/*license*\ XBN-Java: Copyright (C) 2014, Jeff Epstein (aliteralmind __DASH__ github __AT__ yahoo __DOT__ com) This software is dual-licensed under the: - Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3.0 or, at your option, any later version; - Apache Software License (ASL) version 2.0. Either license may be applied at your discretion. More information may be found at - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-licensing. The text of both licenses is available in the root directory of this project, under the names "LICENSE_lgpl-3.0.txt" and "LICENSE_asl-2.0.txt". The latest copies may be downloaded at: - LGPL 3.0: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt - ASL 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt \*license*/ package com.github.xbn.number; import com.github.xbn.analyze.validate.NullnessValidator; import com.github.xbn.analyze.validate.ValueValidator; import com.github.xbn.lang.CrashIfObject; import com.github.xbn.lang.RuleType; import com.github.xbn.number.NumberInRange; import com.github.xbn.number.z.NumberInRangeValidator_Fieldable; import static com.github.xbn.lang.CrashIfBase.*; /** <p>{@code ValueValidator} for testing a number's {@code null}-ness and that it is in a {@code NumberInRange}.</p> * @see NumberInRange * @since 0.1.0 * @author Copyright (C) 2014, Jeff Epstein ({@code aliteralmind __DASH__ github __AT__ yahoo __DOT__ com}), dual-licensed under the LGPL (version 3.0 or later) or the ASL (version 2.0). See source code for details. <a href="http://xbnjava.aliteralmind.com">{@code http://xbnjava.aliteralmind.com}</a>, <a href="https://github.com/aliteralmind/xbnjava">{@code https://github.com/aliteralmind/xbnjava}</a> **/ public abstract class NumberInRangeValidator<N extends Number> extends NullnessValidator<N> { private final NumberInRange<N> nir; //constructors...START /** <p>Create a new and unrestricted instance.</p> * <p>Equal to <br/>     <code>{@link #NumberInRangeValidator(RuleType, NumberInRangeValidator_Fieldable) this}(NumberInRangeValidator.getRuleTypeFromFieldsVNIR(filter), filter)</code></p> */ public NumberInRangeValidator(NumberInRangeValidator_Fieldable<N,? extends NumberInRange<N>> filter) { this(NumberInRangeValidator.getRuleTypeFromFieldsVNIR(filter), filter); } protected NumberInRangeValidator(RuleType type, NumberInRangeValidator_Fieldable<N,? extends NumberInRange<N>> filter) { super(type, filter); nir = filter.getRange(); if(nir == null) { throw new NullPointerException("filter.getRange()"); } } /** <p>Create a new {@code NumberInRangeValidator} as a duplicate of another.</p> <p>This<ol> <li>Calls {@link NullnessValidator#NullnessValidator(ValueValidator) super}{@code (to_copy)}</li> <li>Sets {@link #getRange() getRange}{@code ()} to <code>to_copy.{@link #getRange() getRange}()</code></li> </ol></p> * @param to_copy May not be {@code null}. * @see #getObjectCopy() * @see #NumberInRangeValidator(NumberInRangeValidator_Fieldable) NumberInRangeValidator(vnir.cfn) */ public NumberInRangeValidator(NumberInRangeValidator<N> to_copy) { super(to_copy); nir = to_copy.getRange(); } //constructors...END //getters...START /** <p>Get the current number-range.</p> * @return {@code range}, as provided to ....... */ public NumberInRange<N> getRange() { return nir; } public StringBuilder appendRules(StringBuilder to_appendTo) { try { to_appendTo.append(getRange()); } catch(RuntimeException rx) { throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(to_appendTo, "to_appendTo", null, rx); } to_appendTo.append(", null-" + (isNullOk() ? "ok" : "bad")); if(doInvertRules()) { to_appendTo.append(", doInvertRules()=true"); } if(!getFilter().doesNothing()) { to_appendTo.append(", filter: "); getFilter().appendToString(to_appendTo); } return to_appendTo; } //getters...END //ValueValidator...START /** <p>Is the number within the specified range?.</p> * @see <code><!-- GENERIC PARAMETERS FAIL IN @link --><a href="#crashIfBadValue(N, java.lang.String)">crashIfBadValue</a>(N,s)</code> */ public boolean doesFollowRulesPreInvert(N to_validate) { if(!super.doesFollowRulesPreInvert(to_validate)) { return false; } if(to_validate == null) { if(isDebugOn()) { getDebugAptr().appentln("<VNIR> doesFollowRulesPreInvert(to_validate): super is true and to_validate is null. Returning true."); } return true; } if(isDebugOn()) { getDebugAptr().appentln("<VNIR> doesFollowRulesPreInvert(to_validate): super is true and to_validate is non-null. Returning validity: <<<to_validate=" + getRange().getDebuggingForIsIn(to_validate) + ">>>"); } return getRange().isIn(to_validate); } //ValueValidator...END public static final <N extends Number> RuleType getRuleTypeFromFieldsVNIR(NumberInRangeValidator_Fieldable<N,? extends NumberInRange<N>> filter) { RuleType ert = getRuleTypeFromFieldsVVN(filter); try { return (ert.isImpossible() ? ert : filter.getRange().getRuleType()); } catch(RuntimeException rx) { throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(filter.getRange(), "filter.getRange()", null, rx); } } /** <p>Get the error message needed by {@code crashIfBadValue(N,s)}.</p> * @return {@link com.github.xbn.lang.CrashIfBase#getXMsg(String, Object) getXMsg}{@code (..., xtra_errInfo)} * @see <code><!-- GENERIC PARAMETERS FAIL IN @link --><a href="#crashIfBadValue(N, java.lang.String)">crashIfBadValue</a>(N,s)</code> */ public static final <N extends Number,G extends NumberInRangeValidator<N>> String getVNIRXMsg(G range, N to_validate, String val_name) { try { return getXMsg(val_name + " (currently " + to_validate + ") is not valid. getRules()=\"" + range.getRules() + '\"', range.getExtraErrInfo()); } catch(RuntimeException rx) { throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(range, "range", null, rx); } } }