package; import; import; import*; import; import; import de.fhb.autobday.commons.CipherHelper; import de.fhb.autobday.commons.GoogleBirthdayConverter; import de.fhb.autobday.commons.PropertyLoader; import de.fhb.autobday.dao.AbdAccountFacade; import de.fhb.autobday.dao.AbdContactFacade; import de.fhb.autobday.dao.AbdGroupFacade; import de.fhb.autobday.dao.AbdGroupToContactFacade; import; import; import; import; import de.fhb.autobday.exception.commons.CanNotConvetGoogleBirthdayException; import de.fhb.autobday.exception.commons.CouldNotDecryptException; import de.fhb.autobday.exception.commons.CouldNotLoadMasterPasswordException; import de.fhb.autobday.exception.connector.ConnectorCouldNotLoginException; import de.fhb.autobday.exception.connector.ConnectorInvalidAccountException; import de.fhb.autobday.exception.connector.ConnectorNoConnectionException; import de.fhb.autobday.exception.connector.ConnectorRequestFailedException; import de.fhb.autobday.manager.LoggerInterceptor; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException; import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException; import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.Local; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.interceptor.Interceptors; /** * class to import the contact information and map the contacts to us contacts * write the contact information in the database * * variablename if the variable start with abd this is an Auto-B-Day model * * @author Tino Reuschel mail: */ @Stateless @Local @Interceptors(LoggerInterceptor.class) public class GoogleImporter implements GoogleImporterLocal { private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GoogleImporter.class.getName()); protected boolean connectionEtablished; protected AbdAccount accdata; protected ContactsService myService; @EJB protected AbdContactFacade contactDAO; @EJB protected AbdGroupFacade groupDAO; @EJB protected AbdGroupToContactFacade groupToContactDAO; @EJB protected AbdAccountFacade accountDAO; private PropertyLoader propLoader; private List<String> errorStack = new ArrayList<String>(); public GoogleImporter() { connectionEtablished = false; accdata = null; myService = null; propLoader = new PropertyLoader(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @param data * @throws CouldNotDecryptException * @throws CouldNotLoadMasterPasswordException * @see * de.fhb.autobday.manager.connector.AImporter#getConnection( * create connection to google contact api */ @Override public void getConnection(AbdAccount data) throws ConnectorCouldNotLoginException, ConnectorInvalidAccountException, CouldNotDecryptException, CouldNotLoadMasterPasswordException { String password = ""; Properties masterPassword; connectionEtablished = false; LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Account: {0}", data); if (data == null) { throw new ConnectorInvalidAccountException(); } accdata = data; // testausgabe LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Username: {0}", accdata.getUsername()); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Passwort: {0}", accdata.getPasswort()); //load master password try { masterPassword = propLoader.loadSystemProperty("/"); password = CipherHelper.decipher(accdata.getPasswort(), masterPassword.getProperty("master")); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "File can´t read!"); throw new CouldNotLoadMasterPasswordException("File can´t read!"); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Key not valid to decrypt Password"); throw new CouldNotDecryptException("Key not valid"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Algorithm not known"); throw new CouldNotDecryptException("Algorithm not known"); } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Padding not possible"); throw new CouldNotDecryptException("Padding not possible"); } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Blocksize not valid"); throw new CouldNotDecryptException("Blocksize not valid"); } catch (BadPaddingException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Padding invalid"); throw new CouldNotDecryptException("Padding invalid"); } // connect to google try { myService = new ContactsService("BDayReminder"); myService.setUserCredentials(accdata.getUsername(), password); } catch (ServiceException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex.getMessage()); throw new ConnectorCouldNotLoginException( "Importer cant connect to the account!"); } connectionEtablished = true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return errorStack * @see de.fhb.autobday.manager.connector.AImporter#importContacts() */ @Override public List<String> importContacts() throws ConnectorNoConnectionException, ConnectorRequestFailedException { errorStack = new ArrayList<String>(); // if we have a connection and a valid accounddata then import the // contacts and groups // else throw an exception if (connectionEtablished && accdata != null) { accountDAO.flush(); updateGroups(); accountDAO.edit(accdata); accountDAO.refresh(accdata); updateContacts(); } else { throw new ConnectorNoConnectionException("Connection to Google failed"); } return errorStack; } /** * Methode that update the Contact of an Account */ protected void updateContacts() throws ConnectorRequestFailedException{ AbdContact abdContact, abdContactInDB; List<ContactEntry> contacts = getAllContacts(); int counter = 0; LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Updating Contacts!"); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "{0} Contacts in queue!", contacts.size()); for (ContactEntry contactEntry : contacts) { counter++; abdContact = mapGContactToContact(contactEntry); if (abdContact != null) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Mapped Contact {0}: {1}", new Object[]{counter, abdContact}); abdContactInDB = contactDAO.find(abdContact.getId()); if (abdContactInDB == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Adding Contact to db!"); contactDAO.create(abdContact); contactDAO.flush(); } else { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Contact already in db: {0}", abdContactInDB); abdContact.setAbdGroupToContactCollection(abdContactInDB.getAbdGroupToContactCollection()); if (abdContact.getUpdated().after(abdContactInDB.getUpdated())) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Updating Contact in db!"); contactDAO.edit(abdContact); contactDAO.flush(); } } contactDAO.flush(); updateMembership(abdContact, contactEntry); } else { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Failed to map Contact {0}!", counter); } } } /** * Method that update the Groups of an Account */ protected void updateGroups() throws ConnectorRequestFailedException{ AbdGroup abdGroup; AbdGroup abdGroupOld; List<ContactGroupEntry> groups = getAllGroups(); List<AbdGroup> abdGroups = new ArrayList<AbdGroup>( accdata.getAbdGroupCollection()); List<Integer> toRemove = new ArrayList<Integer>(); boolean foundMatch = false; for (ContactGroupEntry contactGroupEntry : groups) { abdGroup = mapGGroupToGroup(contactGroupEntry); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Found GroupID: {0} Name: {1}", new Object[]{abdGroup, abdGroup.getName()}); // iterare over old groups foundMatch = false; for (int i = 0; i < abdGroups.size(); i++) { abdGroupOld = abdGroups.get(i); // if new group == old group if (abdGroup.getId().equals(abdGroupOld.getId())) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Group already in DB!"); foundMatch = true; // and if new group newer than the old group if (abdGroup.getUpdated().after(abdGroupOld.getUpdated())) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Updating Group!"); groupDAO.edit(abdGroup); groupDAO.flush(); abdGroups.remove(i); abdGroups.add(i, abdGroup); } } } if (!foundMatch) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Creating new Group!"); abdGroups.add(abdGroup); } } for (AbdGroup abdGroupInDB : abdGroups) { foundMatch = false; for (ContactGroupEntry groupEntry : groups) { if (abdGroupInDB.getId().equals(groupEntry.getId())) { foundMatch = true; } } if (!foundMatch) { toRemove.add(0, abdGroups.indexOf(abdGroupInDB)); } } for (Integer index : toRemove) { groupDAO.remove(abdGroups.get(index.intValue())); abdGroups.remove(index.intValue()); } accdata.setAbdGroupCollection(abdGroups); } /** * methode that update the relationship between contact and group * * @param abdContact * @param contactEntry */ public void updateMembership(AbdContact abdContact, ContactEntry contactEntry) { List<GroupMembershipInfo> groupMembershipInfos = contactEntry.getGroupMembershipInfos(); List<AbdGroupToContact> abdMemberships = new ArrayList<AbdGroupToContact>(abdContact.getAbdGroupToContactCollection()); List<Integer> toRemove = new ArrayList<Integer>(); AbdGroupToContact abdMembership; AbdGroup abdGroup; boolean match = false; for (GroupMembershipInfo groupMembershipInfo : groupMembershipInfos) { match = false; for (AbdGroupToContact abdGroupToContact : abdMemberships) { if (abdGroupToContact.getAbdGroup().getId().equals(groupMembershipInfo.getHref())) { match = true; } } if (!match) { abdGroup = groupDAO.find(groupMembershipInfo.getHref()); abdMembership = new AbdGroupToContact(groupMembershipInfo.getHref(), abdContact.getId()); abdMembership.setAbdGroup(abdGroup); abdMembership.setAbdContact(abdContact); abdMemberships.add(abdMembership); } } for (AbdGroupToContact abdGroupToContact : abdMemberships) { match = false; for (GroupMembershipInfo groupMembershipInfo : groupMembershipInfos) { if (abdGroupToContact.getAbdGroup().getId().equals(groupMembershipInfo.getHref())) { match = true; } } if (!match) { toRemove.add(0, abdMemberships.indexOf(abdGroupToContact)); } } groupToContactDAO.flush(); for (Integer index : toRemove) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "remove {0}", index.intValue()); abdMembership = abdMemberships.get(index.intValue()); if (groupDAO.find(abdMembership.getAbdGroup().getId()) != null) { groupToContactDAO.remove(abdMemberships.get(index.intValue())); } abdMemberships.remove(index.intValue()); } match = false; for (AbdGroupToContact abdGroupToContact : abdMemberships) { if (abdGroupToContact.getActive()) { match = true; } } if (!match) { if (abdMemberships.size()>0){ abdMemberships.get(0).setActive(true); groupToContactDAO.edit(abdMemberships.get(0)); groupToContactDAO.flush(); } } abdContact.setAbdGroupToContactCollection(abdMemberships); contactDAO.edit(abdContact); } /** * get all groups from google from the connected account * * if dont get information from google return null else a list of Google * ContactGroupEntrys * * * @return List<ContactGroupEntry> */ protected List<ContactGroupEntry> getAllGroups() throws ConnectorRequestFailedException { URL feedUrl; try { // url to get all groups feedUrl = new URL( ""); ContactGroupFeed resultFeed = myService.getFeed(feedUrl, ContactGroupFeed.class); if (resultFeed == null) { return null; } return resultFeed.getEntries(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Fail to get Groups from Google"); throw new ConnectorRequestFailedException("Fail to get Groups"); } catch (ServiceException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Fail to get Groups from Google"); throw new ConnectorRequestFailedException("Fail to get Groups"); } } /** * get all contacts from the connected acoount * * if dont get information from google return null else a list of Google * ContactEntrys * * @return List<ContactEntry> */ protected List<ContactEntry> getAllContacts() throws ConnectorRequestFailedException{ URL feedUrl; try { feedUrl = new URL( ""); ContactFeed resultFeed = myService.getFeed(feedUrl, ContactFeed.class); if (resultFeed == null) { return null; } return resultFeed.getEntries(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Fail to get Groups from Google"); throw new ConnectorRequestFailedException("Fail to get Contacts"); } catch (ServiceException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Fail to get Groups from Google"); throw new ConnectorRequestFailedException("Fail to get Contacts"); } } /** * methode to map a google contact to a auto-b-day contact * * @param contactEntry * @return AbdContact */ protected AbdContact mapGContactToContact(ContactEntry contactEntry) { AbdContact abdContact; String firstname; String name; Date birthday; String mailadress; String id; Date updated; abdContact = new AbdContact(); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "-------------------------------------------------"); abdContact.setHashid("12"); id = contactEntry.getId(); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "ID: {0}", id); abdContact.setId(id); firstname = getGContactFirstname(contactEntry); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Firstname: {0}", firstname); if (!firstname.equals("")) { abdContact.setFirstname(firstname); } else { errorStack.add("Skipping Contact " + abdContact.getFirstname() + " " + abdContact.getName() + ": No Firstname"); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Skipping current Contact: No Firstname"); return null; } name = getGContactFamilyname(contactEntry); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Name: {0}", name); if (!name.equals("")) { abdContact.setName(name); } else { errorStack.add("Skipping Contact " + abdContact.getFirstname() + " " + abdContact.getName() + ": No Name"); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Skipping current Contact: No Name"); return null; } birthday = getGContactBirthday(contactEntry); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "birthday: {0}", birthday); if (birthday != null) { abdContact.setBday(birthday); } else { errorStack.add("Skipping Contact " + abdContact.getFirstname() + " " + abdContact.getName() + ": No Bday"); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Skipping current Contact: No Bday"); return null; } if (!contactEntry.getEmailAddresses().isEmpty()) { mailadress = getGContactFirstMailAdress(contactEntry); abdContact.setMail(mailadress); } else { errorStack.add("Skipping Contact " + abdContact.getFirstname() + " " + abdContact.getName() + ": No Mail"); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Skipping current Contact: No Mail"); return null; } try { if (contactEntry.getGender().getValue() == Value.FEMALE) { abdContact.setSex('w'); } else { abdContact.setSex('m'); } } catch (NullPointerException ex) { abdContact.setSex(null); } updated = new Date(contactEntry.getUpdated().getValue()); abdContact.setUpdated(updated); abdContact.setAbdGroupToContactCollection(new ArrayList<AbdGroupToContact>()); return abdContact; } /** * Method that map a GoogleGroup to a Auto-B-Day-Group * * @param contactGroupEntry * @return AbdGroup */ protected AbdGroup mapGGroupToGroup(ContactGroupEntry contactGroupEntry) { AbdGroup abdGroupEntry; String template = "Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag ${firstname}."; abdGroupEntry = new AbdGroup(); abdGroupEntry.setId(contactGroupEntry.getId()); abdGroupEntry.setName(getGroupName(contactGroupEntry)); abdGroupEntry.setAccount(accdata); abdGroupEntry.setActive(true); abdGroupEntry.setTemplate(template); abdGroupEntry.setUpdated(new Date(contactGroupEntry.getUpdated().getValue())); return abdGroupEntry; } /** * methode that return the firstname of a given contact * * @param contactEntry * * @return String */ protected String getGContactFirstname(ContactEntry contactEntry) { String firstname = ""; try { firstname = contactEntry.getName().getGivenName().getValue(); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { } return firstname; } /** * methode that return the familyname of a given Contact * * @param contactEntry * * @return String */ protected String getGContactFamilyname(ContactEntry contactEntry) { String familyname = ""; try { familyname = contactEntry.getName().getFamilyName().getValue(); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { } return familyname; } /** * methode that return the birthday of a given Contact * * @param contactEntry * * @return Date */ protected Date getGContactBirthday(ContactEntry contactEntry) { String gContactBirthday; Date bday = null; try { gContactBirthday = contactEntry.getBirthday().getValue(); bday = GoogleBirthdayConverter.convertBirthday(gContactBirthday); } catch (CanNotConvetGoogleBirthdayException ex) { } catch (NullPointerException ex) { } return bday; } /** * Methode that return a mailadress of a given Contact * * @param contactEntry * * @return String */ protected String getGContactFirstMailAdress(ContactEntry contactEntry) { List<Email> mailadresses; String mailadress; mailadresses = contactEntry.getEmailAddresses(); if (mailadresses.size() > 0) { mailadress = mailadresses.get(0).getAddress(); return mailadress; } return ""; } /** * Methode that return the Groupname from a GoogleGroup * * @param contactGroupEntry * @return String */ protected String getGroupName(ContactGroupEntry contactGroupEntry) { String groupName = ""; try { groupName = contactGroupEntry.getTitle().getPlainText(); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { } return groupName; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see de.fhb.autobday.manager.connector.AImporter#isConnectionEtablished() */ @Override public boolean isConnectionEtablished() { return connectionEtablished; } public PropertyLoader getPropLoader() { return propLoader; } public void setPropLoader(PropertyLoader propLoader) { this.propLoader = propLoader; } }