package; /* * Copyright 2014 Acxio * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class DefaultFtpClientFactory implements FtpClientFactory { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultFtpClientFactory.class); private String host; private Integer port; private String username; private String password; private String account; private String activeExternalIPAddress; private Integer activeMinPort; private Integer activeMaxPort; private Boolean autodetectUTF8; private Integer bufferSize; private Charset charset; private Integer connectTimeout; private String controlEncoding; private Integer controlKeepAliveReplyTimeout; private Long controlKeepAliveTimeout; private Integer dataTimeout; private Integer defaultPort; private Integer defaultTimeout; private Integer fileStructure; private Integer fileTransferMode; private Integer fileType; private Boolean keepAlive; private Boolean listHiddenFiles; private FTPFileEntryParserFactory parserFactory; private String passiveLocalIPAddress; private Boolean passiveNatWorkaround; private Proxy proxy; private Integer receieveDataSocketBufferSize; private Integer receiveBufferSize; private Boolean remoteVerificationEnabled; private String reportActiveExternalIPAddress; private Integer sendBufferSize; private Integer sendDataSocketBufferSize; private Boolean strictMultilineParsing; private Boolean tcpNoDelay; private Boolean useEPSVwithIPv4; private String systemKey; private String defaultDateFormat; private String recentDateFormat; private String serverLanguageCode; private String shortMonthNames; private String serverTimeZoneId; private boolean localPassiveMode; public void setHost(String sHost) { host = sHost; } public void setPort(Integer sPort) { port = sPort; } public void setUsername(String sUsername) { username = sUsername; } public void setPassword(String sPassword) { password = sPassword; } public void setAccount(String sAccount) { account = sAccount; } public void setActiveExternalIPAddress(String sActiveExternalIPAddress) { activeExternalIPAddress = sActiveExternalIPAddress; } public void setActiveMinPort(Integer sActiveMinPort) { activeMinPort = sActiveMinPort; } public void setActiveMaxPort(Integer sActiveMaxPort) { activeMaxPort = sActiveMaxPort; } public void setAutodetectUTF8(Boolean sAutodetectUTF8) { autodetectUTF8 = sAutodetectUTF8; } public void setBufferSize(Integer sBufferSize) { bufferSize = sBufferSize; } public void setCharset(Charset sCharset) { charset = sCharset; } public void setConnectTimeout(Integer sConnectTimeout) { connectTimeout = sConnectTimeout; } public void setControlEncoding(String sControlEncoding) { controlEncoding = sControlEncoding; } public void setControlKeepAliveReplyTimeout(Integer sControlKeepAliveReplyTimeout) { controlKeepAliveReplyTimeout = sControlKeepAliveReplyTimeout; } public void setControlKeepAliveTimeout(Long sControlKeepAliveTimeout) { controlKeepAliveTimeout = sControlKeepAliveTimeout; } public void setDataTimeout(Integer sDataTimeout) { dataTimeout = sDataTimeout; } public void setDefaultPort(Integer sDefaultPort) { defaultPort = sDefaultPort; } public void setDefaultTimeout(Integer sDefaultTimeout) { defaultTimeout = sDefaultTimeout; } public void setFileStructure(Integer sFileStructure) { fileStructure = sFileStructure; } public void setFileTransferMode(Integer sFileTransferMode) { fileTransferMode = sFileTransferMode; } public void setFileType(Integer sFileType) { fileType = sFileType; } public void setKeepAlive(Boolean sKeepAlive) { keepAlive = sKeepAlive; } public void setListHiddenFiles(Boolean sListHiddenFiles) { listHiddenFiles = sListHiddenFiles; } public void setParserFactory(FTPFileEntryParserFactory sParserFactory) { parserFactory = sParserFactory; } public void setPassiveLocalIPAddress(String sPassiveLocalIPAddress) { passiveLocalIPAddress = sPassiveLocalIPAddress; } public void setPassiveNatWorkaround(Boolean sPassiveNatWorkaround) { passiveNatWorkaround = sPassiveNatWorkaround; } public void setProxy(Proxy sProxy) { proxy = sProxy; } public void setReceieveDataSocketBufferSize(Integer sReceieveDataSocketBufferSize) { receieveDataSocketBufferSize = sReceieveDataSocketBufferSize; } public void setReceiveBufferSize(Integer sReceiveBufferSize) { receiveBufferSize = sReceiveBufferSize; } public void setRemoteVerificationEnabled(Boolean sRemoteVerificationEnabled) { remoteVerificationEnabled = sRemoteVerificationEnabled; } public void setReportActiveExternalIPAddress(String sReportActiveExternalIPAddress) { reportActiveExternalIPAddress = sReportActiveExternalIPAddress; } public void setSendBufferSize(Integer sSendBufferSize) { sendBufferSize = sSendBufferSize; } public void setSendDataSocketBufferSize(Integer sSendDataSocketBufferSize) { sendDataSocketBufferSize = sSendDataSocketBufferSize; } public void setStrictMultilineParsing(Boolean sStrictMultilineParsing) { strictMultilineParsing = sStrictMultilineParsing; } public void setTcpNoDelay(Boolean sTcpNoDelay) { tcpNoDelay = sTcpNoDelay; } public void setUseEPSVwithIPv4(Boolean sUseEPSVwithIPv4) { useEPSVwithIPv4 = sUseEPSVwithIPv4; } public void setSystemKey(String sSystemKey) { systemKey = sSystemKey; } public void setDefaultDateFormat(String sDefaultDateFormat) { defaultDateFormat = sDefaultDateFormat; } public void setRecentDateFormat(String sRecentDateFormat) { recentDateFormat = sRecentDateFormat; } public void setServerLanguageCode(String sServerLanguageCode) { serverLanguageCode = sServerLanguageCode; } public void setShortMonthNames(String sShortMonthNames) { shortMonthNames = sShortMonthNames; } public void setServerTimeZoneId(String sServerTimeZoneId) { serverTimeZoneId = sServerTimeZoneId; } public void setLocalPassiveMode(boolean sLocalPassiveMode) { localPassiveMode = sLocalPassiveMode; } public FTPClient getFtpClient() throws IOException { FTPClient aClient = new FTPClient(); // Debug output // aClient.addProtocolCommandListener(new PrintCommandListener(new // PrintWriter(System.out), true)); if (activeExternalIPAddress != null) { aClient.setActiveExternalIPAddress(activeExternalIPAddress); } if (activeMinPort != null && activeMaxPort != null) { aClient.setActivePortRange(activeMinPort, activeMaxPort); } if (autodetectUTF8 != null) { aClient.setAutodetectUTF8(autodetectUTF8); } if (bufferSize != null) { aClient.setBufferSize(bufferSize); } if (charset != null) { aClient.setCharset(charset); } if (connectTimeout != null) { aClient.setConnectTimeout(connectTimeout); } if (controlEncoding != null) { aClient.setControlEncoding(controlEncoding); } if (controlKeepAliveReplyTimeout != null) { aClient.setControlKeepAliveReplyTimeout(controlKeepAliveReplyTimeout); } if (controlKeepAliveTimeout != null) { aClient.setControlKeepAliveTimeout(controlKeepAliveTimeout); } if (dataTimeout != null) { aClient.setDataTimeout(dataTimeout); } if (defaultPort != null) { aClient.setDefaultPort(defaultPort); } if (defaultTimeout != null) { aClient.setDefaultTimeout(defaultTimeout); } if (fileStructure != null) { aClient.setFileStructure(fileStructure); } if (keepAlive != null) { aClient.setKeepAlive(keepAlive); } if (listHiddenFiles != null) { aClient.setListHiddenFiles(listHiddenFiles); } if (parserFactory != null) { aClient.setParserFactory(parserFactory); } if (passiveLocalIPAddress != null) { aClient.setPassiveLocalIPAddress(passiveLocalIPAddress); } if (passiveNatWorkaround != null) { aClient.setPassiveNatWorkaround(passiveNatWorkaround); } if (proxy != null) { aClient.setProxy(proxy); } if (receieveDataSocketBufferSize != null) { aClient.setReceieveDataSocketBufferSize(receieveDataSocketBufferSize); } if (receiveBufferSize != null) { aClient.setReceiveBufferSize(receiveBufferSize); } if (remoteVerificationEnabled != null) { aClient.setRemoteVerificationEnabled(remoteVerificationEnabled); } if (reportActiveExternalIPAddress != null) { aClient.setReportActiveExternalIPAddress(reportActiveExternalIPAddress); } if (sendBufferSize != null) { aClient.setSendBufferSize(sendBufferSize); } if (sendDataSocketBufferSize != null) { aClient.setSendDataSocketBufferSize(sendDataSocketBufferSize); } if (strictMultilineParsing != null) { aClient.setStrictMultilineParsing(strictMultilineParsing); } if (tcpNoDelay != null) { aClient.setTcpNoDelay(tcpNoDelay); } if (useEPSVwithIPv4 != null) { aClient.setUseEPSVwithIPv4(useEPSVwithIPv4); } if (systemKey != null) { FTPClientConfig aClientConfig = new FTPClientConfig(systemKey); if (defaultDateFormat != null) { aClientConfig.setDefaultDateFormatStr(defaultDateFormat); } if (recentDateFormat != null) { aClientConfig.setRecentDateFormatStr(recentDateFormat); } if (serverLanguageCode != null) { aClientConfig.setServerLanguageCode(serverLanguageCode); } if (shortMonthNames != null) { aClientConfig.setShortMonthNames(shortMonthNames); } if (serverTimeZoneId != null) { aClientConfig.setServerTimeZoneId(serverTimeZoneId); } aClient.configure(aClientConfig); } if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {"Connecting to : {}", host); } if (port == null) { aClient.connect(host); } else { aClient.connect(host, port); } int aReplyCode = aClient.getReplyCode(); if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(aReplyCode)) { aClient.disconnect(); throw new IOException("Cannot connect to " + host + ". Returned code : " + aReplyCode); } try { if (localPassiveMode) { aClient.enterLocalPassiveMode(); } boolean aIsLoggedIn = false; if (account == null) { aIsLoggedIn = aClient.login(username, password); } else { aIsLoggedIn = aClient.login(username, password, account); } if (!aIsLoggedIn) { throw new IOException(aClient.getReplyString()); } } catch (IOException e) { aClient.disconnect(); throw e; } if (fileTransferMode != null) { aClient.setFileTransferMode(fileTransferMode); } if (fileType != null) { aClient.setFileType(fileType); } return aClient; } }