package; import; import; public class RewindableInputStream extends InputStream implements Rewindable { static class Block { Block next; final byte[] buf; int used = 0; static final int MIN_SIZE = 1024; Block(int minSize) { buf = new byte[Math.max(MIN_SIZE, minSize)]; } Block() { this(0); } void append(byte b) { buf[used++] = b; } void append(byte[] b, int off, int len) { System.arraycopy(b, off, buf, used, len); used += len; } } private Block head; /** * If curBlockAvail > 0, then there are curBlockAvail bytes available to be * returned starting at curBlockPos in curBlock.buf. */ private int curBlockAvail; private Block curBlock; private int curBlockPos; private Block lastBlock; /** * true unless willNotRewind has been called */ private boolean saving = true; private final InputStream in; private boolean pretendClosed = false; /** * true if we have got an EOF from the underlying InputStream */ private boolean eof; public RewindableInputStream(InputStream in) { if (in == null) throw new NullPointerException(); = in; } public void close() throws IOException { if (saving) { curBlockAvail = 0; curBlock = null; pretendClosed = true; } else { head = null; curBlock = null; lastBlock = null; saving = false; curBlockAvail = 0; in.close(); } } public void rewind() { if (!saving) throw new IllegalStateException("rewind() after willNotRewind()"); pretendClosed = false; if (head == null) return; curBlock = head; curBlockPos = 0; curBlockAvail = curBlock.used; } public boolean canRewind() { return saving; } public void willNotRewind() { saving = false; head = null; lastBlock = null; if (pretendClosed) { pretendClosed = false; try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } public int read() throws IOException { if (curBlockAvail > 0) { int c = curBlock.buf[curBlockPos++] & 0xFF; --curBlockAvail; if (curBlockAvail == 0) { curBlock =; if (curBlock != null) { curBlockPos = 0; curBlockAvail = curBlock.used; } } return c; } int c =; if (saving && c != -1) { if (lastBlock == null) lastBlock = head = new Block(); else if (lastBlock.used == lastBlock.buf.length) lastBlock = = new Block(); lastBlock.append((byte)c); } return c; } public int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException { if (curBlockAvail == 0 && !saving) return, off, len); if (b == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (len < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); int nRead = 0; if (curBlockAvail != 0) { for (;;) { if (len == 0) return nRead; b[off++] = curBlock.buf[curBlockPos++]; --len; nRead++; --curBlockAvail; if (curBlockAvail == 0) { curBlock =; if (curBlock == null) break; curBlockAvail = curBlock.used; curBlockPos = 0; } } } if (len == 0) return nRead; if (eof) return nRead > 0 ? nRead : -1; try { int n =, off, len); if (n < 0) { eof = true; return nRead > 0 ? nRead : -1; } nRead += n; if (saving) { if (lastBlock == null) lastBlock = head = new Block(n); else if (lastBlock.buf.length - lastBlock.used < n) { if (lastBlock.used != lastBlock.buf.length) { int free = lastBlock.buf.length - lastBlock.used; lastBlock.append(b, off, free); off += free; n -= free; } lastBlock = = new Block(n); } lastBlock.append(b, off, n); } } catch (IOException e) { eof = true; if (nRead == 0) throw e; } return nRead; } public int available() throws IOException { if (curBlockAvail == 0) return in.available(); int n = curBlockAvail; for (Block b =; b != null; b = n += b.used; return n + in.available(); } }