/** * */ package vnet.sms.gateway.server.framework; import static org.apache.commons.lang.Validate.notEmpty; import static org.apache.commons.lang.Validate.notNull; import java.io.Serializable; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.jboss.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap; import org.jboss.netty.channel.ServerChannelFactory; import org.jboss.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioServerSocketChannelFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import vnet.sms.gateway.server.framework.internal.channel.GatewayServerChannelPipelineFactory; import vnet.sms.gateway.server.framework.spi.GatewayServerDescription; /** * @author obergner * */ class GatewayServer<ID extends Serializable, TP> { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory .getLogger(getClass()); private final GatewayServerDescription description; private final String instanceId; private final SocketAddress localAddress; private final ServerChannelFactory channelFactory; private final GatewayServerChannelPipelineFactory<ID, TP> channelPipelineFactory; private final InstanceState stopped = new Stopped(); private final InstanceState starting = new Starting(); private final InstanceState running = new Running(); private final InstanceState stopping = new Stopping(); private final AtomicReference<InstanceState> currentState = new AtomicReference<InstanceState>( this.stopped); GatewayServer( final GatewayServerDescription description, final String instanceId, final int listenPort, final GatewayServerChannelPipelineFactory<ID, TP> channelPipelineFactory, final Executor bossExecutor, final Executor workerExecutor) { this(description, instanceId, "", listenPort, channelPipelineFactory, bossExecutor, workerExecutor); } GatewayServer( final GatewayServerDescription description, final String instanceId, final String host, final int listenPort, final GatewayServerChannelPipelineFactory<ID, TP> channelPipelineFactory, final Executor bossExecutor, final Executor workerExecutor) { this( description, instanceId, new InetSocketAddress(host, listenPort), new NioServerSocketChannelFactory(bossExecutor, workerExecutor), channelPipelineFactory); } GatewayServer( final GatewayServerDescription description, final String instanceId, final SocketAddress localAddress, final ServerChannelFactory channelFactory, final GatewayServerChannelPipelineFactory<ID, TP> channelPipelineFactory) { notNull(description, "Argument 'description' must not be null"); notEmpty(instanceId, "Argument 'instanceId' may be neither null nor empty"); notNull(channelPipelineFactory, "Argument 'channelPipelineFactory' must not be null"); notNull(localAddress, "Argument 'localAddress' must not be null"); notNull(channelFactory, "Argument 'channelFactory' must not be null"); this.description = description; this.instanceId = instanceId; this.localAddress = localAddress; this.channelFactory = channelFactory; this.channelPipelineFactory = channelPipelineFactory; } void start() throws Exception { this.currentState.get().start(); } void stop() throws Exception { this.currentState.get().stop(); } ServerStatus getCurrentStatus() { return this.currentState.get().getStatus(); } GatewayServerDescription getDescription() { return this.description; } String getInstanceId() { return this.instanceId; } SocketAddress getLocalAddress() { return this.localAddress; } @Override public String toString() { return "GatewayServer@" + hashCode() + "[name: " + this.description.getName() + "|version: " + this.description.getVersion() + "|instanceId: " + this.instanceId + "|localAddress: " + this.localAddress + "]"; } public abstract class InstanceState { private final ServerStatus status; InstanceState(final ServerStatus name) { this.status = name; } public final ServerStatus getStatus() { return this.status; } abstract void start() throws Exception; abstract void stop() throws Exception; @Override public abstract String toString(); } private final class Stopped extends InstanceState { Stopped() { super(ServerStatus.STOPPED); } @Override void start() throws Exception { GatewayServer.this.log.info("Starting {} ...", GatewayServer.this); final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!GatewayServer.this.currentState.compareAndSet( GatewayServer.this.stopped, GatewayServer.this.starting)) { GatewayServer.this.log .warn("{} is not in state STOPPED - ignoring attempt to start", GatewayServer.this); return; } final ServerBootstrap bootstrap = new ServerBootstrap( GatewayServer.this.channelFactory); bootstrap .setPipelineFactory(GatewayServer.this.channelPipelineFactory); bootstrap.bind(GatewayServer.this.localAddress); if (!GatewayServer.this.currentState.compareAndSet( GatewayServer.this.starting, GatewayServer.this.running)) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "Expected %s to be in state STARTING - in fact, it is in state %s", GatewayServer.this, GatewayServer.this.currentState.get())); } final long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); GatewayServer.this.log.info( "{} started in [{}] ms - listening on {}", new Object[] { GatewayServer.this, end - start, GatewayServer.this.localAddress }); } @Override void stop() throws Exception { GatewayServer.this.log .warn("Ignoring request to stop {} - this GatewayServer has not been started yet", GatewayServer.this); } @Override public String toString() { return "Stopped@" + hashCode() + "[status: " + getStatus() + "]"; } } private final class Starting extends InstanceState { Starting() { super(ServerStatus.STARTING); } @Override void start() throws Exception { GatewayServer.this.log .warn("Ignoring request to start {} - this GatewayServer is already starting", GatewayServer.this); } @Override void stop() throws Exception { GatewayServer.this.log .warn("Ignoring request to stop {} - this GatewayServer is currently starting", GatewayServer.this); } @Override public String toString() { return "Starting@" + hashCode() + "[status: " + getStatus() + "]"; } } private final class Running extends InstanceState { Running() { super(ServerStatus.RUNNING); } @Override void start() throws Exception { GatewayServer.this.log .warn("Ignoring request to start {} - this GatewayServer is already running", GatewayServer.this); } @Override void stop() throws Exception { GatewayServer.this.log.info("Stopping {} ...", GatewayServer.this); final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!GatewayServer.this.currentState.compareAndSet( GatewayServer.this.running, GatewayServer.this.stopping)) { GatewayServer.this.log .warn("{} is not in state RUNNING - ignoring attempt to stop", GatewayServer.this); return; } final int numberOfChannels = GatewayServer.this.channelPipelineFactory .getAllConnectedChannels().size(); GatewayServer.this.log.info("Closing [{}] open channels ...", numberOfChannels); GatewayServer.this.channelPipelineFactory.getAllConnectedChannels() .close().awaitUninterruptibly(); GatewayServer.this.log.info("Closed [{}] open channels", numberOfChannels); GatewayServer.this.channelFactory.releaseExternalResources(); if (!GatewayServer.this.currentState.compareAndSet( GatewayServer.this.stopping, GatewayServer.this.stopped)) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "Expected %s to be in state STOPPING - in fact, it is in state %s", GatewayServer.this, GatewayServer.this.currentState.get())); } final long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); GatewayServer.this.log.info("{} stopped in [{}] ms", GatewayServer.this, end - start); } @Override public String toString() { return "Running@" + hashCode() + "[status: " + getStatus() + "]"; } } private final class Stopping extends InstanceState { Stopping() { super(ServerStatus.STOPPING); } @Override void start() throws Exception { GatewayServer.this.log .warn("Ignoring request to start {} - this GatewayServer is currently stopping", GatewayServer.this); } @Override void stop() throws Exception { GatewayServer.this.log .warn("Ignoring request to stop {} - this GatewayServer is already stopping", GatewayServer.this); } @Override public String toString() { return "Stopping@" + hashCode() + "[status: " + getStatus() + "]"; } } }