/*license*\ XBN-Java: Copyright (C) 2014, Jeff Epstein (aliteralmind __DASH__ github __AT__ yahoo __DOT__ com) This software is dual-licensed under the: - Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3.0 or, at your option, any later version; - Apache Software License (ASL) version 2.0. Either license may be applied at your discretion. More information may be found at - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-licensing. The text of both licenses is available in the root directory of this project, under the names "LICENSE_lgpl-3.0.txt" and "LICENSE_asl-2.0.txt". The latest copies may be downloaded at: - LGPL 3.0: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt - ASL 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt \*license*/ package com.github.xbn.io; import com.github.xbn.lang.IllegalArgumentStateException; import com.github.xbn.io.z.GetDebugApbl_Fieldable; import com.github.xbn.lang.CrashIfObject; /** <p>Basic implementation of {@code Debuggable}.</p> * @author Copyright (C) 2014, Jeff Epstein. Released under the LPGL 2.1. <a href="http://xbnjava.aliteralmind.com">{@code http://xbnjava.aliteralmind.com}</a>, <a href="https://github.com/aliteralmind/xbnjava">{@code https://github.com/aliteralmind/xbnjava}</a> **/ public class SimpleDebuggable implements Debuggable { private TextAppenter xpnt = null; private boolean bOn = false; //constructors...START /** <p>Create a new {@code SimpleDebuggable}.</p> <p>This calls<ol> <li>Sets {@link #getDebugAptr() getDebugAptr}{@code ()} to {@code null}.</li> <li>Sets {@link #isDebugOn() isDebugOn}{@code ()} to {@code false}.</li> </ol></p> * @see #SimpleDebuggable(GetDebugApbl_Fieldable) this(gda_f) */ public SimpleDebuggable() { //Never ever call interface functions, directly or indirectly, in a constructor. zsetDebugDB(null, false); } public SimpleDebuggable(GetDebugApbl_Fieldable fieldable) { try { onIfNonNull(fieldable.getDebugApbl()); } catch(RuntimeException rx) { throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(fieldable, "fieldable", null, rx); } } /** <p>YYY</p> <p>This calls<ol> <li>Sets {@link #getDebugAptr() getDebugAptr}{@code ()} to {@code to_copy.getDebugAptr()}.</li> <li>Sets {@link #isDebugOn() isDebugOn}{@code ()} to {@code to_copy.isDebugOn()}.</li> </ol></p> * @see #SimpleDebuggable() this() */ public SimpleDebuggable(Debuggable to_copy) { //Never ever call interface functions, directly or indirectly, in a constructor. try { xpnt = to_copy.getDebugAptr(); } catch(RuntimeException rx) { throw CrashIfObject.nullOrReturnCause(to_copy, "to_copy", null, rx); } zsetDebugOnDB(to_copy.isDebugOn()); } //constructors...END //setters...START public SimpleDebuggable onIfNonNull(Appendable destination) { setDebug(destination, (destination != null)); return this; } public void setDebug(Appendable destination, boolean is_on) { zsetDebugDB(destination, is_on); } protected final void zsetDebugDB(Appendable destination, boolean is_on) { if(destination == null) { if(is_on) { throw new IllegalArgumentStateException("destination is null and is_on is true."); } xpnt = TextAppenter.SUPPRESS; } else { xpnt = NewTextAppenterFor.appendable(destination); } setDebugOn(is_on); } public void setDebugOn(boolean is_on) { zsetDebugOnDB(is_on); } protected final void zsetDebugOnDB(boolean is_on) { if(is_on && getDebugAptr() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("is_on is true, but getDebugAptr() is null."); } bOn = is_on; } //setters...END //getters...START public boolean isDebugOn() { return bOn; } public final TextAppenter getDebugAptr() { return xpnt; } public Appendable getDebugApbl() { return getDebugAptr().getAppendable(); } //getters...END //other...START public TextAppenter debug(Object message) { return getDebugAptr().appent(message); } public void debugln(Object message) { getDebugAptr().appentln(message); } public String toString() { return appendToString(new StringBuilder()).toString(); } public StringBuilder appendToString(StringBuilder to_appendTo) { if(!isDebugOn()) { return to_appendTo.append("<debug-off>"); } return to_appendTo.append("<Debug to ").append(getDebugApbl().getClass().getName()).append(">"); } /** <p>Duplicate this {@code SimpleDebuggable}</p> * @return <code>(new {@link #SimpleDebuggable(Debuggable) SimpleDebuggable}(this)</code> */ public SimpleDebuggable getObjectCopy() { return (new SimpleDebuggable(this)); } //other...END }