package com.example.selfupdater; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Date; import; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import; import android.os.IBinder; import android.util.Log; public class UpdateService extends IntentService { public static final String TAG = UpdateService.class.getSimpleName(); private static final String SERVER_NAME = ""; private static final String PATH_TO_APK = "/icheckin/iCheckIn.apk"; public static final boolean DEBUG = false; protected long ADAY = DEBUG ? 50000 : (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); public UpdateService() { super(TAG); } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return null; } protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) { Log.d(TAG, "Starting One-time Service Runner"); /* Now the simple arithmetic: if web package updated after * last time app was updated, then it's time * again to update! */ final long appUpdatedOnDevice = getAppUpdatedOnDevice(); final long webPackageUpdated = getWebPackageUpdated(); if (appUpdatedOnDevice == -1 || webPackageUpdated == -1) { return; // FAIL, try another day } if (webPackageUpdated > appUpdatedOnDevice) { triggerUpdate(); } } public long getAppUpdatedOnDevice() { PackageInfo packageInfo = null; try { packageInfo = getPackageManager() .getPackageInfo(getClass().getPackage().getName(), PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { Log.d(TAG, "CANTHAPPEN: Failed to get package info for own package!"); return -1; } return packageInfo.lastUpdateTime; } public static long getWebPackageUpdated() { Socket http = null; try { http = new Socket(SERVER_NAME, 80); PrintStream wout = new PrintStream(http.getOutputStream()); wout.print("HEAD " + PATH_TO_APK + " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"); wout.flush(); BufferedReader win = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(http.getInputStream())); String line; while ((line = win.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("404")) { Log.d(TAG, line); return -1; } if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("last-modified:")) { Log.d(TAG, "Last-Modified Header: " + line); String aDateTime = line.substring(line.indexOf(' ') + 1); return Date.parse(aDateTime); } } } catch (IOException e) { Log.d(TAG, "Failed to CHECK for update: " + e); return -1; } finally { if (http != null) try { http.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Stupid checked exception in close! WGARA? } } Log.d(TAG, "Didn't find modified header"); return -1; } protected void triggerUpdate() { Log.d(TAG, "UpdateService.triggerUpdate()"); final Intent intent = new Intent(this, UpdateActivity.class); intent.setData(Uri.parse("http://" + SERVER_NAME + PATH_TO_APK)); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent); } }