/** * */ package vnet.sms.gateway.nettysupport; import static org.apache.commons.lang.Validate.notNull; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.util.Date; import java.util.UUID; import org.jboss.netty.channel.Channel; import org.jboss.netty.channel.ChannelFuture; import org.jboss.netty.channel.Channels; import vnet.sms.common.messages.GsmPdu; /** * @author obergner * */ public abstract class AbstractMessageProcessingEvent<M extends GsmPdu> implements MessageProcessingEvent<M> { private final UUID id; private final long creationTimestamp; private final Channel channel; private final ChannelFuture future; private final M failedMessage; private final SocketAddress remoteAddress; protected AbstractMessageProcessingEvent(final Channel channel, final M failedMessage, final SocketAddress remoteAddress) { this(UUID.randomUUID(), System.currentTimeMillis(), channel, failedMessage, remoteAddress); } protected AbstractMessageProcessingEvent(final UUID id, final long creationTimestamp, final Channel channel, final M failedMessage, final SocketAddress remoteAddress) { notNull(id, "Argument 'id' must not be null"); notNull(channel, "Argument 'channel' must not be null"); notNull(failedMessage, "Argument 'failedMessage' must not be null"); this.id = id; this.creationTimestamp = creationTimestamp; this.channel = channel; this.future = Channels.succeededFuture(channel); this.failedMessage = failedMessage; this.remoteAddress = remoteAddress; } /** * @see org.jboss.netty.channel.ChannelEvent#getChannel() */ @Override public Channel getChannel() { return this.channel; } /** * @see org.jboss.netty.channel.ChannelEvent#getFuture() */ @Override public ChannelFuture getFuture() { return this.future; } /** * @see vnet.sms.gateway.nettysupport.MessageProcessingEvent#getId() */ @Override public UUID getId() { return this.id; } /** * @see vnet.sms.gateway.nettysupport.MessageProcessingEvent#getMessage() */ @Override public M getMessage() { return this.failedMessage; } /** * @see vnet.sms.gateway.nettysupport.MessageProcessingEvent#getRemoteAddress() */ @Override public SocketAddress getRemoteAddress() { return this.remoteAddress; } /** * @see vnet.sms.gateway.nettysupport.MessageProcessingEvent#getCreationTimestamp() */ @Override public long getCreationTimestamp() { return this.creationTimestamp; } /** * @see vnet.sms.gateway.nettysupport.MessageProcessingEvent#getCreationTime() */ @Override public Date getCreationTime() { return new Date(this.creationTimestamp); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((this.id == null) ? 0 : this.id.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final AbstractMessageProcessingEvent<? extends GsmPdu> other = (AbstractMessageProcessingEvent<? extends GsmPdu>) obj; if (this.id == null) { if (other.id != null) { return false; } } else if (!this.id.equals(other.id)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "@" + this.hashCode() + " [id: " + this.id + "|creationTimestamp: " + this.creationTimestamp + "|channel: " + this.channel + "|failedMessage: " + this.failedMessage + "|remoteAddress: " + this.remoteAddress + "]"; } }