package org.softeg.slartus.forpdaplus; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Handler; import android.text.Html; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.WindowManager; import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.MaterialDialog; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.CookieStore; import org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaapi.ForumsApi; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaapi.IHttpClient; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaapi.LoginResult; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaapi.NewsApi; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaapi.OnProgressChangedListener; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaapi.ProfileApi; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaapi.ProgressState; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaapi.ReputationsApi; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaapi.TopicApi; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaapi.TopicReadingUsers; import; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaapi.qms.QmsApi; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaapi.users.Users; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdacommon.NotReportException; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdacommon.Observer; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdacommon.PatternExtensions; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdacommon.SimpleCookie; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaplus.classes.DownloadTask; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaplus.classes.DownloadTasks; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaplus.classes.Forum; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaplus.classes.TopicBodyBuilder; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaplus.classes.common.Functions; import; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaplus.common.AppLog; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaplus.db.ForumsTableOld; import; import; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaplus.fragments.topic.ForPdaWebInterface; import org.softeg.slartus.forpdaplus.utils.LogUtil; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: Admin * Date: 16.09.11 * Time: 18:40 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class Client implements IHttpClient { public static final String SITE = ""; public String UserId = "0"; private String m_User = App.getContext().getString(R.string.guest); private String m_K = ""; private Client() { } public String getAuthKey() { return m_K; } public static final Client INSTANCE = new Client(); public URI getRedirectUri() { return HttpHelper.getRedirectUri(); } public String getLastUrl() { return HttpHelper.getLastUri(); } public void deletePost(String forumId, String themeId, String postId, CharSequence authKey) throws IOException { PostApi.delete(this, forumId, themeId, postId, authKey); } public String getEditPostPlus(String forumId, String themeId, String postId, String authKey, Map<String, String> outParams) throws Throwable { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(forumId) || TextUtils.isEmpty(authKey)) { ExtTopic topic = new ExtTopic(themeId, ""); setThemeForumAndAuthKey(topic); forumId = topic.getForumId(); authKey = topic.getAuthKey(); outParams.put("forumId", forumId); outParams.put("authKey", authKey); } String res = PostApi.getEditPage(this, forumId, themeId, postId, authKey); String error = PostApi.checkEditPage(res); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(error)) throw new NotReportException(error); return res; } public String editPost(String forumId, String themeId, String authKey, String postId, Boolean enablesig, Boolean enableEmo, String post, String addedFileList, String post_edit_reason) throws IOException { return PostApi.applyEdit(this, forumId, themeId, authKey, postId, enablesig, enableEmo, post, addedFileList, post_edit_reason); } public String attachFilePost(String forumId, String themeId, String authKey, String attachPostKey, String postId, Boolean enablesig, Boolean enableEmo, String post, String filePath, String addedFileList, ProgressState progress , String post_edit_reason) throws Exception { return PostApi.attachFile(this, forumId, themeId, authKey, attachPostKey, postId, enablesig, enableEmo, post, filePath, addedFileList, progress, post_edit_reason); } public String deleteAttachFilePost(String forumId, String themeId, String authKey, String postId, Boolean enablesig, Boolean enableemo, String post, String attachToDeleteId, String fileList , String post_edit_reason) throws Exception { return PostApi.deleteAttachedFile(this, forumId, themeId, authKey, postId, enablesig, enableemo, post, attachToDeleteId, fileList, post_edit_reason); } public Boolean changeReputation(String postId, String userId, String type, String message, Map<String, String> outParams) throws IOException { return ReputationsApi.changeReputation(this, postId, userId, type, message, outParams); } public String claim(String themeId, String postId, String message) throws IOException { String error = PostApi.claim(this, themeId, postId, message); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(error)) return error; return App.getContext().getString(R.string.complaint_sent); } public Boolean hasLoginCookies() { Boolean session = false; Boolean pass_hash = false; Boolean member = false; HttpHelper httpHelper = null; try { try { httpHelper = new HttpHelper(); } catch (IOException e) { AppLog.e(null, e); return false; } List<Cookie> cookies = httpHelper.getCookies(); for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { if (!session && cookie.getName().equals("session_id")) session = true; else if (!pass_hash && cookie.getName().equals("pass_hash")) pass_hash = true; else if (!member && cookie.getName().equals("member_id")) member = true; } } finally { if (httpHelper != null) httpHelper.close(); } return session && pass_hash && member; } public String performGetWithCheckLogin(String url, OnProgressChangedListener beforeGetPage, OnProgressChangedListener afterGetPage) throws IOException { if (beforeGetPage != null) beforeGetPage.onProgressChanged(App.getContext().getString(R.string.receiving_data)); String body = performGet(url); if (beforeGetPage != null) afterGetPage.onProgressChanged(App.getContext().getString(R.string.receiving_data)); /*Matcher headerMatcher = PatternExtensions.compile("<body>([\\s\\S]*?)globalmess").matcher(body); if (headerMatcher.find()) { checkLogin(; checkMails(; } else { checkLogin(body); checkMails(body); }*/ return body; } /** * Загрузка тестовой страницы, проверка логина, проверка писем */ public void loadTestPage() throws IOException { String body = performGet(""); checkLogin(body); checkMails(body); } public String performGetFullVersion(String s) throws IOException { HttpHelper httpHelper = new HttpHelper(HttpHelper.FULL_USER_AGENT); //HttpHelper httpHelper = new HttpHelper(); String res = null; try { // s=""; res = httpHelper.performGet(s); } finally { httpHelper.close(); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(res)) throw new NotReportException(App.getContext().getString(R.string.server_return_empty_page)); // m_HttpHelper.close(); return res; } public String performGet(String s) throws IOException { return performGet(s, true, true); } public String performGet(String s, Boolean checkEmptyResult, Boolean checkLoginAndMails) throws IOException { HttpHelper httpHelper = new HttpHelper(); String res = null; try { // s=""; res = httpHelper.performGet(s); } finally { httpHelper.close(); } if (checkEmptyResult && TextUtils.isEmpty(res)) throw new NotReportException(App.getContext().getString(R.string.server_return_empty_page)); else if (checkLoginAndMails) { checkLogin(res); if (!s.contains("xhr")) checkMails(res); } // m_HttpHelper.close(); return res; } public String performPost(String s, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders) throws IOException { HttpHelper httpHelper = new HttpHelper(); String res = null; try { // s=""; res = httpHelper.performPost(s, additionalHeaders); // m_HttpHelper.close(); } finally { httpHelper.close(); } return res; } public String uploadFile(String url, String filePath, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders , ProgressState progress) throws Exception { HttpHelper httpHelper = new HttpHelper(); String res = null; try { // s=""; res = httpHelper.uploadFile(url, filePath, additionalHeaders, progress); // m_HttpHelper.close(); } finally { httpHelper.close(); } return res; } @Override public CookieStore getCookieStore() throws IOException { HttpHelper httpHelper = new HttpHelper(); try { return httpHelper.getCookieStore(); } finally { httpHelper.close(); } } public String performPost(String s, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders, String encoding) throws IOException { HttpHelper httpHelper = new HttpHelper(); String res = null; try { // s=""; res = httpHelper.performPost(s, additionalHeaders, encoding); // m_HttpHelper.close(); } finally { httpHelper.close(); } return res; } @Override public String performPost(String s, List<NameValuePair> additionalHeaders) throws IOException { HttpHelper httpHelper = new HttpHelper(); String res = null; try { // s=""; res = httpHelper.performPost(s, additionalHeaders); // m_HttpHelper.close(); } finally { httpHelper.close(); } return res; } public List<Cookie> getCookies() throws IOException { HttpHelper httpHelper = new HttpHelper(); try { return httpHelper.getCookies(); } finally { httpHelper.close(); } } public Users getTopicWritersUsers(String topicId) throws IOException { return org.softeg.slartus.forpdaapi.TopicApi.getWriters(this, topicId); } public static Client getInstance() { return INSTANCE; //To change body of created methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public Boolean likeNews(String postId) throws IOException { return, postId); } public Boolean likeComment(final String id, final String comment) throws IOException { return NewsApi.likeComment(this, id, comment); } public interface OnUserChangedListener { void onUserChanged(String user, Boolean success); } public void doOnUserChangedListener(String user, Boolean success) { for (OnUserChangedListener listener : m_OnUserChangeListeners.getListeners()) { listener.onUserChanged(user, success); } } private Observer<OnUserChangedListener> m_OnUserChangeListeners = new Observer<OnUserChangedListener>(); public void addOnUserChangedListener(OnUserChangedListener p) { m_OnUserChangeListeners.addStrongListener(p); } public interface OnMailListener { void onMail(int count); } public void doOnMailListener() { for (OnMailListener listener : m_OnMailListeners.getListeners()) { listener.onMail(0); } } private Observer<OnMailListener> m_OnMailListeners = new Observer<OnMailListener>(); public void addOnMailListener(OnMailListener p) { m_OnMailListeners.addStrongListener(p); } public interface OnProgressPositionChangedListener { void onProgressChanged(Context context, DownloadTask downloadTask, Exception ex); } public void doOnOnProgressChanged(OnProgressChangedListener listener, String state) { if (listener != null) { listener.onProgressChanged(state); } } public void showLoginForm(Context mContext, final OnUserChangedListener onUserChangedListener) { try { final LoginDialog loginDialog = new LoginDialog(mContext); MaterialDialog dialog = new MaterialDialog.Builder(mContext) .title(R.string.login) .customView(loginDialog.getView(), true) .positiveText(R.string.login) .negativeText(R.string.cancel) .callback(new MaterialDialog.ButtonCallback() { @Override public void onPositive(MaterialDialog dialog) { loginDialog.connect(onUserChangedListener); } }) .build(); dialog.getWindow().setSoftInputMode(WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE);; } catch (Exception ex) { AppLog.e(mContext, ex); } } public String getUser() { return m_User; } private Boolean m_Logined = false; public Boolean getLogined() { return m_Logined; } private String m_LoginFailedReason; public String getLoginFailedReason() { return m_LoginFailedReason; } public String reply(String forumId, String themeId, String authKey, String post, Boolean enablesig, Boolean enableemo, Boolean quick, String addedFileList) throws IOException { return reply(forumId, themeId, authKey, null, post, enablesig, enableemo, quick, addedFileList); } public String reply(String forumId, String themeId, String authKey, String attachPostKey, String post, Boolean enablesig, Boolean enableemo, Boolean quick, String addedFileList) throws IOException { return PostApi.reply(this, forumId, themeId, authKey, attachPostKey, post, enablesig, enableemo, addedFileList, quick); } public Boolean login(String login, String password, Boolean privacy, String capVal, String capTime, String capSig, String session) throws Exception { HttpHelper httpHelper = new HttpHelper(); try { // httpHelper.clearCookies(); // httpHelper.writeExternalCookies(); final HttpHelper finalHttpHelper = httpHelper; LoginResult loginResult = ProfileApi.login(new IHttpClient() { public String performGetWithCheckLogin(String s, OnProgressChangedListener beforeGetPage, OnProgressChangedListener afterGetPage) throws IOException { return null; } public String performGet(String s, Boolean b, Boolean bb) throws IOException { return null; } public String performGet(String s) throws IOException { return null; } @Override public String performGetFullVersion(String s) throws IOException { return null; } public String performPost(String s, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders) throws IOException { String res = null; try { // s=""; res = finalHttpHelper.performPost(s, additionalHeaders); checkLogin(res); finalHttpHelper.writeExternalCookies(); } catch (Exception ignored) { } finally { finalHttpHelper.close(); } return res; } public String performPost(String s, List<NameValuePair> additionalHeaders) throws IOException { String res = null; try { // s=""; res = finalHttpHelper.performPost(s, additionalHeaders); checkLogin(res); finalHttpHelper.writeExternalCookies(); } catch (Exception ignored) { } finally { finalHttpHelper.close(); } return res; } public String performPost(String s, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders, String encoding) throws IOException { String res = null; try { // s=""; res = finalHttpHelper.performPost(s, additionalHeaders, encoding); checkLogin(res); finalHttpHelper.writeExternalCookies(); } catch (Exception ignored) { } finally { finalHttpHelper.close(); } return res; } @Override public String uploadFile(String url, String filePath, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders, ProgressState progress) throws Exception { return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } @Override public CookieStore getCookieStore() throws IOException { try { return finalHttpHelper.getCookieStore(); } finally { finalHttpHelper.close(); } } }, login, password, privacy, capVal, capTime, capSig, session); m_Logined = loginResult.isSuccess(); m_LoginFailedReason = m_Logined ? null : loginResult.getLoginError().toString(); // m_SessionId = outParams.get("SessionId"); m_User = loginResult.getUserLogin().toString(); m_K = loginResult.getK().toString(); httpHelper.getCookieStore().addCookie(new SimpleCookie("4pda.UserId", loginResult.getUserId().toString())); httpHelper.getCookieStore().addCookie(new SimpleCookie("4pda.User", m_User)); httpHelper.getCookieStore().addCookie(new SimpleCookie("4pda.K", m_K)); httpHelper.writeExternalCookies(); } finally { httpHelper.close(); } return m_Logined; } private final Pattern checkLoginPattern = PatternExtensions.compile("<a href=\"(\\?showuser=(\\d+)\">(.*?)</a></b> \\( <a href=\"(\\?act=Login&CODE=03&k=([a-z0-9]{32})\">Выход</a>"); public void checkLoginByCookies() { try { HttpHelper httpHelper = null; try { httpHelper = new HttpHelper(); if (checkLogin(httpHelper.getCookieStore())) { m_Logined = true; } } finally { if (httpHelper != null) httpHelper.finalize(); } } catch (Throwable ignored) { } finally { doOnUserChangedListener(m_User, m_Logined); } } public Boolean checkLogin(CookieStore cookies) { if (cookies == null) return false; m_User = ""; m_K = ""; Cookie memberIdCookie = null; for (Cookie cookie : cookies.getCookies()) { if ("4pda.UserId".equals(cookie.getName())) { UserId = cookie.getValue(); } else if ("4pda.User".equals(cookie.getName())) { m_User = cookie.getValue(); } else if ("4pda.K".equals(cookie.getName())) { m_K = cookie.getValue(); } else if ("member_id".equals(cookie.getName())) { memberIdCookie = cookie; } } return !TextUtils.isEmpty(m_User) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(UserId) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(m_K) && memberIdCookie != null && UserId.equals(memberIdCookie.getValue()); } public void checkLogin(String pageBody) { try { HttpHelper httpHelper = null; try { httpHelper = new HttpHelper(); if (checkLogin(httpHelper.getCookieStore())) { m_Logined = true; return; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(m_User) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(UserId) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(m_K)) { List<Cookie> cookies = httpHelper.getLastCookies(); for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { if ("member_id".equals(cookie.getName())) { if (UserId.equals(cookie.getValue())) { m_Logined = true; return; } break; } } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (httpHelper != null) httpHelper.close(); } Matcher m = checkLoginPattern.matcher(pageBody); if (m.find()) { UserId =; m_User =; m_K =; m_Logined = true; } else { m_Logined = false; m_User = "гость"; m_K = ""; UserId = ""; } } finally { doOnUserChangedListener(m_User, m_Logined); } } private int m_QmsCount = 0; public int getQmsCount() { return m_QmsCount; } public void setQmsCount(int count) { m_QmsCount = count; } public void checkMails(String pageBody) { m_QmsCount = QmsApi.getNewQmsCount(pageBody); doOnMailListener(); } public Boolean logout() throws Throwable { String res = ProfileApi.logout(this, m_K); HttpHelper httpHelper = new HttpHelper(); try { httpHelper.clearCookies(); httpHelper.writeExternalCookies(); } finally { httpHelper.close(); } checkLogin(res); if (m_Logined) m_LoginFailedReason = App.getContext().getString(R.string.bad_logout); return !m_Logined; } public Forum loadForums() throws Exception { return ForumsTableOld.loadForumsTree(); } public String loadPageAndCheckLogin(String url, OnProgressChangedListener progressChangedListener) throws IOException { doOnOnProgressChanged(progressChangedListener, App.getContext().getString(R.string.receiving_data)); String body = performGet(url); doOnOnProgressChanged(progressChangedListener, App.getContext().getString(R.string.processing_data)); /*Matcher headerMatcher = PatternExtensions.compile("<body>([\\s\\S]*?)globalmess").matcher(body); if (headerMatcher.find()) { checkLogin(; checkMails(; } else { checkLogin(body); checkMails(body); }*/ return body; } //loadTopic private final static Pattern pollFormPattern = Pattern.compile("<form[^>]*action=\"[^\"]*addpoll=1[^\"]*\"[^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)</form>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private final static Pattern pollTitlePattern = Pattern.compile("<b>(.*?)</b>"); private final static Pattern pollQuestionsPattern = Pattern.compile("strong>(.*?)</strong[\\s\\S]*?table[^>]*?>([\\s\\S]*?)</table>"); private final static Pattern pollVotedPattern = Pattern.compile("(<input[^>]*?>) <b>([^>]*)</b>"); private final static Pattern pollNotVotedPattern = Pattern.compile("<td[^>]*>([^<]*?)</td><td[^\\[]*\\[ <b>(.*?)</b>[^\\[]*\\[([^\\]]*)"); private final static Pattern pollBottomPattern = Pattern.compile("<td class=\"row1\" colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\"><b>([^<]*?)</b>[\\s\\S]*?class=\"formbuttonrow\">([\\s\\S]*?)</td"); private final static Pattern beforePostsPattern = PatternExtensions.compile("^([\\s\\S]*?)<div data-post"); //1 - id поста //2 - дата //3 - номер поста //4 - ник //5 - урл аватарки //6 - куратор или нет, если нет, то null //7 - группа //8 - online|offline //9 - id юзера //10 - репа //11 - + - репы, действия //12 - класс тела //13 - тело //Да простит меня господь за это. Действие во благо не счетается грехом, ведь верно? //А разве может быть иначе? private final static Pattern postsPattern = Pattern.compile("<div data-post=\"(\\d+)\"[^>]*>[\\s\\S]*?post_date[^>]*?>(.*?) [^#]*#(\\d+)[\\s\\S]*?font color=\"([^\"]*?)\"[\\s\\S]*?data-av=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]*?>([^>]*?)<[\\s\\S]*?<a href=\"[^\"]*?showuser=(\\d+)\"[\\s\\S]*?<span[^>]*?post_user_info[^>]*?>(<strong[\\s\\S]*?<\\/strong>(?:<br[^>]*?>))?(?:<span[^<]*?color:[^;']*[^>]*?>)?([\\s\\S]*?)(?:<\\/span>|)(?: \\| [^<]*?)?<\\/span>([\\s\\S]*?<span[^>]*?ajaxrep[^>]*?>([^<]*?)<\\/span>[\\s\\S]*?)<div class=\"post_body([^\"]*?)\"[^>]*?>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/div><\\/div>(?=<div data-post=\"\\d+\"[^>]*>|<!-- TABLE FOOTER -->|<div class=\"topic_foot_nav\">)", Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); String np = "<div data-post=\"(\\d+)\"[^>]*>[\\s\\S]*?post_date[^>]*?>(.*?) [^#]*#(\\d+)[\\s\\S]*?font color=\"([^\"]*?)\"[\\s\\S]*?\\[B\\](.*?),\\[\\/B\\]\\s*'\\)\"\\s*data-av=\"([^\"]*)\">[\\s\\S]*?<a href=\"[^\"]*?showuser=(\\d+)\"[\\s\\S]*?<span class=\"post_user_info[^\"]*\"[^>]*>(<strong[\\s\\S]*?<\\/strong><br[^>]*>)?(<span[^>]*?>[^<]*?<\\/span>)[\\s\\S]*?<br[^>]*?>([\\s\\S]*?<span[^>]*?ajaxrep[^>]*?>(\\d+)<\\/span>[\\s\\S]*?)<div class=\"post_body([^\"]*?)\"[^>]*?>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/div><\\/div>(?=<div data-post=\"\\d+\"[^>]*>|<!-- TABLE FOOTER -->)"; private final static Pattern editPattern = PatternExtensions.compile("do=edit_post[^\"]*\""); private final static Pattern deletePattern = PatternExtensions.compile("onclick=\"[^\"]*seMODdel"); //createTopic private final static Pattern navStripPattern = PatternExtensions.compile("<div id=\"navstrip\">(.*?)</div>"); private final static Pattern userPattern = PatternExtensions.compile("act=login&CODE=03&k=([a-z0-9]{32})"); private final static Pattern titlePattern = PatternExtensions.compile("<title>(.*?) - 4PDA</title>"); private final static Pattern descriptionPattern = PatternExtensions.compile("<div class=\"topic_title_post\">([^<]*)<"); private final static Pattern moderatorTitlePattern = PatternExtensions.compile("onclick=\"return setpidchecks\\(this.checked\\);\".*?> (.*?)<"); private final static Pattern pagesCountPattern = PatternExtensions.compile("var pages = parseInt\\((\\d+)\\);"); private final static Pattern lastPageStartPattern = PatternExtensions.compile("<a href=\"([^\"]*?\\/forum\\/index.php\\?showtopic=\\d+&st=(\\d+)\""); private final static Pattern currentPagePattern = PatternExtensions.compile("<span class=\"pagecurrent\">(\\d+)</span>"); public TopicBodyBuilder parseTopic(String topicPageBody, Context context, String themeUrl, Boolean spoilFirstPost) throws IOException { Log.d("kek", "redirected final theme url = " + themeUrl); checkLogin(topicPageBody); Pattern pattern = PatternExtensions.compile("showtopic=(\\d+)(&(.*))?"); Matcher m = pattern.matcher(themeUrl); String topicId = null; String urlParams = null; if (m.find()) { topicId =; urlParams =; } return loadTopic(context, topicId, topicPageBody, spoilFirstPost, m_Logined, urlParams); } public static ExtTopic createTopic(String id, String page) { String title = ""; Matcher m = titlePattern.matcher(page); if (m.find()) { title =; } ExtTopic topic = new ExtTopic(id, title); m = descriptionPattern.matcher(page); if (m.find()) { topic.setDescription( + ", ", "")); } else { m = moderatorTitlePattern.matcher(page); if (m.find()) topic.setDescription( + ", ", "")); } m = navStripPattern.matcher(page); if (m.find()) { final Pattern forumPatter = PatternExtensions.compile("<a href=\"([^\"]*?\\/forum\\/index.php\\?.*?showforum=(\\d+).*?\">(.*?)<\\/a>"); Matcher forumMatcher = forumPatter.matcher(; while (forumMatcher.find()) { if ("10")) topic.setPostVote(false); topic.setForumId(; topic.setForumTitle(; } } if (Client.getInstance().getAuthKey() != null && !Client.getInstance().getAuthKey().isEmpty()) topic.setAuthKey(Client.getInstance().getAuthKey()); m = pagesCountPattern.matcher(page); if (m.find()) { topic.setPagesCount(; } m = lastPageStartPattern.matcher(page); while (m.find()) { topic.setLastPageStartCount(; } m = currentPagePattern.matcher(page); if (m.find()) { topic.setCurrentPage(; } else topic.setCurrentPage("1"); return topic; } private TopicBodyBuilder loadTopic(Context context, String id, String topicBody, Boolean spoilFirstPost, Boolean logined, String urlParams) throws IOException { Matcher mainMatcher = beforePostsPattern.matcher(topicBody); if (!mainMatcher.find()) { Matcher errorMatcher = Pattern.compile("<div class=\"wr va-m text\">([\\s\\S]*?)</div>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) .matcher(topicBody); if (errorMatcher.find()) { throw new NotReportException(; } Pattern errorPattern = PatternExtensions.compile("<div class=\"errorwrap\">([\\s\\S]*?)</div>"); errorMatcher = errorPattern.matcher(topicBody); if (errorMatcher.find()) { final Pattern errorReasonPattern = PatternExtensions.compile("<p>(.*?)</p>"); Matcher errorReasonMatcher = errorReasonPattern.matcher(; if (errorReasonMatcher.find()) { throw new NotReportException(; } } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(topicBody)) throw new NotReportException(context.getString(R.string.server_return_empty_page)); if (topicBody.startsWith("<h1>")) throw new NotReportException(context.getString(R.string.site_response) + Html.fromHtml(topicBody).toString()); throw new IOException(context.getString(R.string.error_parsing_page) + " id=" + id); } Boolean isWebviewAllowJavascriptInterface = Functions.isWebviewAllowJavascriptInterface(context); ExtTopic topic = createTopic(id,; topicBody = topicBody.replace("^[\\s\\S]*?<div data-post", "<div data-post").replace("<div class=\"topic_foot_nav\">[\\s\\S]*", "<div class=\"topic_foot_nav\">"); TopicBodyBuilder topicBodyBuilder = new TopicBodyBuilder(context, logined, topic, urlParams, isWebviewAllowJavascriptInterface); //Boolean browserStyle = prefs.getBoolean("theme.BrowserStylePreRemove", false); topicBodyBuilder.beginTopic(); //>>ОПРОС Matcher pollMatcher = pollFormPattern.matcher(; if (pollMatcher.find()) { String pollSource =; StringBuilder pollBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String percent; Matcher temp; pollBuilder.append("<form action=\"modules.php\" method=\"get\">"); pollMatcher = pollTitlePattern.matcher(pollSource); if (pollMatcher.find()) { if (!"-")) pollBuilder.append("<div class=\"poll_title\"><span>").append("</span></div>"); } pollBuilder.append("<div class=\"poll_body\">"); boolean voted = false; pollMatcher = pollQuestionsPattern.matcher(pollSource); while (pollMatcher.find()) { if (!"input")) voted = true; pollBuilder.append("<div class=\"poll_theme\">"); pollBuilder.append("<div class=\"theme_title\"><span>").append("</span></div>"); pollBuilder.append("<div class=\"items").append(voted ? " voted" : "").append("\">"); if (voted) { temp = pollNotVotedPattern.matcher(; while (temp.find()) { pollBuilder.append("<div class=\"item\">"); pollBuilder.append("<span class=\"name\"><span>").append("</span></span>"); pollBuilder.append("<span class=\"num_votes\"><span>").append("</span></span>"); pollBuilder.append("<div class=\"range\">"); percent =",", "."); pollBuilder.append("<div class=\"range_bar\" style=\"width:").append(percent).append(";\"></div>"); pollBuilder.append("<span class=\"value\"><span>").append(percent).append("</span></span>"); pollBuilder.append("</div>"); pollBuilder.append("</div>"); } } else { temp = pollVotedPattern.matcher(; while (temp.find()) { pollBuilder.append("<label class=\"item\">"); pollBuilder.append(; pollBuilder.append("<span class=\"icon\"></span>"); pollBuilder.append("<span class=\"item_body\"><span class=\"name\">").append("</span></span>"); pollBuilder.append("</label>"); } } pollBuilder.append("</div>"); pollBuilder.append("</div>"); } pollBuilder.append("</div>"); pollMatcher = pollBottomPattern.matcher(pollSource); if (pollMatcher.find()) { pollBuilder.append("<div class=\"votes_info\"><span>").append("</span></div>"); if (logined) { pollBuilder.append("<div class=\"buttons\">").append("</div>"); } } pollBuilder.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"addpoll\" value=\"1\" /></form>"); topicBodyBuilder.addPoll( pollBuilder.toString() .replace("go_gadget_show()", ForPdaWebInterface.NAME + ".go_gadget_show()") .replace("go_gadget_vote()", ForPdaWebInterface.NAME + ".go_gadget_vote()"), urlParams != null && urlParams.contains("poll_open=true")); } //<<опрос topicBodyBuilder.openPostsList(); mainMatcher = postsPattern.matcher(topicBody); //String today = Functions.getToday(); //String yesterday = Functions.getYesterToday(); org.softeg.slartus.forpdaplus.classes.Post post = null; Boolean spoil = spoilFirstPost; String str; Matcher m; while (mainMatcher.find()) { post = new org.softeg.slartus.forpdaplus.classes.Post(,,; post.setUserState(; post.setAvatarFileName(; post.setAuthor(; post.setUserId(; if ( != null) { post.setCurator(); } post.setUserGroup(; str =; if (str.contains("win_minus")) { post.setCanMinusRep(true); } if (str.contains("win_add")) { post.setCanPlusRep(true); } m = editPattern.matcher(str); if (m.find()) { post.setCanEdit(true); } m = deletePattern.matcher(str); if (m.find()) { post.setCanDelete(true); // если автор поста не совпадает с текущим пользователем и есть возможность удалить-значит, модератор if (post.getUserId() != null && !post.getUserId().equals(Client.getInstance().UserId)) { topicBodyBuilder.setMMod(true); } } post.setUserReputation(; post.setBody("<div class=\"post_body " + + "\">" + + "</div>"); topicBodyBuilder.addPost(post, spoil); spoil = false; } topicBodyBuilder.endTopic(); return topicBodyBuilder; } public TopicReadingUsers getTopicReadingUsers(String topicId) throws IOException { return TopicApi.getReadingUsers(this, topicId); } public void markAllForumAsRead() throws Throwable { ForumsApi.markAllAsRead(this); } public String getThemeForumId(CharSequence themeId) throws IOException { String res = performGet("" + themeId + ".html"); return parseForumId(res); } private String parseForumId(String pageBody) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("<div class='ipbnav'>.*<a href='\\?f(\\d+).html'>.*?</a></div>", Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = pattern.matcher(pageBody); if (m.find()) { return; } else { return null; } } private void setThemeForumAndAuthKey(ExtTopic topic) throws IOException { String res = performGet("" + topic.getId() + ".html"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(topic.getForumId())) { String forumId = parseForumId(res); if (forumId != null) { topic.setForumId(forumId); LogUtil.E("BOOM DOOM", "forum id " + forumId); } } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(topic.getAuthKey())) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("name=\"auth_key\" value=\"(.*)\"", Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = pattern.matcher(res); if (m.find()) { topic.setAuthKey(; LogUtil.E("BOOM DOOM", "key " +; } } } public DownloadTask downloadFile(Context context, String url, int notificationId, String tempFilePath) { DownloadTask downloadTask = m_DownloadTasks.add(url, notificationId, null); Intent intent = new Intent(context, DownloadsService.class); intent.putExtra(DownloadsService.DOWNLOAD_FILE_ID_KEY, notificationId); intent.putExtra(DownloadsService.DOWNLOAD_FILE_TEMP_NAME_KEY, tempFilePath); intent.putExtra("receiver", new DownloadReceiver(new Handler(), context)); context.startService(intent); return downloadTask; } private DownloadTasks m_DownloadTasks = new DownloadTasks(); public DownloadTasks getDownloadTasks() { return m_DownloadTasks; } }