package; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import java.util.Map; /** Maps unique names of external tiles to pseudo-biome IDs. Set on the server, * then sent to the clients. <i>Not thread-safe!</i> * @author Hunternif */ public class ExtTileIdMap extends SaveData { private static final ExtTileIdMap INSTANCE = new ExtTileIdMap(); public static ExtTileIdMap instance() { return INSTANCE; } public static final String // Village: TILE_VILLAGE_LIBRARY = "npcVillageLibrary", TILE_VILLAGE_SMITHY = "npcVillageSmithy", TILE_VILLAGE_L_HOUSE = "npcVillageLHouse", TILE_VILLAGE_FARMLAND_SMALL = "npcVillageFarmlandSmall", TILE_VILLAGE_FARMLAND_LARGE = "npcVillageFarmlandLarge", TILE_VILLAGE_WELL = "npcVillageWell", TILE_VILLAGE_TORCH = "npcVillageTorch", // TILE_VILLAGE_PATH_X = "npcVillagePathX", // TILE_VILLAGE_PATH_Z = "npcVillagePathZ", TILE_VILLAGE_HUT = "npcVillageHut", TILE_VILLAGE_SMALL_HOUSE = "npcVillageSmallHouse", TILE_VILLAGE_BUTCHERS_SHOP = "npcVillageButchersShop", TILE_VILLAGE_CHURCH = "npcVillageChurch", // Nether & Nether Fortress: TILE_LAVA = "lava", TILE_LAVA_SHORE = "lavaShore", TILE_NETHER_BRIDGE = "netherBridge", TILE_NETHER_BRIDGE_X = "netherBridgeX", TILE_NETHER_BRIDGE_Z = "netherBridgeZ", TILE_NETHER_BRIDGE_END_X = "netherBridgeEndX", TILE_NETHER_BRIDGE_END_Z = "netherBridgeEndZ", TILE_NETHER_BRIDGE_GATE = "netherBridgeGate", TILE_NETHER_TOWER = "netherTower", TILE_NETHER_WALL = "netherWall", TILE_NETHER_HALL = "netherHall", TILE_NETHER_FORT_STAIRS = "netherFortStairs", TILE_NETHER_THRONE = "netherThrone", TILE_END_ISLAND = "endIsland", TILE_END_ISLAND_PLANTS = "endIslandPlants", TILE_END_VOID = "endVoid"; public static final int NOT_FOUND = -1; /** Set initially to -1 because that is reserved for when no biome is found * or the chunk is not loaded. New IDs are obtained by decrementing lastID. */ private int lastID = NOT_FOUND; private final BiMap<String, Integer> nameToIdMap = HashBiMap.create(); /** Server should call this method when setting tiles. * Clients should not call this method! */ public int getOrCreatePseudoBiomeID(String uniqueName) { Integer id = nameToIdMap.get(uniqueName); if (id == null) { id = findNewID(); nameToIdMap.put(uniqueName, id); markDirty(); } return id; } /** If the name is not registered, returns {@link #NOT_FOUND} ({@value #NOT_FOUND}). */ public int getPseudoBiomeID(String uniqueName) { Integer id = nameToIdMap.get(uniqueName); return id == null ? NOT_FOUND : id.intValue(); } public String getPseudoBiomeName(int id) { return nameToIdMap.inverse().get(id); } private int findNewID() { while (lastID > Short.MIN_VALUE) { if (!nameToIdMap.inverse().containsKey(--lastID)) break; } return lastID; } /** This method must only be called when reading from the config file or * when executing {@link TileNameIDPacket}. * IDs set via this method should not be saved, or client config may become * inconsistent! */ public void setPseudoBiomeID(String uniqueName, int id) { nameToIdMap.forcePut(uniqueName, id); } /** Map of tile names to biome ID, used for saving config file. */ Map<String, Integer> getMap() { return nameToIdMap; } /** Send all name-biomeID pairs to the player. */ public void syncOnPlayer(EntityPlayer player) { PacketDispatcher.sendTo(new TileNameIDPacket(nameToIdMap), (EntityPlayerMP) player); } }