package org.whattf.checker; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class UnsupportedFeatureChecker extends Checker { /** * @see org.whattf.checker.Checker#startElement(java.lang.String, * java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.xml.sax.Attributes) */ @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { boolean w3cBranding = "1".equals(System.getProperty("nu.validator.servlet.w3cbranding")) ? true : false; if ("" != uri) { return; } if (atts.getIndex("", "contextmenu") > -1) { warn("The \u201Ccontextmenu\u201D attribute is not supported by browsers yet. It would probably be better to wait for implementations."); } if (atts.getIndex("", "dropzone") > -1) { warn("The \u201Cdropzone\u201D attribute is not supported by browsers yet. It would probably be better to wait for implementations."); } if ("menu" == localName) { warn("The \u201Cmenu\u201D element is not supported by browsers yet. It would probably be better to wait for implementations."); } else if ("dialog" == localName) { warn("The \u201Cdialog\u201D element is not supported by browsers yet. It would probably be better to wait for implementations."); } else if ("details" == localName) { warn("The \u201Cdetails\u201D element is not supported properly by browsers yet. It would probably be better to wait for implementations."); } else if ("track" == localName) { warn("The \u201Ctrack\u201D element is not supported by browsers yet. It would probably be better to wait for implementations."); } else if ("bdi" == localName) { warn("The \u201Cbdi\u201D element is not supported by browsers yet."); } else if ("a" == localName) { if (atts.getIndex("", "ping") > -1 && !w3cBranding) { warn("The \u201Cping\u201D attribute on the \u201Ca\u201D element is not supported by browsers yet."); } } else if ("area" == localName) { if (atts.getIndex("", "ping") > -1 && !w3cBranding) { warn("The \u201Cping\u201D attribute on the \u201Carea\u201D element is not supported by browsers yet."); } } else if ("video" == localName) { if (atts.getIndex("", "crossorigin") > -1) { warn("The \u201Ccrossorigin\u201D attribute on the \u201Cvideo\u201D element is not supported by browsers yet. It would probably be better to wait for implementations."); } if (atts.getIndex("", "mediagroup") > -1) { warn("The \u201Cmediagroup\u201D attribute on the \u201Cvideo\u201D element is not supported by browsers yet. It would probably be better to wait for implementations."); } } else if ("audio" == localName) { if (atts.getIndex("", "crossorigin") > -1) { warn("The \u201Ccrossorigin\u201D attribute on the \u201Caudio\u201D element is not supported by browsers yet. It would probably be better to wait for implementations."); } if (atts.getIndex("", "mediagroup") > -1) { warn("The \u201Cmediagroup\u201D attribute on the \u201Caudio\u201D element is not supported by browsers yet. It would probably be better to wait for implementations."); } } else if ("img" == localName) { if (atts.getIndex("", "crossorigin") > -1) { warn("The \u201Ccrossorigin\u201D attribute on the \u201Cimg\u201D element is not supported by browsers yet. It would probably be better to wait for implementations."); } } else if ("iframe" == localName) { if (atts.getIndex("", "seamless") > -1) { warn("The \u201Cseamless\u201D attribute on the \u201Ciframe\u201D element is not supported by browsers yet. It would probably be better to wait for implementations."); } } else if ("textarea" == localName) { if (atts.getIndex("", "dirname") > -1) { warn("The \u201Cdirname\u201D attribute on the \u201Ctextarea\u201D element is not supported by browsers yet."); } } else if ("input" == localName) { if (atts.getIndex("", "dirname") > -1) { warn("The \u201Cdirname\u201D attribute on the \u201Cinput\u201D element is not supported by browsers yet."); } String type = atts.getValue("", "type"); if (AttributeUtil.lowerCaseLiteralEqualsIgnoreAsciiCaseString("datetime", type)) { warn("The \u201Cdatetime\u201D input type is not supported in all browsers. Please be sure to test, and consider using a polyfill."); } else if (AttributeUtil.lowerCaseLiteralEqualsIgnoreAsciiCaseString("date", type)) { warn("The \u201Cdate\u201D input type is not supported in all browsers. Please be sure to test, and consider using a polyfill."); } else if (AttributeUtil.lowerCaseLiteralEqualsIgnoreAsciiCaseString("month", type)) { warn("The \u201Cmonth\u201D input type is not supported in all browsers. Please be sure to test, and consider using a polyfill."); } else if (AttributeUtil.lowerCaseLiteralEqualsIgnoreAsciiCaseString("week", type)) { warn("The \u201Cweek\u201D input type is not supported in all browsers. Please be sure to test, and consider using a polyfill."); } else if (AttributeUtil.lowerCaseLiteralEqualsIgnoreAsciiCaseString("time", type)) { warn("The \u201Ctime\u201D input type is not supported in all browsers. Please be sure to test, and consider using a polyfill."); } else if (AttributeUtil.lowerCaseLiteralEqualsIgnoreAsciiCaseString("datetime-local", type)) { warn("The \u201Cdatetime-local\u201D input type is not supported in all browsers. Please be sure to test, and consider using a polyfill."); } else if (AttributeUtil.lowerCaseLiteralEqualsIgnoreAsciiCaseString("color", type)) { warn("The \u201Ccolor\u201D input type is not supported in all browsers. Please be sure to test, and consider using a polyfill."); } } } }