package org.wikibrain.core.dao.sql; import com.typesafe.config.Config; import gnu.trove.impl.Constants; import; import org.jooq.*; import org.wikibrain.conf.Configuration; import org.wikibrain.conf.ConfigurationException; import org.wikibrain.conf.Configurator; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.DaoException; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.DaoFilter; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.LocalPageDao; import org.wikibrain.core.jooq.Tables; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.Language; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.LanguageInfo; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.LocalId; import org.wikibrain.core.model.LocalPage; import org.wikibrain.core.model.NameSpace; import org.wikibrain.core.model.Title; import org.wikibrain.utils.ParallelForEach; import org.wikibrain.utils.Procedure; import org.wikibrain.utils.WpThreadUtils; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** */ public class LocalPageSqlDao extends AbstractSqlDao<LocalPage> implements LocalPageDao { private volatile TLongIntHashMap titlesToIds = null; private RedirectSqlDao redirectSqlDao; public LocalPageSqlDao(WpDataSource dataSource) throws DaoException { this(dataSource, true); } public LocalPageSqlDao(WpDataSource dataSource, boolean followRedirects) throws DaoException{ super(dataSource, INSERT_FIELDS, "/db/local-page"); if (followRedirects){ redirectSqlDao = new RedirectSqlDao(wpDs); } } private static final TableField [] INSERT_FIELDS = new TableField[] { Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.LANG_ID, Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.PAGE_ID, Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.TITLE, Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.NAME_SPACE, Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.IS_REDIRECT, Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.IS_DISAMBIG }; @Override public void save(LocalPage page) throws DaoException { insert( page.getLanguage().getId(), page.getLocalId(), page.getTitle().getCanonicalTitle(), page.getNameSpace().getArbitraryId(), page.isRedirect(), page.isDisambig() ); } @Override public Iterable<LocalPage> get(final DaoFilter daoFilter) throws DaoException { DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Collection<Condition> conditions = new ArrayList<Condition>(); if (daoFilter.getLangIds() != null) { conditions.add(; } if (daoFilter.getNameSpaceIds() != null) { conditions.add(; } if (daoFilter.isRedirect() != null) { conditions.add(; } if (daoFilter.isDisambig() != null) { conditions.add(; } Cursor<Record> result = from(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE). where(conditions). limit(daoFilter.getLimitOrInfinity()). fetchLazy(getFetchSize()); return new SimpleSqlDaoIterable<LocalPage>(result, context) { @Override public LocalPage transform(Record r) { try { return buildLocalPage(r, daoFilter); } catch (DaoException e) { LOG.warn(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } }; } catch (RuntimeException e) { freeJooq(context); throw e; } } @Override public Set<LocalId> getIds(final DaoFilter daoFilter) throws DaoException { DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Collection<Condition> conditions = new ArrayList<Condition>(); if (daoFilter.getLangIds() != null) { conditions.add(; } if (daoFilter.getNameSpaceIds() != null) { conditions.add(; } if (daoFilter.isRedirect() != null) { conditions.add(; } if (daoFilter.isDisambig() != null) { conditions.add(; } Cursor<Record2<Short, Long>> result =, Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.ID). from(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE). where(conditions). limit(daoFilter.getLimitOrInfinity()). fetchLazy(getFetchSize()); Set<LocalId> ids = new HashSet<LocalId>(); for (Record2<Short, Long> record : result) { ids.add( new LocalId(Language.getById(record.value1()), record.value2().intValue())); } return ids; } catch (RuntimeException e) { freeJooq(context); throw e; } } @Override public int getCount(DaoFilter daoFilter) throws DaoException{ DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Collection<Condition> conditions = new ArrayList<Condition>(); if (daoFilter.getLangIds() != null) { conditions.add(; } if (daoFilter.getNameSpaceIds() != null) { conditions.add(; } if (daoFilter.isRedirect() != null) { conditions.add(; } if (daoFilter.isDisambig() != null) { conditions.add(; } return context.selectCount(). from(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE). where(conditions). fetchOne().value1(); } finally { freeJooq(context); } } @Override public LocalPage getById(Language language, int pageId) throws DaoException { DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Record record = from(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE). where(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.PAGE_ID.eq(pageId)). and(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.LANG_ID.eq(language.getId())). limit(1). fetchOne(); return buildLocalPage(record); } finally { freeJooq(context); } } @Override public LocalPage getById(LocalId localId) throws DaoException { return getById(localId.getLanguage(), localId.getId()); } @Override public void setFollowRedirects(boolean followRedirects) throws DaoException { if (followRedirects){ redirectSqlDao = new RedirectSqlDao(wpDs); } else { redirectSqlDao = null; } titlesToIds = null; } @Override public LocalPage getByTitle(Title title, NameSpace nameSpace) throws DaoException { DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Record record = from(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE). where(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.TITLE.eq(title.getCanonicalTitle())). and(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.LANG_ID.eq(title.getLanguage().getId())). and(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.NAME_SPACE.eq(nameSpace.getArbitraryId())). limit(1). fetchOne(); return buildLocalPage(record); } finally { freeJooq(context); } } @Override public LocalPage getByTitle(Language language, NameSpace ns, String title) throws DaoException { return getByTitle(new Title(title, language), ns); } @Override public Map<Integer, LocalPage> getByIds(Language language, Collection<Integer> pageIds) throws DaoException { if (pageIds == null || pageIds.isEmpty()) { return null; } Map<Integer, LocalPage> map = new HashMap<Integer, LocalPage>(); for (Integer pageId : pageIds){ map.put(pageId, getById(language, pageId)); } return map; } @Override public Map<Title, LocalPage> getByTitles(Language language, Collection<Title> titles, NameSpace nameSpace) throws DaoException { if (titles == null || titles.isEmpty()) { return null; } Map<Title, LocalPage> map = new HashMap<Title, LocalPage>(); for (Title title : titles){ map.put(title, getByTitle(title, nameSpace)); } return map; } @Override public int getIdByTitle(String title, Language language, NameSpace nameSpace) throws DaoException { if (titlesToIds==null){ buildTitlesToIds(); } return titlesToIds.get(Title.longHashCode(language, title, nameSpace)); } @Override public int getIdByTitle(Title title) throws DaoException { if (titlesToIds==null){ buildTitlesToIds(); } return titlesToIds.get(title.longHashCode()); } /** * Build a LocalPage from a database record representation. * Classes that extend class this should override this method. * * @param record a database record * @return a LocalPage representation of the given database record * @throws DaoException if the record is not a Page */ protected LocalPage buildLocalPage(Record record) throws DaoException { return buildLocalPage(record, new DaoFilter()); } protected LocalPage buildLocalPage(Record record, DaoFilter daoFilter) throws DaoException { if (record == null) { return null; } Language lang = Language.getById(record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.LANG_ID)); if (redirectSqlDao != null // either null or false // If true, we don't want to resolve redirects because they're all redirects && (daoFilter.isRedirect() == null || !daoFilter.isRedirect()) && record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.IS_REDIRECT)) { LocalPage page = getById(lang, redirectSqlDao.resolveRedirect( lang, record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.PAGE_ID))); if (daoFilter.isValidLocalPage(page)) { return page; } } Title title = new Title( record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.TITLE), true, LanguageInfo.getByLanguage(lang)); NameSpace nameSpace = NameSpace.getNameSpaceByArbitraryId(record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.NAME_SPACE)); return new LocalPage( lang, record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.PAGE_ID), title, nameSpace, record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.IS_REDIRECT), record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.IS_DISAMBIG) ); } protected synchronized void buildTitlesToIds() throws DaoException { if (titlesToIds != null) { return; } String key = "titlesToIds"; if (redirectSqlDao == null) { key += ".noRedirect"; } if (cache!=null) { TLongIntHashMap map = (TLongIntHashMap)cache.get(key, LocalPage.class); if (map!=null){ titlesToIds = map; return; } }"Building title to id cache. This will only happen once!"); final int n = getCount(new DaoFilter()); DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Cursor<Record> cursor = from(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE). fetchLazy(getFetchSize()); final TLongIntHashMap map = new TLongIntHashMap( Constants.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, Constants.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, -1, -1); final AtomicInteger numRedirects = new AtomicInteger(); final AtomicInteger numResolved = new AtomicInteger(); ParallelForEach.iterate( cursor.iterator(), WpThreadUtils.getMaxThreads(), 10000, new Procedure<Record>() { @Override public void call(Record record) throws Exception { long hash = Title.longHashCode( record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.LANG_ID), record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.TITLE), record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.NAME_SPACE)); if (redirectSqlDao != null && record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.IS_REDIRECT)){ numRedirects.incrementAndGet(); Integer dest = redirectSqlDao.resolveRedirect( Language.getById(record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.LANG_ID)), record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.PAGE_ID)); if (dest != null) { numResolved.incrementAndGet(); synchronized (map) { map.put(hash, dest); } } } else { synchronized (map) { map.put(hash, record.getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.PAGE_ID)); } } if (map.size() % 500000 == 0) {"built title cache entry " + map.size() + " of " + n); } } }, Integer.MAX_VALUE);"resolved " + numResolved + " of " + numRedirects + " redirects."); if (cache!=null){ cache.put(key, map); } titlesToIds = map; } finally { freeJooq(context); } } @Override public LocalPage getByTitle(Language lang, String title) throws DaoException { return getByTitle(lang, NameSpace.ARTICLE, title); } public static class Provider extends org.wikibrain.conf.Provider<LocalPageDao> { public Provider(Configurator configurator, Configuration config) throws ConfigurationException { super(configurator, config); } @Override public Class getType() { return LocalPageDao.class; } @Override public String getPath() { return "dao.localPage"; } @Override public LocalPageDao get(String name, Config config, Map<String, String> runtimeParams) throws ConfigurationException { if (!config.getString("type").equals("sql")) { return null; } try { LocalPageSqlDao dao = new LocalPageSqlDao( getConfigurator().get( WpDataSource.class, config.getString("dataSource")) ); String cachePath = getConfig().get().getString("dao.sqlCachePath"); File cacheDir = new File(cachePath); if (!cacheDir.isDirectory()) { cacheDir.mkdirs(); } dao.useCache(cacheDir); return dao; } catch (DaoException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(e); } } } }