public class Kalman {
private static final float q = 0.01f;
private static final float r = 0.1f;
public static final int TYPE_1D = 0;
public static final int TYPE_3D = 1;
private Filter filters[][];
public Kalman(){
filters = new Filter[3][2];
for(int i=0;i<filters.length;i++){
filters[i][TYPE_1D] = initialize1DFilter();
filters[i][TYPE_3D] = initialize3DFilter();
private static Filter initialize3DFilter(){
float dt = 1f;
float A[][] = { {1, dt, dt*dt/2},
{0, 1, dt},
{0, 0, 1}};
float B[][] = VectorController.identity(3);
float H[][] = VectorController.identity(3);
float currentStateEstimate[][] = { {0},
float currentProbEstimate[][] = VectorController.identity(3);
float Q[][] = { {(float) (Math.pow(dt,5)/20f),(float) (Math.pow(dt,4)/8f),(float) (Math.pow(dt,3)/6f)},
{(float) (Math.pow(dt,4)/ 8f),(float) (Math.pow(dt,3)/3f),(float) (Math.pow(dt,2)/2f)},
{(float) (Math.pow(dt,3)/ 6f),(float) (Math.pow(dt,2)/2f), dt}};
Q = VectorController.scalar(q, Q);
float R[][] = VectorController.scalar(r, VectorController.identity(3));
return new Filter(A, B, H, currentStateEstimate, currentProbEstimate, Q, R);
private static Filter initialize1DFilter(){
float A[][] = new float[1][1];
A[0][0] = 1f;
float B[][] = new float[1][1];
B[0][0] = 0f;
float H[][] = new float[1][1];
H[0][0] = 1f;
float currentStateEstimate[][] = new float[1][1];
currentStateEstimate[0][0] = 0f;
float currentProbEstimate[][] = new float[1][1];
currentProbEstimate[0][0] = 1f;
float Q[][] = new float[1][1];
Q[0][0] = q;
float R[][] = new float[1][1];
R[0][0] = r;
return new Filter(A, B, H, currentStateEstimate, currentProbEstimate, Q, R);
public float[] filter(float[] input, int filterToUse){
//Process the input
float ret[] = new float[3];
if(filterToUse == TYPE_3D){//Use 3D filter
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
ret[i] = filters[i][TYPE_3D].getCurrentState()[2][0];
float controlVector[][] = { {0},
float measurementVector[][] = { {0},
filters[i][TYPE_3D].step(controlVector, measurementVector);
}else if(filterToUse == TYPE_1D){//Use 1D filters
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
ret[i] = filters[i][TYPE_1D].getCurrentState()[0][0];
float controlVector[][] = new float[1][1];
controlVector[0][0] = 0;
float measurementVector[][] = new float[1][1];
measurementVector[0][0] = input[i];
filters[i][TYPE_1D].step(controlVector, measurementVector);
return ret;
public static class Filter{
private float A[][]; //State transition matrix.
private float B[][]; //Control matrix.
private float H[][]; //Observation matrix.
private float currentStateEstimate[][]; //Initial state estimate.
private float currentProbEstimate[][]; //Initial covariance estimate.
private float Q[][]; //Estimated error in process.
private float R[][]; //Estimated error in measurements.
public Filter(float A[][], float B[][], float H[][],
float currentStateEstimate[][], float currentProbEstimate[][],
float Q[][], float R[][]){
this.A = A;
this.B = B;
this.H = H;
this.currentStateEstimate = currentStateEstimate;
this.currentProbEstimate = currentProbEstimate;
this.Q = Q;
this.R = R;
public float[][] getCurrentState(){
return currentStateEstimate;
public void step(float controlVector[][], float measurementVector[][]){
//---------------------------Prediction step-----------------------------
//predicted_state_estimate = A * current_state_estimate + B * control_vector
float predictedStateEstimate[][] = VectorController.addMatrixes(
VectorController.multiplyMatrixes(A, currentStateEstimate),
VectorController.multiplyMatrixes(B, controlVector));
//predicted_prob_estimate = (A * current_prob_estimate) * transpose(A) + Q
float predictedProbEstimate[][] = VectorController.addMatrixes(
VectorController.multiplyMatrixes(A, currentProbEstimate),
VectorController.transponse(A)), Q);
//--------------------------Observation step-----------------------------
//innovation = measurement_vector - H*predicted_state_estimate
float innovation[][] = VectorController.addMatrixes(measurementVector, VectorController.scalar(-1,
VectorController.multiplyMatrixes(H, predictedStateEstimate)));
//innovation_covariance = (H*predicted_prob_estimate)*transpose(H) + R
float innovationCovariance[][] = VectorController.addMatrixes(
VectorController.multiplyMatrixes(H, predictedProbEstimate),
VectorController.transponse(H)), R);
//-----------------------------Update step-------------------------------
//kalman_gain = predicted_prob_estimate * transpose(H) * inv(innovation_covariance)
float kalmanGain[][] = VectorController.multiplyMatrixes(
//current_state_estimate = predicted_state_estimate + kalman_gain * innovation
currentStateEstimate = VectorController.addMatrixes(predictedStateEstimate,
VectorController.multiplyMatrixes(kalmanGain, innovation));
// We need the size of the matrix so we can make an identity matrix.
int size = currentProbEstimate.length;
//current_prob_estimate = (identity(size)-kalman_gain*self)*predicted_prob_estimate
currentProbEstimate = VectorController.multiplyMatrixes(
VectorController.scalar(-1, VectorController.multiplyMatrixes(kalmanGain, H))),