package org.kjtw.structures; import; import; import com.kreative.ksfl.KSFLUtilities; public class QHeader { protected String qname; private int diff; protected int type; protected int subtype; protected byte[] titleraw; private String title; private String titlea; private String titleb; protected String path; protected String forced; protected String forcing; protected int answer; protected boolean hidetext; public QHeader(int id, byte[] stuff, File file) { String qheadnm = KSFLUtilities.fccs(id).trim(); this.setName(qheadnm); int tempval = (int)stuff[8]; this.setValue(tempval); this.setType((int)stuff[9]); int subtype = stuff[11]; this.setSubType(subtype); if (subtype == 8) { this.hidetext = true; } byte[] titleconst = KSFLUtilities.copy(stuff, 16, 63); byte[] pathconst = KSFLUtilities.copy(stuff, 81, 63); String path=""; try { path = new String(pathconst, "MACROMAN").trim().replace(':', File.separatorChar); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } String fpath = file.getPath().replaceFirst(file.getName(), ""); this.setTitleraw(titleconst); try { this.setTitle(new String(getTitleraw(),"MACROMAN").trim().replaceAll("\\{", "").replaceAll("\u2211" , "�")+System.lineSeparator() ); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } this.setPath(fpath+File.separatorChar+path); if (stuff.length > 146) { this.setAnswer((int)stuff[146]); } else { this.setAnswer(0); } if (stuff.length >149) { if (this.hidetext != true) { this.hidetext = (stuff[149] == 0x4c); } } if (stuff.length >152) { if (this.getType() == 2) { if (stuff[146] != 0) { //forcing a question after this one. byte[] forceconst = KSFLUtilities.copy(stuff, 146, 4); String forcestr=""; try { forcestr = new String(forceconst, "MACROMAN").trim(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } this.setForcing(forcestr); } if (stuff[150] != 0) { //This was a forced question, don't display it. byte[] forceconst = KSFLUtilities.copy(stuff, 150, 4); String forcestr=""; try { forcestr = new String(forceconst, "MACROMAN").trim(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } this.setForced(forcestr); } } else if (this.getType() == 3) { if (stuff[148] != 0) { //forcing a question after this one. byte[] forceconst = KSFLUtilities.copy(stuff, 148, 4); String forcestr=""; try { forcestr = new String(forceconst, "MACROMAN").trim(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } this.setForcing(forcestr); } if (stuff[152] != 0) { //This was a forced question, don't display it. byte[] forceconst = KSFLUtilities.copy(stuff, 152, 4); String forcestr=""; try { forcestr = new String(forceconst, "MACROMAN").trim(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } this.setForced(forcestr); } } else { if (stuff[150] != 0) { //forcing a question after this one. byte[] forceconst = KSFLUtilities.copy(stuff, 150, 4); String forcestr=""; try { forcestr = new String(forceconst, "MACROMAN").trim(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } this.setForcing(forcestr); } if (stuff[154] != 0) { //This was a forced question, don't display it. byte[] forceconst = KSFLUtilities.copy(stuff, 154, 4); String forcestr=""; try { forcestr = new String(forceconst, "MACROMAN").trim(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } this.setForced(forcestr); } } } } public void setName(String qheadnm) { this.qname = qheadnm; } public void setValue(int i) { this.setDiff(i); } public void setType(int i) { this.type =i; } public int getType() { return this.type; } public void setSubType(int i) { this.subtype =i; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title=title; } public void setPath(String path) { this.path=path; } public void setAnswer(int i) { this.answer=i; } public void setForcing(String forcestr) { this.forcing=forcestr; } public void setForced(String forcestr) { this.forced=forcestr; } public int getSubType() { return this.subtype; } public String getPath() { return this.path; } public int getValue() { return this.getDiff(); } public void setTitleraw(byte[] titleconst) { this.titleraw=titleconst; } public String toString(boolean jmode){ String output = new String("Name: "+getName()+System.lineSeparator()); output += "Question title: "; if (jmode) { try { output += new String(getTitleraw(),"MS932").trim()+System.lineSeparator(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { output += new String(getTitleraw(),"MACROMAN").trim().replaceAll("\\{", "").replaceAll("\u2211" , "�")+System.lineSeparator(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } String qtypedef=""; switch (type) { case 0: qtypedef = "standard"; break; case 1: qtypedef = "unknown"; break; case 2: qtypedef = "Gibberish"; break; case 3: qtypedef = "Dis or Dat"; break; case 4: qtypedef = "Jack Attack / HeadRush"; break; case 5: qtypedef = "Fiber Optic Field Trip/ Pub Quiz"; break; case 10: qtypedef = "Celebrity Collect Call"; break; case 12: qtypedef = "3Way"; break; default: qtypedef = ""+type; break; } String subtypedef=""; switch (subtype) { case 0: subtypedef = "Special type"; break; case 1: subtypedef = "Normal 4 answer question"; break; case 2: subtypedef = "Fill in the blank"; break; case 3: subtypedef = "Whatshisname?"; break; case 4: subtypedef = "Picture question"; break; case 5: subtypedef = "Super Audio question"; break; case 6: subtypedef = "Guest host question"; break; case 8: subtypedef = "Normal 4 answer question (spellings)"; break; case 9: subtypedef = "Normal 4 answer question (description)"; break; case 10: subtypedef = "Normal 4 answer question (trash)"; break; default: subtypedef = ""+subtype; break; } output+="Location : "+path+System.lineSeparator()+ "Difficulty ="+getDiff()+System.lineSeparator()+ "Question type ="+qtypedef+System.lineSeparator()+ "Subtype ="+subtypedef+System.lineSeparator()+ "Correct answer number ="+answer+System.lineSeparator(); if (this.hidetext) { output +="This question will autohide text as soon as the answers are read out"+System.lineSeparator(); } String forcing=this.forcing; String forced=this.forced; if (forcing != null) { output +="This question forces "+this.forcing+" to appear next"+System.lineSeparator(); } if (forced != null) { output +="This question is forced by "+this.forced+System.lineSeparator(); } return output; } public byte[] getTitleraw() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this.titleraw; } public String getName() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this.qname; } public String getForced() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return forced; } public String getForcing() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return forcing; } public int getAnswer() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return answer; } public String getTitlea() { return titlea; } public void setTitlea(String titlea) { this.titlea = titlea; } public String getTitleb() { return titleb; } public void setTitleb(String titleb) { this.titleb = titleb; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public int getDiff() { return diff; } public void setDiff(int diff) { this.diff = diff; } }