package edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.document; import java.awt.Font; import; import; import java.util.Locale; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.util.FileUtil; abstract public class AbstractYKDocument implements YKDocument { protected String title; protected String charsetName; protected File location; protected Locale locale; protected Font preferredFont; public AbstractYKDocument(String docTitle, File f, String csname){ title = docTitle; location = f; charsetName = csname; locale = Locale.getDefault(); } public AbstractYKDocument(String docTitle, File f){ this(docTitle, f, FileUtil.systemEncoding); } public Locale getLocale() { return locale; } public void setLocale(Locale loc) { locale = loc; } public String getTitle(){ return title; } public void setTitle(String newTitle){ title = newTitle; } // implemented lazily in subclasses abstract public String getText() throws IOException; public String getCharsetName(){ return charsetName; } public void setCharsetName(String csname){ charsetName = csname; } public File getLocation(){ return location; } public void setLocation(File f){ location = f; } /** * Depends only on title and file location. Two files that have the same title and * null locations are equal. */ public boolean equals(Object o){ try { AbstractYKDocument d = (AbstractYKDocument)o; if (title.equals(d.getTitle())) if ((location != null) && (d.getLocation() != null)) return location.equals(d.getLocation()); // same non-null location else if ((location == null) && (d.getLocation()==null)) return true; // same name, both null location } catch (ClassCastException e){} return false; } public int hashCode(){ if (location != null) return location.hashCode() + title.hashCode(); else return title.hashCode(); } public void setPreferedFont(Font f){ preferredFont = f; } public Font getPreferredFont(){ return preferredFont; } public String toString(){ return "\"" + getTitle() + "\""; } }