package com.thaiopensource.validate.nvdl; import com.thaiopensource.util.PropertyId; import com.thaiopensource.util.PropertyMap; import com.thaiopensource.util.PropertyMapBuilder; import com.thaiopensource.validate.IncorrectSchemaException; import com.thaiopensource.validate.Option; import com.thaiopensource.validate.Schema; import com.thaiopensource.validate.SchemaReader; import com.thaiopensource.validate.ValidateProperty; import; import; import; import; import com.thaiopensource.validate.prop.wrap.WrapProperty; import com.thaiopensource.validate.rng.CompactSchemaReader; import com.thaiopensource.validate.rng.SAXSchemaReader; import com.thaiopensource.xml.util.Name; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource; import; import; import; /** * Schema receiver implementation for NVDL scripts. * */ class SchemaReceiverImpl implements SchemaReceiver { /** * Relax NG schema for NVDL scripts. */ private static final String NVDL_SCHEMA = "nvdl.rng"; /** * The type used for specifying RNC schemas. */ private static final String RNC_MEDIA_TYPE = "application/relax-ng-compact-syntax"; /** * Legacy type used for specifying RNC schemas. */ static final String LEGACY_RNC_MEDIA_TYPE = "application/x-rnc"; /** * Properties. */ private final PropertyMap properties; /** * Property indicating if we need to check only attributes, * that means the root element is just a placeholder for the attributes. */ private final Name attributeOwner; /** * The schema reader capable of parsing the input schema file. * It will be an auto schema reader as NVDL is XML. */ private final SchemaReader autoSchemaReader; /** * Schema object created by this schema receiver. */ private Schema nvdlSchema = null; /** * Properties that will be passed to sub-schemas. */ private static final PropertyId subSchemaProperties[] = { ValidateProperty.ERROR_HANDLER, ValidateProperty.XML_READER_CREATOR, ValidateProperty.ENTITY_RESOLVER, ValidateProperty.URI_RESOLVER, ValidateProperty.RESOLVER, SchemaReceiverFactory.PROPERTY, }; /** * Creates a schema receiver for NVDL schemas. * * @param properties Properties. */ public SchemaReceiverImpl(PropertyMap properties) { this.attributeOwner = properties.get(WrapProperty.ATTRIBUTE_OWNER); PropertyMapBuilder builder = new PropertyMapBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < subSchemaProperties.length; i++) { Object value = properties.get(subSchemaProperties[i]); if (value != null) builder.put(subSchemaProperties[i], value); } = builder.toPropertyMap(); this.autoSchemaReader = new AutoSchemaReader(properties.get(SchemaReceiverFactory.PROPERTY)); } public SchemaFuture installHandlers(XMLReader xr) { PropertyMapBuilder builder = new PropertyMapBuilder(properties); if (attributeOwner != null) builder.put(WrapProperty.ATTRIBUTE_OWNER, attributeOwner); return new SchemaImpl(builder.toPropertyMap()).installHandlers(xr, this); } Schema getNvdlSchema() throws IOException, IncorrectSchemaException, SAXException { if (nvdlSchema == null) { String className = SchemaReceiverImpl.class.getName(); String resourceName = className.substring(0, className.lastIndexOf('.')).replace('.', '/') + "/resources/" + NVDL_SCHEMA; URL nvdlSchemaUrl = getResource(resourceName); InputStream stream = nvdlSchemaUrl.openStream(); // this is just to ensure that there aren't any problems with the parser opening the schema resource InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(nvdlSchemaUrl.toString()); inputSource.setByteStream(stream); nvdlSchema = SAXSchemaReader.getInstance().createSchema(inputSource, properties); } return nvdlSchema; } /** * Get a resource using this class class loader. * @param resourceName the resource. * @return An URL pointing to the resource. */ private static URL getResource(String resourceName) { ClassLoader cl = SchemaReceiverImpl.class.getClassLoader(); // XXX see if we should borrow 1.2 code from Service if (cl == null) return ClassLoader.getSystemResource(resourceName); else return cl.getResource(resourceName); } /** * Get the properties. * @return a PropertyMap. */ PropertyMap getProperties() { return properties; } /** * Creates a child schema. This schema is referred in a validate action. * * @param source the SAXSource for the schema. * @param schemaType the schema type. * @param options options specified for this schema in the NVDL script. * @param isAttributesSchema flag indicating if the schema should be modified * to check attributes only. * @return * @throws IOException In case of IO problems. * @throws IncorrectSchemaException In case of invalid schema. * @throws SAXException In case if XML problems while creating the schema. */ Schema createChildSchema(SAXSource source, String schemaType, PropertyMap options, boolean isAttributesSchema) throws IOException, IncorrectSchemaException, SAXException { SchemaReader reader = isRnc(schemaType) ? CompactSchemaReader.getInstance() : autoSchemaReader; PropertyMapBuilder builder = new PropertyMapBuilder(properties); if (isAttributesSchema) builder.put(WrapProperty.ATTRIBUTE_OWNER, ValidatorImpl.OWNER_NAME); builder.add(options); return reader.createSchema(source, builder.toPropertyMap()); } /** * Get an option for the given URI. * @param uri The URI for an option. * @return Either the option from the auto schema reader or * from the compact schema reader. */ Option getOption(String uri) { Option option = autoSchemaReader.getOption(uri); if (option != null) return option; return CompactSchemaReader.getInstance().getOption(uri); } /** * Checks is a schema type is RNC. * @param schemaType The schema type specification. * @return true if the schema type refers to a RNC schema. */ private static boolean isRnc(String schemaType) { if (schemaType == null) return false; schemaType = schemaType.trim(); return schemaType.equals(RNC_MEDIA_TYPE) || schemaType.equals(LEGACY_RNC_MEDIA_TYPE); } }