/** * Copyright 2015-2017 The OpenZipkin Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package zipkin; import java.net.Inet4Address; import java.net.Inet6Address; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; public class EndpointTest { @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); @Test public void messageWhenMissingServiceName() { thrown.expect(NullPointerException.class); thrown.expectMessage("serviceName"); Endpoint.builder().ipv4(127 << 24 | 1).build(); } @Test public void missingIpv4CoercesTo0() { assertThat(Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").build().ipv4) .isEqualTo(0); } @Test public void builderWithPort_0CoercesToNull() { assertThat(Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").port(0).build().port) .isNull(); } @Test public void builderWithPort_highest() { short port = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").port(65535).build().port; assertThat(port) .isEqualTo((short) -1); // an unsigned short of 65535 is the same as -1 assertThat(port & 0xffff) .isEqualTo(65535); } @Test public void builderWithPort_highest_short() { short port = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").port(new Short((short) 65535)).build().port; assertThat(port) .isEqualTo((short) -1); // an unsigned short of 65535 is the same as -1 assertThat(port & 0xffff) .isEqualTo(65535); } @Test public void ip_addr_ipv4() throws UnknownHostException { Endpoint.Builder builder = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo"); assertThat(builder.parseIp(Inet4Address.getByName(""))).isTrue(); Endpoint endpoint = builder.build(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv4) .isEqualTo(1 << 24 | 2 << 16 | 3 << 8 | 4); assertThat(endpoint.ipv6) .isNull(); } @Test public void ip_string_ipv4() throws UnknownHostException { Endpoint.Builder builder = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo"); assertThat(builder.parseIp("")).isTrue(); Endpoint endpoint = builder.build(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv4) .isEqualTo(1 << 24 | 2 << 16 | 3 << 8 | 4); assertThat(endpoint.ipv6) .isNull(); } @Test public void ipv6() throws UnknownHostException { byte[] ipv6 = Inet6Address.getByName("2001:db8::c001").getAddress(); Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").ipv6(ipv6).build(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv4) .isEqualTo(0); assertThat(endpoint.ipv6) .isEqualTo(ipv6); } @Test public void ip_addr_ipv6() throws UnknownHostException { InetAddress ipv6 = Inet6Address.getByName("2001:db8::c001"); Endpoint.Builder builder = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo"); assertThat(builder.parseIp(ipv6)).isTrue(); Endpoint endpoint = builder.build(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv4) .isEqualTo(0); assertThat(endpoint.ipv6) .isEqualTo(ipv6.getAddress()); } @Test public void ip_string_ipv6() throws UnknownHostException { byte[] ipv6 = Inet6Address.getByName("2001:db8::c001").getAddress(); Endpoint.Builder builder = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo"); assertThat(builder.parseIp("2001:db8::c001")).isTrue(); Endpoint endpoint = builder.build(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv4) .isEqualTo(0); assertThat(endpoint.ipv6) .isEqualTo(ipv6); } @Test public void ipv6_mappedIpv4() throws UnknownHostException { // ::FFFF: byte[] ipv6_mapped = new byte[16]; ipv6_mapped[10] = (byte) 0xff; ipv6_mapped[11] = (byte) 0xff; ipv6_mapped[12] = (byte) 1; ipv6_mapped[13] = (byte) 2; ipv6_mapped[14] = (byte) 3; ipv6_mapped[15] = (byte) 4; Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").ipv6(ipv6_mapped).build(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv4) .isEqualTo(1 << 24 | 2 << 16 | 3 << 8 | 4); assertThat(endpoint.ipv6) .isNull(); } @Test public void ip_string_mappedIpv4() throws UnknownHostException { Endpoint.Builder builder = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo"); assertThat(builder.parseIp("::FFFF:")).isTrue(); Endpoint endpoint = builder.build(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv4) .isEqualTo(1 << 24 | 2 << 16 | 3 << 8 | 4); assertThat(endpoint.ipv6) .isNull(); } @Test public void ip_string_compatIpv4() throws UnknownHostException { Endpoint.Builder builder = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo"); assertThat(builder.parseIp("::0000:")).isTrue(); Endpoint endpoint = builder.build(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv4) .isEqualTo(1 << 24 | 2 << 16 | 3 << 8 | 4); assertThat(endpoint.ipv6) .isNull(); } @Test public void ipv6_notMappedIpv4() throws UnknownHostException { // ::FFEF: byte[] ipv6_mapped = new byte[16]; ipv6_mapped[10] = (byte) 0xff; ipv6_mapped[11] = (byte) 0xef; ipv6_mapped[12] = (byte) 1; ipv6_mapped[13] = (byte) 2; ipv6_mapped[14] = (byte) 3; ipv6_mapped[15] = (byte) 4; Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").ipv6(ipv6_mapped).build(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv4) .isZero(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv6) .isEqualTo(ipv6_mapped); } @Test public void ipv6_compatIpv4() throws UnknownHostException { // :: byte[] ipv6_mapped = new byte[16]; ipv6_mapped[12] = (byte) 1; ipv6_mapped[13] = (byte) 2; ipv6_mapped[14] = (byte) 3; ipv6_mapped[15] = (byte) 4; Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").ipv6(ipv6_mapped).build(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv4) .isEqualTo(1 << 24 | 2 << 16 | 3 << 8 | 4); assertThat(endpoint.ipv6) .isNull(); } /** This ensures we don't mistake IPv6 localhost for a mapped IPv4 */ @Test public void ipv6_localhost() throws UnknownHostException { byte[] ipv6_localhost = new byte[16]; ipv6_localhost[15] = 1; Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").ipv6(ipv6_localhost).build(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv4) .isZero(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv6) .isEqualTo(ipv6_localhost); } /** This ensures we don't mistake IPv6 localhost for a mapped IPv4 */ @Test public void ip_string_ipv6_localhost() throws UnknownHostException { byte[] ipv6_localhost = new byte[16]; ipv6_localhost[15] = 1; Endpoint.Builder builder = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo"); assertThat(builder.parseIp("::1")).isTrue(); Endpoint endpoint = builder.build(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv4) .isZero(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv6) .isEqualTo(ipv6_localhost); } /** This is an unusable compat Ipv4 of This makes sure it isn't mistaken for localhost */ @Test public void ipv6_notLocalhost() throws UnknownHostException { byte[] ipv6_localhost = new byte[16]; ipv6_localhost[15] = 2; Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").ipv6(ipv6_localhost).build(); assertThat(endpoint.ipv4) .isEqualTo(2); assertThat(endpoint.ipv6) .isNull(); } /** The integer arg of port should be a whole number */ @Test public void builderWithPort_negativeIsInvalid() { assertThat(Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").port(-1).build().port).isNull(); } /** The integer arg of port should fit in a 16bit unsigned value */ @Test public void builderWithPort_tooHighIsInvalid() { thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); thrown.expectMessage("invalid port 65536"); Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").port(65536).build(); } @Test public void lowercasesServiceName() { assertThat(Endpoint.builder().serviceName("fFf").ipv4(127 << 24 | 1).build().serviceName) .isEqualTo("fff"); } @Test public void testToStringIsJson_minimal() { assertThat(Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").build()) .hasToString("{\"serviceName\":\"foo\"}"); } @Test public void testToStringIsJson_ipv4() { assertThat(Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").ipv4(127 << 24 | 1).build()) .hasToString("{\"serviceName\":\"foo\",\"ipv4\":\"\"}"); } @Test public void testToStringIsJson_ipv4Port() { assertThat(Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo").ipv4(127 << 24 | 1).port(80).build()) .hasToString("{\"serviceName\":\"foo\",\"ipv4\":\"\",\"port\":80}"); } @Test public void testToStringIsJson_ipv6() { assertThat(Endpoint.builder().serviceName("foo") // Cheat so we don't have to catch an exception here .ipv6(sun.net.util.IPAddressUtil.textToNumericFormatV6("2001:db8::c001")).build()) .hasToString("{\"serviceName\":\"foo\",\"ipv6\":\"2001:db8::c001\"}"); } }