package org.wikibrain.core.dao.sql; import; import gnu.trove.set.TIntSet; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.DaoException; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.LocalCategoryMemberDao; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.Language; import org.wikibrain.core.model.CategoryGraph; import org.wikibrain.core.model.NameSpace; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.PriorityQueue; /** * Conducts Dijkstra on the category hierarchy from a starting document. * Pages attached to visited categories are recorded, and iterations stop * when a certain number of unique pages have been discovered. * @author Shilad Sen * @author Matt Lesicko */ public class CategoryBfs { private CategoryGraph graph; private int startPage; private int maxResults; private LocalCategoryMemberDao categoryMemberDao; private Language language; /** * Observed distances to visited categories. */ private TIntDoubleHashMap catDistances = new TIntDoubleHashMap(); /** * Observed distances to visited pages. */ private TIntDoubleHashMap pageDistances = new TIntDoubleHashMap(); /** * Categories that have been seen, but not visited. */ private PriorityQueue<CategoryDistance> openCats = new PriorityQueue<CategoryDistance>(); /** * Results of the current iteration. */ private BfsVisited visited = new BfsVisited(); /** * If true, tracks pages visited along the way. */ public boolean addPages = true; /** * If true, explore paths that travel up to an ancestor and back down to a descendant. * If false, only travel upwards. */ public boolean exploreChildren = true; /** * Wikipedia ids that can be traversed in the result set. */ private TIntSet validWpIds; int numSteps = 0; public CategoryBfs(CategoryGraph graph, int startCatId, Language language, int maxResults, TIntSet validWpIds, LocalCategoryMemberDao categoryMemberDao) throws DaoException { this(graph, startCatId, NameSpace.ARTICLE, language, maxResults, validWpIds, categoryMemberDao, (byte)+1); } public CategoryBfs(CategoryGraph graph, int startId, NameSpace startNamespace, Language language, int maxResults, TIntSet validWpIds, LocalCategoryMemberDao categoryMemberDao, int direction) throws DaoException { this.startPage = startId; this.maxResults = maxResults; this.graph = graph; this.validWpIds = validWpIds; this.categoryMemberDao = categoryMemberDao; this.language = language; pageDistances.put(startPage, 0.000000); if (startNamespace == NameSpace.ARTICLE) { Collection<Integer> cats = categoryMemberDao.getCategoryIds(language, startId); if (cats!=null){ for (int catId : cats) { int ci = graph.catIdToIndex(catId); if (ci >= 0) { openCats.add(new CategoryDistance(ci, graph.cats[ci], graph.catCosts[ci], (byte)direction)); } } } } else if (startNamespace == NameSpace.CATEGORY) { int ci = graph.catIdToIndex(startId); if (ci >= 0) { openCats.add(new CategoryDistance(ci, graph.cats[ci], 0.000000001, (byte)direction)); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } public void setAddPages(boolean addPages) { this.addPages = addPages; } public void setExploreChildren(boolean exploreChildren) { this.exploreChildren = exploreChildren; } public boolean hasMoreResults() { return openCats.size() > 0 && pageDistances.size() < maxResults; } /** * Runs one step of Dijjkstra by visiting the closest unvisited category. * @return A BfsVisited object that captures all pages and categories visited in the step. */ public BfsVisited step() { numSteps++; visited.clear(); if (!hasMoreResults()) { return visited; } CategoryDistance cs; do { cs = openCats.poll(); } while (hasMoreResults() && catDistances.contains(cs.getCatIndex())); visited.cats.put(cs.getCatIndex(), cs.getDistance()); catDistances.put(cs.getCatIndex(), cs.getDistance()); // System.out.println("visited " + cs.toString()); // add directly linked pages if (addPages) { for (int i : graph.catPages[cs.getCatIndex()]) { if (validWpIds != null && !validWpIds.contains(i)) { continue; } if (!pageDistances.containsKey(i) || pageDistances.get(i) > cs.getDistance()) { pageDistances.put(i, cs.getDistance()); visited.pages.put(i, cs.getDistance()); } if (pageDistances.size() >= maxResults) { break; // may be an issue for huge categories } } } // next steps downwards if (exploreChildren) { for (int i : graph.catChildren[cs.getCatIndex()]) { if (!catDistances.containsKey(i)) { double d = cs.getDistance() + graph.catCosts[i]; openCats.add(new CategoryDistance(i, graph.cats[i], d, (byte)-1)); } } } // next steps upwards (if still possible) if (cs.getDirection() == +1) { for (int i : graph.catParents[cs.getCatIndex()]) { if (!catDistances.containsKey(i)) { double d = cs.getDistance() + graph.catCosts[i]; openCats.add(new CategoryDistance(i, graph.cats[i], d, (byte)+1)); } } } return visited; } public TIntDoubleHashMap getPageDistances() { return pageDistances; } public boolean hasPageDistance(int pageId) { return pageDistances.containsKey(pageId); } public double getPageDistance(int pageId) { return pageDistances.get(pageId); } public boolean hasCategoryDistanceForIndex(int categoryId) { return catDistances.containsKey(categoryId); } public boolean hasCategoryDistance(int pageId) { return catDistances.containsKey(graph.catIdToIndex(pageId)); } public double getCategoryDistance(int categoryId) { return catDistances.get(graph.catIdToIndex(categoryId)); } public double getCategoryDistanceForIndex(int catIndex) { return catDistances.get(catIndex); } public class BfsVisited { public TIntDoubleHashMap pages = new TIntDoubleHashMap(); public TIntDoubleHashMap cats = new TIntDoubleHashMap(); public void clear() { pages.clear(); cats.clear(); } public double maxPageDistance() { return max(pages.values()); } public double maxCatDistance() { return max(cats.values()); } } private double max(double []A) { double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (double x : A) { if (x > max) max = x; } return max; } }