/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.dependency; import org.apache.felix.ipojo.*; import org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.dependency.ServiceUsage.Usage; import org.apache.felix.ipojo.util.DependencyModel; import org.apache.felix.ipojo.util.Log; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.Filter; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.util.*; /** * Represent a service dependency of the component instance. * * @author <a href="mailto:dev@felix.apache.org">Felix Project Team</a> */ public class Dependency extends DependencyModel implements FieldInterceptor, MethodInterceptor, ConstructorInjector { /** * Reference on the Dependency Handler. */ private final DependencyHandler m_handler; /** * Field of the dependency. */ private final String m_field; /** * Default-Implementation. */ private final String m_di; /** * Exception to throw when no providers are available. */ private final String m_exception; /** * Is the Nullable pattern enable? */ private final boolean m_supportNullable; /** * List of dependency callback. * Immutable once set. */ private DependencyCallback[] m_callbacks; /** * Is the dependency a service level dependency. * Immutable once set. */ private boolean m_isServiceLevelRequirement; /** * Is the provider set frozen ? */ private boolean m_isFrozen; /** * Is the dependency started ? */ private boolean m_isStarted; /** * Thread Local. */ private ServiceUsage m_usage; /** * Type of the object to inject in aggregate dependency. This value is used to determine what kind of object need * to be injected for fields and constructor parameter for aggregate dependencies. * Cannot change once set. */ private AggregateDependencyInjectionType m_type; /** * Nullable object. * Immutable once set. */ private Object m_nullable; /** * Id of the dependency. * Immutable once set. */ private String m_id; /** * Do we have to inject proxy? */ private boolean m_isProxy; /** * Proxy Object. */ private Object m_proxyObject; /** * Constructor parameter index. * -1 if not used. */ private int m_index = -1; /** * The dependency timeout. */ private int m_timeout; /** * Dependency constructor. After the creation the dependency is not started. * * @param handler : the dependency handler managing this dependency * @param field : field of the dependency * @param spec : required specification * @param filter : LDAP filter of the dependency * @param isOptional : is the dependency an optional dependency ? * @param isAggregate : is the dependency an aggregate dependency * @param nullable : describe if the nullable ability is enable or disable * @param isProxy : is the proxied dependency * @param identity : id of the dependency, may be null * @param context : bundle context (or service context) to use. * @param policy : resolution policy * @param cmp : comparator to sort references * @param defaultImplementation : default-implementation class */ public Dependency(DependencyHandler handler, String field, Class spec, Filter filter, boolean isOptional, boolean isAggregate, boolean nullable, boolean isProxy, String identity, BundleContext context, int policy, Comparator cmp, String defaultImplementation, String exception) { super(spec, isAggregate, isOptional, filter, cmp, policy, context, handler, handler.getInstanceManager()); m_handler = handler; m_field = field; m_isProxy = isProxy; if (field != null) { m_usage = new ServiceUsage(); } else { m_usage = null; } m_supportNullable = nullable; m_di = defaultImplementation; m_exception = exception; if (identity == null) { if (spec != null) { m_id = spec.getName(); } } else { m_id = identity; } // Else wait the setSpecification call. } /** * Set the specification of the current dependency. * In order to store the id of the dependency, this * method is override. This method is called during the * configuration. * * @param spec : request service Class * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.util.DependencyModel#setSpecification(java.lang.Class) */ public void setSpecification(Class spec) { super.setSpecification(spec); if (m_id == null) { m_id = spec.getName(); } } public String getField() { return m_field; } /** * Add a callback to the dependency. * This method is called during the configuration. * * @param callback : callback to add */ protected void addDependencyCallback(DependencyCallback callback) { if (m_callbacks == null) { m_callbacks = new DependencyCallback[]{callback}; } else { DependencyCallback[] newCallbacks = new DependencyCallback[m_callbacks.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(m_callbacks, 0, newCallbacks, 0, m_callbacks.length); newCallbacks[m_callbacks.length] = callback; m_callbacks = newCallbacks; } } protected void addConstructorInjection(int index) throws ConfigurationException { m_index = index; m_usage = new ServiceUsage(); m_handler.getInstanceManager().register(index, this); } /** * Stop the current dependency. * * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.util.DependencyModel#stop() */ public void stop() { acquireWriteLockIfNotHeld(); m_isStarted = false; super.stop(); releaseWriteLockIfHeld(); } public DependencyHandler getHandler() { return m_handler; } public boolean isFrozen() { try { acquireReadLockIfNotHeld(); return m_isFrozen; } finally { releaseReadLockIfHeld(); } } /** * Unfreeze the dependency. * * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.util.DependencyModel#unfreeze() */ public void unfreeze() { try { acquireWriteLockIfNotHeld(); m_isFrozen = false; } finally { releaseWriteLockIfHeld(); } } /** * Call the bind method. * * @param pojo : pojo instance on which calling the bind method. */ protected void onObjectCreation(Object pojo) { ServiceReference[] refs; try { acquireWriteLockIfNotHeld(); if (!m_isStarted) { return; } // We are notified of an instance creation, we have to freeze when the static policy is used if (getBindingPolicy() == STATIC_BINDING_POLICY) { m_isFrozen = true; } // Check optional case : nullable object case : do not call bind on nullable object if (isOptional() && getSize() == 0) { return; } refs = getServiceReferences(); // Stack confinement. } finally { releaseWriteLockIfHeld(); } // This is a pretty strange case, but we don't have any service. // This may happen during refresh. // So we just return. if (refs == null) { return; } // Call bind callback. for (int j = 0; m_callbacks != null && j < m_callbacks.length; j++) { // The array is constant. if (m_callbacks[j].getMethodType() == DependencyCallback.BIND) { if (isAggregate()) { for (ServiceReference ref : refs) { Object svc = getService(ref); if (svc != null) { invokeCallback(m_callbacks[j], ref, svc, pojo); } else { // The service left already, or the service object cannot be created. // We consider it as a departure. m_serviceReferenceManager.removedService(ref, null); } } } else { // Take the first reference. Object svc = getService(refs[0]); if (svc != null) { invokeCallback(m_callbacks[j], refs[0], svc, pojo); } else { // The service left already, or the service object cannot be created. // We consider it as a departure. m_serviceReferenceManager.removedService(refs[0], null); } } } } } /** * Call unbind callback method. * * @param ref : reference to send (if accepted) to the method */ private void callUnbindMethod(ServiceReference ref) { if (m_handler.getInstanceManager().getState() > InstanceManager.STOPPED && m_handler.getInstanceManager().getPojoObjects() != null) { for (int i = 0; m_callbacks != null && i < m_callbacks.length; i++) { if (m_callbacks[i].getMethodType() == DependencyCallback.UNBIND) { invokeCallback(m_callbacks[i], ref, getService(ref, false), null); // Call on each created pojo objects. } } } } /** * Helper method calling the given callback. * * @param callback : callback to call. * @param ref : service reference. * @param svcObject : the service object * @param pojo : pojo on which calling the callback, if null call on each created pojo objects. */ private void invokeCallback(DependencyCallback callback, ServiceReference ref, Object svcObject, Object pojo) { try { if (pojo == null) { callback.call(ref, svcObject); } else { callback.callOnInstance(pojo, ref, svcObject); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { m_handler.error("The method " + callback.getMethodName() + " does not exist in the implementation class " + m_handler.getInstanceManager().getClassName(), e); m_handler.getInstanceManager().stop(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { m_handler.error("The method " + callback.getMethodName() + " is not accessible in the implementation class " + m_handler.getInstanceManager().getClassName(), e); m_handler.getInstanceManager().stop(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { m_handler.error("The method " + callback.getMethodName() + " in the implementation class " + m_handler.getInstanceManager().getClassName() + " throws an exception : " + e.getTargetException().getMessage(), e.getTargetException()); m_handler.getInstanceManager().stop(); } } /** * Call 'modify' method with the service reference in parameter (if accepted). * * @param ref : the service reference of the modified service */ private void callModifyMethod(ServiceReference ref) { if (m_handler.getInstanceManager().getState() > InstanceManager.STOPPED && m_handler.getInstanceManager().getPojoObjects() != null) { for (int i = 0; m_callbacks != null && i < m_callbacks.length; i++) { if (m_callbacks[i].getMethodType() == DependencyCallback.MODIFIED) { invokeCallback(m_callbacks[i], ref, getService(ref), null); // Call on each created pojo objects. } } } } /** * Call method with the service reference in parameter (if accepted). * * @param ref : the service reference of the new service */ private void callBindMethod(ServiceReference ref) { // call bind method : // if (m_handler.getInstanceManager().getState() == InstanceManager.VALID) { if (m_handler.getInstanceManager().getState() > InstanceManager.STOPPED && m_handler.getInstanceManager().getPojoObjects() != null) { for (int i = 0; m_callbacks != null && i < m_callbacks.length; i++) { if (m_callbacks[i].getMethodType() == DependencyCallback.BIND) { Object svc = getService(ref); if (svc != null) { invokeCallback(m_callbacks[i], ref, svc, null); } else { // We can't get the service object (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FELIX-3896). // This is probably because the service is leaving. // We consider it as a departure. m_serviceReferenceManager.removedService(ref, null); } } } } } private RuntimeException createExceptionToThrow() { final String message = "No service available for " + DependencyHandler.getDependencyIdentifier(this); if (m_exception == null) { // Should never happen, but let's see. return new RuntimeException(message); } try { Class<RuntimeException> exceptionClass = (Class<RuntimeException>) getBundleContext() .getBundle().loadClass(m_exception); // Check constructor final Constructor<RuntimeException> constructor = exceptionClass.getConstructor(new Class[]{String.class}); if (constructor != null) { return constructor.newInstance(message); } else { return exceptionClass.newInstance(); } } catch (Exception e) { m_handler.getLogger().log(Log.ERROR, "Cannot create the exception object for dependency " + DependencyHandler.getDependencyIdentifier(this) + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } return new RuntimeException(message); } private Object createNullableObject() { // To load the proxy we use the POJO class loader. Indeed, this classloader imports iPOJO (so can access to Nullable) and has // access to the service specification. try { ClassLoader cl = new NullableClassLoader( getHandler().getInstanceManager().getClazz().getClassLoader(), getSpecification().getClassLoader()); m_nullable = Proxy.newProxyInstance(cl, new Class[]{ getSpecification(), Nullable.class}, new NullableObject()); // NOPMD } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { // A NoClassDefFoundError is thrown if the specification uses a class not accessible by the actual instance. // It generally comes from a missing import. throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create the Nullable object, a referenced class cannot be loaded", e); } catch (Throwable e) { // Catch any other exception that can occurs throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create the Nullable object, an unexpected error occurs", e); } return m_nullable; } /** * Start the dependency. */ public void start() { if (isOptional() && !isAggregate()) { if (m_di == null && m_exception == null) { // If nullable are supported, create the nullable object. if (m_supportNullable) { createNullableObject(); } } else if (m_di != null) { // Create the default-implementation object. try { Class clazz = getHandler().getInstanceManager().getContext().getBundle().loadClass(m_di); m_nullable = clazz.newInstance(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot load the default-implementation " + m_di, e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot load the default-implementation " + m_di, e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot load the default-implementation " + m_di, e); } catch (Throwable e) { // Catch any other exception throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot load the default-implementation (unexpected exception) " + m_di, e); } } } if (m_isProxy) { if (isAggregate()) { m_proxyObject = new ServiceCollection(this); } else { // Can we really proxy ? We can proxy only interfaces. if (getSpecification().isInterface()) { String type = getHandler().getInstanceManager().getContext().getProperty(DependencyHandler.PROXY_TYPE_PROPERTY); // If it's null we should check on the System directly, Felix delegates to it, // but not other frameworks if (type == null) { type = System.getProperty(DependencyHandler.PROXY_TYPE_PROPERTY); } if (type == null || type.equals(DependencyHandler.SMART_PROXY)) { SmartProxyFactory proxyFactory = new SmartProxyFactory(this.getClass().getClassLoader()); m_proxyObject = proxyFactory.getProxy(getSpecification(), this); } else { DynamicProxyFactory proxyFactory = new DynamicProxyFactory(); m_proxyObject = proxyFactory.getProxy(getSpecification()); } } else { m_handler.warn("Cannot create a proxy for a service dependency which is not an interface " + "- disabling proxy for " + getId()); } } } super.start(); // Once the dependency is started, access to fields must be protected. acquireWriteLockIfNotHeld(); if (getBindingPolicy() == STATIC_BINDING_POLICY && m_handler.getInstanceManager().getPojoObjects() != null) { m_isFrozen = true; } m_isStarted = true; releaseWriteLockIfHeld(); } protected DependencyCallback[] getCallbacks() { return m_callbacks; } /** * Set that this dependency is a service level dependency. * This forces the scoping policy to be STRICT. */ public void setServiceLevelDependency() { m_isServiceLevelRequirement = true; setBundleContext(new PolicyServiceContext(m_handler.getInstanceManager().getGlobalContext(), m_handler.getInstanceManager().getLocalServiceContext(), PolicyServiceContext.LOCAL)); } public String getId() { // No synchronization required, the id is constant. return m_id; } public boolean isServiceLevelRequirement() { return m_isServiceLevelRequirement; } /** * A new service has to be injected. * * @param reference : the new matching service reference. * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.util.DependencyModel#onServiceArrival(org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference) */ public void onServiceArrival(ServiceReference reference) { callBindMethod(reference); //The method is only called when a new service arrives, or when the used one is replaced. } /** * An already injected service is modified. * * @param reference : the modified service reference. * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.util.DependencyModel#onServiceModification(org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference) */ public void onServiceModification(ServiceReference reference) { callModifyMethod(reference); } /** * A used (already injected) service disappears. * * @param ref : leaving service reference. * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.util.DependencyModel#onServiceDeparture(org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference) */ public void onServiceDeparture(ServiceReference ref) { callUnbindMethod(ref); } /** * The dependency has been reconfigured. * Call unbind method and then bind methods. If the dependency cache is not reset, * the thread continues to get older services. * * @param departs : no more matching services. * @param arrivals : new services * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.util.DependencyModel#onDependencyReconfiguration(org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference[], org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference[]) */ public void onDependencyReconfiguration(ServiceReference[] departs, ServiceReference[] arrivals) { for (int i = 0; departs != null && i < departs.length; i++) { callUnbindMethod(departs[i]); } for (int i = 0; arrivals != null && i < arrivals.length; i++) { callBindMethod(arrivals[i]); } } /** * Reset the thread local cache if used. * For testing purpose only. */ public void resetLocalCache() { if (m_usage != null) { Usage usage = (Usage) m_usage.get(); if (usage.m_stack > 0) { createServiceObject(usage); } } } /** * Get the used service references list. * * @return the used service reference or null if no service reference are available. */ public List<ServiceReference> getServiceReferencesAsList() { ServiceReference[] refs = super.getServiceReferences(); if (refs == null) { return null; } else { return Arrays.asList(refs); } } /** * Gets the list of callbacks attached to the current dependency. * @return the array of dependency callback, {@code null} if no callbacks are attached to the current dependency. */ public DependencyCallback[] getDependencyCallbacks() { return m_callbacks; } /** * Called by the proxy to get service objects to delegate a method. * On aggregate dependencies, it returns a list. * * @return a service object or a nullable/default-implementation object. * For aggregate dependencies it returns a list or an empty list. */ public Object getService() { // Check that we're in proxy mode. if (!m_isProxy) { throw new IllegalStateException("The dependency has not enabled the `proxy` mode."); } Usage usage = (Usage) m_usage.get(); if (usage.m_stack == 0) { // uninitialized usage. if (usage.m_componentStack > 0) { // We comes from the component who didn't touch the service. // So we initialize the usage. createServiceObject(usage); usage.inc(); // Start the caching, so set the stack level to 1 m_usage.set(usage); // Required by Dalvik. if (isAggregate()) { Object obj = usage.m_object; if (obj instanceof Set) { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); list.addAll((Set) obj); return list; } else { // We already have a list return obj; } } else { return usage.m_object; } } else { // External access => Immediate get. if (isAggregate()) { ServiceReference[] refs = getServiceReferences(); if (refs == null) { return new ArrayList(0); // Create an empty list. } else { List<Object> objs = new ArrayList<Object>(refs.length); for (ServiceReference ref : refs) { objs.add(getService(ref)); } return objs; } } else { // Scalar dependency. ServiceReference ref = getServiceReference(); if (ref != null) { return getService(ref); } else { // No service available. // TODO Decide what we have to do. throw new RuntimeException("Service " + getSpecification() + " unavailable"); } } } } else { // Use the copy. // if the copy is a set, transform to a list if (isAggregate()) { Object obj = usage.m_object; if (obj instanceof Set) { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); list.addAll((Set) obj); return list; } else { // We already have a list return obj; } } else { return usage.m_object; } } } /** * This method is called by the replaced code in the component * implementation class. Construct the service object list is necessary. * * @param pojo : POJO object. * @param fieldName : field * @param value : last value. * @return the service object or a nullable / default implementation if defined. * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.FieldInterceptor#onGet(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) */ public Object onGet(Object pojo, String fieldName, Object value) { // Initialize the thread local object is not already touched. Usage usage = m_usage.get(); if (usage.m_stack == 0) { // uninitialized usage. createServiceObject(usage); usage.inc(); // Start the caching, so set the stack level to 1 m_usage.set(usage); // Required by Dalvik } if (!m_isProxy) { return usage.m_object; } else { return m_proxyObject; } } /** * Creates the object to store in the given Thread Local. * This object will be injected inside the POJO field. * * @param usage : Thread Local to populate. */ private void createServiceObject(Usage usage) { ServiceReference[] refs = getServiceReferences(); // manage timeout if (refs == null) { waitForServiceUntilTimeout(); } refs = getServiceReferences(); if (!isAggregate()) { if (refs == null) { if (m_exception != null) { // Throw the exception. throw createExceptionToThrow(); } if (m_nullable == null && m_supportNullable) { m_handler.warn("[" + m_handler.getInstanceManager().getInstanceName() + "] The dependency is not optional, however no service object can be injected in " + m_field + " -> " + getSpecification().getName()); createNullableObject(); } usage.m_object = m_nullable; // Add null if the Nullable pattern is disabled. } else { ServiceReference ref = getServiceReference(); usage.m_object = getService(ref); } } else { switch(m_type) { case ARRAY: try { if (refs == null) { usage.m_object = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(getSpecification(), 0); // Create an empty array. } else { // Use a reflective construction to avoid class cast exception. This method allows setting the component type. Object[] objs = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(getSpecification(), refs.length); for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) { ServiceReference ref = refs[i]; objs[i] = getService(ref); } usage.m_object = objs; } } catch (ArrayStoreException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create the array - Check that the bundle can access the service interface", e); } break; case LIST: if (refs == null) { usage.m_object = Collections.emptyList(); } else { // Use a list to store service objects List<Object> objs = new ArrayList<Object>(refs.length); for (ServiceReference ref : refs) { objs.add(getService(ref)); } usage.m_object = objs; } break; case SET: if (refs == null) { usage.m_object = Collections.emptySet(); } else { // Use a vector to store service objects Set<Object> objs = new HashSet<Object>(refs.length); for (ServiceReference ref : refs) { objs.add(getService(ref)); } usage.m_object = objs; } break; case VECTOR: if (refs == null) { usage.m_object = new Vector(0); // Create an empty vector. } else { // Use a vector to store service objects Vector<Object> objs = new Vector<Object>(refs.length); for (ServiceReference ref : refs) { objs.add(getService(ref)); } usage.m_object = objs; } break; } } } /** * Waits a service providers. The wait stops when the timeout is reached. */ private void waitForServiceUntilTimeout() { // Begin to wait ... long enter = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean exhausted = false; // We used a synchronized block here because we must hold the monitor lock during the 'wait' synchronized (this) { while (getServiceReference() == null && !exhausted) { try { wait(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // We was interrupted .... } finally { long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); exhausted = (end - enter) > m_timeout; } } } // When this method exit, the check will be done... } /** * The field was set. * This method should not be call if the POJO is written correctly. * * @param pojo : POJO object * @param fieldName : field name * @param value : set value. * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.FieldInterceptor#onSet(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) */ public void onSet(Object pojo, String fieldName, Object value) { // Nothing to do. } /** * A POJO method will be invoked. * * @param pojo : Pojo object * @param method : called method * @param args : arguments * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.MethodInterceptor#onEntry(java.lang.Object, java.lang.reflect.Member, java.lang.Object[]) */ public void onEntry(Object pojo, Member method, Object[] args) { if (m_usage != null) { Usage usage = m_usage.get(); usage.incComponentStack(); // Increment the number of component access. if (usage.m_stack > 0) { usage.inc(); m_usage.set(usage); // Set the Thread local as value has been modified } } } /** * A POJO method has thrown an error. * This method does nothing and wait for the finally. * * @param pojo : POJO object. * @param method : Method object. * @param throwable : thrown error * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.MethodInterceptor#onError(java.lang.Object, java.lang.reflect.Member, java.lang.Throwable) */ public void onError(Object pojo, Member method, Throwable throwable) { // Nothing to do : wait onFinally } /** * A POJO method has returned. * * @param pojo : POJO object. * @param method : Method object. * @param returnedObj : returned object (null for void method) * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.MethodInterceptor#onExit(java.lang.Object, java.lang.reflect.Member, java.lang.Object) */ public void onExit(Object pojo, Member method, Object returnedObj) { // Nothing to do : wait onFinally } /** * A POJO method is finished. * * @param pojo : POJO object. * @param method : Method object. * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.MethodInterceptor#onFinally(java.lang.Object, java.lang.reflect.Member) */ public void onFinally(Object pojo, Member method) { if (m_usage != null) { Usage usage = m_usage.get(); usage.decComponentStack(); if (usage.m_stack > 0) { if (usage.dec()) { // Exit the method flow => Release all objects usage.clear(); // Also remove the thread local object. m_usage.remove(); } } } } /** * Gets true if the dependency use Nullable objects. * * @return true if the dependency is optional and supports nullable objects. */ public boolean supportsNullable() { return isOptional() && ! isAggregate() && m_supportNullable; } public String getDefaultImplementation() { return m_di; } public boolean isProxy() { return m_isProxy; } public void setProxy(boolean proxy) { m_isProxy = proxy; } /** * Set the type to inject. * This method set the dependency as aggregate. * * @param type the type to inject. */ protected void setAggregateType(AggregateDependencyInjectionType type) { setAggregate(true); m_type = type; } /** * Sets the dependency timeout. * * @param timeout the timeout in ms. */ public void setTimeout(int timeout) { m_timeout = timeout; } /** * Gets the constructor parameter. * * @return the index of the constructor parameter, * or <code>-1</code> if not set. */ public int getConstructorParameterIndex() { return m_index; } /** * Gets the object to inject in the constructor parameter. * * @param index the index of the parameter * @return the created proxy object * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.ConstructorInjector#getConstructorParameter(int) */ public Object getConstructorParameter(int index) { if (m_index == index && m_proxyObject != null) { return m_proxyObject; } return null; } /** * Gets the type of the constructor parameter. * * @param index the parameter index * @return the class of the object. For scalar dependency, it's the * specification, for aggregate it depends of the container object: * {@link List} or {@link Set}. * @see org.apache.felix.ipojo.ConstructorInjector#getConstructorParameterType(int) */ public Class getConstructorParameterType(int index) { if (m_index == index && m_proxyObject != null) { if (isAggregate()) { switch (m_type) { case LIST: return List.class; case SET: return Set.class; default: return null; // Should never happen, it was checked before. } } else { return getSpecification(); } } else { return null; } } public String getException() { return m_exception; } public int getTimeout() { return m_timeout; } public AggregateDependencyInjectionType getAggregateType() { return m_type; } /** * Classloader for nullable objects. */ private static class NullableClassLoader extends ClassLoader { /** * Component classloader. */ private ClassLoader m_component; /** * Specification classloader. */ private ClassLoader m_specification; /** * Creates a NullableClassLoader. * * @param cmp the component class loader. * @param spec the specification class loader. */ public NullableClassLoader(ClassLoader cmp, ClassLoader spec) { m_component = cmp; m_specification = spec; } /** * Loads the given class. * This method uses the classloader of the component class * and (if not found) the specification classloader. * * @param name the class name * @return the class object * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class is not found by the two classloaders. * @see java.lang.ClassLoader#loadClass(java.lang.String) */ public Class loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { try { return m_component.loadClass(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return m_specification.loadClass(name); } } } /** * Creates smart proxy object for proxied scalar dependencies. */ private class SmartProxyFactory extends ClassLoader { /** * Handler classloader, used to load the temporal dependency class. */ private ClassLoader m_handlerCL; /** * Creates the proxy classloader. * * @param parent the handler classloader. */ public SmartProxyFactory(ClassLoader parent) { super(getHandler().getInstanceManager().getFactory().getBundleClassLoader()); m_handlerCL = parent; } /** * Loads a proxy class generated for the given (interface) class. * * @param clazz the service specification to proxy * @return the Class object of the proxy. */ protected Class getProxyClass(Class clazz) { byte[] clz = ProxyGenerator.dumpProxy(clazz); // Generate the proxy. // Turn around the VM changes (FELIX-2716) about java.* classes. String cn = clazz.getName(); if (cn.startsWith("java.")) { cn = "$" + cn; } return defineClass(cn + "$$Proxy", clz, 0, clz.length); } /** * Create a proxy object for the given specification. The proxy * uses the given dependency to get the service object. * * @param spec the service specification (interface) * @param dep the dependency used to get the service * @return the proxy object. */ public Object getProxy(Class spec, Dependency dep) { try { Class clazz = getProxyClass(getSpecification()); Constructor constructor = clazz.getConstructor( new Class[]{clazz.getClassLoader().loadClass(Dependency.class.getName())}); return constructor.newInstance(new Object[]{dep}); } catch (Throwable e) { m_handler.error("Cannot create the proxy object", e); m_handler.getInstanceManager().stop(); return null; } } /** * Loads the given class. * This method uses the classloader of the specification class * or the handler class loader. * * @param name the class name * @return the class object * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class is not found by the two classloaders. * @see java.lang.ClassLoader#loadClass(java.lang.String) */ public Class loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { try { return getHandler().getInstanceManager().getContext().getBundle().loadClass(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return m_handlerCL.loadClass(name); } } } /** * Creates java dynamic proxy object for proxied scalar dependencies. */ private class DynamicProxyFactory implements InvocationHandler { /** * HashCode method. */ private Method m_hashCodeMethod; /** * Equals method. */ private Method m_equalsMethod; /** * toStirng method. */ private Method m_toStringMethod; /** * Creates a DynamicProxyFactory. */ public DynamicProxyFactory() { try { m_hashCodeMethod = Object.class.getMethod("hashCode", null); m_equalsMethod = Object.class .getMethod("equals", new Class[]{Object.class}); m_toStringMethod = Object.class.getMethod("toString", null); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new NoSuchMethodError(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Creates a proxy object for the given specification. The proxy * uses the given dependency to get the service object. * * @param spec the service specification (interface) * @return the proxy object. */ public Object getProxy(Class spec) { return java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance( getHandler().getInstanceManager().getClazz().getClassLoader(), new Class[]{spec}, this); } /** * Invocation Handler delegating invocation on the * service object. * * @param proxy the proxy object * @param method the method * @param args the arguments * @return a proxy object. * @throws Exception if the invocation throws an exception * @see java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler#invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.reflect.Method, java.lang.Object[]) */ public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Exception { Object svc = getService(); Class declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass(); if (declaringClass == Object.class) { if (method.equals(m_hashCodeMethod)) { return this.hashCode(); } else if (method.equals(m_equalsMethod)) { return proxy == args[0] ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } else if (method.equals(m_toStringMethod)) { return this.toString(); } else { throw new InternalError( "Unexpected Object method dispatched: " + method); } } return method.invoke(svc, args); } } }