/** * Copyright 2015-2017 The OpenZipkin Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package zipkin.collector.kafka10; import com.github.charithe.kafka.EphemeralKafkaBroker; import com.github.charithe.kafka.KafkaJunitRule; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.curator.test.InstanceSpec; import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer; import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord; import org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.ClassRule; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import org.junit.rules.Timeout; import zipkin.Codec; import zipkin.Span; import zipkin.collector.InMemoryCollectorMetrics; import zipkin.collector.kafka10.KafkaCollector.Builder; import zipkin.storage.AsyncSpanConsumer; import zipkin.storage.AsyncSpanStore; import zipkin.storage.SpanStore; import zipkin.storage.StorageComponent; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; import static zipkin.TestObjects.TRACE; public class KafkaCollectorTest { private static final int RANDOM_PORT = -1; private static final EphemeralKafkaBroker broker = EphemeralKafkaBroker.create(RANDOM_PORT, RANDOM_PORT, buildBrokerConfig()); @ClassRule public static KafkaJunitRule kafka = new KafkaJunitRule(broker).waitForStartup(); @ClassRule public static Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(20); @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); InMemoryCollectorMetrics metrics = new InMemoryCollectorMetrics(); InMemoryCollectorMetrics kafkaMetrics = metrics.forTransport("kafka"); CopyOnWriteArraySet<Thread> threadsProvidingSpans = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); LinkedBlockingQueue<List<Span>> receivedSpans = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); AsyncSpanConsumer consumer = (spans, callback) -> { threadsProvidingSpans.add(Thread.currentThread()); receivedSpans.add(spans); callback.onSuccess(null); }; private KafkaProducer<byte[], byte[]> producer; private static Properties buildBrokerConfig() { final Properties config = new Properties(); config.setProperty("num.partitions", "2"); return config; } @Before public void setup() { producer = kafka.helper().createByteProducer(); } @After public void teardown() { producer.close(); } @Test public void checkPasses() throws Exception { try (KafkaCollector collector = builder("check_passes").build()) { assertThat(collector.check().ok).isTrue(); } } @Test public void start_failsOnInvalidBootstrapServers() throws Exception { thrown.expect(KafkaException.class); thrown.expectMessage("Failed to construct kafka consumer"); Builder builder = builder("fail_invalid_bootstrap_servers").bootstrapServers(""); try (KafkaCollector collector = builder.build()) { collector.start(); } } /** * If the Kafka broker(s) specified in the connection string are not available, the Kafka * consumer library will attempt to reconnect indefinitely. The Kafka consumer will not throw * an exception and does not expose the status of its connection to the Kafka broker(s) in its * API. The only control over this behavior provided is setting the delay between reconnection * attempts. This is controlled through the consumer config property "reconnect.backoff.ms", * which defaults to a value of 50. * * In this case, "unavailable" means that the Kafka consumer cannot establish a connection to * at least one of the hostname/IP and port combinations provided in the bootstrap * brokers list. * * There is an opportunity to improve visibility by having {@link KafkaCollector#check()} * interrogate the metrics provided by the Kafka consumer (see * {@link org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer#metrics()}) to determine whether * connectivity to Kafka appears to be up based on observed activity. */ @Test public void reconnectsIndefinitelyAndReportsHealthyWhenKafkaUnavailable() throws Exception { Builder builder = builder("fail_invalid_bootstrap_servers") .bootstrapServers("localhost:" + InstanceSpec.getRandomPort()); try (KafkaCollector collector = builder.build()) { collector.start(); Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1)); assertThat(collector.check().ok).isTrue(); } } /** Ensures legacy encoding works: a single TBinaryProtocol encoded span */ @Test public void messageWithSingleThriftSpan() throws Exception { Builder builder = builder("single_span"); byte[] bytes = Codec.THRIFT.writeSpan(TRACE.get(0)); produceSpans(bytes, builder.topic); try (KafkaCollector collector = builder.build()) { collector.start(); assertThat(receivedSpans.take()).containsExactly(TRACE.get(0)); } assertThat(kafkaMetrics.messages()).isEqualTo(1); assertThat(kafkaMetrics.bytes()).isEqualTo(bytes.length); assertThat(kafkaMetrics.spans()).isEqualTo(1); } /** Ensures list encoding works: a TBinaryProtocol encoded list of spans */ @Test public void messageWithMultipleSpans_thrift() throws Exception { Builder builder = builder("multiple_spans_thrift"); byte[] bytes = Codec.THRIFT.writeSpans(TRACE); produceSpans(bytes, builder.topic); try (KafkaCollector collector = builder.build()) { collector.start(); assertThat(receivedSpans.take()).containsExactlyElementsOf(TRACE); } assertThat(kafkaMetrics.messages()).isEqualTo(1); assertThat(kafkaMetrics.bytes()).isEqualTo(bytes.length); assertThat(kafkaMetrics.spans()).isEqualTo(TRACE.size()); } /** Ensures list encoding works: a json encoded list of spans */ @Test public void messageWithMultipleSpans_json() throws Exception { Builder builder = builder("multiple_spans_json"); byte[] bytes = Codec.JSON.writeSpans(TRACE); produceSpans(bytes, builder.topic); try (KafkaCollector collector = builder.build()) { collector.start(); assertThat(receivedSpans.take()).containsExactlyElementsOf(TRACE); } assertThat(kafkaMetrics.messages()).isEqualTo(1); assertThat(kafkaMetrics.bytes()).isEqualTo(bytes.length); assertThat(kafkaMetrics.spans()).isEqualTo(TRACE.size()); } /** Ensures malformed spans don't hang the collector */ @Test public void skipsMalformedData() throws Exception { Builder builder = builder("decoder_exception"); produceSpans(Codec.THRIFT.writeSpans(TRACE), builder.topic); produceSpans(new byte[0], builder.topic); produceSpans("[\"='".getBytes(), builder.topic); // screwed up json produceSpans("malformed".getBytes(), builder.topic); produceSpans(Codec.THRIFT.writeSpans(TRACE), builder.topic); try (KafkaCollector collector = builder.build()) { collector.start(); assertThat(receivedSpans.take()).containsExactlyElementsOf(TRACE); // the only way we could read this, is if the malformed spans were skipped. assertThat(receivedSpans.take()).containsExactlyElementsOf(TRACE); } assertThat(kafkaMetrics.messagesDropped()).isEqualTo(3); } /** Guards against errors that leak from storage, such as InvalidQueryException */ @Test public void skipsOnSpanConsumerException() throws Exception { AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(); final StorageComponent storage = buildStorage((spans, callback) -> { if (counter.getAndIncrement() == 1) { callback.onError(new RuntimeException("storage fell over")); } else { receivedSpans.add(spans); callback.onSuccess(null); } }); Builder builder = builder("consumer_exception").storage(storage); produceSpans(Codec.THRIFT.writeSpans(TRACE), builder.topic); produceSpans(Codec.THRIFT.writeSpans(TRACE), builder.topic); // tossed on error produceSpans(Codec.THRIFT.writeSpans(TRACE), builder.topic); try (KafkaCollector collector = builder.build()) { collector.start(); assertThat(receivedSpans.take()).containsExactlyElementsOf(TRACE); // the only way we could read this, is if the malformed span was skipped. assertThat(receivedSpans.take()).containsExactlyElementsOf(TRACE); } assertThat(kafkaMetrics.spansDropped()).isEqualTo(TRACE.size()); } @Test public void messagesDistributedAcrossMultipleThreadsSuccessfully() throws Exception { Builder builder = builder("multi_thread", 2); warmUpTopic(builder.topic); final byte[] traceBytes = Codec.THRIFT.writeSpans(TRACE); try (KafkaCollector collector = builder.build()) { collector.start(); waitForPartitionAssignments(collector); produceSpans(traceBytes, builder.topic, 0); assertThat(receivedSpans.take()).containsExactlyElementsOf(TRACE); produceSpans(traceBytes, builder.topic, 1); assertThat(receivedSpans.take()).containsExactlyElementsOf(TRACE); } assertThat(threadsProvidingSpans.size()).isEqualTo(2); assertThat(kafkaMetrics.messages()).isEqualTo(3); assertThat(kafkaMetrics.bytes()).isEqualTo(traceBytes.length * 2); assertThat(kafkaMetrics.spans()).isEqualTo(TRACE.size() * 2); } /** * Producing this empty message triggers auto-creation of the topic and gets things "warmed up" * on the broker before the consumers subscribe. Without this, the topic is auto-created when * the first consumer subscribes but there appears to be a race condition where the existence of * the topic is not known to the partition assignor when the consumer group goes through its * initial re-balance. As a result, no partitions are assigned, there are no further changes to * group membership to trigger another re-balance, and no messages are consumed. This initial * message is not necessary if the test broker is re-created for each test, but that increases * execution time for the suite by a factor of 10x (2-3s to ~25s on my local machine). */ private void warmUpTopic(String topic) { produceSpans(new byte[0], topic); } /** * Wait until all kafka consumers created by the collector have at least one partition * assigned. */ private void waitForPartitionAssignments(KafkaCollector collector) throws Exception { long consumersWithAssignments = 0; while (consumersWithAssignments < collector.kafkaWorkers.streams) { Thread.sleep(10); consumersWithAssignments = collector.kafkaWorkers.workers.stream() .filter(w -> !w.assignedPartitions.get().isEmpty()) .count(); } } private void produceSpans(byte[] spans, String topic) { produceSpans(spans, topic, 0); } private void produceSpans(byte[] spans, String topic, Integer partition) { producer.send(new ProducerRecord<>(topic, partition, null, spans)); producer.flush(); } Builder builder(String topic) { return builder(topic, 1); } Builder builder(String topic, int streams) { return new Builder() .metrics(metrics) .bootstrapServers(broker.getBrokerList().get()) .topic(topic) .groupId(topic + "_group") .streams(streams) .storage(buildStorage(consumer)); } private StorageComponent buildStorage(final AsyncSpanConsumer spanConsumer) { return new StorageComponent() { @Override public SpanStore spanStore() { throw new AssertionError(); } @Override public AsyncSpanStore asyncSpanStore() { throw new AssertionError(); } @Override public AsyncSpanConsumer asyncSpanConsumer() { return spanConsumer; } @Override public CheckResult check() { return CheckResult.OK; } @Override public void close() { throw new AssertionError(); } }; } }