravity, mBitmapWidth, mBitmapHeight,getBounds(),mDstRect, View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR); mApplyGravity = false; } if (needMirroring()) { updateMirrorMatrix(mDstRect.right - mDstRect.left); shader.setLocalMatrix(mMirrorMatrix); } else { if (mMirrorMatrix != null) { mMirrorMatrix = null; shader.setLocalMatrix(new Matrix()); } } canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, null, mDstRect, state.mPaint); } else { if (mApplyGravity) { copyBounds(mDstRect); mApplyGravity = false; } if (needMirroring()) { updateMirrorMatrix(mDstRect.right - mDstRect.left); shader.setLocalMatrix(mMirrorMatrix); } else { if (mMirrorMatrix != null) { mMirrorMatrix = null; shader.setLocalMatrix(new Matrix()); } } canvas.drawRect(mDstRect,state.mPaint); } } } @Override public void setAlpha(int alpha) { } @Override public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf) { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } @Override public int getOpacity() { return 0; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public void inflate(Resources r, XmlPullParser parser,AttributeSet attrs) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { int attrsCount = attrs.getAttributeCount(); Paint localPaint = new Paint(); for (int i = 0; i < attrsCount; i++) { String attrsName = attrs.getAttributeName(i); if (attrsName.equalsIgnoreCase("src")) { String resName = attrs.getAttributeValue(i); TypedValue paramTypedValue = new TypedValue(); String[] attrvalues = resName.split("/"); String attrType = attrvalues[0]; attrType = attrType.replaceAll("@",""); String attrName = attrvalues[1]; int resId = r.getIdentifier(attrName,attrType,"com.BeeFramework.example"); int resId2 = ResourcesFactory.getResId(attrName,R.drawable.class); r.getValue(resId,paramTypedValue,true); String fileName = paramTypedValue.string.toString(); String absolutePath = ThemeManager.getInstance().getThemeFilePath() +"/"+ fileName; final Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(absolutePath); if (bitmap == null) { throw new XmlPullParserException(parser.getPositionDescription() + ": <bitmap> requires a valid src attribute"); } else { mBitmap = bitmap; } } else if (attrsName.equalsIgnoreCase("antialias")) { localPaint.setAntiAlias(attrs.getAttributeBooleanValue(i,localPaint.isAntiAlias())); } else if (attrsName.equalsIgnoreCase("filter")) { localPaint.setFilterBitmap(attrs.getAttributeBooleanValue(i,localPaint.isFilterBitmap())); } else if (attrsName.equalsIgnoreCase("dither")) { localPaint.setDither(attrs.getAttributeBooleanValue(i,localPaint.isDither())); } else if (attrsName.equalsIgnoreCase("gravity")) { int gravity = attrs.getAttributeIntValue(i, Gravity.FILL); setGravity(gravity); } else if (attrsName.equalsIgnoreCase("tileMode")) { int tileMode = attrs.getAttributeIntValue(i,-1); if (tileMode != -1) { switch (tileMode) { case 0: setTileModeXY(Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP); break; case 1: setTileModeXY(Shader.TileMode.REPEAT, Shader.TileMode.REPEAT); break; case 2: setTileModeXY(Shader.TileMode.MIRROR, Shader.TileMode.MIRROR); } } } Log.d(attrsName); } } final static public class BeeBitmapState extends ConstantState { Bitmap mBitmap; int mChangingConfigurations; int mGravity = new Gravity().FILL; Paint mPaint = new Paint(DEFAULT_PAINT_FLAGS); Shader.TileMode mTileModeX = null; Shader.TileMode mTileModeY = null; int mTargetDensity = DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT; boolean mRebuildShader; boolean mAutoMirrored; BeeBitmapState(Bitmap bitmap) { mBitmap = bitmap; } BeeBitmapState(BeeBitmapState bitmapState) { this(bitmapState.mBitmap); mChangingConfigurations = bitmapState.mChangingConfigurations; mGravity = bitmapState.mGravity; mTileModeX = bitmapState.mTileModeX; mTileModeY = bitmapState.mTileModeY; mTargetDensity = bitmapState.mTargetDensity; mPaint = new Paint(bitmapState.mPaint); mRebuildShader = bitmapState.mRebuildShader; mAutoMirrored = bitmapState.mAutoMirrored; } public Bitmap getBitmap() { return mBitmap; } @Override public Drawable newDrawable() { return new BeeBitmapDrawable(this,null); } @Override public int getChangingConfigurations() { return 0; } } }