package judge; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ProcessBuilder.Redirect; public class Compile { public static String path = new File("").getAbsolutePath().concat("/"); public static boolean flag; private static ProcessBuilder probuilder; //Set up the ProcessBuilder Streams. private void setUpProcess(String[] compile, File beforeoutput){ probuilder = new ProcessBuilder( compile ); File(path)); probuilder.redirectErrorStream(true); probuilder.redirectOutput(Redirect.appendTo(beforeoutput)); } //Main Compile Code. public boolean compile(String[] compile) throws IOException, InterruptedException{ File beforeoutput = new File(path + "compile.txt"); setUpProcess(compile, beforeoutput); //All compiles are set to false by default. flag = false; Process proccess = probuilder.start(); proccess.waitFor(); //Test if compile was successful or not. BufferedReader compileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path + "compile.txt")); String error = null; if ((error=compileReader.readLine()) == null) { //If file is empty, the compile was a success. flag = true; System.out.println("Compiled successfully!"); } else{ do{ //Print the error to the console. System.out.println(error); }while((error=compileReader.readLine()) != null); } //Close the files opened. compileReader.close(); //Delete the compile.txt beforeoutput.delete(); //Delete the compiled file. switch (compile[0]) { case "gcc": new File("Solution.c").delete(); break; case "g++": new File("Solution.cpp").delete(); break; case "javac": new File("").delete(); break; } return flag; } }