package org.xmind.ui.viewers; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; public class StraightListLayout extends HintedListLayout { // private static class StraightListLayoutData { // // int computedWidth = -1, computedHeight = -1; // int computedWHint = -1, computedHHint = -1; // int appliedWidth = -1, appliedHeight = -1; // int appliedWHint = -1, appliedHHint = -1; // // Point computeSize(Control control, int wHint, int hHint, // boolean flushCache, boolean computing) { // if (computing) { // if (!flushCache && wHint == computedWHint // && hHint == computedHHint && computedWidth >= 0 // && computedHeight >= 0) { // return new Point(computedWidth, computedHeight); // } // computedWHint = wHint; // computedHHint = hHint; // Point size = control.computeSize(wHint, hHint, flushCache); // computedWidth = size.x; // computedHeight = size.y; // return size; // } else { // if (!flushCache && wHint == appliedWHint // && hHint == appliedHHint && appliedWidth >= 0 // && appliedHeight >= 0) { // return new Point(appliedWidth, appliedHeight); // } // appliedWHint = wHint; // appliedHHint = hHint; // Point size = control.computeSize(wHint, hHint, flushCache); // appliedWidth = size.x; // appliedHeight = size.y; // return size; // } // } // // } private boolean horizontal; /** * Constructs a new instance of this class with the specified style. * * @param style * one of SWT.VERTICAL or SWT.HORIZONTAL */ public StraightListLayout(int style) { this.horizontal = (style & SWT.HORIZONTAL) != 0; } public Point computeSize(MListViewer viewer, Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache) { if (wHint >= 0 && hHint >= 0) return new Point(wHint, hHint); Control[] items = composite.getChildren(); int hListAlignment = getHint(ALIGNMENT_LIST_HORIZONTAL, horizontal ? SWT.LEAD : SWT.FILL); int vListAlignment = getHint(ALIGNMENT_LIST_VERTICAL, horizontal ? SWT.FILL : SWT.LEAD); int itemWHint = getHint(ITEM_WIDTH, horizontal || hListAlignment != SWT.FILL ? SWT.DEFAULT : wHint); int itemHHint = getHint(ITEM_HEIGHT, horizontal && vListAlignment == SWT.FILL ? hHint : SWT.DEFAULT); int spacing = getHint( horizontal ? SPACING_HORIZONTAL : SPACING_VERTICAL, 0); Point listSize = new Point(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { Control item = items[i]; Point itemSize = item.computeSize(itemWHint, itemHHint, flushCache); if (horizontal) { listSize.x += itemSize.x; listSize.y = Math.max(listSize.y, itemSize.y); } else { listSize.x = Math.max(listSize.x, itemSize.x); listSize.y += itemSize.y; } } if (items.length > 0) { if (horizontal) { listSize.x += spacing * (items.length - 1); } else { listSize.y += spacing * (items.length - 1); } } listSize.x += getHint(MARGIN_LEFT, 0) + getHint(MARGIN_RIGHT, 0); listSize.y += getHint(MARGIN_TOP, 0) + getHint(MARGIN_BOTTOM, 0); return listSize; } public void layout(MListViewer viewer, Composite composite, boolean flushCache) { Rectangle area = composite.getClientArea(); Control[] items = composite.getChildren(); if (items.length <= 0) return; int marginTop = getHint(MARGIN_TOP, 0); int marginBottom = getHint(MARGIN_BOTTOM, 0); int marginLeft = getHint(MARGIN_LEFT, 0); int marginRight = getHint(MARGIN_RIGHT, 0); int spacing = getHint( horizontal ? SPACING_HORIZONTAL : SPACING_VERTICAL, 0); int hListAlignment = getHint(ALIGNMENT_LIST_HORIZONTAL, horizontal ? SWT.LEAD : SWT.FILL); int vListAlignment = getHint(ALIGNMENT_LIST_VERTICAL, horizontal ? SWT.FILL : SWT.LEAD); int hItemAlignment = getHint(ALIGNMENT_ITEM_HORIZONTAL, SWT.FILL); int vItemAlignment = getHint(ALIGNMENT_ITEM_VERTICAL, SWT.FILL); if (marginLeft + marginRight > area.width) { area.x += (marginLeft + marginRight - area.width) / 2; area.width = marginLeft + marginRight; } if (marginTop + marginBottom > area.height) { area.y += (marginTop + marginBottom - area.height) / 2; area.height = marginTop + marginBottom; } int left = area.x + marginLeft; int top = area.y + marginTop; int wHint = area.width - marginLeft - marginRight; int hHint = area.height - marginTop - marginBottom; int itemWHint = getHint(ITEM_WIDTH, horizontal || hListAlignment != SWT.FILL ? SWT.DEFAULT : wHint); int itemHHint = getHint(ITEM_HEIGHT, horizontal && vListAlignment == SWT.FILL ? hHint : SWT.DEFAULT); Point listSize = new Point(0, 0); Point[] itemSizes = new Point[items.length]; Control item; Point itemSize; for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { item = items[i]; itemSize = item.computeSize(itemWHint, itemHHint, flushCache); itemSizes[i] = new Point(itemSize.x, itemSize.y); if (horizontal) { listSize.x += itemSize.x; listSize.y = Math.max(listSize.y, itemSize.y); } else { listSize.x = Math.max(listSize.x, itemSize.x); listSize.y += itemSize.y; } } int allSpacing = spacing * (items.length - 1); int allAdjustment = 0; if (hListAlignment == SWT.FILL) { if (horizontal) { allAdjustment = wHint - allSpacing - listSize.x; } else { listSize.x = wHint; } } else if (hListAlignment == SWT.CENTER) { left += (wHint - allSpacing - listSize.x) / 2; } else if (hListAlignment == SWT.TRAIL) { left += wHint - allSpacing - listSize.x; } if (vListAlignment == SWT.FILL) { if (horizontal) { listSize.y = hHint; } else { allAdjustment = hHint - allSpacing - listSize.y; } } else if (vListAlignment == SWT.CENTER) { top += (hHint - allSpacing - listSize.y) / 2; } else if (vListAlignment == SWT.TRAIL) { top += hHint - allSpacing - listSize.y; } int adjustment; Rectangle itemBounds; Point cellSize; for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { if (horizontal) { left += spacing; } else { top += spacing; } } item = items[i]; itemSize = itemSizes[i]; adjustment = allAdjustment / (items.length - i); allAdjustment -= adjustment; if (horizontal) { cellSize = new Point(itemSize.x + adjustment, listSize.y); } else { cellSize = new Point(listSize.x, itemSize.y + adjustment); } itemBounds = new Rectangle(left, top, itemSize.x, itemSize.y); if (hItemAlignment == SWT.FILL) { itemBounds.width = cellSize.x; } else if (hItemAlignment == SWT.CENTER) { itemBounds.x += (cellSize.x - itemBounds.width) / 2; } else if (hItemAlignment == SWT.TRAIL) { itemBounds.x += cellSize.x - itemBounds.width; } if (vItemAlignment == SWT.FILL) { itemBounds.height = cellSize.y; } else if (vItemAlignment == SWT.CENTER) { itemBounds.y += (cellSize.y - itemBounds.height) / 2; } else if (vItemAlignment == SWT.TRAIL) { itemBounds.y += cellSize.y - itemBounds.height; } item.setBounds(itemBounds); if (horizontal) { left += cellSize.x; } else { top += cellSize.y; } } } public void itemAdded(MListViewer viewer, Composite composite, Control item) { } public void itemRemoved(MListViewer viewer, Composite composite, Control item) { } }