/*license*\ XBN-Java: Copyright (C) 2014, Jeff Epstein (aliteralmind __DASH__ github __AT__ yahoo __DOT__ com) This software is dual-licensed under the: - Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3.0 or, at your option, any later version; - Apache Software License (ASL) version 2.0. Either license may be applied at your discretion. More information may be found at - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-licensing. The text of both licenses is available in the root directory of this project, under the names "LICENSE_lgpl-3.0.txt" and "LICENSE_asl-2.0.txt". The latest copies may be downloaded at: - LGPL 3.0: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt - ASL 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt \*license*/ package com.github.xbn.list; import com.github.xbn.analyze.validate.ValueValidator; import com.github.xbn.array.IndexableUtil; import com.github.xbn.array.NullContainer; import com.github.xbn.array.z.XbnIndexOutOfBoundsException_Cfg; import com.github.xbn.lang.CrashIfObject; import com.github.xbn.number.CrashIfIntIs; import com.github.xbn.util.copyval.ValueCopier; import com.github.xbn.util.itr.AbstractElementTSLengthIterator; import com.github.xbn.util.itr.AbstractIsValidElementIterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; /** <p>Translate lists to arrays and lists of primitives, objects, and strings, and other list-related utilities.</p> * @since 0.1.0 * @author Copyright (C) 2014, Jeff Epstein ({@code aliteralmind __DASH__ github __AT__ yahoo __DOT__ com}), dual-licensed under the LGPL (version 3.0 or later) or the ASL (version 2.0). See source code for details. <a href="http://xbnjava.aliteralmind.com">{@code http://xbnjava.aliteralmind.com}</a>, <a href="https://github.com/aliteralmind/xbnjava">{@code https://github.com/aliteralmind/xbnjava}</a> **/ public class ListUtil { /** <p>YYY</p> * @exception XbnIndexOutOfBoundsException If any {@code list_ofUniqueAscIdxsToDelete} are invalid for {@code list}, or if its elements are not unique or ascending, causing subsequent indexes (that <i>were</i> valid) to not be valid. */ public static final void deleteElementsNotInAscUnqIndexList(List<?> list, List<Integer> list_ofUniqueAscIdxsToDelete) { int iOrigSz = -1; // int iLXSz = -1; try { iOrigSz = list.size(); // iLXSz = list_ofUniqueAscIdxsToDelete.size(); } catch(RuntimeException rx) { Objects.requireNonNull(list, "list"); throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(list_ofUniqueAscIdxsToDelete, "list_ofUniqueAscIdxsToDelete", null, rx); } //Going backwards, so indexes in list_ofUniqueAscIdxsToDelete don't have to be decremented. for(int i = (list_ofUniqueAscIdxsToDelete.size() - 1); i >= 0; i--) { int ix = list_ofUniqueAscIdxsToDelete.get(i); try { list.remove(ix); } catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ibx) { String sInfo = "Attempting list.remove(list_ofUniqueAscIdxsToDelete.get(" + i + "). list_ofUniqueAscIdxsToDelete.get(" + i + ")=[" + ix + "]. It is assumed-but-not-verified that list_ofUniqueAscIdxsToDelete contains only unique elements and is ordered ascending: [" + StringUtils.join(list_ofUniqueAscIdxsToDelete, ", ") + "]. Also note that list is as it exists after some deletions -- Its original size was " + iOrigSz + "."; throw new XbnIndexOutOfBoundsException_Cfg(). badIndex(ix, "list_ofUniqueAscIdxsToDelete.get(" + i + ")").absCollectionSize(list, "list").buildWithCauseInfo(ibx, sInfo); } } } /** <p>YYY</p> */ public static final <E> List<E> getEListCopyOrNull(Collection<E> coll, ValueCopier<E> copier, NullContainer nnull, String cntrName_forNullBad) { if(coll == null) { IndexableUtil.crashIfContainerIsNullAndThatIsBad(nnull, cntrName_forNullBad); return null; } ArrayList<E> ve = new ArrayList<E>(coll.size()); if(copier == null) { for(E e : coll) { ve.add(e); } } else { for(E e : coll) { ve.add(copier.getValueCopy(e, "[element in coll]")); } } return ve; } /** <p>YYY</p> */ public static final <E> List<Object> getObjectListOrNull(Collection<E> coll, ValueCopier<E> copier, NullContainer nnull, String cntrName_forNullBad) { if(coll == null) { IndexableUtil.crashIfContainerIsNullAndThatIsBad(nnull, cntrName_forNullBad); return null; } ArrayList<Object> vo = new ArrayList<Object>(coll.size()); if(copier == null) { for(Object o : coll) { vo.add(o); } } else { for(E e : coll) { vo.add(copier.getValueCopy(e, "[element in coll]")); } } return vo; } /** <p>YYY</p> */ public static final <E> List<String> getStringListOrNull(Collection<E> coll, ValueCopier<E> copier, NullContainer nnull, String cntrName_forNullBad) { if(coll == null) { IndexableUtil.crashIfContainerIsNullAndThatIsBad(nnull, cntrName_forNullBad); return null; } ArrayList<String> ve = new ArrayList<String>(coll.size()); if(copier == null) { for(E e : coll) { ve.add((e == null) ? null : e.toString()); } } else { for(E e : coll) { e = copier.getValueCopy(e, "[element in coll]"); ve.add((e == null) ? null : e.toString()); } } return ve; } public static final <E> String[] getStringArrayOrNull(Collection<E> coll, ValueCopier<E> copier, NullContainer nnull, String cntrName_forNullBad) { if(coll == null) { IndexableUtil.crashIfContainerIsNullAndThatIsBad(nnull, cntrName_forNullBad); return null; } String[] as = new String[coll.size()]; Iterator<E> itr = coll.iterator(); int i = 0; if(copier == null) { while(itr.hasNext()) { E e = itr.next(); as[i++] = ((e == null) ? null : e.toString()); } } else { while(itr.hasNext()) { E e = copier.getValueCopy(itr.next(), "[element in coll]"); as[i++] = ((e == null) ? null : e.toString()); } } return as; } public static final <E> Object[] getObjectArrayOrNull(Collection<E> coll, ValueCopier<E> copier, NullContainer nnull, String cntrName_forNullBad) { if(coll == null) { IndexableUtil.crashIfContainerIsNullAndThatIsBad(nnull, cntrName_forNullBad); return null; } Object[] as = new Object[coll.size()]; Iterator<E> itr = coll.iterator(); int i = 0; if(copier == null) { while(itr.hasNext()) { as[i++] = (Object)itr.next(); } } else { while(itr.hasNext()) { as[i++] = (Object)copier.getValueCopy(itr.next(), "[element in coll]"); } } return as; } public static final <E> E[] getEArrayOrNull(Collection<E> coll, ValueCopier<E> copier, E[] elementAry_initdToCollSize, NullContainer nnull, String cntrName_forNullBad) { if(coll == null) { IndexableUtil.crashIfContainerIsNullAndThatIsBad(nnull, cntrName_forNullBad); return null; } Iterator<E> itr = coll.iterator(); int i = 0; try { if(copier == null) { while(itr.hasNext()) { elementAry_initdToCollSize[i++] = itr.next(); } } else { while(itr.hasNext()) { elementAry_initdToCollSize[i++] = copier.getValueCopy(itr.next(), "[element in coll]"); } } } catch(RuntimeException rx) { Objects.requireNonNull(elementAry_initdToCollSize, "elementAry_initdToCollSize"); if(elementAry_initdToCollSize.length < coll.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("elementAry_initdToCollSize.length=" + elementAry_initdToCollSize.length + ", coll.size()=" + coll.size()); } } return elementAry_initdToCollSize; } /* <p>If the array or element is {@code null}, or the index is bad, crash--otherwise, <i>return</i> the causing error.</p> public static final RuntimeException ciListOrElementNullBadIndexOrReturnCause(List<? extends Object> list, String list_name, int index, String idx_name, RuntimeException cause) { try { if(list.get(index) == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Element " + index + " in " + list_name); } } catch(RuntimeException rx) { CrashIfIndex.badForLength(index, list.size(), idx_name, list_name); throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(list, list_name, null, rx); } return regetRtxCrashIfNull(cause, "cause"); } public static final RuntimeException ciListNullBadIndexOrReturnCause(List<? extends Object> list, String list_name, int index, String idx_name, RuntimeException cause) { try { CrashIfIndex.badForLength(index, list.size(), idx_name, list_name); } catch(RuntimeException rx) { throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(list, list_name, null, rx); } return new RuntimeException(getXMsg(idx_name + " (" + index + ") is invalid given " + list_name + ".size() is " + list.size() + ".", null), cause); } */ /** <p>YYY</p> */ public static final String getJoinedWithDelimiter(List<?> list, char delimiter, int idx_start, int idx_endX) { return getJoinedWithDelimiter(list, String.valueOf(delimiter), idx_start, idx_endX); } /** <p>YYY</p> <p>The missing {@code join(...)} functions from {@link org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils}</p> */ public static final String getJoinedWithDelimiter(List<?> list, String to_appendToelim, int idx_start, int idx_endX) { StringBuilder sd = new StringBuilder(); int iEXMinus1 = (idx_endX - 1); for(int i = idx_start; i < idx_endX; i++) { sd.append(list.get(i)); if(i < iEXMinus1) { sd.append(to_appendToelim); } } return sd.toString(); } public static final <E> ArrayList<E> newNulledArrayListOfSize(int size) { ArrayList<E> al = null; try { al = new ArrayList<E>(size); } catch(RuntimeException rx) { throw CrashIfIntIs.lessThanZeroOrReturnCause(size, "size", null, rx); } for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { al.add(null); } return al; } public static final <E> Iterator<Integer> newIteratorForListOfArraysLengths(List<E[]> list) { return (new ListOfArraysLengthIterator<E>(list)); } public static final <E> Iterator<Boolean> newIteratorForIsElementValid(List<E> list, ValueValidator<E> element_validator) { return (new IsValidListElementIterator<E>(list, element_validator)); } private ListUtil() { throw new IllegalStateException("Do not instantiate"); } } class ListOfArraysLengthIterator<R> extends AbstractElementTSLengthIterator<R[]> { public ListOfArraysLengthIterator(List<R[]> list) { super(list); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<R[]> getRawList() { return (List<R[]>)getContainer(); } protected R[] getRawElementRTXOkay(int index) { return getRawList().get(index); } public int getTotalElementCount() { return getRawList().size(); } } class IsValidListElementIterator<R> extends AbstractIsValidElementIterator<R> { public IsValidListElementIterator(List<R> list, ValueValidator<R> element_validator) { super(list, element_validator); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<R> getRawList() { return (List<R>)getContainer(); } protected R getRawElementRTXOkay(int index) { return getRawList().get(index); } public int getTotalElementCount() { return getRawList().size(); } }