package liquibase.parser.core.xml; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import liquibase.change.Change; import liquibase.change.ChangeFactory; import liquibase.change.ChangeWithColumns; import liquibase.change.ColumnConfig; import liquibase.change.ConstraintsConfig; import liquibase.change.core.CreateProcedureChange; import liquibase.change.core.CreateViewChange; import liquibase.change.core.DeleteDataChange; import liquibase.change.core.ExecuteShellCommandChange; import liquibase.change.core.InsertDataChange; import liquibase.change.core.LoadDataChange; import liquibase.change.core.LoadDataColumnConfig; import liquibase.change.core.RawSQLChange; import liquibase.change.core.StopChange; import liquibase.change.core.UpdateDataChange; import liquibase.change.custom.CustomChangeWrapper; import liquibase.changelog.ChangeLogParameters; import liquibase.changelog.ChangeSet; import liquibase.changelog.DatabaseChangeLog; import liquibase.exception.CustomChangeException; import liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException; import liquibase.exception.MigrationFailedException; import liquibase.logging.LogFactory; import liquibase.logging.Logger; import liquibase.parser.ChangeLogParserFactory; import liquibase.precondition.CustomPreconditionWrapper; import liquibase.precondition.Precondition; import liquibase.precondition.PreconditionFactory; import liquibase.precondition.PreconditionLogic; import liquibase.precondition.core.PreconditionContainer; import liquibase.precondition.core.SqlPrecondition; import liquibase.resource.ResourceAccessor; import liquibase.sql.visitor.SqlVisitor; import liquibase.sql.visitor.SqlVisitorFactory; import liquibase.util.ObjectUtil; import liquibase.util.StringUtils; import liquibase.util.file.FilenameUtils; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; class XMLChangeLogSAXHandler extends DefaultHandler { private static final char LIQUIBASE_FILE_SEPARATOR = '/'; protected Logger log; private DatabaseChangeLog databaseChangeLog; private Change change; private Stack changeSubObjects = new Stack(); private StringBuffer text; private PreconditionContainer rootPrecondition; private Stack<PreconditionLogic> preconditionLogicStack = new Stack<PreconditionLogic>(); private ChangeSet changeSet; private String paramName; private ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor; private Precondition currentPrecondition; private ChangeLogParameters changeLogParameters; private boolean inRollback = false; private boolean inModifySql = false; private Set<String> modifySqlDbmsList; private Set<String> modifySqlContexts; private boolean modifySqlAppliedOnRollback = false; protected XMLChangeLogSAXHandler(String physicalChangeLogLocation, ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor, ChangeLogParameters changeLogParameters) { log = LogFactory.getLogger(); this.resourceAccessor = resourceAccessor; databaseChangeLog = new DatabaseChangeLog(); databaseChangeLog.setPhysicalFilePath(physicalChangeLogLocation); databaseChangeLog.setChangeLogParameters(changeLogParameters); this.changeLogParameters = changeLogParameters; } public DatabaseChangeLog getDatabaseChangeLog() { return databaseChangeLog; } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes baseAttributes) throws SAXException { Attributes atts = new ExpandingAttributes(baseAttributes); try { if ("comment".equals(qName)) { text = new StringBuffer(); } else if ("validCheckSum".equals(qName)) { text = new StringBuffer(); } else if ("databaseChangeLog".equals(qName)) { String schemaLocation = atts.getValue("xsi:schemaLocation"); if (schemaLocation != null) { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile( ".*dbchangelog-(\\d+\\.\\d+).xsd").matcher( schemaLocation); if (matcher.matches()) { String version =; if (!version.equals(XMLChangeLogSAXParser .getSchemaVersion())) { + " is using schema version " + version + " rather than version " + XMLChangeLogSAXParser.getSchemaVersion()); } } } databaseChangeLog.setLogicalFilePath(atts .getValue("logicalFilePath")); } else if ("include".equals(qName)) { String fileName = atts.getValue("file"); fileName = fileName.replace('\\', '/'); boolean isRelativeToChangelogFile = Boolean.parseBoolean(atts .getValue("relativeToChangelogFile")); handleIncludedChangeLog(fileName, isRelativeToChangelogFile, databaseChangeLog.getPhysicalFilePath()); } else if ("includeAll".equals(qName)) { String pathName = atts.getValue("path"); pathName = pathName.replace('\\', '/'); if (!(pathName.endsWith("/"))) { pathName = pathName + '/'; } log.debug("includeAll for " + pathName); log.debug("Using file opener for includeAll: " + resourceAccessor.toString()); boolean isRelativeToChangelogFile = Boolean.parseBoolean(atts .getValue("relativeToChangelogFile")); if (isRelativeToChangelogFile) { File changeLogFile = new File(databaseChangeLog .getPhysicalFilePath()); File resourceBase = new File(changeLogFile.getParent(), pathName); if (!resourceBase.exists()) { throw new SAXException( "Resource directory for includeAll does not exist [" + resourceBase.getPath() + "]"); } pathName = resourceBase.getPath() + '/'; pathName = pathName.replace('\\', '/'); } Enumeration<URL> resourcesEnum = resourceAccessor.getResources(pathName); SortedSet<URL> resources = new TreeSet<URL>(new Comparator<URL>() { public int compare(URL o1, URL o2) { return o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString()); } }); while (resourcesEnum.hasMoreElements()) { resources.add(resourcesEnum.nextElement()); } boolean foundResource = false; Set<String> seenPaths = new HashSet<String>(); for (URL fileUrl : resources) { if (!fileUrl.toExternalForm().startsWith("file:")) { if (fileUrl.toExternalForm().startsWith("jar:file:") || fileUrl.toExternalForm().startsWith("wsjar:file:") || fileUrl.toExternalForm().startsWith("zip:")) { File zipFileDir = extractZipFile(fileUrl); fileUrl = new File(zipFileDir, pathName).toURL(); } else { log.debug(fileUrl.toExternalForm() + " is not a file path"); continue; } } File file = new File(fileUrl.toURI()); log.debug("includeAll using path " + file.getCanonicalPath()); if (!file.exists()) { throw new SAXException("includeAll path " + pathName + " could not be found. Tried in " + file.toString()); } if (file.isDirectory()) { log.debug(file.getCanonicalPath() + " is a directory"); for (File childFile : new TreeSet<File>(Arrays.asList(file.listFiles()))) { String path = pathName+ childFile.getName(); if (!seenPaths.add(path)) { log.debug("already included "+path); continue; } if (handleIncludedChangeLog(path, false, databaseChangeLog.getPhysicalFilePath())) { foundResource = true; } } } else { String path = pathName + file.getName(); if (!seenPaths.add(path)) { log.debug("already included "+path); continue; } if (handleIncludedChangeLog(path, false, databaseChangeLog.getPhysicalFilePath())) { foundResource = true; } } } if (!foundResource) { throw new SAXException( "Could not find directory or directory was empty for includeAll '" + pathName + "'"); } } else if (changeSet == null && "changeSet".equals(qName)) { boolean alwaysRun = false; boolean runOnChange = false; if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(atts.getValue("runAlways"))) { alwaysRun = true; } if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(atts.getValue("runOnChange"))) { runOnChange = true; } String filePath = atts.getValue("logicalFilePath"); if (filePath == null || "".equals(filePath)) { filePath = databaseChangeLog.getFilePath(); } changeSet = new ChangeSet(atts.getValue("id"), atts.getValue("author"), alwaysRun, runOnChange, filePath, atts.getValue("context"), atts.getValue("dbms"), Boolean.valueOf(atts.getValue("runInTransaction"))); if (StringUtils.trimToNull(atts.getValue("failOnError")) != null) { changeSet.setFailOnError(Boolean.parseBoolean(atts.getValue("failOnError"))); } if (StringUtils.trimToNull(atts.getValue("onValidationFail")) != null) { changeSet.setOnValidationFail(ChangeSet.ValidationFailOption.valueOf(atts.getValue("onValidationFail"))); } } else if (changeSet != null && "rollback".equals(qName)) { text = new StringBuffer(); String id = atts.getValue("changeSetId"); if (id != null) { String path = atts.getValue("changeSetPath"); if (path == null) { path = databaseChangeLog.getFilePath(); } String author = atts.getValue("changeSetAuthor"); ChangeSet changeSet = databaseChangeLog.getChangeSet(path, author, id); if (changeSet == null) { throw new SAXException( "Could not find changeSet to use for rollback: " + path + ":" + author + ":" + id); } else { for (Change change : changeSet.getChanges()) { this.changeSet.addRollbackChange(change); } } } inRollback = true; } else if ("preConditions".equals(qName)) { rootPrecondition = new PreconditionContainer(); rootPrecondition.setOnFail(StringUtils.trimToNull(atts .getValue("onFail"))); rootPrecondition.setOnError(StringUtils.trimToNull(atts .getValue("onError"))); rootPrecondition.setOnFailMessage(StringUtils.trimToNull(atts .getValue("onFailMessage"))); rootPrecondition.setOnErrorMessage(StringUtils.trimToNull(atts .getValue("onErrorMessage"))); rootPrecondition.setOnSqlOutput(StringUtils.trimToNull(atts .getValue("onSqlOutput"))); preconditionLogicStack.push(rootPrecondition); } else if (currentPrecondition != null && currentPrecondition instanceof CustomPreconditionWrapper && qName.equals("param")) { ((CustomPreconditionWrapper) currentPrecondition).setParam(atts.getValue("name"), atts.getValue("value")); } else if (rootPrecondition != null) { currentPrecondition = PreconditionFactory.getInstance().create( qName); for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) { String attributeName = atts.getQName(i); String attributeValue = atts.getValue(i); setProperty(currentPrecondition, attributeName, attributeValue); } preconditionLogicStack.peek().addNestedPrecondition( currentPrecondition); if (currentPrecondition instanceof PreconditionLogic) { preconditionLogicStack .push(((PreconditionLogic) currentPrecondition)); } if ("sqlCheck".equals(qName)) { text = new StringBuffer(); } } else if ("modifySql".equals(qName)) { inModifySql = true; if (StringUtils.trimToNull(atts.getValue("dbms")) != null) { modifySqlDbmsList = new HashSet<String>(StringUtils .splitAndTrim(atts.getValue("dbms"), ",")); } if (StringUtils.trimToNull(atts.getValue("context")) != null) { modifySqlContexts = new HashSet<String>(StringUtils .splitAndTrim(atts.getValue("context"), ",")); } if (StringUtils.trimToNull(atts.getValue("applyToRollback")) != null) { modifySqlAppliedOnRollback = Boolean.valueOf(atts .getValue("applyToRollback")); } } else if (inModifySql) { SqlVisitor sqlVisitor = SqlVisitorFactory.getInstance().create( qName); for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) { String attributeName = atts.getQName(i); String attributeValue = atts.getValue(i); setProperty(sqlVisitor, attributeName, attributeValue); } sqlVisitor.setApplicableDbms(modifySqlDbmsList); sqlVisitor.setApplyToRollback(modifySqlAppliedOnRollback); sqlVisitor.setContexts(modifySqlContexts); changeSet.addSqlVisitor(sqlVisitor); } else if (changeSet != null && change == null) { change = ChangeFactory.getInstance().create(localName); if (change == null) { throw new SAXException("Unknown Liquibase extension: " + localName + ". Are you missing a jar from your classpath?"); } change.setChangeSet(changeSet); text = new StringBuffer(); if (change == null) { throw new MigrationFailedException(changeSet, "Unknown change: " + localName); } change.setResourceAccessor(resourceAccessor); if (change instanceof CustomChangeWrapper) { ((CustomChangeWrapper) change) .setClassLoader(resourceAccessor.toClassLoader()); } for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) { String attributeName = atts.getLocalName(i); String attributeValue = atts.getValue(i); setProperty(change, attributeName, attributeValue); } change.init(); } else if (change != null && "column".equals(qName)) { ColumnConfig column; if (change instanceof LoadDataChange) { column = new LoadDataColumnConfig(); } else { column = new ColumnConfig(); } for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) { String attributeName = atts.getQName(i); String attributeValue = atts.getValue(i); setProperty(column, attributeName, attributeValue); } if (change instanceof ChangeWithColumns) { ((ChangeWithColumns) change).addColumn(column); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected column tag for " + change.getClass().getName()); } } else if (change != null && "constraints".equals(qName)) { ConstraintsConfig constraints = new ConstraintsConfig(); for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) { String attributeName = atts.getQName(i); String attributeValue = atts.getValue(i); setProperty(constraints, attributeName, attributeValue); } ColumnConfig lastColumn = null; if (change instanceof ChangeWithColumns) { List<ColumnConfig> columns = ((ChangeWithColumns) change).getColumns(); if (columns != null && columns.size() > 0) { lastColumn = columns.get(columns.size() - 1); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected change: " + change.getClass().getName()); } if (lastColumn == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not determine column to add constraint to"); } lastColumn.setConstraints(constraints); } else if ("param".equals(qName)) { if (change instanceof CustomChangeWrapper) { if (atts.getValue("value") == null) { paramName = atts.getValue("name"); text = new StringBuffer(); } else { ((CustomChangeWrapper) change).setParam(atts .getValue("name"), atts.getValue("value")); } } else { throw new MigrationFailedException(changeSet, "'param' unexpected in " + qName); } } else if ("where".equals(qName)) { text = new StringBuffer(); } else if ("property".equals(qName)) { String context = StringUtils.trimToNull(atts.getValue("context")); String dbms = StringUtils.trimToNull(atts.getValue("dbms")); if (StringUtils.trimToNull(atts.getValue("file")) == null) { this.changeLogParameters.set(atts.getValue("name"), atts.getValue("value"), context, dbms); } else { Properties props = new Properties(); InputStream propertiesStream = resourceAccessor.getResourceAsStream(atts.getValue("file")); if (propertiesStream == null) {"Could not open properties file " + atts.getValue("file")); } else { props.load(propertiesStream); for (Map.Entry entry : props.entrySet()) { this.changeLogParameters.set(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue().toString(), context, dbms); } } } } else if (change instanceof ExecuteShellCommandChange && "arg".equals(qName)) { ((ExecuteShellCommandChange) change).addArg(atts .getValue("value")); } else if (change != null) { String creatorMethod = "create" + localName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + localName.substring(1); Object objectToCreateFrom; if (changeSubObjects.size() == 0) { objectToCreateFrom = change; } else { objectToCreateFrom = changeSubObjects.peek(); } Method method; try { method = objectToCreateFrom.getClass().getMethod( creatorMethod); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new MigrationFailedException(changeSet, "Could not find creator method " + creatorMethod + " for tag: " + qName); } Object subObject = method.invoke(objectToCreateFrom); for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) { String attributeName = atts.getQName(i); String attributeValue = atts.getValue(i); setProperty(subObject, attributeName, attributeValue); } changeSubObjects.push(subObject); } else { throw new MigrationFailedException(changeSet, "Unexpected tag: " + qName); } } catch (Exception e) { log.severe("Error thrown as a SAXException: " + e.getMessage(), e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new SAXException(e); } } protected boolean handleIncludedChangeLog(String fileName, boolean isRelativePath, String relativeBaseFileName) throws LiquibaseException { if (!(fileName.endsWith(".xml") || fileName.endsWith(".sql"))) { log.debug(relativeBaseFileName + "/" + fileName + " is not a recognized file type"); return false; } if (fileName.equalsIgnoreCase(".svn") || fileName.equalsIgnoreCase("cvs")) { return false; } if (isRelativePath) { // workaround for FilenameUtils.normalize() returning null for relative paths like ../conf/liquibase.xml String tempFile = FilenameUtils.concat(FilenameUtils.getFullPath(relativeBaseFileName), fileName); if(tempFile != null && new File(tempFile).exists() == true) { fileName = tempFile; } else { fileName = FilenameUtils.getFullPath(relativeBaseFileName) + fileName; } } DatabaseChangeLog changeLog = ChangeLogParserFactory.getInstance().getParser(fileName, resourceAccessor).parse(fileName, changeLogParameters, resourceAccessor); PreconditionContainer preconditions = changeLog.getPreconditions(); if (preconditions != null) { if (null == databaseChangeLog.getPreconditions()) { databaseChangeLog.setPreconditions(new PreconditionContainer()); } databaseChangeLog.getPreconditions().addNestedPrecondition( preconditions); } for (ChangeSet changeSet : changeLog.getChangeSets()) { handleChangeSet(changeSet); } return true; } private void setProperty(Object object, String attributeName, String attributeValue) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, CustomChangeException { if (object instanceof CustomChangeWrapper) { if (attributeName.equals("class")) { ((CustomChangeWrapper) object).setClass(changeLogParameters .expandExpressions(attributeValue)); } else { ((CustomChangeWrapper) object).setParam(attributeName, changeLogParameters.expandExpressions(attributeValue)); } } else { ObjectUtil.setProperty(object, attributeName, changeLogParameters .expandExpressions(attributeValue)); } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { String textString = null; if (text != null && text.length() > 0) { textString = changeLogParameters.expandExpressions(StringUtils .trimToNull(text.toString())); } try { if (changeSubObjects.size() > 0) { changeSubObjects.pop(); } else if (rootPrecondition != null) { if ("preConditions".equals(qName)) { if (changeSet == null) { databaseChangeLog.setPreconditions(rootPrecondition); handlePreCondition(rootPrecondition); } else { changeSet.setPreconditions(rootPrecondition); } rootPrecondition = null; } else if ("and".equals(qName)) { preconditionLogicStack.pop(); currentPrecondition = null; } else if ("or".equals(qName)) { preconditionLogicStack.pop(); currentPrecondition = null; } else if ("not".equals(qName)) { preconditionLogicStack.pop(); currentPrecondition = null; } else if (qName.equals("sqlCheck")) { ((SqlPrecondition) currentPrecondition).setSql(textString); currentPrecondition = null; } else if (qName.equals("customPrecondition")) { ((CustomPreconditionWrapper) currentPrecondition).setClassLoader(resourceAccessor.toClassLoader()); currentPrecondition = null; } } else if (changeSet != null && "rollback".equals(qName)) { changeSet.addRollBackSQL(textString); inRollback = false; } else if (change != null && change instanceof RawSQLChange && "comment".equals(qName)) { ((RawSQLChange) change).setComments(textString); text = new StringBuffer(); } else if (change != null && "where".equals(qName)) { if (change instanceof UpdateDataChange) { ((UpdateDataChange) change).setWhereClause(textString); } else if (change instanceof DeleteDataChange) { ((DeleteDataChange) change).setWhereClause(textString); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected change type: " + change.getClass().getName()); } text = new StringBuffer(); } else if (change != null && change instanceof CreateProcedureChange && "comment".equals(qName)) { ((CreateProcedureChange) change).setComments(textString); text = new StringBuffer(); } else if (change != null && change instanceof CustomChangeWrapper && paramName != null && "param".equals(qName)) { ((CustomChangeWrapper) change).setParam(paramName, textString); text = new StringBuffer(); paramName = null; } else if (changeSet != null && "comment".equals(qName)) { changeSet.setComments(textString); text = new StringBuffer(); } else if (changeSet != null && "changeSet".equals(qName)) { handleChangeSet(changeSet); changeSet = null; } else if (change != null && qName.equals("column") && textString != null) { if (change instanceof InsertDataChange) { List<ColumnConfig> columns = ((InsertDataChange) change) .getColumns(); columns.get(columns.size() - 1).setValue(textString); } else if (change instanceof UpdateDataChange) { List<ColumnConfig> columns = ((UpdateDataChange) change) .getColumns(); columns.get(columns.size() - 1).setValue(textString); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected column with text: " + textString); } this.text = new StringBuffer(); } else if (change != null && localName.equals(change.getChangeMetaData().getName())) { if (textString != null) { if (change instanceof RawSQLChange) { ((RawSQLChange) change).setSql(textString); } else if (change instanceof CreateProcedureChange) { ((CreateProcedureChange) change) .setProcedureBody(textString); // } else if (change instanceof AlterViewChange) { // ((AlterViewChange) // change).setSelectQuery(textString); } else if (change instanceof CreateViewChange) { ((CreateViewChange) change).setSelectQuery(textString); } else if (change instanceof StopChange) { ((StopChange) change).setMessage(textString); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected text in " + change.getChangeMetaData().getName()); } } text = null; if (inRollback) { changeSet.addRollbackChange(change); } else { changeSet.addChange(change); } change = null; } else if (changeSet != null && "validCheckSum".equals(qName)) { changeSet.addValidCheckSum(text.toString()); text = null; } else if ("modifySql".equals(qName)) { inModifySql = false; modifySqlDbmsList = null; modifySqlContexts = null; modifySqlAppliedOnRollback = false; } } catch (Exception e) { log.severe("Error thrown as a SAXException: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new SAXException(databaseChangeLog.getPhysicalFilePath() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } protected void handlePreCondition( @SuppressWarnings("unused") Precondition precondition) { databaseChangeLog.setPreconditions(rootPrecondition); } protected void handleChangeSet(ChangeSet changeSet) { databaseChangeLog.addChangeSet(changeSet); } @Override public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (text != null) { text.append(new String(ch, start, length)); } } /** * Wrapper for Attributes that expands the value as needed */ private class ExpandingAttributes implements Attributes { private Attributes attributes; private ExpandingAttributes(Attributes attributes) { this.attributes = attributes; } public int getLength() { return attributes.getLength(); } public String getURI(int index) { return attributes.getURI(index); } public String getLocalName(int index) { return attributes.getLocalName(index); } public String getQName(int index) { return attributes.getQName(index); } public String getType(int index) { return attributes.getType(index); } public String getValue(int index) { return attributes.getValue(index); } public int getIndex(String uri, String localName) { return attributes.getIndex(uri, localName); } public int getIndex(String qName) { return attributes.getIndex(qName); } public String getType(String uri, String localName) { return attributes.getType(uri, localName); } public String getType(String qName) { return attributes.getType(qName); } public String getValue(String uri, String localName) { return changeLogParameters.expandExpressions(attributes.getValue( uri, localName)); } public String getValue(String qName) { return changeLogParameters.expandExpressions(attributes .getValue(qName)); } } static File extractZipFile(URL resource) throws IOException { String file = resource.getFile(); String path = file.split("!")[0]; if(path.matches("file:\\/[A-Za-z]:\\/.*")) { path = path.replaceFirst("file:\\/", ""); }else { path = path.replaceFirst("file:", ""); } path = URLDecoder.decode(path); File zipfile = new File(path); File tempDir = File.createTempFile("liquibase-sax", ".dir"); tempDir.delete(); tempDir.mkdir(); // tempDir.deleteOnExit(); JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(zipfile); Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); File entryFile = new File(tempDir, entry.getName()); entryFile.mkdirs(); } return tempDir; } }