package com.aspose.slides.examples.Text; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import com.aspose.slides.BulletType; import com.aspose.slides.IAutoShape; import com.aspose.slides.IPPImage; import com.aspose.slides.ISlide; import com.aspose.slides.ITextFrame; import com.aspose.slides.Paragraph; import com.aspose.slides.Presentation; import com.aspose.slides.SaveFormat; import com.aspose.slides.ShapeType; import com.aspose.slides.examples.Utils; public class ManagingParagraphPictureBulletsInPPTX { public static void main(String[] args) { // The path to the documents directory. String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(ManagingParagraphPictureBulletsInPPTX.class); Presentation pres = new Presentation(); try { // Accessing the first slide ISlide slide = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0); // Instantiate the image for bullets BufferedImage img = null; try { img = File(dataDir + "asp1.jpg")); } catch (IOException e) { } IPPImage imgx = pres.getImages().addImage(img); // Adding and accessing Autoshape IAutoShape aShp = slide.getShapes().addAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 200, 200, 400, 200); // Accessing the text frame of created autoshape ITextFrame txtFrm = aShp.getTextFrame(); // Removing the default exisiting paragraph txtFrm.getParagraphs().removeAt(0); // Creating new paragraph Paragraph para = new Paragraph(); para.setText("Welcome to Aspose.Slides"); // Setting paragraph bullet style and image para.getParagraphFormat().getBullet().setType(BulletType.Picture); para.getParagraphFormat().getBullet().getPicture().setImage(imgx); // Setting Bullet Height para.getParagraphFormat().getBullet().setHeight(100); // Adding Paragraph to text frame txtFrm.getParagraphs().add(para); // Writing the presentation as a PPTX file + "Bullet.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx); // Writing the presentation as a PPT file + "Bullet.ppt", SaveFormat.Ppt); } finally { if (pres != null) pres.dispose(); } } }