package com.michaelfotiadis.eventtriggeredskypecaller.containers; /** * Class for storing constants used throughout the app * * @author Michael Fotiadis * */ public class CustomConstants { public enum Broadcasts { BROADCAST_1("Brodacast_1"); private String text; Broadcasts(String description) { text = description; } public String getString() { return text; } }; public static final String EXTRA_PAYLOAD = "EXTRA_PAYLOAD"; public static final String EXTRA_RESULT = "EXTRA_RESULT453"; public static final int REQUEST_CODE_1 = 1; public static final int REQUEST_CODE_2 = 2; public static final int REQUEST_CODE_3 = 3; // Device identifier string public static final String BLUETOOTH_DEVICE = "Bluetooth LE Device"; // Result for the BroadCast Receiver public static boolean SERVICE_RESULT; // Action Identifier public static final String LE_SCAN_ACTION = "com.eratosthenes.eventtriggeredskypecaller.StartBlueToothScan"; // Configuration File identifier public static final String CONFIG_FILENAME = "config.txt"; public static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator"); // Configuration File status boolean public static boolean IS_CONFIG_FILE_SET = false; public static String CLOSEST_DEVICE; public static final String DOCUMENT_HEADER = "SKYPE_ID, DEVICE_ID, ACTION"; }