import static java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange; import static; final class RectangleCounter { int countRectangles(final String[] rawGrid) { final int nRows = rawGrid.length; if (nRows == 0) return 0; final int nCols = rawGrid[0].length(); if (nCols == 0) return 0; return new Grid(nRows, nCols, rawGrid).countRectangles(); } private static final class Grid { private enum Tile { CORNER, HORIZONTAL_WALL, VERTICAL_WALL, SPACE; private static Tile fromChar(final char rawGridTile) { switch (rawGridTile) { case '+': return CORNER; case '-': return HORIZONTAL_WALL; case '|': return VERTICAL_WALL; case ' ': return SPACE; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Grid tile " + rawGridTile + " not recognized."); } } private boolean isHorizontalConnector() { return this == CORNER || this == HORIZONTAL_WALL; } private boolean isVerticalConnector() { return this == CORNER || this == VERTICAL_WALL; } } private int nRows, nCols; private final Tile[][] tiles; private Grid(final int nRows, final int nCols, final String[] rawGrid) { this.nRows = nRows; this.nCols = nCols; this.tiles = new Tile[nRows][nCols]; for (int nRow = 0; nRow < nRows; nRow++) { for (int nCol = 0; nCol < nCols; nCol++) { tiles[nRow][nCol] = Tile.fromChar(rawGrid[nRow].charAt(nCol)); } } } private int countRectangles() { int result = 0; for (int topRow = 0; topRow < nRows - 1; topRow++) { for (int leftCol = 0; leftCol < nCols - 1; leftCol++) { // Only check rectangles that lie below/to the right of our current coordinate: for (int bottomRow = topRow + 1; bottomRow < nRows; bottomRow++) { for (int rightCol = leftCol + 1; rightCol < nCols; rightCol++) { if (formsRectangle(topRow, bottomRow, leftCol, rightCol)) { result++; } } } } } return result; } private boolean formsRectangle( final int topRow, final int bottomRow, final int leftCol, final int rightCol) { return tiles[topRow][leftCol].equals(Tile.CORNER) && tiles[topRow][rightCol].equals(Tile.CORNER) && tiles[bottomRow][leftCol].equals(Tile.CORNER) && tiles[bottomRow][rightCol].equals(Tile.CORNER) && isHorizontalLineSegment(topRow, leftCol, rightCol) && isHorizontalLineSegment(bottomRow, leftCol, rightCol) && isVerticalLineSegment(leftCol, topRow, bottomRow) && isVerticalLineSegment(rightCol, topRow, bottomRow); } private boolean isHorizontalLineSegment(final int row, final int leftCol, final int rightCol) { return stream(copyOfRange(getRow(row), leftCol, rightCol)) .allMatch(Tile::isHorizontalConnector); } private boolean isVerticalLineSegment(final int col, final int topRow, final int bottomRow) { return stream(copyOfRange(getCol(col), topRow, bottomRow)) .allMatch(Tile::isVerticalConnector); } private Tile[] getRow(final int number) { return tiles[number]; } private Tile[] getCol(final int number) { final Tile[] result = new Tile[nRows]; for (int nRow = 0; nRow < nRows; nRow++) { result[nRow] = tiles[nRow][number]; } return result; } } }