import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; final class WordProblemSolver { private static final String INTEGER_REGEX_STRING = "(-?\\d+)"; private static final String BINARY_OPERATION_REGEX_STRING = "(plus|minus|multiplied by|divided by)"; private static final String VALID_QUESTION_REGEX_STRING = "^What is " + INTEGER_REGEX_STRING + "( " + BINARY_OPERATION_REGEX_STRING + " " + INTEGER_REGEX_STRING + ")+" + "\\?$"; int solve(final String wordProblem) { if (!wordProblem.matches(VALID_QUESTION_REGEX_STRING)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("I'm sorry, I don't understand the question!"); } final Matcher initialValueMatcher = Pattern.compile(INTEGER_REGEX_STRING).matcher(wordProblem); initialValueMatcher.find(); int result = Integer.parseInt(; final Matcher operationAndValueMatcher = Pattern.compile(BINARY_OPERATION_REGEX_STRING + " " + INTEGER_REGEX_STRING).matcher(wordProblem); while (operationAndValueMatcher.find()) { result = applyBinaryOperation( result,, Integer.parseInt(; } return result; } private int applyBinaryOperation( final int firstValue, final String operationDescription, final int secondValue) { switch (operationDescription) { case "plus": return firstValue + secondValue; case "minus": return firstValue - secondValue; case "multiplied by": return firstValue * secondValue; case "divided by": return firstValue / secondValue; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("This branch should never be executed."); } } }