package org.xmind.ui.internal.print.multipage; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Insets; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.printing.PrinterData; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.xmind.gef.GEF; import org.xmind.gef.IGraphicalViewer; import org.xmind.gef.image.FigureRenderer; import org.xmind.gef.image.IExportSourceProvider; import org.xmind.gef.ui.editor.IGraphicalEditorPage; import org.xmind.gef.util.Properties; import org.xmind.ui.internal.print.PrintConstants; import org.xmind.ui.internal.print.PrintUtils; import org.xmind.ui.mindmap.GhostShellProvider; import org.xmind.ui.mindmap.IMindMap; import org.xmind.ui.mindmap.IMindMapViewer; import org.xmind.ui.mindmap.MindMapExportViewer; import org.xmind.ui.mindmap.MindMapUI; import org.xmind.ui.mindmap.MindMapViewerExportSourceProvider; import org.xmind.ui.resources.ColorUtils; public class PrintMultipagePreviewImageCreator { private static final String IMG_BG_COLOR = "#ffffff"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static class MindMapViewerPrintSourceProvider extends MindMapViewerExportSourceProvider { private IDialogSettings settings; public MindMapViewerPrintSourceProvider(IGraphicalViewer viewer, IDialogSettings settings) { super(viewer); this.settings = settings; } public MindMapViewerPrintSourceProvider(IGraphicalViewer viewer, int margins, IDialogSettings settings) { super(viewer, margins); this.settings = settings; } @Override public IFigure[] getContents() { return collectContents(); } private IFigure[] collectContents() { List<IFigure> figures = new ArrayList<IFigure>(3); collectContents(figures); return figures.toArray(new IFigure[figures.size()]); } @Override protected void collectContents(List<IFigure> figures) { if (settings != null && !settings.getBoolean(PrintConstants.NO_BACKGROUND)) { figures.add(getViewer().getLayer(GEF.LAYER_BACKGROUND)); } figures.add(getViewer().getLayer(GEF.LAYER_CONTENTS)); figures.add(getViewer().getLayer(MindMapUI.LAYER_TITLE)); } } private Display display; private IGraphicalEditorPage page; private IMindMap mindmap; private IDialogSettings settings; private IGraphicalViewer exportViewer; private IExportSourceProvider sourceProvider; private Image fullImage; private Image[][] singleImages; private boolean isSourceImageValid; private List<Image> images = new ArrayList<Image>(); public PrintMultipagePreviewImageCreator(Display display, IGraphicalEditorPage page, IMindMap sourceMindmap, IDialogSettings settings) { this.display = display; = page; this.mindmap = sourceMindmap; this.settings = settings; display.asyncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { initSource(); } }); } private void initSource() { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.set(IMindMapViewer.VIEWER_GRADIENT, Boolean.FALSE); //set plus minus visibility boolean plusVisible = getBoolean(settings, PrintConstants.PLUS_VISIBLE, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_PLUS_VISIBLE); boolean minusVisible = getBoolean(settings, PrintConstants.MINUS_VISIBLE, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_MINUS_VISIBLE); properties.set(IMindMapViewer.PLUS_VISIBLE, plusVisible); properties.set(IMindMapViewer.MINUS_VISIBLE, minusVisible); GhostShellProvider shell = new GhostShellProvider(display); exportViewer = new MindMapExportViewer(shell, mindmap, properties); sourceProvider = new MindMapViewerPrintSourceProvider(exportViewer, 0, settings); } private boolean getBoolean(IDialogSettings settings, String key, boolean defaultValue) { boolean value = defaultValue; if (settings.get(key) != null) { value = settings.getBoolean(key); } return value; } private Image getFullImage() { if (!isSourceImageValid && fullImage != null) { fullImage.dispose(); fullImage = null; } if (fullImage == null || fullImage.isDisposed()) { fullImage = createFullImage(); } return fullImage; } private Image createFullImage() { final org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle bounds = PrintMultipageUtils .getSheetFigureBounds(page, mindmap); final Image image = new Image(display, bounds.width, bounds.height); final GC gc = new GC(image); try { Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { FigureRenderer render = new FigureRenderer(); render.setFigures(sourceProvider.getContents()); int margin = PrintMultipageUtils .getMargin(sourceProvider.getSourceArea()); render.setBounds(new org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle( sourceProvider.getSourceArea()) .expand(new Insets(margin))); render.setScale(1); render.render(gc, new Point(0, 0)); } }); } finally { gc.dispose(); } isSourceImageValid = true; return image; } public Image createPrintPreviewSingleImage() { final int leftMarginPixel = PrintConstants.toPixel(getDouble( PrintConstants.LEFT_MARGIN, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_MARGIN)); int rightMarginPixel = PrintConstants.toPixel(getDouble( PrintConstants.RIGHT_MARGIN, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_MARGIN)); final int topMarginPixel = PrintConstants.toPixel(getDouble( PrintConstants.TOP_MARGIN, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_MARGIN)); int bottomMarginPixel = PrintConstants.toPixel(getDouble( PrintConstants.BOTTOM_MARGIN, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_MARGIN)); final int headerHeight = PrintUtils.getHeaderHeight(settings, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_DPI); int footerHeight = PrintUtils.getBottomHeight(settings, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_DPI); //Calculate the actual needed printed content of the each page according to the default paper size(A4) //Then use the print content to fit different actual paper size int orientation = getInteger(PrintConstants.ORIENTATION, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_ORIENTATION); int perPageWidth = orientation == PrinterData.LANDSCAPE ? PrintConstants.PAGE_LENGTH : PrintConstants.PAGE_SHORT; int usefulPerPageWidth = perPageWidth - leftMarginPixel - rightMarginPixel; int perPageHeight = orientation == PrinterData.PORTRAIT ? PrintConstants.PAGE_LENGTH : PrintConstants.PAGE_SHORT; int usefulPerPageHeight = perPageHeight - topMarginPixel - bottomMarginPixel - headerHeight - footerHeight; final org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle bounds = PrintMultipageUtils .getSheetFigureBounds(page, mindmap); double widthRatio = (double) usefulPerPageWidth / bounds.width; double heightRatio = (double) usefulPerPageHeight / bounds.height; final double ratio = Math.min(widthRatio, heightRatio); final int actualWidth = (int) (usefulPerPageWidth / ratio); final int actualHeight = (int) (usefulPerPageHeight / ratio); final Image previewSingleImage = new Image(display, (int) (perPageWidth / ratio), (int) (perPageHeight / ratio)); images.add(previewSingleImage); final GC gc = new GC(previewSingleImage); try { Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { FigureRenderer render = new FigureRenderer(); render.setFigures(sourceProvider.getContents()); int margin = PrintMultipageUtils .getMargin(sourceProvider.getSourceArea()); int widthPadding = (actualWidth - bounds.width) / 2; int heightPadding = (actualHeight - bounds.height) / 2; render.setBounds(new org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle( sourceProvider.getSourceArea()) .expand(new Insets(margin)) .expand(new Insets(heightPadding, widthPadding, heightPadding, widthPadding))); render.setScale(1); gc.setClipping( new Rectangle((int) (leftMarginPixel / ratio), (int) ((topMarginPixel + headerHeight) / ratio), actualWidth, actualHeight)); render.render(gc, new Point((int) (leftMarginPixel / ratio), (int) ((topMarginPixel + headerHeight) / ratio))); } }); } finally { gc.dispose(); } return previewSingleImage; } public Image createPrintPreviewDetailedImage() { if (!checkImage()) { return null; } Image[][] images = getSingleImages2(); int perWidth = images[0][0].getBounds().width; int width = perWidth * images[0].length; int perHeight = images[0][0].getBounds().height; int height = perHeight * images.length; Image detailedImage = new Image(images[0][0].getDevice(), width, height); this.images.add(detailedImage); GC gc = new GC(detailedImage); try { for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { Image[] imageArr = images[i]; int y = i * perHeight; for (int j = 0; j < imageArr.length; j++) { Image image = imageArr[j]; int x = j * perWidth; gc.drawImage(image, x, y); } } } finally { gc.dispose(); } return detailedImage; } public Image[] getSingleImages() { if (!checkImage()) { return new Image[0]; } Image[][] images = getSingleImages2(); //translate from image[][] to image[] Image[] images2 = new Image[images.length * images[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < images[0].length; j++) { images2[i * images[0].length + j] = images[i][j]; } } return images2; } private Image[][] getSingleImages2() { if (singleImages == null || singleImages[0] == null || singleImages[0][0] == null || singleImages[0][0].isDisposed()) { if (singleImages != null) { for (Image[] images : singleImages) { if (images != null) { for (Image image : images) { if (image != null) { image.dispose(); } } } } } singleImages = createSingleImages(); } return singleImages; } //create detailed single images private Image[][] createSingleImages() { org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle bounds = PrintMultipageUtils .getSheetFigureBounds(page, mindmap); int sourceWidth = bounds.width; int sourceHeight = bounds.height; int leftMarginPixel = PrintConstants.toPixel(getDouble( PrintConstants.LEFT_MARGIN, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_MARGIN)); int rightMarginPixel = PrintConstants.toPixel(getDouble( PrintConstants.RIGHT_MARGIN, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_MARGIN)); int topMarginPixel = PrintConstants.toPixel(getDouble( PrintConstants.TOP_MARGIN, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_MARGIN)); int bottomMarginPixel = PrintConstants.toPixel(getDouble( PrintConstants.BOTTOM_MARGIN, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_MARGIN)); int headerHeight = PrintUtils.getHeaderHeight(settings, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_DPI); int footerHeight = PrintUtils.getBottomHeight(settings, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_DPI); //Calculate the actual needed printed content of the each page according to the default paper size(A4) //Then use the print content to fit different actual paper size int orientation = getInteger(PrintConstants.ORIENTATION, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_ORIENTATION); int perPageWidth = orientation == PrinterData.LANDSCAPE ? PrintConstants.PAGE_LENGTH : PrintConstants.PAGE_SHORT; int usefulPerPageWidth = perPageWidth - leftMarginPixel - rightMarginPixel; int perPageHeight = orientation == PrinterData.PORTRAIT ? PrintConstants.PAGE_LENGTH : PrintConstants.PAGE_SHORT; int usefulPerPageHeight = perPageHeight - topMarginPixel - bottomMarginPixel - headerHeight - footerHeight; int widthPages = getInteger(PrintConstants.WIDTH_PAGES, 1); int heightPages = getInteger(PrintConstants.HEIGHT_PAGES, 1); boolean isAspectRatio = settings .getBoolean(PrintConstants.ASPECT_RATIO_LOCKED); boolean fullWidth = !settings.getBoolean(PrintConstants.FILL_HEIGHT); if (!isAspectRatio) { double fillWidthratio = (double) usefulPerPageWidth * widthPages / sourceWidth; double fillHeightRatio = (double) usefulPerPageHeight * heightPages / sourceHeight; fullWidth = (fillWidthratio <= fillHeightRatio) ? true : false; } double ratio = fullWidth ? ((double) usefulPerPageWidth * widthPages / sourceWidth) : ((double) usefulPerPageHeight * heightPages / sourceHeight); //The actual needed printed content of the each page calculated by the default paper size(A4) int usefulPerPageWidthByRatio = (int) (usefulPerPageWidth / ratio); int usefulPerPageHeightByRatio = (int) (usefulPerPageHeight / ratio); int usefulWidthPages = widthPages; int usefulHeightPages = heightPages; if (fullWidth) { usefulHeightPages = sourceHeight / usefulPerPageHeightByRatio; usefulHeightPages = (sourceHeight % usefulPerPageHeightByRatio == 0) ? usefulHeightPages : usefulHeightPages + 1; } else { usefulWidthPages = sourceWidth / usefulPerPageWidthByRatio; usefulWidthPages = (sourceWidth % usefulPerPageWidthByRatio == 0) ? usefulWidthPages : usefulWidthPages + 1; } Image fullImage = getFullImage(); Image[][] images = new Image[heightPages][widthPages]; //create single images for (int j = 0; j < heightPages; j++) { int y0 = j * usefulPerPageHeightByRatio; int height = sourceHeight - y0; height = Math.min(height, usefulPerPageHeightByRatio); for (int i = 0; i < widthPages; i++) { int x0 = i * usefulPerPageWidthByRatio; int width = sourceWidth - x0; width = Math.min(width, usefulPerPageWidthByRatio); Image image = new Image(display, (int) (perPageWidth / ratio), (int) (perPageHeight / ratio)); this.images.add(image); GC gc = new GC(image); try { //draw image background Rectangle imageBounds = image.getBounds(); gc.setBackground(ColorUtils.getColor(IMG_BG_COLOR)); gc.fillRectangle(0, 0, imageBounds.width - 1, imageBounds.height - 1); int leftMarginByRatio = (int) (leftMarginPixel / ratio); int topMarginByRation = (int) ((topMarginPixel + headerHeight) / ratio); if (i < usefulWidthPages && j < usefulHeightPages) { //draw image content gc.drawImage(fullImage, x0, y0, width, height, leftMarginByRatio, topMarginByRation, width, height); } } finally { gc.dispose(); } images[j][i] = image; } } return images; } //create full image with dash line public Image createPrintPreviewRoughImage(int controlWidth, int controlHeight) { org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle bounds = PrintMultipageUtils .getSheetFigureBounds(page, mindmap); int sourceWidth = bounds.width; int sourceHeight = bounds.height; int leftMarginPixel = PrintConstants.toPixel(getDouble( PrintConstants.LEFT_MARGIN, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_MARGIN)); int rightMarginPixel = PrintConstants.toPixel(getDouble( PrintConstants.RIGHT_MARGIN, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_MARGIN)); int topMarginPixel = PrintConstants.toPixel(getDouble( PrintConstants.TOP_MARGIN, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_MARGIN)); int bottomMarginPixel = PrintConstants.toPixel(getDouble( PrintConstants.BOTTOM_MARGIN, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_MARGIN)); int headerHeight = PrintUtils.getHeaderHeight(settings, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_DPI); int footerHeight = PrintUtils.getBottomHeight(settings, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_DPI); //Calculate the actual needed printed content of the each page according to the default paper size(A4) //Then use the print content to fit different actual paper size int orientation = getInteger(PrintConstants.ORIENTATION, PrintConstants.DEFAULT_ORIENTATION); int perPageWidth = orientation == PrinterData.LANDSCAPE ? PrintConstants.PAGE_LENGTH : PrintConstants.PAGE_SHORT; int usefulPerPageWidth = perPageWidth - leftMarginPixel - rightMarginPixel; int perPageHeight = orientation == PrinterData.PORTRAIT ? PrintConstants.PAGE_LENGTH : PrintConstants.PAGE_SHORT; int usefulPerPageHeight = perPageHeight - topMarginPixel - bottomMarginPixel - headerHeight - footerHeight; int widthPages = getInteger(PrintConstants.WIDTH_PAGES, 1); int heightPages = getInteger(PrintConstants.HEIGHT_PAGES, 1); boolean isAspectRatio = settings .getBoolean(PrintConstants.ASPECT_RATIO_LOCKED); boolean fullWidth = !settings.getBoolean(PrintConstants.FILL_HEIGHT); if (!isAspectRatio) { double fillWidthratio = (double) usefulPerPageWidth * widthPages / sourceWidth; double fillHeightRatio = (double) usefulPerPageHeight * heightPages / sourceHeight; fullWidth = (fillWidthratio <= fillHeightRatio) ? true : false; } double ratio = fullWidth ? ((double) usefulPerPageWidth * widthPages / sourceWidth) : ((double) usefulPerPageHeight * heightPages / sourceHeight); //The actual needed printed content of the each page calculated by the default paper size(A4) int usefulPerPageWidthByRatio = (int) (usefulPerPageWidth / ratio); int usefulPerPageHeightByRatio = (int) (usefulPerPageHeight / ratio); int usefulWidthPages = widthPages; int usefulHeightPages = heightPages; if (fullWidth) { usefulHeightPages = sourceHeight / usefulPerPageHeightByRatio; usefulHeightPages = (sourceHeight % usefulPerPageHeightByRatio == 0) ? usefulHeightPages : usefulHeightPages + 1; } else { usefulWidthPages = sourceWidth / usefulPerPageWidthByRatio; usefulWidthPages = (sourceWidth % usefulPerPageWidthByRatio == 0) ? usefulWidthPages : usefulWidthPages + 1; } Image fullImage = getFullImage(); Image image = new Image(display, (int) (usefulPerPageWidthByRatio) * widthPages, (int) (usefulPerPageHeightByRatio) * heightPages); images.add(image); GC gc = new GC(image); try { //draw image background Rectangle imageBounds = image.getBounds(); gc.setBackground(ColorUtils.getColor(IMG_BG_COLOR)); gc.fillRectangle(0, 0, imageBounds.width - 1, imageBounds.height - 1); gc.drawImage(fullImage, 0, 0); gc.setForeground(ColorUtils.getColor("#90d483")); //$NON-NLS-1$ double showRatio = Math.min( (double) controlWidth / imageBounds.width, (double) controlHeight / imageBounds.height); int lineWidth = (int) (2 / showRatio); int showTickLength = 2; int tickLength = Math.max(1, (int) (showTickLength / showRatio)); int showSpaceLength = 4; int spaceLength = Math.max(1, (int) (showSpaceLength / showRatio)); gc.setLineWidth(lineWidth); //draw portrait separator dash lines for (int i = 1; i < widthPages; i++) { PrintMultipagePreviewImageCreator.drawDashLine(gc, i * usefulPerPageWidthByRatio, 0, i * usefulPerPageWidthByRatio, imageBounds.height, tickLength, spaceLength, lineWidth); } //draw landscape separator dash lines for (int i = 1; i < heightPages; i++) { PrintMultipagePreviewImageCreator.drawDashLine(gc, 0, i * usefulPerPageHeightByRatio, imageBounds.width, i * usefulPerPageHeightByRatio, tickLength, spaceLength, lineWidth); } //draw image bounds(include margin) gc.setLineWidth(1); gc.setForeground(ColorUtils.getColor("#c0c0c0")); //$NON-NLS-1$ gc.drawRectangle(0, 0, imageBounds.width - 1, imageBounds.height - 1); } finally { gc.dispose(); } return image; } private double getDouble(String key, double defaultValue) { try { return settings.getDouble(key); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } return defaultValue; } private int getInteger(String key, int defaultValue) { try { return settings.getInt(key); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } return defaultValue; } public void releaseResource() { if (images != null) { Iterator<Image> ite = images.iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { Image image =; if (image != null) { image.dispose(); ite.remove(); image = null; } } images.clear(); } } public void dispose() { releaseResource(); if (fullImage != null) { fullImage.dispose(); } } public boolean checkImage() { return !isImageLarge(PrintConstants.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE); } private boolean isImageLarge(int largeSize) { org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle bounds = PrintMultipageUtils .getSheetFigureBounds(page, mindmap); return bounds.width * bounds.height > largeSize; } public void setSourceImageValid(boolean isSourceImageValid) { this.isSourceImageValid = isSourceImageValid; } public void setShowBackground(boolean showBackground) { settings.put(PrintConstants.NO_BACKGROUND, !showBackground); } public void setPlusVisible(boolean plusVisible) { if (exportViewer != null) { Properties properties = exportViewer.getProperties(); properties.set(IMindMapViewer.PLUS_VISIBLE, plusVisible); } } public void setMinusVisible(boolean minusVisible) { if (exportViewer != null) { Properties properties = exportViewer.getProperties(); properties.set(IMindMapViewer.MINUS_VISIBLE, minusVisible); } } /** * Draw horizontal or vertical dashed line. (Sloping is unsupported) * */ private static void drawDashLine(GC gc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int tickLength, int spaceLength, int lineWidth) { if (x1 != x2 && y1 != y2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Must satisfy either 'x1 == x2' or 'y1 == y2'"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (x1 == x2) { int times = Math.abs(y1 - y2) / (tickLength + spaceLength); for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { gc.drawLine(x1, i * (tickLength + spaceLength), x2, i * (tickLength + spaceLength) + tickLength); } int remainder = Math.abs(y1 - y2) % (tickLength + spaceLength); if (remainder > 0) { int length = remainder < tickLength ? remainder : tickLength; gc.drawLine(x1, times * (tickLength + spaceLength), x2, times * (tickLength + spaceLength) + length); } } else { int times = Math.abs(x1 - x2) / (tickLength + spaceLength); for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { gc.drawLine(i * (tickLength + spaceLength), y1, i * (tickLength + spaceLength) + tickLength, y2); } int remainder = Math.abs(x1 - x2) % (tickLength + spaceLength); if (remainder > 0) { int length = remainder < tickLength ? remainder : tickLength; gc.drawLine(times * (tickLength + spaceLength), y1, times * (tickLength + spaceLength) + length, y2); } } } }