/* ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2006-2012 XMind Ltd. and others. * * This file is a part of XMind 3. XMind releases 3 and * above are dual-licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL), * which is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * and the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), * which is available at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * See http://www.xmind.net/license.html for details. * * Contributors: * XMind Ltd. - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.xmind.ui.internal.branch; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import org.xmind.gef.GEF; import org.xmind.gef.draw2d.IReferencedFigure; import org.xmind.gef.part.IPart; import org.xmind.ui.mindmap.IBranchPart; import org.xmind.ui.mindmap.ISummaryPart; import org.xmind.ui.tools.ParentSearchKey; public class RadialStructure extends BaseRadialStructure { protected void doFillSubBranches(IBranchPart branch, List<IBranchPart> subBranches, LayoutInfo info) { RadialData cache = getRadialData(branch); int numRight = cache.getNumRight(); int[] childrenSpacings = cache.getChildrenSpacings(); int num = subBranches.size(); boolean right = true; RadiationInsertion insertion = getCurrentInsertion(branch); int insHeight = insertion == null ? 0 : insertion.getSize().height; int y = -cache.getRightSumSpacing() / 2; if (insertion != null && insertion.right) { y -= insHeight / 2; } Point ref = info.getReference(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (i == numRight) { y = -cache.getLeftSumSpacing() / 2; if (insertion != null && !insertion.right) { y -= insHeight / 2; } right = false; } if (insertion != null && i == insertion.getIndex()) { if (i != numRight || !insertion.right) { Point p = ref.getTranslated(cache.getX(y, right), y); Rectangle insBounds = RadialUtils.getPrefBounds( insertion.getSize(), p, right); info.add(insBounds); y += insHeight; } } IBranchPart subBranch = subBranches.get(i); Rectangle r; Dimension offset = getOffset(subBranch); IFigure subFigure = subBranch.getFigure(); if (offset != null && subFigure instanceof IReferencedFigure) { Point subRef = ref.getTranslated(offset); r = ((IReferencedFigure) subFigure).getPreferredBounds(subRef); } else { int x = cache.getX(y, right); Point subRef = ref.getTranslated(x, y); r = RadialUtils.getPrefBounds(subBranch, subRef, right); } info.put(subFigure, r); y += childrenSpacings[i]; if (insertion != null) { if ((i == numRight - 1 && insertion.getIndex() == numRight && insertion.right) || i == num) { Point p = ref.getTranslated(cache.getX(y, right), y); Rectangle insBounds = RadialUtils.getPrefBounds( insertion.getSize(), p, right); info.add(insBounds); y += insHeight; } } } } public IPart calcChildNavigation(IBranchPart branch, IBranchPart sourceChild, String navReqType, boolean sequential) { if (GEF.REQ_NAV_UP.equals(navReqType)) { return getSubTopicPart(branch, sourceChild.getBranchIndex() - 1); } else if (GEF.REQ_NAV_DOWN.equals(navReqType)) { return getSubTopicPart(branch, sourceChild.getBranchIndex() + 1); } else if (!sequential) { if (GEF.REQ_NAV_RIGHT.equals(navReqType)) { int numFirst = getRadialData(branch).getNumRight(); if (sourceChild.getBranchIndex() >= numFirst) { return branch.getTopicPart(); } } else if (GEF.REQ_NAV_LEFT.equals(navReqType)) { int numFirst = getRadialData(branch).getNumRight(); if (sourceChild.getBranchIndex() < numFirst) { return branch.getTopicPart(); } } } return super.calcChildNavigation(branch, sourceChild, navReqType, sequential); } public int getSummaryDirection(IBranchPart branch, ISummaryPart summary) { return super.getSummaryDirection(branch, summary); } @Override protected Point calcMovePosition(IBranchPart branch, IBranchPart child, ParentSearchKey key) { List<IBranchPart> subBranches = branch.getSubBranches(); List<Integer> disables = getDisableBranches(branch); int index = calcInsIndex(branch, key, true); int oldIndex = getOldIndex(branch, child); if (disables != null) { if (disables.contains(index - 1)) { index--; oldIndex = index; } else if (disables.contains(index)) { oldIndex = index; } } RadialData cache = getRadialData(branch); int subSize = subBranches.size(); int right = cache.getNumRight(); Dimension inventSize = key.getInvent().getSize(); if (index == oldIndex) { if (subSize > right && index == right - 1 && key.getCursorPos().x < 0 && (!subBranches.get(right).getFigure().isEnabled())) index += 1; int delta = getTopicSize(subBranches.get(index)).width / 2 - inventSize.width / 2; int deltaX = index < right ? -delta : delta; return getReference(subBranches.get(index)) .getTranslated(deltaX, 0); } return calcInsertPosition(branch, child, key); } @Override protected Point calcInsertPosition(IBranchPart branch, IBranchPart child, ParentSearchKey key) { List<IBranchPart> subBranches = branch.getSubBranches(); Point firstLoc = calcFirstChildPosition(branch, key).getTranslated( key.getInvent().getSize().width / 2, 0); if (subBranches.isEmpty()) return firstLoc; int index = calcInsIndex(branch, key, true); RadialData cache = getRadialData(branch); int subSize = subBranches.size(); int right = cache.getNumRight(); int left = subSize - right; Dimension insSize = key.getFigure().getSize(); Dimension inventSize = key.getInvent().getSize(); IBranchPart first = subBranches.get(0); Rectangle fBounds = first.getFigure().getBounds(); if (index == 0) { int x = fBounds.x + inventSize.width / 2; int y = fBounds.y - (insSize.height + inventSize.height) / 2; return new Point(x, y); } if (index == subSize || index == -1) { if (subSize == 1 && isWithinThreshold(first)) { if (fBounds.bottom() > 0) { int x = fBounds.x + inventSize.width / 2; int y = fBounds.bottom() + (insSize.height + inventSize.height) / 2; return new Point(x, y); } return new Point(firstLoc.x, -firstLoc.y); } if (left == 0) return new Point(-firstLoc.x, firstLoc.y); IBranchPart sub = subBranches.get(subSize - 1); Rectangle bounds = sub.getFigure().getBounds(); if (left == 1 && bounds.bottom() < 0) return firstLoc.getNegated(); int x = bounds.right() - inventSize.width / 2; int y = bounds.bottom() + (insSize.height + inventSize.height) / 2; return new Point(x, y); } if (index == right) { boolean isRight = (left == 1 && right == 1) || isRight(subBranches, child, right); IBranchPart sub = isRight ? subBranches.get(index - 1) : subBranches.get(index); Rectangle bounds = sub.getFigure().getBounds(); int x; int y; if (isRight) { x = bounds.x + inventSize.width / 2; y = bounds.bottom() + (insSize.height + inventSize.height) / 2; } else { x = bounds.right() - inventSize.width / 2; y = bounds.y - (insSize.height + inventSize.height) / 2; } return new Point(x, y); } return calcInventPosition(subBranches.get(index - 1), subBranches.get(index), key, index < right); } }