/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* * AttributeSelection.java * Copyright (C) 1999 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand * */ package weka.filters.supervised.attribute; import weka.attributeSelection.ASEvaluation; import weka.attributeSelection.ASSearch; import weka.attributeSelection.AttributeEvaluator; import weka.attributeSelection.AttributeTransformer; import weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst; import weka.attributeSelection.CfsSubsetEval; import weka.attributeSelection.Ranker; import weka.attributeSelection.UnsupervisedAttributeEvaluator; import weka.attributeSelection.UnsupervisedSubsetEvaluator; import weka.core.Capabilities; import weka.core.FastVector; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.Option; import weka.core.OptionHandler; import weka.core.RevisionUtils; import weka.core.SparseInstance; import weka.core.Utils; import weka.core.Capabilities.Capability; import weka.filters.Filter; import weka.filters.SupervisedFilter; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; /** <!-- globalinfo-start --> * A supervised attribute filter that can be used to select attributes. It is very flexible and allows various search and evaluation methods to be combined. * <p/> <!-- globalinfo-end --> * <!-- options-start --> * Valid options are: <p/> * * <pre> -S <"Name of search class [search options]"> * Sets search method for subset evaluators. * eg. -S "weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst -S 8"</pre> * * <pre> -E <"Name of attribute/subset evaluation class [evaluator options]"> * Sets attribute/subset evaluator. * eg. -E "weka.attributeSelection.CfsSubsetEval -L"</pre> * * <pre> * Options specific to evaluator weka.attributeSelection.CfsSubsetEval: * </pre> * * <pre> -M * Treat missing values as a seperate value.</pre> * * <pre> -L * Don't include locally predictive attributes.</pre> * * <pre> * Options specific to search weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst: * </pre> * * <pre> -P <start set> * Specify a starting set of attributes. * Eg. 1,3,5-7.</pre> * * <pre> -D <0 = backward | 1 = forward | 2 = bi-directional> * Direction of search. (default = 1).</pre> * * <pre> -N <num> * Number of non-improving nodes to * consider before terminating search.</pre> * * <pre> -S <num> * Size of lookup cache for evaluated subsets. * Expressed as a multiple of the number of * attributes in the data set. (default = 1)</pre> * <!-- options-end --> * * @author Mark Hall (mhall@cs.waikato.ac.nz) * @version $Revision: 5541 $ */ public class AttributeSelection extends Filter implements SupervisedFilter, OptionHandler { /** for serialization */ static final long serialVersionUID = -296211247688169716L; /** the attribute selection evaluation object */ private weka.attributeSelection.AttributeSelection m_trainSelector; /** the attribute evaluator to use */ private ASEvaluation m_ASEvaluator; /** the search method if any */ private ASSearch m_ASSearch; /** holds a copy of the full set of valid options passed to the filter */ private String [] m_FilterOptions; /** holds the selected attributes */ private int [] m_SelectedAttributes; /** * Returns a string describing this filter * * @return a description of the filter suitable for * displaying in the explorer/experimenter gui */ public String globalInfo() { return "A supervised attribute filter that can be used to select " + "attributes. It is very flexible and allows various search " + "and evaluation methods to be combined."; } /** * Constructor */ public AttributeSelection () { resetOptions(); } /** * Returns an enumeration describing the available options. * @return an enumeration of all the available options. */ public Enumeration listOptions() { Vector newVector = new Vector(6); newVector.addElement(new Option( "\tSets search method for subset evaluators.\n" + "\teg. -S \"weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst -S 8\"", "S", 1, "-S <\"Name of search class [search options]\">")); newVector.addElement(new Option( "\tSets attribute/subset evaluator.\n" + "\teg. -E \"weka.attributeSelection.CfsSubsetEval -L\"", "E", 1, "-E <\"Name of attribute/subset evaluation class [evaluator options]\">")); if ((m_ASEvaluator != null) && (m_ASEvaluator instanceof OptionHandler)) { Enumeration enu = ((OptionHandler)m_ASEvaluator).listOptions(); newVector.addElement(new Option("", "", 0, "\nOptions specific to " + "evaluator " + m_ASEvaluator.getClass().getName() + ":")); while (enu.hasMoreElements()) { newVector.addElement((Option)enu.nextElement()); } } if ((m_ASSearch != null) && (m_ASSearch instanceof OptionHandler)) { Enumeration enu = ((OptionHandler)m_ASSearch).listOptions(); newVector.addElement(new Option("", "", 0, "\nOptions specific to " + "search " + m_ASSearch.getClass().getName() + ":")); while (enu.hasMoreElements()) { newVector.addElement((Option)enu.nextElement()); } } return newVector.elements(); } /** * Parses a given list of options. <p/> * <!-- options-start --> * Valid options are: <p/> * * <pre> -S <"Name of search class [search options]"> * Sets search method for subset evaluators. * eg. -S "weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst -S 8"</pre> * * <pre> -E <"Name of attribute/subset evaluation class [evaluator options]"> * Sets attribute/subset evaluator. * eg. -E "weka.attributeSelection.CfsSubsetEval -L"</pre> * * <pre> * Options specific to evaluator weka.attributeSelection.CfsSubsetEval: * </pre> * * <pre> -M * Treat missing values as a seperate value.</pre> * * <pre> -L * Don't include locally predictive attributes.</pre> * * <pre> * Options specific to search weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst: * </pre> * * <pre> -P <start set> * Specify a starting set of attributes. * Eg. 1,3,5-7.</pre> * * <pre> -D <0 = backward | 1 = forward | 2 = bi-directional> * Direction of search. (default = 1).</pre> * * <pre> -N <num> * Number of non-improving nodes to * consider before terminating search.</pre> * * <pre> -S <num> * Size of lookup cache for evaluated subsets. * Expressed as a multiple of the number of * attributes in the data set. (default = 1)</pre> * <!-- options-end --> * * @param options the list of options as an array of strings * @throws Exception if an option is not supported */ public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception { String optionString; resetOptions(); if (Utils.getFlag('X',options)) { throw new Exception("Cross validation is not a valid option" + " when using attribute selection as a Filter."); } optionString = Utils.getOption('E',options); if (optionString.length() != 0) { optionString = optionString.trim(); // split a quoted evaluator name from its options (if any) int breakLoc = optionString.indexOf(' '); String evalClassName = optionString; String evalOptionsString = ""; String [] evalOptions=null; if (breakLoc != -1) { evalClassName = optionString.substring(0, breakLoc); evalOptionsString = optionString.substring(breakLoc).trim(); evalOptions = Utils.splitOptions(evalOptionsString); } setEvaluator(ASEvaluation.forName(evalClassName, evalOptions)); } if (m_ASEvaluator instanceof AttributeEvaluator) { setSearch(new Ranker()); } optionString = Utils.getOption('S',options); if (optionString.length() != 0) { optionString = optionString.trim(); int breakLoc = optionString.indexOf(' '); String SearchClassName = optionString; String SearchOptionsString = ""; String [] SearchOptions=null; if (breakLoc != -1) { SearchClassName = optionString.substring(0, breakLoc); SearchOptionsString = optionString.substring(breakLoc).trim(); SearchOptions = Utils.splitOptions(SearchOptionsString); } setSearch(ASSearch.forName(SearchClassName, SearchOptions)); } Utils.checkForRemainingOptions(options); } /** * Gets the current settings for the attribute selection (search, evaluator) * etc. * * @return an array of strings suitable for passing to setOptions() */ public String [] getOptions() { String [] EvaluatorOptions = new String[0]; String [] SearchOptions = new String[0]; int current = 0; if (m_ASEvaluator instanceof OptionHandler) { EvaluatorOptions = ((OptionHandler)m_ASEvaluator).getOptions(); } if (m_ASSearch instanceof OptionHandler) { SearchOptions = ((OptionHandler)m_ASSearch).getOptions(); } String [] setOptions = new String [10]; setOptions[current++]="-E"; setOptions[current++]= getEvaluator().getClass().getName() +" "+Utils.joinOptions(EvaluatorOptions); setOptions[current++]="-S"; setOptions[current++]=getSearch().getClass().getName() + " "+Utils.joinOptions(SearchOptions); while (current < setOptions.length) { setOptions[current++] = ""; } return setOptions; } /** * Returns the tip text for this property * * @return tip text for this property suitable for * displaying in the explorer/experimenter gui */ public String evaluatorTipText() { return "Determines how attributes/attribute subsets are evaluated."; } /** * set attribute/subset evaluator * * @param evaluator the evaluator to use */ public void setEvaluator(ASEvaluation evaluator) { m_ASEvaluator = evaluator; } /** * Returns the tip text for this property * * @return tip text for this property suitable for * displaying in the explorer/experimenter gui */ public String searchTipText() { return "Determines the search method."; } /** * Set search class * * @param search the search class to use */ public void setSearch(ASSearch search) { m_ASSearch = search; } /** * Get the name of the attribute/subset evaluator * * @return the name of the attribute/subset evaluator as a string */ public ASEvaluation getEvaluator() { return m_ASEvaluator; } /** * Get the name of the search method * * @return the name of the search method as a string */ public ASSearch getSearch() { return m_ASSearch; } /** * Returns the Capabilities of this filter. * * @return the capabilities of this object * @see Capabilities */ public Capabilities getCapabilities() { Capabilities result; if (m_ASEvaluator == null) { result = super.getCapabilities(); result.disableAll(); } else { result = m_ASEvaluator.getCapabilities(); // class index will be set if necessary, so we always allow the dataset // to have no class attribute set. see the following method: // weka.attributeSelection.AttributeSelection.SelectAttributes(Instances) result.enable(Capability.NO_CLASS); } result.setMinimumNumberInstances(0); return result; } /** * Input an instance for filtering. Ordinarily the instance is processed * and made available for output immediately. Some filters require all * instances be read before producing output. * * @param instance the input instance * @return true if the filtered instance may now be * collected with output(). * @throws IllegalStateException if no input format has been defined. * @throws Exception if the input instance was not of the correct format * or if there was a problem with the filtering. */ public boolean input(Instance instance) throws Exception { if (getInputFormat() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No input instance format defined"); } if (m_NewBatch) { resetQueue(); m_NewBatch = false; } if (isOutputFormatDefined()) { convertInstance(instance); return true; } bufferInput(instance); return false; } /** * Signify that this batch of input to the filter is finished. If the filter * requires all instances prior to filtering, output() may now be called * to retrieve the filtered instances. * * @return true if there are instances pending output. * @throws IllegalStateException if no input structure has been defined. * @throws Exception if there is a problem during the attribute selection. */ public boolean batchFinished() throws Exception { if (getInputFormat() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No input instance format defined"); } if (!isOutputFormatDefined()) { m_trainSelector.setEvaluator(m_ASEvaluator); m_trainSelector.setSearch(m_ASSearch); m_trainSelector.SelectAttributes(getInputFormat()); // System.out.println(m_trainSelector.toResultsString()); m_SelectedAttributes = m_trainSelector.selectedAttributes(); if (m_SelectedAttributes == null) { throw new Exception("No selected attributes\n"); } setOutputFormat(); // Convert pending input instances for (int i = 0; i < getInputFormat().numInstances(); i++) { convertInstance(getInputFormat().instance(i)); } flushInput(); } m_NewBatch = true; return (numPendingOutput() != 0); } /** * Set the output format. Takes the currently defined attribute set * m_InputFormat and calls setOutputFormat(Instances) appropriately. * * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ protected void setOutputFormat() throws Exception { Instances informat; if (m_SelectedAttributes == null) { setOutputFormat(null); return; } FastVector attributes = new FastVector(m_SelectedAttributes.length); int i; if (m_ASEvaluator instanceof AttributeTransformer) { informat = ((AttributeTransformer)m_ASEvaluator).transformedHeader(); } else { informat = getInputFormat(); } for (i=0;i < m_SelectedAttributes.length;i++) { attributes. addElement(informat.attribute(m_SelectedAttributes[i]).copy()); } Instances outputFormat = new Instances(getInputFormat().relationName(), attributes, 0); if (!(m_ASEvaluator instanceof UnsupervisedSubsetEvaluator) && !(m_ASEvaluator instanceof UnsupervisedAttributeEvaluator)) { outputFormat.setClassIndex(m_SelectedAttributes.length - 1); } setOutputFormat(outputFormat); } /** * Convert a single instance over. Selected attributes only are transfered. * The converted instance is added to the end of * the output queue. * * @param instance the instance to convert * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ protected void convertInstance(Instance instance) throws Exception { double[] newVals = new double[getOutputFormat().numAttributes()]; if (m_ASEvaluator instanceof AttributeTransformer) { Instance tempInstance = ((AttributeTransformer)m_ASEvaluator). convertInstance(instance); for (int i = 0; i < m_SelectedAttributes.length; i++) { int current = m_SelectedAttributes[i]; newVals[i] = tempInstance.value(current); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < m_SelectedAttributes.length; i++) { int current = m_SelectedAttributes[i]; newVals[i] = instance.value(current); } } if (instance instanceof SparseInstance) { push(new SparseInstance(instance.weight(), newVals)); } else { push(new Instance(instance.weight(), newVals)); } } /** * set options to their default values */ protected void resetOptions() { m_trainSelector = new weka.attributeSelection.AttributeSelection(); setEvaluator(new CfsSubsetEval()); setSearch(new BestFirst()); m_SelectedAttributes = null; m_FilterOptions = null; } /** * Returns the revision string. * * @return the revision */ public String getRevision() { return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision: 5541 $"); } /** * Main method for testing this class. * * @param argv should contain arguments to the filter: use -h for help */ public static void main(String [] argv) { runFilter(new AttributeSelection(), argv); } }