package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import org.junit.Test; /** * Unit tests for {@link StringUtils}. * * @author Alan Stewart * @since 1.1.3 */ public class StringUtilsTest { @Test public void testPadRight1() { assertEquals("9999", StringUtils.padRight("9", 4, '9')); } @Test public void testPadRight2() { assertEquals("Foo999", StringUtils.padRight("Foo", 6, '9')); } @Test public void testPadLeft1() { assertEquals("999", StringUtils.padLeft("9", 3, '9')); } @Test public void testPadLeft2() { assertEquals("99Foo", StringUtils.padLeft("Foo", 5, '9')); } @Test public void testHasText1() { assertTrue(StringUtils.hasText("11111")); } @Test public void testHasText2() { assertFalse(StringUtils.hasText(" ")); } @Test public void testCountOccurrences() { assertEquals(4, StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf( "Alan Keith Stewart - Triathlete", " ")); } @Test public void testCountOccurrencesNull() { assertEquals(0, StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf( "Alan Keith Stewart - Triathlete", null)); } @Test public void testRepeatNull() { assertNull(StringUtils.repeat(null, 27)); } @Test public void testRepeatEmptyString() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.repeat("", 42)); } @Test public void testRepeatSpace() { assertEquals(" ", StringUtils.repeat(" ", 4)); } @Test public void testRepeatSingleCharacter() { assertEquals("qqq", StringUtils.repeat("q", 3)); } @Test public void testRepeatMultipleCharacters() { assertEquals("xyzxyzxyzxyz", StringUtils.repeat("xyz", 4)); } @Test public void testPrefixNullWithNull() { assertNull(StringUtils.prefix(null, null)); } @Test public void testPrefixNullWithEmpty() { assertNull(StringUtils.prefix(null, "")); } @Test public void testPrefixNullWithNonEmpty() { assertNull(StringUtils.prefix(null, "anything")); } @Test public void testPrefixEmptyWithNull() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.prefix("", null)); } @Test public void testPrefixEmptyWithEmpty() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.prefix("", "")); } @Test public void testPrefixEmptyWithNonEmpty() { assertEquals("x", StringUtils.prefix("", "x")); } @Test public void testPrefixNonEmptyWithNewPrefix() { assertEquals("pre-old", StringUtils.prefix("old", "pre-")); } @Test public void testPrefixNonEmptyWithExistingPrefix() { assertEquals("pre-old", StringUtils.prefix("pre-old", "pre-")); } @Test public void testRemoveNullSuffixFromNullString() { assertNull(StringUtils.removeSuffix(null, null)); } @Test public void testRemoveEmptySuffixFromNullString() { assertNull(StringUtils.removeSuffix(null, "")); } @Test public void testRemoveNonEmptySuffixFromNullString() { assertNull(StringUtils.removeSuffix(null, "anything")); } @Test public void testRemoveNullSuffixFromEmptyString() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.removeSuffix("", null)); } @Test public void testRemoveEmptySuffixFromEmptyString() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.removeSuffix("", "")); } @Test public void testRemoveNonEmptySuffixFromEmptyString() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.removeSuffix("", "anything")); } @Test public void testRemoveMatchingSuffixFromString() { assertEquals("a", StringUtils.removeSuffix("abc", "bc")); } @Test public void testRemoveNonMatchingSuffixFromString() { assertEquals("abc", StringUtils.removeSuffix("abc", "BC")); } @Test public void testRemoveNullPrefixFromNullString() { assertNull(StringUtils.removePrefix(null, null)); } @Test public void testRemoveEmptyPrefixFromNullString() { assertNull(StringUtils.removePrefix(null, "")); } @Test public void testRemoveNonEmptyPrefixFromNullString() { assertNull(StringUtils.removePrefix(null, "anything")); } @Test public void testRemoveNullPrefixFromEmptyString() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.removePrefix("", null)); } @Test public void testRemoveEmptyPrefixFromEmptyString() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.removePrefix("", "")); } @Test public void testRemoveNonEmptyPrefixFromEmptyString() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.removePrefix("", "anything")); } @Test public void testRemoveMatchingPrefixFromString() { assertEquals("c", StringUtils.removePrefix("abc", "ab")); } @Test public void testRemoveNonMatchingPrefixFromString() { assertEquals("abc", StringUtils.removePrefix("abc", "AB")); } @Test public void testSuffixNullWithNull() { assertNull(StringUtils.suffix(null, null)); } @Test public void testSuffixNullWithEmpty() { assertNull(StringUtils.suffix(null, "")); } @Test public void testSuffixNullWithNonEmpty() { assertNull(StringUtils.suffix(null, "anything")); } @Test public void testSuffixEmptyWithNull() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.suffix("", null)); } @Test public void testSuffixEmptyWithEmpty() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.suffix("", "")); } @Test public void testSuffixEmptyWithNonEmpty() { assertEquals("x", StringUtils.suffix("", "x")); } @Test public void testSuffixNonEmptyWithNewSuffix() { assertEquals("old-suf", StringUtils.suffix("old", "-suf")); } @Test public void testSuffixNonEmptyWithExistingSuffix() { assertEquals("old-suf", StringUtils.suffix("old-suf", "-suf")); } @Test public void testNullEqualsNull() { assertTrue(StringUtils.equals(null, null)); } @Test public void testEmptyDoesNotEqualNull() { assertFalse(StringUtils.equals("", null)); } @Test public void testNullDoesNotEqualEmpty() { assertFalse(StringUtils.equals(null, "")); } @Test public void testUpperDoesNotEqualLower() { assertFalse(StringUtils.equals("E", "e")); } @Test public void testStringEqualsItself() { assertTrue(StringUtils.equals("a", "a")); } @Test public void testNullCollectionToDelimitedString() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(null, "anything")); } @Test public void testEmptyCollectionToDelimitedString() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString( Collections.emptySet(), "anything")); } @Test public void testSingletonCollectionToDelimitedString() { assertEquals( "foo", StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString( Collections.singleton("foo"), "anything")); } @Test public void testDoubletonCollectionToDelimitedString() { assertEquals( "foo:bar", StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString( Arrays.asList("foo", "bar"), ":")); } @Test public void testNullIsBlank() { assertTrue(StringUtils.isBlank(null)); } @Test public void testEmptyStringIsBlank() { assertTrue(StringUtils.isBlank("")); } @Test public void testSingleSpaceStringIsBlank() { assertTrue(StringUtils.isBlank(" ")); } @Test public void testWhitespaceIsBlank() { assertTrue(StringUtils.isBlank("\n\r\t ")); } @Test public void testNonBlankStringIsNotBlank() { assertFalse(StringUtils.isBlank("x")); } @Test public void testArrayToDelimitedStringWithNullArray() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.arrayToDelimitedString(";", new Object[0])); } @Test public void testArrayToDelimitedStringWithEmptyArray() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.arrayToDelimitedString(";")); } @Test public void testArrayToDelimitedStringWithSingleElementArray() { assertEquals("foo", StringUtils.arrayToDelimitedString(";", "foo")); } @Test public void testArrayToDelimitedStringWithMultiElementArray() { assertEquals("foo;27", StringUtils.arrayToDelimitedString(";", "foo", 27)); } @Test public void testDefaultIfEmptyWhenValueIsNullAndNoDefaults() { assertNull(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(null)); } @Test public void testDefaultIfEmptyWhenValueIsEmptyAndNoDefaults() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty("")); } @Test public void testDefaultIfEmptyWhenValueIsNullAndOneDefault() { assertEquals("x", StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(null, "x")); } @Test public void testDefaultIfEmptyWhenValueIsEmptyAndOneDefault() { assertEquals("x", StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty("", "x")); } @Test public void testDefaultIfEmptyWhenAllValuesAreBlank() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(null, null, null, "")); } @Test public void testDefaultIfEmptyWhenValueIsEmptyAndTwoDefaults() { assertEquals("x", StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty("", null, "x")); } @Test public void testReplaceAllWhenNoArgumentsAreBlank() { // Deliberately chose characters with special meaning to regexs assertEquals("[a[b[c[", StringUtils.replace(".a.b.c.", ".", "[")); } @Test public void testReplaceAllWhenReplacementIsNull() { assertEquals(" ", StringUtils.replace(" ", " ", null)); } @Test public void testReplaceAllWhenReplacementIsEmpty() { assertEquals(" a ", StringUtils.replace(" a b ", "b", "")); } @Test public void testReplaceAllWhenReplacementIsWhitespace() { assertEquals(" a ", StringUtils.replace(" a b ", "b", " ")); } @Test public void testReplaceAllWhenToReplaceIsNull() { assertEquals(" ", StringUtils.replace(" ", null, "x")); } @Test public void testReplaceAllWhenToReplaceIsEmpty() { assertEquals(" ", StringUtils.replace(" ", "", "x")); } @Test public void testReplaceAllWhenToReplaceIsWhiteSpace() { assertEquals("x", StringUtils.replace(" ", " ", "x")); } @Test public void testReplaceAllWhenOriginalIsNull() { assertNull(StringUtils.replace(null, "x", "y")); } @Test public void testReplaceAllWhenOriginalIsEmpty() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.replace("", "x", "y")); } @Test public void testReplaceFirstWhenOriginalIsNull() { assertNull(StringUtils.replaceFirst(null, "x", "y")); } @Test public void testReplaceFirstWhenOriginalIsEmpty() { assertEquals("", StringUtils.replaceFirst("", "x", "y")); } @Test public void testReplaceFirstWhenOriginalIsWhitespace() { assertEquals("[ ", StringUtils.replaceFirst(" ", " ", "[")); } @Test public void testReplaceFirstWhenToReplaceIsNull() { assertEquals(" ", StringUtils.replaceFirst(" ", null, "x")); } @Test public void testReplaceFirstWhenToReplaceIsEmpty() { assertEquals(" ", StringUtils.replaceFirst(" ", "", "x")); } @Test public void testReplaceFirstWhenToReplaceIsWhitespace() { assertEquals("x", StringUtils.replaceFirst("x", " ", "y")); } @Test public void testReplaceFirstWhenReplacementIsNull() { assertEquals("x", StringUtils.replaceFirst("x", "x", null)); } @Test public void testReplaceFirstWhenReplacementIsEmpty() { assertEquals("x", StringUtils.replaceFirst("xx", "x", "")); } @Test public void testReplaceFirstWhenReplacementIsWhitespace() { assertEquals("x ", StringUtils.replaceFirst("x y", "y", " ")); } @Test public void testReplaceFirstWhenNoArgumentsAreBlank() { assertEquals("x-yz", StringUtils.replaceFirst("xyyz", "y", "-")); } private static final String[][] SUBSTRING_AFTER_LAST_SCENARIOS = { // 0 = original, 1 = separator, 2 = expected result { null, "anything", null }, { "", "anything", "" }, { "anything", "", "" }, { "anything", null, "" }, { "abc", "a", "bc" }, { "abcba", "b", "a" }, { "abc", "c", "" }, { "a", "a", "" }, { "a", "z", "" } }; @Test public void testSubstringAfterLast() { for (final String[] scenario : SUBSTRING_AFTER_LAST_SCENARIOS) { assertEquals(scenario[2], StringUtils.substringAfterLast(scenario[0], scenario[1])); } } private static final String[][] CONTAINS_SCENARIOS = { { null, "anything", "false" }, { "anything", null, "false" }, { "", "", "true" }, { "abc", "", "true" }, { "abc", "a", "true" }, { "abc", "b", "true" }, { "abc", "c", "true" }, { "abc", "z", "false" } }; @Test public void testContains() { for (final String[] scenario : CONTAINS_SCENARIOS) { assertEquals("Failed on scenario " + Arrays.toString(scenario), Boolean.valueOf(scenario[2]), StringUtils.contains(scenario[0], scenario[1])); } } @Test public void testTrimToEmpty() { final String path = " "; assertEquals(" roo>", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(path) + " roo>"); } @Test public void testTrimToEmpty2() { final String path = null; assertEquals(" roo>", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(path) + " roo>"); } @Test public void testTrimToEmpty3() { final String path = "core"; assertEquals("core roo>", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(path) + " roo>"); } }