package edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.dictionary; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel; import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.concordance.Concordance; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.concordance.ConcordanceImpl; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.concordance.ConcordanceLine; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.concordance.ConcordanceLineImpl; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.document.tokenizer.Token; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.document.tokenizer.TokenImpl; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.document.tokenizer.TokenList; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.document.tokenizer.TokenListImpl; import edu.harvard.wcfia.yoshikoder.util.Messages; public abstract class AbstractYKDictionary extends DefaultTreeModel implements YKDictionary{ protected File location; protected PatternEngine patternEngine; protected Comparator comparator = new Comparator(){ public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { String o1name = ((Node)o1).getName(); String o2name = ((Node)o2).getName(); return o1name.compareTo(o2name); } }; public AbstractYKDictionary(String dictionaryName, String patternEngineType){ super(new CategoryNodeImpl(dictionaryName)); patternEngine = PatternEngineFactory.createEngine(patternEngineType); } public CategoryNode getDictionaryRoot(){ return (CategoryNode)getRoot(); } public void setDictionaryRoot(CategoryNode node){ setRoot(node); } public File getLocation() { return location; } public void setLocation(File f) { location = f; } /* public int getWindowSize() { return windowSize; } public void setWindowSize(int winsize) { windowSize = winsize; } */ public String getName(){ return getDictionaryRoot().getName(); } public void setName(String n){ getDictionaryRoot().setName(n); } public TreePath getPath(Node n){ TreeNode[] path = getPathToRoot(n); TreePath p = new TreePath(path); return p; } protected void add(Node child, Node parent) throws DuplicateException { for (Enumeration en = parent.children(); en.hasMoreElements();){ Node n = (Node)en.nextElement(); String name = n.getName(); if (name.equals(child.getName())){ throw new DuplicateException(); } } insertNodeInto(child, parent); } public void addCategory(String name, Double score, String desc, CategoryNode parent) throws DuplicateException { CategoryNode n = new CategoryNodeImpl(name, score, desc); add(n, parent); } public void addPattern(String name, Double score, CategoryNode parent) throws PatternSyntaxException, DuplicateException { PatternNode n = new PatternNodeImpl(name, score, patternEngine.makeRegexp(name)); add(n, parent); } public void addCategory(CategoryNode cat, CategoryNode parent) throws DuplicateException { add(cat, parent); } public void addPattern(PatternNode pattern, CategoryNode parent) throws DuplicateException{ add(pattern, parent); } public void remove(Node node) { if (node.getParent() != null) removeNodeFromParent(node); } public void replace(Node cat, Node repl) throws DuplicateException{ Node parent = (Node)cat.getParent(); String ourname = cat.getName(); String repname = repl.getName(); if (!ourname.equals(repname)){ // no clash if they are the same if (parent != null){ for (Enumeration en = parent.children(); en.hasMoreElements();){ Node n = (Node)en.nextElement(); String name = n.getName(); if (name.equals(repname)){ throw new DuplicateException(); } } } } List l = new ArrayList(); // can't reparent in enumeration w/out losing nodes for (Enumeration en = cat.children(); en.hasMoreElements();){ Node child = (Node)en.nextElement(); l.add(child); } for (Iterator iter = l.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Node child = (Node); insertNodeInto(child, repl); } remove(cat); if (parent==null) // we're root then setRoot(repl); else { insertNodeInto(repl, parent); } } public TokenList getMatchingTokens(TokenList tl, Node node) { if (node instanceof CategoryNode) return getMatchingTokens(tl, (CategoryNode)node); else return getMatchingTokens(tl, (PatternNode)node); } protected TokenList getMatchingTokens(TokenList tl, CategoryNode node){ TokenList list = new TokenListImpl(); for (Enumeration enumeration = node.children(); enumeration.hasMoreElements();) { Object o = enumeration.nextElement(); TokenList locs = new TokenListImpl(); // yuck if (o instanceof CategoryNode) locs = getMatchingTokens(tl, (CategoryNode)o); else locs = getMatchingTokens(tl, (PatternNode)o); list.addAll(locs); } return list; } protected TokenList getMatchingTokens(TokenList tl, PatternNode node){ TokenList list = new TokenListImpl(); Pattern p = node.getPattern(); for (Iterator titer = tl.iterator(); titer.hasNext();) { Token token = (Token); if (p.matcher(token.getText()).matches()){ list.add(token); } } return list; } protected Concordance getConcordance(TokenList tokens, PatternNode pnode, int wsize){ Pattern p = pnode.getPattern(); int tlength = tokens.size(); Concordance conc = new ConcordanceImpl( wsize ); int counter = -1; for (Iterator iter = tokens.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Token token = (Token); counter++; if (p.matcher(token.getText()).matches()){ int lhsStart = Math.max(counter - wsize, 0); int rhsStart = Math.min(counter+1, tlength); int rhsEnd = Math.min(counter+1 + wsize, tlength); TokenList lhs = new TokenListImpl(); for (int ii=lhsStart; ii<counter; ii++) lhs.add( tokens.get(ii) ); TokenList rhs = new TokenListImpl(); for (int ii=rhsStart; ii<rhsEnd; ii++) rhs.add( tokens.get(ii) ); ConcordanceLine line = new ConcordanceLineImpl(lhs, token, rhs); conc.addLine(line); } } return conc; } public Concordance getConcordance(TokenList tl, Node node, int wsize){ if (node instanceof CategoryNode){ return getConcordance(tl, (CategoryNode)node, wsize); } else { return getConcordance(tl, (PatternNode)node, wsize); } } protected Concordance getConcordance(TokenList tokens, CategoryNode cnode, int wsize){ Concordance conc = new ConcordanceImpl( wsize ); for (Enumeration enumeration = cnode.children(); enumeration.hasMoreElements();) { Object o = enumeration.nextElement(); Concordance c = new ConcordanceImpl( wsize ); // yuck if (o instanceof CategoryNode) c = getConcordance(tokens, (CategoryNode)o, wsize); else c = getConcordance(tokens, (PatternNode)o, wsize); conc.addConcordance(c); } return conc; } // alphabetizing implementation of insertNodeInto protected int findIndexFor(Node child, Node parent){ int cc = parent.getChildCount(); if (cc==0){ return 0; } if (cc==1){ return, parent.getChildAt(0)) <= 0 ? 0 :1; } return findIndexFor(child, parent, 0, cc-1); // first and last } protected int findIndexFor(Node child, Node parent, int i1, int i2){ if (i1==i2){ return, parent.getChildAt(i1)) <= 0 ? i1 : i1+1; } int half = (i1 + i2) / 2; if (, parent.getChildAt(half)) <= 0){ return findIndexFor(child, parent, i1, half); } return findIndexFor(child, parent, half+1, i2); } public void insertNodeInto(Node child, Node parent){ int index = findIndexFor(child, parent); super.insertNodeInto(child, parent, index); } public void insertNodeInto(Node child, Node parent, int ind){ insertNodeInto(child, parent); } private void recurse(StringBuffer sb, Node n){ sb.append(getPath(n).toString() + "\n"); for (Enumeration enumeration=n.children(); enumeration.hasMoreElements();){ Node child = (Node)enumeration.nextElement(); recurse(sb, child); } } public String toString(){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); CategoryNode n = getDictionaryRoot(); recurse(sb, n); return sb.toString(); } public PatternEngine getPatternEngine(){ return patternEngine; } public void setPatternEngine(PatternEngine pe){ patternEngine = pe; } public static void main(String[] args) { //A test to see how fast we can make the matching class Dict extends AbstractYKDictionary{ public Dict(String name, String type){ super(name, type); } public void setPatternEngine(PatternEngine eng){} public PatternEngine getPatternEngine(){return null;} public long[] test(){ TokenList tl = new TokenListImpl(); for (int ii = 0; ii < 1000; ii++) { tl.add(new TokenImpl("china", 0, 5)); tl.add(new TokenImpl("sausage", 0, 5)); } PatternNode p = new PatternNodeImpl("chin*", null, Pattern.compile("chin*")); System.out.println(p.getPattern()); long start1 = new Date().getTime(); List l = getMatchingTokens(tl, p); long end1 = new Date().getTime(); //List ll = getMatchingTokens2(tl, p); long end2 = new Date().getTime(); return new long[]{end1-start1, end2-end1}; } }; Dict d = new Dict("Name", PatternEngine.SUBSTRING); long[] tres = d.test(); System.out.println(tres[0] + ", " + tres[1]); } }