package edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.util; import java.awt.Font; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.YKProject; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.dictionary.CategoryNode; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.dictionary.CategoryNodeImpl; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.dictionary.DuplicateException; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.dictionary.PatternEngine; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.dictionary.PatternEngineFactory; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.dictionary.PatternNode; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.dictionary.PatternNodeImpl; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.dictionary.SimpleDictionary; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.dictionary.YKDictionary; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.document.YKDocument; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.document.YKDocumentFactory; /** * @author will */ public class YKProjectHandler extends DefaultHandler { private YKProject proj; private YKDictionary dict; private Stack stack; private boolean isRoot = true; public YKProjectHandler(){ stack = new Stack(); } public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException{ if (qName.equals("ykproject")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ String name = attributes.getValue("name"); proj = new YKProject(); proj.setName(name); String desc = attributes.getValue("desc"); if (desc != null) proj.setDescription(desc); String loc = attributes.getValue("location"); if (loc != null) proj.setLocation(new File(loc)); String fnt = attributes.getValue("font"); if (fnt != null){ proj.setDisplayFont(Font.decode(fnt)); } } else if (qName.equals("dictionary")){ dict = new SimpleDictionary(proj.getName()); System.err.println("setting up a fresh dictionary"); PatternEngine peng = null; // covers a late implementation change; used to be a classforName String patengine = attributes.getValue("patternengineclassname"); if (patengine != null) peng = PatternEngineFactory.createEngine(PatternEngine.SUBSTRING); String enginetype = attributes.getValue("patternengine"); if (enginetype != null) peng = PatternEngineFactory.createEngine(enginetype); dict.setPatternEngine(peng); proj.setDictionary(dict); /* String wsize = attributes.getValue("windowsize"); try { proj.setWindowSize( Integer.parseInt(wsize) ); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe){ // } */ } else if (qName.equals("cnode")){ String name = attributes.getValue("name"); String score = attributes.getValue("score"); Double d = null; if (score != null){ try { d = new Double(Double.parseDouble(score)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe){ // } } String desc = attributes.getValue("desc"); CategoryNode cn = new CategoryNodeImpl(name, d, desc); if (isRoot){ stack.push(cn); dict.setDictionaryRoot(cn); isRoot = false; } else { try { dict.addCategory(cn, (CategoryNode)stack.peek()); stack.push(cn); } catch (DuplicateException de){ throw new SAXException(de); } } } else if (qName.equals("pnode")){ //System.err.println(">> found pnode with "); String name = attributes.getValue("name"); //System.err.println("name: " + name); String score = attributes.getValue("score"); //System.err.println("score: + score"); Double d = null; if (score != null){ try { d = new Double(Double.parseDouble(score)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe){ // } } PatternNode pn = null; try { pn = new PatternNodeImpl(name, d, dict.getPatternEngine().makeRegexp(name)); } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse){ throw new SAXException(pse); } try { dict.addPattern(pn, (CategoryNode)stack.peek()); stack.push(pn); } catch (DuplicateException de){ throw new SAXException(de); } } else if (qName.equals("document")) { String title = attributes.getValue("title"); String locale = attributes.getValue("locale"); Locale lloc = null; if (locale != null){ lloc = FileUtil.parseLocale(locale); } else { lloc = Locale.getDefault(); } String location = attributes.getValue("location"); File floc = null; if (location != null) floc = new File(location); String charsetName = attributes.getValue("charsetname"); if (charsetName == null) charsetName = FileUtil.systemEncoding; YKDocument doc = null; doc = YKDocumentFactory.createYKDocument(floc, title, charsetName, lloc); doc.setLocale(lloc); String prefFont = attributes.getValue("font"); if (prefFont != null) doc.setPreferedFont(Font.decode(prefFont)); proj.addDocument(doc); } } public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException{ if (qName.equals("cnode")) { stack.pop(); } else if (qName.equals("pnode")){ stack.pop(); } } public YKProject getProject(){ return proj; } }