// Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Brian Wellington (bwelling@xbill.org) package org.xbill.DNS; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; /** * An implementation of Resolver that can send queries to multiple servers, * sending the queries multiple times if necessary. * @see Resolver * * @author Brian Wellington */ public class ExtendedResolver implements Resolver { private static class Resolution implements ResolverListener { Resolver [] resolvers; int [] sent; Object [] inprogress; int retries; int outstanding; boolean done; Message query; Message response; Throwable thrown; ResolverListener listener; public Resolution(ExtendedResolver eres, Message query) { List l = eres.resolvers; resolvers = (Resolver []) l.toArray (new Resolver[l.size()]); if (eres.loadBalance) { int nresolvers = resolvers.length; /* * Note: this is not synchronized, since the * worst thing that can happen is a random * ordering, which is ok. */ int start = eres.lbStart++ % nresolvers; if (eres.lbStart > nresolvers) eres.lbStart %= nresolvers; if (start > 0) { Resolver [] shuffle = new Resolver[nresolvers]; for (int i = 0; i < nresolvers; i++) { int pos = (i + start) % nresolvers; shuffle[i] = resolvers[pos]; } resolvers = shuffle; } } sent = new int[resolvers.length]; inprogress = new Object[resolvers.length]; retries = eres.retries; this.query = query; } /* Asynchronously sends a message. */ public void send(int n) { sent[n]++; outstanding++; try { inprogress[n] = resolvers[n].sendAsync(query, this); } catch (Throwable t) { synchronized (this) { thrown = t; done = true; if (listener == null) { notifyAll(); return; } } } } /* Start a synchronous resolution */ public Message start() throws IOException { try { /* * First, try sending synchronously. If this works, * we're done. Otherwise, we'll get an exception * and continue. It would be easier to call send(0), * but this avoids a thread creation. If and when * SimpleResolver.sendAsync() can be made to not * create a thread, this could be changed. */ sent[0]++; outstanding++; inprogress[0] = new Object(); return resolvers[0].send(query); } catch (Exception e) { /* * This will either cause more queries to be sent * asynchronously or will set the 'done' flag. */ handleException(inprogress[0], e); } /* * Wait for a successful response or for each * subresolver to fail. */ synchronized (this) { while (!done) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } /* Return the response or throw an exception */ if (response != null) return response; else if (thrown instanceof IOException) throw (IOException) thrown; else if (thrown instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) thrown; else if (thrown instanceof Error) throw (Error) thrown; else throw new IllegalStateException ("ExtendedResolver failure"); } /* Start an asynchronous resolution */ public void startAsync(ResolverListener listener) { this.listener = listener; send(0); } /* * Receive a response. If the resolution hasn't been completed, * either wake up the blocking thread or call the callback. */ public void receiveMessage(Object id, Message m) { if (Options.check("verbose")) System.err.println("ExtendedResolver: " + "received message"); synchronized (this) { if (done) return; response = m; done = true; if (listener == null) { notifyAll(); return; } } listener.receiveMessage(this, response); } /* * Receive an exception. If the resolution has been completed, * do nothing. Otherwise make progress. */ public void handleException(Object id, Exception e) { if (Options.check("verbose")) System.err.println("ExtendedResolver: got " + e); synchronized (this) { outstanding--; if (done) return; int n; for (n = 0; n < inprogress.length; n++) if (inprogress[n] == id) break; /* If we don't know what this is, do nothing. */ if (n == inprogress.length) return; boolean startnext = false; /* * If this is the first response from server n, * we should start sending queries to server n + 1. */ if (sent[n] == 1 && n < resolvers.length - 1) startnext = true; if (e instanceof InterruptedIOException) { /* Got a timeout; resend */ if (sent[n] < retries) send(n); if (thrown == null) thrown = e; } else if (e instanceof SocketException) { /* * Problem with the socket; don't resend * on it */ if (thrown == null || thrown instanceof InterruptedIOException) thrown = e; } else { /* * Problem with the response; don't resend * on the same socket. */ thrown = e; } if (done) return; if (startnext) send(n + 1); if (done) return; if (outstanding == 0) { /* * If we're done and this is synchronous, * wake up the blocking thread. */ done = true; if (listener == null) { notifyAll(); return; } } if (!done) return; } /* If we're done and this is asynchronous, call the callback. */ if (!(thrown instanceof Exception)) thrown = new RuntimeException(thrown.getMessage()); listener.handleException(this, (Exception) thrown); } } private static final int quantum = 5; private List resolvers; private boolean loadBalance = false; private int lbStart = 0; private int retries = 3; private void init() { resolvers = new ArrayList(); } /** * Creates a new Extended Resolver. The default ResolverConfig is used to * determine the servers for which SimpleResolver contexts should be * initialized. * @see SimpleResolver * @see ResolverConfig * @exception UnknownHostException Failure occured initializing SimpleResolvers */ public ExtendedResolver() throws UnknownHostException { init(); String [] servers = ResolverConfig.getCurrentConfig().servers(); if (servers != null) { for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) { Resolver r = new SimpleResolver(servers[i]); r.setTimeout(quantum); resolvers.add(r); } } else resolvers.add(new SimpleResolver()); } /** * Creates a new Extended Resolver * @param servers An array of server names for which SimpleResolver * contexts should be initialized. * @see SimpleResolver * @exception UnknownHostException Failure occured initializing SimpleResolvers */ public ExtendedResolver(String [] servers) throws UnknownHostException { init(); for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) { Resolver r = new SimpleResolver(servers[i]); r.setTimeout(quantum); resolvers.add(r); } } /** * Creates a new Extended Resolver * @param res An array of pre-initialized Resolvers is provided. * @see SimpleResolver * @exception UnknownHostException Failure occured initializing SimpleResolvers */ public ExtendedResolver(Resolver [] res) throws UnknownHostException { init(); for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) resolvers.add(res[i]); } public void setPort(int port) { for (int i = 0; i < resolvers.size(); i++) ((Resolver)resolvers.get(i)).setPort(port); } public void setTCP(boolean flag) { for (int i = 0; i < resolvers.size(); i++) ((Resolver)resolvers.get(i)).setTCP(flag); } public void setIgnoreTruncation(boolean flag) { for (int i = 0; i < resolvers.size(); i++) ((Resolver)resolvers.get(i)).setIgnoreTruncation(flag); } public void setEDNS(int level) { for (int i = 0; i < resolvers.size(); i++) ((Resolver)resolvers.get(i)).setEDNS(level); } public void setEDNS(int level, int payloadSize, int flags, List options) { for (int i = 0; i < resolvers.size(); i++) ((Resolver)resolvers.get(i)).setEDNS(level, payloadSize, flags, options); } public void setTSIGKey(TSIG key) { for (int i = 0; i < resolvers.size(); i++) ((Resolver)resolvers.get(i)).setTSIGKey(key); } public void setTimeout(int secs, int msecs) { for (int i = 0; i < resolvers.size(); i++) ((Resolver)resolvers.get(i)).setTimeout(secs, msecs); } public void setTimeout(int secs) { setTimeout(secs, 0); } /** * Sends a message and waits for a response. Multiple servers are queried, * and queries are sent multiple times until either a successful response * is received, or it is clear that there is no successful response. * @param query The query to send. * @return The response. * @throws IOException An error occurred while sending or receiving. */ public Message send(Message query) throws IOException { Resolution res = new Resolution(this, query); return res.start(); } /** * Asynchronously sends a message to multiple servers, potentially multiple * times, registering a listener to receive a callback on success or exception. * Multiple asynchronous lookups can be performed in parallel. Since the * callback may be invoked before the function returns, external * synchronization is necessary. * @param query The query to send * @param listener The object containing the callbacks. * @return An identifier, which is also a parameter in the callback */ public Object sendAsync(final Message query, final ResolverListener listener) { Resolution res = new Resolution(this, query); res.startAsync(listener); return res; } /** Returns the nth resolver used by this ExtendedResolver */ public Resolver getResolver(int n) { if (n < resolvers.size()) return (Resolver)resolvers.get(n); return null; } /** Returns all resolvers used by this ExtendedResolver */ public Resolver [] getResolvers() { return (Resolver []) resolvers.toArray(new Resolver[resolvers.size()]); } /** Adds a new resolver to be used by this ExtendedResolver */ public void addResolver(Resolver r) { resolvers.add(r); } /** Deletes a resolver used by this ExtendedResolver */ public void deleteResolver(Resolver r) { resolvers.remove(r); } /** Sets whether the servers should be load balanced. * @param flag If true, servers will be tried in round-robin order. If false, * servers will always be queried in the same order. */ public void setLoadBalance(boolean flag) { loadBalance = flag; } /** Sets the number of retries sent to each server per query */ public void setRetries(int retries) { this.retries = retries; } }