import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class TriangleTest { @Rule public final ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); @Test public void equilateralTrianglesHaveEqualSides() throws TriangleException { Triangle triangle = new Triangle(2, 2, 2); assertEquals(TriangleKind.EQUILATERAL, triangle.getKind()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void largerEquilateralTrianglesAlsoHaveEqualSides() throws TriangleException { Triangle triangle = new Triangle(10, 10, 10); assertEquals(TriangleKind.EQUILATERAL, triangle.getKind()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void isoscelesTrianglesHaveLastTwoSidesEqual() throws TriangleException { Triangle triangle = new Triangle(3, 4, 4); assertEquals(TriangleKind.ISOSCELES, triangle.getKind()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void isoscelesTrianglesHaveFirstAndLastSidesEqual() throws TriangleException { Triangle triangle = new Triangle(4, 3, 4); assertEquals(TriangleKind.ISOSCELES, triangle.getKind()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void isoscelesTrianglesHaveTwoFirstSidesEqual() throws TriangleException { Triangle triangle = new Triangle(4, 4, 3); assertEquals(TriangleKind.ISOSCELES, triangle.getKind()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void isoscelesTrianglesHaveInFactExactlyTwoSidesEqual() throws TriangleException { Triangle triangle = new Triangle(10, 10, 2); assertEquals(TriangleKind.ISOSCELES, triangle.getKind()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void scaleneTrianglesHaveNoEqualSides() throws TriangleException { Triangle triangle = new Triangle(3, 4, 5); assertEquals(TriangleKind.SCALENE, triangle.getKind()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void scaleneTrianglesHaveNoEqualSidesAtLargerScaleEither() throws TriangleException { Triangle triangle = new Triangle(10, 11, 12); assertEquals(TriangleKind.SCALENE, triangle.getKind()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void scaleneTrianglesHaveNoEqualSidesInDescendingOrderEither() throws TriangleException { Triangle triangle = new Triangle(5, 4, 2); assertEquals(TriangleKind.SCALENE, triangle.getKind()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void verySmallTrianglesAreLegal() throws TriangleException { Triangle triangle = new Triangle(0.4, 0.6, 0.3); assertEquals(TriangleKind.SCALENE, triangle.getKind()); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void trianglesWithNoSizeAreIllegal() throws TriangleException { thrown.expect(TriangleException.class); new Triangle(0, 0, 0); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void trianglesWithNegativeSidesAreIllegal() throws TriangleException { thrown.expect(TriangleException.class); new Triangle(3, 4, -5); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void trianglesViolatingTriangleInequalityAreIllegal() throws TriangleException { thrown.expect(TriangleException.class); new Triangle(1, 1, 3); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void trianglesViolatingTriangleInequalityAreIllegal2() throws TriangleException { thrown.expect(TriangleException.class); new Triangle(2, 4, 2); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void trianglesViolatingTriangleInequalityAreIllegal3() throws TriangleException { thrown.expect(TriangleException.class); new Triangle(7, 3, 2); } }