/* Copyright 1996-2008 Ariba, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. $Id: //ariba/platform/ui/aribaweb/ariba/ui/aribaweb/html/AWBaseImage.java#25 $ */ package ariba.ui.aribaweb.html; import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWBinding; import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWComponent; import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWConcreteApplication; import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWDirectActionUrl; import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWRequestContext; import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWDirectAction; import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWEncodedString; import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWImageInfo; import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWNodeManager; import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWUtil; import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.Log; import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWBrand; /** @aribaapi private */ abstract public class AWBaseImage extends AWComponent { public static final String[] SupportedBindingNames = { BindingNames.src, BindingNames.filename, BindingNames.border, BindingNames.width, BindingNames.height, BindingNames.alt, BindingNames.title, "fullUrl" }; private static final AWEncodedString AutoSizeString = new AWEncodedString("-1"); private static final String NoFilename = "NoFilename"; private static final AWImageInfo NoImageInfo = new AWImageInfo(null); private AWImageInfo _imageInfo = NoImageInfo; private String _filename; // Bindings public AWBinding _srcBinding; public AWBinding _filenameBinding; public AWBinding _widthBinding; public AWBinding _heightBinding; public AWBinding _altBinding; public AWBinding _titleBinding; public AWBinding _borderBinding; public AWBinding _fullUrlBinding; public String[] supportedBindingNames () { return AWBaseImage.SupportedBindingNames; } protected boolean useLocalPool () { return true; } public static String imageUrl (AWRequestContext requestContext, AWComponent component, String filename) { // Use full URL by default so URLs work when served into remote dashboard content return imageUrl(requestContext, component, filename, true); } public static String imageUrl (AWRequestContext requestContext, AWComponent component, String filename, boolean useFullUrl) { String imageUrl = null; AWConcreteApplication application = (AWConcreteApplication)AWConcreteApplication.sharedInstance(); if (application.allowBrandingImages()) { AWBrand brand = requestContext.application().getBrand(requestContext); if (brand != null) { imageUrl = AWDirectAction.brandUrlForResourceNamed(requestContext, filename, brand); } else { // The way we're constructing the URL is a bit messy. // If we need a full URL, use checkoutFullUrl in order to contruct the // full URL and pass requestContext as is required to create full URL. // But, do not set set AWRequestContext on the AWDirectActionUrl as doing // this will cause an response id to be added to the URL. This can lead // to our image URL's causing FPR's. // Also, explicitly onstructing the URL prevents URL decorators // from being used. AWDirectActionUrl url = useFullUrl ? AWDirectActionUrl.checkoutFullUrl(requestContext) : AWDirectActionUrl.checkoutUrl(); url.setDirectActionName(AWDirectAction.AWImgActionName); url.put("name", filename); imageUrl = url.finishUrl(); if (useFullUrl) { AWNodeManager nodeManager = application.getNodeManager(); if (nodeManager != null) { imageUrl = nodeManager.prepareUrlForNodeValidation(imageUrl); } } } Log.aribawebResource_brand.debug("AWBaseImage: imageUrl() directConnect %s", imageUrl); } else if (component != null) { imageUrl = component.urlForResourceNamed(filename, useFullUrl, true); Log.aribawebResource_brand.debug("AWBaseImage: imageUrl() component.urlForResourceNamed %s", imageUrl); } return imageUrl; } // ** Thread Safety Considerations: see AWComponent. protected void awake () { _imageInfo = NoImageInfo; _filename = NoFilename; } protected void sleep () { _imageInfo = null; _filename = null; } protected String filename () { if (_filename == NoFilename) { _filename = initFilename(); } return _filename; } protected String initFilename () { return stringValueForBinding(_filenameBinding); } protected AWImageInfo imageInfo (String filename) { if (_imageInfo == NoImageInfo) { if (filename == null) { _imageInfo = null; } else { _imageInfo = resourceManager().imageInfoForName(filename); } } return _imageInfo; } protected AWEncodedString imageUrl (String filename) { AWEncodedString imageUrl = null; if (filename == null) { imageUrl = encodedStringValueForBinding(_srcBinding); Log.aribawebResource_brand.debug("AWBaseImage: filename %s", imageUrl); } else { AWConcreteApplication application = (AWConcreteApplication)AWConcreteApplication.sharedInstance(); if (application.allowBrandingImages()) { String urlString = imageUrl(requestContext(), this, filename, useFullUrl()); imageUrl = AWEncodedString.sharedEncodedString(urlString); } else { AWImageInfo imageInfo = imageInfo(filename); if (imageInfo == null) { String urlString = AWUtil.formatErrorUrl(filename); imageUrl = AWEncodedString.sharedEncodedString(urlString); } else { // Todo: remove MetaTemplateMode boolean useFullUrl = requestContext().isMetaTemplateMode(); String url = urlForResourceNamed(filename, useFullUrl, true); imageUrl = AWEncodedString.sharedEncodedString(url); Log.aribawebResource_brand.debug("AWBaseImage: imageInfo.url %s", imageUrl); } } } return imageUrl; } public AWEncodedString imageUrl () { String filename = filename(); return imageUrl(filename); } public AWEncodedString width () { AWEncodedString width = null; if (_widthBinding == null) { String filename = filename(); AWImageInfo imageInfo = imageInfo(filename); if (imageInfo != null) { width = imageInfo.widthString; } } else { width = encodedStringValueForBinding(_widthBinding); if (width != null && width.equals(AutoSizeString)) { width = null; } } return width; } public AWEncodedString height () { AWEncodedString height = null; if (_heightBinding == null) { String filename = filename(); AWImageInfo imageInfo = imageInfo(filename); if (imageInfo != null) { height = imageInfo.heightString; } } else { height = encodedStringValueForBinding(_heightBinding); if (height != null && height.equals(AutoSizeString)) { height = null; } } return height; } public String alt () { String alt = stringValueForBinding(_altBinding); if (alt == null) { alt = stringValueForBinding(_titleBinding); } return alt == null ? "" : alt; } private boolean useFullUrl () { if (_fullUrlBinding == null) { return false; } else { return booleanValueForBinding(_fullUrlBinding); } } }