package; import com.typesafe.config.Config; import; import; import; import; import gnu.trove.procedure.TIntFloatProcedure; import gnu.trove.procedure.TLongFloatProcedure; import gnu.trove.set.TIntSet; import; import org.mapdb.DB; import org.mapdb.DBMaker; import org.mapdb.HTreeMap; import org.wikibrain.conf.Configuration; import org.wikibrain.conf.ConfigurationException; import org.wikibrain.conf.Configurator; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.DaoException; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.Language; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.StringNormalizer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.wikibrain.utils.ParallelForEach; import org.wikibrain.utils.Procedure; import org.wikibrain.utils.WpIOUtils; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This metric is intended to support very fast SR for a known (expandable) set of phrases. * This metric ONLY operates on phrases, not on pages (TODO: fix this). * * The SR metric must be made aware of phrases using the addPhrase() method. * All phrases have an application-generated integer ID associated with them. * "Unkonwn" phrases (e.g. those not added) will not be returned by mostSimilar() and * will fail for, e.g. similarity() and cosimilarity(). * * SR methods (e.g. similarity, cosimilarity, mostSimilar) that typically take or return * local article ids will instead take or return phrase ids. For example, mostSimilar() * returns the scores and ids associated with known phrases. * * Phrase are represented as vectors, and cached in two methods. First, a full cosimilarity * matrix is maintained, ensuring that any all SR methods on existing phrases are fast. * Second, an inverted index for the vector representations is maintained so that * all cosimilarities for a new phrase can be calculated very quickly. * * The universe of known phrases and associated data structures is serialized dynamically * to files in the specific data directory. However, the full cosimilarity matrix is only * written out when the write() method (or flushCosimilarity method) is called. * * The normalizer should be retrained for internal phrases (using trainNormalizer()) * periodically. It initially defaults to the "identity" normalizer. * * This means that space and time complexities are O(N^2) for a new phrase - to be specific, * 4 bytes are needed for each element in the cosimilarity matrix. In exchange for this, * similarity is O(1), cosimilarity is O(m*n) for m phrases by n phrases, and mostSimilar * is O(n). The complexity of addPhrase scales with the sparsity of the feature vector matrix. * To be specific, the complexity of addPhrase(phrase) is linear in the number of non-zero * cells in the full (all-phrase) feature matrix for each of the phrase's features. * * All elements of this metric are thread-safe. * * @author Shilad Sen */ public class KnownPhraseSim implements SRMetric { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KnownPhraseSim.class); private final StringNormalizer stringNormalizer; private final HTreeMap<Object, Object> db; private final PhraseCreator creator; private final Language language; private final File dir; private final String name; private Normalizer scoreNormalizer = new IdentityNormalizer(); // Regular index private ConcurrentHashMap<String, KnownPhrase> byPhrase; private ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, KnownPhrase> byId; // Keeps an inverted index for fast mostSimilar performance private ConcurrentHashMap<Long, TIntFloatMap> invertedIndex = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, TIntFloatMap>(); // Caches the full cosimilarity matrix. private CosimilarityMatrix cosim = new CosimilarityMatrix(); private DB phraseDb; public KnownPhraseSim(Language language, PhraseCreator creator, File dir, StringNormalizer stringNormalizer) throws IOException { this("known-phrase-sim", language, creator, dir, stringNormalizer); } public KnownPhraseSim(String name, Language language, PhraseCreator creator, File dir, StringNormalizer stringNormalizer) throws IOException { = name; this.language = language; this.creator = creator; this.stringNormalizer = stringNormalizer; this.dir = dir; this.dir.mkdirs(); this.phraseDb = DBMaker .newFileDB(new File(dir, "phrases.mapdb")) .mmapFileEnable() .transactionDisable() .asyncWriteEnable() .asyncWriteFlushDelay(100) .make(); this.db = phraseDb.getHashMap("phrases"); this.readPhrases(); this.readCosimilarity(); File f = new File(dir, "scoreNormalizer.bin"); if (f.isFile()) { scoreNormalizer = (Normalizer) WpIOUtils.readObjectFromFile(f); } } @Override public void read() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Metric cannot be re-read after creation"); } /** * Write simply flushes the cache. All other writes happen asynchronously. * @throws IOException */ @Override public void write() throws IOException { flushCosimilarity(); } private void readCosimilarity() throws IOException { File f = new File(dir, "cosimilarity.bin"); try { this.cosim = (CosimilarityMatrix) WpIOUtils.readObjectFromFile(f); } catch (Exception e) {"Reading cosim file " + f + " failed... rebuilding it from scratch"); cosim = new CosimilarityMatrix(); } final TIntSet built = cosim.getCompleted(); ParallelForEach.loop(byId.values(), new Procedure<KnownPhrase>() { @Override public void call(KnownPhrase p) throws Exception { if (!built.contains(p.getId())) { SRResultList neighbors = indexedMostSimilar(p.getVector(), byId.size(), null); cosim.update(p.getId(), neighbors); } } }); } public void flushCosimilarity() throws IOException { WpIOUtils.writeObjectToFile(new File(dir, "cosimilarity.bin"), cosim); db.getEngine().commit(); } private void readPhrases() { byId = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, KnownPhrase>(); byPhrase = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, KnownPhrase>(); for (Map.Entry entry : db.entrySet()) { String key = (String) entry.getKey(); KnownPhrase val = (KnownPhrase) entry.getValue(); if (!key.equals(val.getNormalizedPhrase())) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } byId.put(val.getId(), val); byPhrase.put(val.getNormalizedPhrase(), val); for (String version : val.getVersions()) { byPhrase.put(version, val); } PhraseVector v = val.getVector(); for (int i = 0; i < v.ids.length; i++) { long featureId = v.ids[i]; float featureVal = v.vals[i]; invertedIndex.putIfAbsent(featureId, new TIntFloatHashMap()); TIntFloatMap index = invertedIndex.get(featureId); synchronized (index) { invertedIndex.get(featureId).put(val.getId(), featureVal); } } } } /** * Adds a particular phrase to the internal SR model. * Multiple calls to add() for the same phrase are safe * (the phrase's frequency will be incremented). * * @param phrase * @param id */ public void addPhrase(String phrase, final int id) { KnownPhrase ifAbsent = new KnownPhrase(id, phrase, normalize(phrase)); KnownPhrase old = byPhrase.putIfAbsent(ifAbsent.getNormalizedPhrase(), ifAbsent); if (old == null) { TLongFloatMap vector = creator.getVector(phrase); if (vector == null) { return; } ifAbsent.setVector(new PhraseVector(vector)); byId.put(id, ifAbsent); db.put(ifAbsent.getNormalizedPhrase(), new KnownPhrase(ifAbsent)); vector.forEachEntry(new TLongFloatProcedure() { @Override public boolean execute(long k, float v) { invertedIndex.putIfAbsent(k, new TIntFloatHashMap()); TIntFloatMap index = invertedIndex.get(k); synchronized (index) { invertedIndex.get(k).put(id, v); } return true; } }); if (cosim != null) { SRResultList neighbors = indexedMostSimilar(ifAbsent.getVector(), byId.size(), null); cosim.update(id, neighbors); } } else { old.increment(phrase); db.put(ifAbsent.getNormalizedPhrase(), new KnownPhrase(old)); } } public void rebuild() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Trains the normalizer on the existing phrases. * The normalizer is (right now) ALWAYS a * percentile normalizer to the power of 10. * * @throws IOException */ public void trainNormalizer() throws IOException { Normalizer restored = this.scoreNormalizer; this.scoreNormalizer = new IdentityNormalizer(); try { List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(byId.keySet()); Random random = new Random(); PercentileNormalizer newNormalizer = new PercentileNormalizer(); newNormalizer.setPower(10); newNormalizer.setSampleSize(100000); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { int id = ids.get(random.nextInt(ids.size())); for (SRResult r : mostSimilar(id, ids.size())) { newNormalizer.observe(r.getScore()); } } newNormalizer.observationsFinished(); File f = new File(dir, "scoreNormalizer.bin"); WpIOUtils.writeObjectToFile(f, newNormalizer); restored = newNormalizer; } finally { this.scoreNormalizer = restored; } } /** * Returns the phrase associated with a particular id (or null). * @param id * @return */ public String getPhrase(int id) { if (byId.containsKey(id)) { return byId.get(id).getCanonicalVersion(); } return null; } /** * * @param phrase * @return */ public Integer getId(String phrase) { KnownPhrase kp = byPhrase.get(normalize(phrase)); if (kp == null) { return null; } else { return kp.getId(); } } /** * Return the normalized (i.e. canonical) string associated with a phrase. * @param phrase * @return */ public String normalize(String phrase) { return stringNormalizer.normalize(language, phrase); } @Override public SRResult similarity(int id1, int id2, boolean explanations) { return new SRResult(cosim.similarity(id1, id2)); } @Override public SRResult similarity(String phrase1, String phrase2, boolean explanations) throws DaoException { Integer id1 = getId(phrase1); Integer id2 = getId(phrase2); if (id1 == null || id2 == null) { return new SRResult(Double.NaN); } return similarity(id1, id2, explanations); } @Override public SRResultList mostSimilar(String phrase, int maxResults, TIntSet candidateIds) { Integer id = getId(phrase); if (id == null) { return null; } else { return mostSimilar(id, maxResults, candidateIds); } } @Override public SRResultList mostSimilar(String phrase, int maxResults) { return mostSimilar(phrase, maxResults, null); } @Override public SRResultList mostSimilar(int id, int maxResults, TIntSet candidateIds) { KnownPhrase p = byId.get(id); if (p == null) { return null; } SRResultList results; if (cosim == null) { PhraseVector v1 = p.getVector(); if (candidateIds != null && candidateIds.size() < 10) { return mostSimilar(v1, maxResults, candidateIds); } else { return indexedMostSimilar(v1, maxResults, candidateIds); } } else { results = cosim.mostSimilar(id, maxResults, candidateIds); } return scoreNormalizer.normalize(results); } private SRResultList indexedMostSimilar(PhraseVector v1, int maxResults, TIntSet candidateIds) { final TIntDoubleHashMap dots = new TIntDoubleHashMap(maxResults * 5); for (int i = 0; i < v1.ids.length; i++) { long featureId = v1.ids[i]; final float featureVal = v1.vals[i]; TIntFloatMap index = invertedIndex.get(featureId); if (index == null) continue; synchronized (index) { index.forEachEntry(new TIntFloatProcedure() { @Override public boolean execute(int id, float val) { dots.adjustOrPutValue(id, val * featureVal, val * featureVal); return true; } }); } } final Leaderboard leaderboard = new Leaderboard(maxResults); double l1 = v1.norm2(); int keys[] = dots.keys(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { int id = keys[i]; double l2 = byId.get(id).getVector().norm2(); double dot = dots.get(id); double sim = dot / (l1 * l2); leaderboard.tallyScore(id, sim); } return leaderboard.getTop(); } private SRResultList mostSimilar(PhraseVector v1, int maxResults, TIntSet candidateIds) { final Leaderboard top = new Leaderboard(maxResults); if (candidateIds != null) { for (int id2 : candidateIds.toArray()) { KnownPhrase p2 = byId.get(id2); if (p2 != null) { top.tallyScore(id2, v1.cosineSim(p2.getVector())); } } } else { for (KnownPhrase p2 : byId.values()) { top.tallyScore(p2.getId(), v1.cosineSim(p2.getVector())); } } return top.getTop(); } @Override public SRResultList mostSimilar(int id, int maxResults) { return mostSimilar(id, maxResults, null); } @Override public double[][] cosimilarity(String rows[], String columns[]) { int rowIds[] = new int[rows.length]; for (int i = 0; i < rowIds.length; i++) { rowIds[i] = getId(rows[i]); } int colIds[] = new int[columns.length]; for (int i = 0; i < colIds.length; i++) { colIds[i] = getId(columns[i]); } return cosimilarity(rowIds, colIds); } @Override public double[][] cosimilarity(int[] ids) throws DaoException { return new double[0][]; } @Override public double[][] cosimilarity(String[] phrases) throws DaoException { return new double[0][]; } public float[] getPhraseVector(String phrase) { Integer id = getId(phrase); if (id == null) { return null; } else { return getPhraseVector(id); } } public float[] getPhraseVector(int id) { return cosim.getVector(id); } @Override public double[][] cosimilarity(int rows[], int columns[]) { double cosims[][] = new double[rows.length][columns.length]; if (cosim != null) { return cosim.cosimilarity(rows, columns); } List<PhraseVector> colVectors = new ArrayList<PhraseVector>(columns.length); for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { KnownPhrase kp = byId.get(columns[i]); colVectors.add(kp == null ? null : kp.getVector()); } for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { KnownPhrase kp = byId.get(columns[i]); if (kp == null) { continue; // leave sims as their default value of 0.0 } PhraseVector v1 = kp.getVector(); for (int j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) { PhraseVector v2 = colVectors.get(j); if (v2 != null) { cosims[i][j] = scoreNormalizer.normalize(v1.cosineSim(v2)); } } } return cosims; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public Language getLanguage() { return language; } @Override public File getDataDir() { return dir; } @Override public void setDataDir(File dir) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public Normalizer getScoreNormalizer() { return scoreNormalizer; } @Override public Normalizer getMostSimilarNormalizer() { return scoreNormalizer; } @Override public void setMostSimilarNormalizer(Normalizer n) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Normalizer getSimilarityNormalizer() { return scoreNormalizer; } @Override public void setSimilarityNormalizer(Normalizer n) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void trainSimilarity(Dataset dataset) {} @Override public void trainMostSimilar(Dataset dataset, int numResults, TIntSet validIds) {} @Override public boolean similarityIsTrained() { return false; } @Override public boolean mostSimilarIsTrained() { return false; } public static class Provider extends org.wikibrain.conf.Provider<SRMetric> { public Provider(Configurator configurator, Configuration config) throws ConfigurationException { super(configurator, config); } @Override public Class getType() { return SRMetric.class; } @Override public String getPath() { return "sr.metric.local"; } @Override public SRMetric get(String name, Config config, Map<String, String> runtimeParams) throws ConfigurationException { if (!config.getString("type").equals("knownphrase")) { return null; } if (runtimeParams == null || !runtimeParams.containsKey("language")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Monolingual SR Metric requires 'language' runtime parameter"); } Language language = Language.getByLangCode(runtimeParams.get("language")); List<String> names = config.getStringList("metrics"); SparseVectorSRMetric[] metrics = new SparseVectorSRMetric[names.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { metrics[i] = (SparseVectorSRMetric) getConfigurator().get( SRMetric.class, names.get(i), "language", language.getLangCode()); } PhraseCreator creator = new EnsemblePhraseCreator( metrics, toPrimitive(config.getDoubleList("coefficients"))); String stringNormalizerName = null; if (config.hasPath("stringnormalizer")) { stringNormalizerName = config.getString("stringnormalizer"); } StringNormalizer normalizer = getConfigurator().get(StringNormalizer.class, stringNormalizerName); File dir = FileUtils.getFile( getConfig().getString("sr.metric.path"), name, language.getLangCode()); try { return new KnownPhraseSim(name, language, creator, dir, normalizer); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(e); } } } private static double[] toPrimitive(List<Double> l) { double [] result = new double[l.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { result[i] = l.get(i); } return result; } }