package; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This class is used to create helper class that will contain a method for "injecting" generated * ViewHolder implementations to fields in activities. * * Created by ivan on 13/01/14. */ public class AdapterInjectorCreator { protected static final String ADAPTER_INJECTOR_TEMPLATE_PATH = "/co/infinum/ava/templates/AdapterInjectorTemplate.tpl"; protected static final String ACTIVITY_INJECTION_PARAMS = "${adapterClassName} activity"; protected static final String OBJECT_INJECTION_PARAMS = "${adapterClassName} object, View viewRoot"; protected static final String ACTIVITY_INJECTION_TEMPLATE = "\t\tactivity.${fieldName} = new AbstractViewAdapter(activity, ${viewHolderName}.FACTORY, new ArrayList<${objectType}>());\n" + "\t\tListView ${listViewName} = (ListView) activity.findViewById(${listViewId});\n" + "\t\t${listViewName}.setAdapter(activity.${fieldName});\n"; protected static final String OBJECT_INJECTION_TEMPLATE = "\t\tobject.${fieldName} = new AbstractViewAdapter(viewRoot.getContext(), ${viewHolderName}.FACTORY, new ArrayList<${objectType}>());\n" + "\t\tListView ${listViewName} = (ListView) viewRoot.findViewById(${listViewId});\n" + "\t\t${listViewName}.setAdapter(object.${fieldName});\n"; protected static final String PACKAGE_NAME = "${packageName}"; protected static final String CLASS_NAME = "${className}"; protected static final String ADAPTER_CLASS_NAME = "${adapterClassName}"; protected static final String INJECTION_PARAMS = "${injectionParams}"; protected static final String INJECTION_CODE = "${injectionCode}"; protected static final String FIELD_NAME = "${fieldName}"; protected static final String VIEW_HOLDER_NAME = "${viewHolderName}"; protected static final String OBJECT_TYPE = "${objectType}"; protected static final String LIST_VIEW_NAME = "${listViewName}"; protected static final String LIST_VIEW_ID = "${listViewId}"; protected static final String LIST_VIEW_SUFIX = "ListView"; /** * Package for the generated injector class. */ protected String packageName; /** * Name of the injector class. */ protected String className; /** * Name of the class that contains adapter field that will be injected with generated adapter. * It is important to note that this is not the name of the injector class (but the name of the * "host") */ protected String adapterClassName; /** * Is the class that contains the adapter field an Activity (does it extend Activity class). * Depending on this flag, injection code for either activity or more general code for any type * of object will be generated. */ protected boolean injectingIntoActivity; protected ArrayList<AdapterInjection> injections = new ArrayList<AdapterInjection>(); public AdapterInjectorCreator() { } public String getPackageName() { return packageName; } public void setPackageName(String packageName) { this.packageName = packageName; } public String getClassName() { return className; } public void setClassName(String className) { this.className = className; } public String getAdapterClassName() { return adapterClassName; } public void setAdapterClassName(String adapterClassName) { this.adapterClassName = adapterClassName; } public boolean isInjectingIntoActivity() { return injectingIntoActivity; } public void setInjectingIntoActivity(boolean injectingIntoActivity) { this.injectingIntoActivity = injectingIntoActivity; } public void addInjection(String fieldName, String viewHolderName, String objectType, int listViewId) { injections.add(new AdapterInjection(fieldName, viewHolderName, objectType, listViewId)); } protected String generateInjectionParams(String injectionParamsTemplate) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String injectionParams = injectionParamsTemplate.replace(ADAPTER_CLASS_NAME, adapterClassName); builder.append(injectionParams); return builder.toString(); } protected String generateInjections(String injectionTemplate) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (AdapterInjection injection : injections) { String injectionCode = injectionTemplate .replace(FIELD_NAME, injection.getFieldName()) .replace(VIEW_HOLDER_NAME, injection.getViewHolderName()) .replace(OBJECT_TYPE, injection.getObjectType()) .replace(LIST_VIEW_NAME, injection.getFieldName() + LIST_VIEW_SUFIX) .replace(LIST_VIEW_ID, String.valueOf(injection.getListViewId())); builder.append(injectionCode); } return builder.toString(); } public String createInjectAdapterImplementation() { String template = Templates.getInstance().read(ADAPTER_INJECTOR_TEMPLATE_PATH); template = template.replace(PACKAGE_NAME, packageName); template = template.replace(CLASS_NAME, className); template = template.replace(ADAPTER_CLASS_NAME, adapterClassName); if(isInjectingIntoActivity()) { template = template.replace(INJECTION_PARAMS, generateInjectionParams(ACTIVITY_INJECTION_PARAMS)); template = template.replace(INJECTION_CODE, generateInjections(ACTIVITY_INJECTION_TEMPLATE)); } else { template = template.replace(INJECTION_PARAMS, generateInjectionParams(OBJECT_INJECTION_PARAMS)); template = template.replace(INJECTION_CODE, generateInjections(OBJECT_INJECTION_TEMPLATE)); } return template; } }