package io.github.asyncronous.toast; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.Image; import; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.UIManager; import com.atlauncher.LogManager; import io.github.asyncronous.toast.ui.ToastWindow; /** * Static class to allow easier use of toaster notifications */ public final class Toaster { private static Toaster instance; public static Toaster instance() { return (instance == null ? instance = new Toaster() : instance); } /** * Field to keep track of the current toasters */ @Intrinsic public static volatile int CURRENT_TOASTER_NUMBER = 0; /** * Field to keep track of the max amount of toasters able to fit on the screen */ @Intrinsic public static volatile int MAX_TOASTER_IN_SCREEN = 0; /** * Field to keep track of the max amount of toasters at all times */ @Intrinsic public static volatile int MAX_TOASTERS = 0; private Toaster() { UIManager.put(ToasterConstants.INFO_ICON, createImage("info")); UIManager.put(ToasterConstants.ERROR_ICON, createImage("error")); UIManager.put(ToasterConstants.QUESTION_ICON, createImage("question")); UIManager.put(ToasterConstants.WARNING_ICON, createImage("warning")); UIManager.put(ToasterConstants.FONT, new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 12).deriveFont(24.0F)); UIManager.put(ToasterConstants.MSG_COLOR, Color.BLACK); UIManager.put(ToasterConstants.BORDER_COLOR, Color.BLACK); UIManager.put(ToasterConstants.BG_COLOR, Color.WHITE); UIManager.put(ToasterConstants.TIME, 5000); UIManager.put(ToasterConstants.OPAQUE, false); UIManager.put(ToasterConstants.OPACITY, 0.5F); UIManager.put("Toaster.contBounds", GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getMaximumWindowBounds()); } /** * Will generate a question Toaster Notification with the chosen settings * * @param msg The text of the message you want to display * @example Toaster.popQuestion("This is a question?"); */ public void popQuestion(String msg) { ToastWindow window = new ToastWindow(); window.setText(msg); window.setIcon(new ImageIcon((Image) UIManager.get(ToasterConstants.QUESTION_ICON))); window.pop(); } /** * Will generate a standard info Toaster Notification with the chosen settings * * @param msg The text of the message you want to display * @example Toaster.pop("This is some information"); */ public void pop(String msg) { ToastWindow window = new ToastWindow(); window.setText(msg); window.setIcon(new ImageIcon((Image) UIManager.get(ToasterConstants.INFO_ICON))); window.pop(); } /** * Will generate a warning Toaster Notification with the chosen settings * * @param msg The text of the message you want to display * @example Toaster.popWarning("This is a warning"); */ public void popWarning(String msg) { ToastWindow window = new ToastWindow(); window.setText(msg); window.setIcon(new ImageIcon((Image) UIManager.get(ToasterConstants.WARNING_ICON))); window.pop(); } /** * Will generate an error Toaster Notification with the chosen settings * * @param msg The text of the message you want to display * @example Toaster.popError("This is an error"); */ public void popError(String msg) { ToastWindow window = new ToastWindow(); window.setText(msg); window.setIcon(new ImageIcon((Image) UIManager.get(ToasterConstants.ERROR_ICON))); window.pop(); } /** * Will generate a Toaster Notification with a custom Icon & the chosen settings * * @param msg The text of the message you want to display * @param ico The icon you would like to display * @example ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon( * ("/assets/toaster/icons/error.png" * ))); Toaster.pop("This is an error", image); */ public void pop(String msg, Icon ico) { ToastWindow window = new ToastWindow(); window.setText(msg); window.setIcon(ico); window.pop(); } private Image createImage(String name) { InputStream stream = Toaster.class.getResourceAsStream("/assets/toast/icons/" + name + ".png"); if (stream == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Stream == null"); } try { return; } catch (IOException ex) { LogManager.logStackTrace("Failed to load Toaster image", ex); return null; } } }