/** * Copyright 2015-2017 The OpenZipkin Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ /* * This file is generated by jOOQ. */ package zipkin.storage.mysql.internal.generated.tables; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Generated; import org.jooq.Field; import org.jooq.Record; import org.jooq.Schema; import org.jooq.Table; import org.jooq.TableField; import org.jooq.UniqueKey; import org.jooq.impl.TableImpl; import zipkin.storage.mysql.internal.generated.Keys; import zipkin.storage.mysql.internal.generated.Zipkin; /** * This class is generated by jOOQ. */ @Generated( value = { "http://www.jooq.org", "jOOQ version:3.9.1" }, comments = "This class is generated by jOOQ" ) @SuppressWarnings({ "all", "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public class ZipkinSpans extends TableImpl<Record> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2053840611; /** * The reference instance of <code>zipkin.zipkin_spans</code> */ public static final ZipkinSpans ZIPKIN_SPANS = new ZipkinSpans(); /** * The class holding records for this type */ @Override public Class<Record> getRecordType() { return Record.class; } /** * The column <code>zipkin.zipkin_spans.trace_id_high</code>. If non zero, this means the trace uses 128 bit traceIds instead of 64 bit */ public final TableField<Record, Long> TRACE_ID_HIGH = createField("trace_id_high", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.BIGINT.nullable(false).defaultValue(org.jooq.impl.DSL.inline("0", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.BIGINT)), this, "If non zero, this means the trace uses 128 bit traceIds instead of 64 bit"); /** * The column <code>zipkin.zipkin_spans.trace_id</code>. */ public final TableField<Record, Long> TRACE_ID = createField("trace_id", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.BIGINT.nullable(false), this, ""); /** * The column <code>zipkin.zipkin_spans.id</code>. */ public final TableField<Record, Long> ID = createField("id", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.BIGINT.nullable(false), this, ""); /** * The column <code>zipkin.zipkin_spans.name</code>. */ public final TableField<Record, String> NAME = createField("name", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.VARCHAR.length(255).nullable(false), this, ""); /** * The column <code>zipkin.zipkin_spans.parent_id</code>. */ public final TableField<Record, Long> PARENT_ID = createField("parent_id", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.BIGINT, this, ""); /** * The column <code>zipkin.zipkin_spans.debug</code>. */ public final TableField<Record, Boolean> DEBUG = createField("debug", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.BIT, this, ""); /** * The column <code>zipkin.zipkin_spans.start_ts</code>. Span.timestamp(): epoch micros used for endTs query and to implement TTL */ public final TableField<Record, Long> START_TS = createField("start_ts", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.BIGINT, this, "Span.timestamp(): epoch micros used for endTs query and to implement TTL"); /** * The column <code>zipkin.zipkin_spans.duration</code>. Span.duration(): micros used for minDuration and maxDuration query */ public final TableField<Record, Long> DURATION = createField("duration", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.BIGINT, this, "Span.duration(): micros used for minDuration and maxDuration query"); /** * Create a <code>zipkin.zipkin_spans</code> table reference */ public ZipkinSpans() { this("zipkin_spans", null); } /** * Create an aliased <code>zipkin.zipkin_spans</code> table reference */ public ZipkinSpans(String alias) { this(alias, ZIPKIN_SPANS); } private ZipkinSpans(String alias, Table<Record> aliased) { this(alias, aliased, null); } private ZipkinSpans(String alias, Table<Record> aliased, Field<?>[] parameters) { super(alias, null, aliased, parameters, ""); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Schema getSchema() { return Zipkin.ZIPKIN; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<UniqueKey<Record>> getKeys() { return Arrays.<UniqueKey<Record>>asList(Keys.KEY_ZIPKIN_SPANS_TRACE_ID_HIGH); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ZipkinSpans as(String alias) { return new ZipkinSpans(alias, this); } /** * Rename this table */ @Override public ZipkinSpans rename(String name) { return new ZipkinSpans(name, null); } }