/* * $Id: TagUtils.java 664559 2008-06-08 21:28:14Z pbenedict $ * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.struts.taglib; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts.Globals; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet; import org.apache.struts.config.ForwardConfig; import org.apache.struts.config.ModuleConfig; import org.apache.struts.taglib.html.Constants; import org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources; import org.apache.struts.util.ModuleUtils; import org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils; import org.apache.struts.util.ResponseUtils; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter; import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; /** * Provides helper methods for JSP tags. * * @version $Rev: 664559 $ * @since Struts 1.2 */ public class TagUtils { /** * Constant for * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#docconf">XHTML 1.0</a> * conformance. * * @since Struts 1.4 */ public static final BigDecimal XHTML_1_0 = new BigDecimal("1.0"); /** * Constant for * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/conformance.html">XHTML 1.1</a> * conformance. * * @since Struts 1.4 */ public static final BigDecimal XHTML_1_1 = new BigDecimal("1.1"); /** * Constant for * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml2/conformance.html#s_conform">XHTML * 2.0</a> conformance. * * @since Struts 1.4 */ public static final BigDecimal XHTML_2_0 = new BigDecimal("2.0"); /** * Constant for * <a href="http://www.w3.org/html/wg/html5/#terminology">XHTML 5.0</a> * conformance. * * @since Struts 1.4 */ public static final BigDecimal XHTML_5_0 = new BigDecimal("5.0"); /** * The Singleton instance. * @since 1.3.5 Changed to non-final so it may be overridden, use at your own risk (you've been warned!!) */ private static TagUtils instance = new TagUtils(); /** * Commons logging instance. */ private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TagUtils.class); /** * The message resources for this package. TODO We need to move the * relevant messages out of this properties file. */ private static final MessageResources messages = MessageResources.getMessageResources( "org.apache.struts.taglib.LocalStrings"); /** * Maps lowercase JSP scope names to their PageContext integer constant * values. */ private static final Map scopes = new HashMap(); /** * Initialize the scope names map and the encode variable with the * Java 1.4 method if available. */ static { scopes.put("page", new Integer(PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE)); scopes.put("request", new Integer(PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE)); scopes.put("session", new Integer(PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE)); scopes.put("application", new Integer(PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE)); } /** * Constructor for TagUtils. */ protected TagUtils() { super(); } /** * Returns the Singleton instance of TagUtils. */ public static TagUtils getInstance() { return instance; } /** * Set the instance. * This blatently violates the Singleton pattern, but then some say Singletons are an anti-pattern. * @since 1.3.5 Changed to non-final and added setInstance() so TagUtils may be overridden, use at your own risk (you've been warned!!) * @param instance The instance to set. */ public static void setInstance(TagUtils instance){ TagUtils.instance = instance; } /** * Compute a set of query parameters that will be dynamically added to a * generated URL. The returned Map is keyed by parameter name, and the * values are either null (no value specified), a String (single value * specified), or a String[] array (multiple values specified). Parameter * names correspond to the corresponding attributes of the * <code><html:link></code> tag. If no query parameters are * identified, return <code>null</code>. * * @param pageContext PageContext we are operating in * @param paramId Single-value request parameter name (if any) * @param paramName Bean containing single-value parameter value * @param paramProperty Property (of bean named by <code>paramName</code> * containing single-value parameter value * @param paramScope Scope containing bean named by <code>paramName</code> * @param name Bean containing multi-value parameters Map (if * any) * @param property Property (of bean named by <code>name</code> * containing multi-value parameters Map * @param scope Scope containing bean named by <code>name</code> * @param transaction Should we add our transaction control token? * @return Map of query parameters * @throws JspException if we cannot look up the required beans * @throws JspException if a class cast exception occurs on a looked-up * bean or property */ public Map computeParameters(PageContext pageContext, String paramId, String paramName, String paramProperty, String paramScope, String name, String property, String scope, boolean transaction) throws JspException { // Short circuit if no parameters are specified if ((paramId == null) && (name == null) && !transaction) { return (null); } // Locate the Map containing our multi-value parameters map Map map = null; try { if (name != null) { map = (Map) getInstance().lookup(pageContext, name, property, scope); } // @TODO - remove this - it is never thrown // } catch (ClassCastException e) { // saveException(pageContext, e); // throw new JspException( // messages.getMessage("parameters.multi", name, property, scope)); } catch (JspException e) { saveException(pageContext, e); throw e; } // Create a Map to contain our results from the multi-value parameters Map results = null; if (map != null) { results = new HashMap(map); } else { results = new HashMap(); } // Add the single-value parameter (if any) if ((paramId != null) && (paramName != null)) { Object paramValue = null; try { paramValue = TagUtils.getInstance().lookup(pageContext, paramName, paramProperty, paramScope); } catch (JspException e) { saveException(pageContext, e); throw e; } if (paramValue != null) { String paramString = null; if (paramValue instanceof String) { paramString = (String) paramValue; } else { paramString = paramValue.toString(); } Object mapValue = results.get(paramId); if (mapValue == null) { results.put(paramId, paramString); } else if (mapValue instanceof String[]) { String[] oldValues = (String[]) mapValue; String[] newValues = new String[oldValues.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(oldValues, 0, newValues, 0, oldValues.length); newValues[oldValues.length] = paramString; results.put(paramId, newValues); } else { String[] newValues = new String[2]; newValues[0] = mapValue.toString(); newValues[1] = paramString; results.put(paramId, newValues); } } } // Add our transaction control token (if requested) if (transaction) { HttpSession session = pageContext.getSession(); String token = null; if (session != null) { token = (String) session.getAttribute(Globals.TRANSACTION_TOKEN_KEY); } if (token != null) { results.put(Constants.TOKEN_KEY, token); } } // Return the completed Map return (results); } public String computeURL(PageContext pageContext, String forward, String href, String page, String action, String module, Map params, String anchor, boolean redirect) throws MalformedURLException { return this.computeURLWithCharEncoding(pageContext, forward, href, page, action, module, params, anchor, redirect, false); } /** * Compute a hyperlink URL based on the <code>forward</code>, * <code>href</code>, <code>action</code> or <code>page</code> parameter * that is not null. The returned URL will have already been passed to * <code>response.encodeURL()</code> for adding a session identifier. * * @param pageContext PageContext for the tag making this call * @param forward Logical forward name for which to look up the * context-relative URI (if specified) * @param href URL to be utilized unmodified (if specified) * @param page Module-relative page for which a URL should be * created (if specified) * @param action Logical action name for which to look up the * context-relative URI (if specified) * @param params Map of parameters to be dynamically included (if * any) * @param anchor Anchor to be dynamically included (if any) * @param redirect Is this URL for a <code>response.sendRedirect()</code>? * @return URL with session identifier * @throws java.net.MalformedURLException if a URL cannot be created for * the specified parameters */ public String computeURLWithCharEncoding(PageContext pageContext, String forward, String href, String page, String action, String module, Map params, String anchor, boolean redirect, boolean useLocalEncoding) throws MalformedURLException { return computeURLWithCharEncoding(pageContext, forward, href, page, action, module, params, anchor, redirect, true, useLocalEncoding); } public String computeURL(PageContext pageContext, String forward, String href, String page, String action, String module, Map params, String anchor, boolean redirect, boolean encodeSeparator) throws MalformedURLException { return computeURLWithCharEncoding(pageContext, forward, href, page, action, module, params, anchor, redirect, encodeSeparator, false); } /** * Compute a hyperlink URL based on the <code>forward</code>, * <code>href</code>, <code>action</code> or <code>page</code> parameter * that is not null. The returned URL will have already been passed to * <code>response.encodeURL()</code> for adding a session identifier. * * @param pageContext PageContext for the tag making this call * @param forward Logical forward name for which to look up the * context-relative URI (if specified) * @param href URL to be utilized unmodified (if specified) * @param page Module-relative page for which a URL should be * created (if specified) * @param action Logical action name for which to look up the * context-relative URI (if specified) * @param params Map of parameters to be dynamically included * (if any) * @param anchor Anchor to be dynamically included (if any) * @param redirect Is this URL for a <code>response.sendRedirect()</code>? * @param encodeSeparator This is only checked if redirect is set to * false (never encoded for a redirect). If true, * query string parameter separators are encoded * as >amp;, else & is used. * @param useLocalEncoding If set to true, urlencoding is done on the * bytes of character encoding from * ServletResponse#getCharacterEncoding. Use UTF-8 * otherwise. * @return URL with session identifier * @throws java.net.MalformedURLException if a URL cannot be created for * the specified parameters */ public String computeURLWithCharEncoding(PageContext pageContext, String forward, String href, String page, String action, String module, Map params, String anchor, boolean redirect, boolean encodeSeparator, boolean useLocalEncoding) throws MalformedURLException { String charEncoding = "UTF-8"; if (useLocalEncoding) { charEncoding = pageContext.getResponse().getCharacterEncoding(); } // TODO All the computeURL() methods need refactoring! // Validate that exactly one specifier was included int n = 0; if (forward != null) { n++; } if (href != null) { n++; } if (page != null) { n++; } if (action != null) { n++; } if (n != 1) { throw new MalformedURLException(messages.getMessage( "computeURL.specifier")); } // Look up the module configuration for this request ModuleConfig moduleConfig = getModuleConfig(module, pageContext); // Calculate the appropriate URL StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer(); HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest(); if (forward != null) { ForwardConfig forwardConfig = moduleConfig.findForwardConfig(forward); if (forwardConfig == null) { throw new MalformedURLException(messages.getMessage( "computeURL.forward", forward)); } // **** removed - see bug 37817 **** // if (forwardConfig.getRedirect()) { // redirect = true; // } if (forwardConfig.getPath().startsWith("/")) { url.append(request.getContextPath()); url.append(RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forwardConfig, moduleConfig)); } else { url.append(forwardConfig.getPath()); } } else if (href != null) { url.append(href); } else if (action != null) { ActionServlet servlet = (ActionServlet) pageContext.getServletContext().getAttribute(Globals.ACTION_SERVLET_KEY); String actionIdPath = RequestUtils.actionIdURL(action, moduleConfig, servlet); if (actionIdPath != null) { action = actionIdPath; url.append(request.getContextPath()); url.append(actionIdPath); } else { url.append(instance.getActionMappingURL(action, module, pageContext, false)); } } else /* if (page != null) */ { url.append(request.getContextPath()); url.append(this.pageURL(request, page, moduleConfig)); } // Add anchor if requested (replacing any existing anchor) if (anchor != null) { String temp = url.toString(); int hash = temp.indexOf('#'); if (hash >= 0) { url.setLength(hash); } url.append('#'); url.append(this.encodeURL(anchor, charEncoding)); } // Add dynamic parameters if requested if ((params != null) && (params.size() > 0)) { // Save any existing anchor String temp = url.toString(); int hash = temp.indexOf('#'); if (hash >= 0) { anchor = temp.substring(hash + 1); url.setLength(hash); temp = url.toString(); } else { anchor = null; } // Define the parameter separator String separator = null; if (redirect) { separator = "&"; } else if (encodeSeparator) { separator = "&"; } else { separator = "&"; } // Add the required request parameters boolean question = temp.indexOf('?') >= 0; Iterator keys = params.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = (String) keys.next(); Object value = params.get(key); if (value == null) { if (!question) { url.append('?'); question = true; } else { url.append(separator); } url.append(this.encodeURL(key, charEncoding)); url.append('='); // Interpret null as "no value" } else if (value instanceof String) { if (!question) { url.append('?'); question = true; } else { url.append(separator); } url.append(this.encodeURL(key, charEncoding)); url.append('='); url.append(this.encodeURL((String) value, charEncoding)); } else if (value instanceof String[]) { String[] values = (String[]) value; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (!question) { url.append('?'); question = true; } else { url.append(separator); } url.append(this.encodeURL(key, charEncoding)); url.append('='); url.append(this.encodeURL(values[i], charEncoding)); } } else /* Convert other objects to a string */ { if (!question) { url.append('?'); question = true; } else { url.append(separator); } url.append(this.encodeURL(key, charEncoding)); url.append('='); url.append(this.encodeURL(value.toString(), charEncoding)); } } // Re-add the saved anchor (if any) if (anchor != null) { url.append('#'); url.append(this.encodeURL(anchor, charEncoding)); } } // Perform URL rewriting to include our session ID (if any) // but only if url is not an external URL if ((href == null) && (pageContext.getSession() != null)) { HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) pageContext.getResponse(); if (redirect) { return (response.encodeRedirectURL(url.toString())); } return (response.encodeURL(url.toString())); } return (url.toString()); } /** * URLencodes a string assuming the character encoding is UTF-8. * * @param url * @return String The encoded url in UTF-8 */ public String encodeURL(String url) { return encodeURL(url, "UTF-8"); } /** * Use the new URLEncoder.encode() method from Java 1.4 if available, else * use the old deprecated version. This method uses reflection to find * the appropriate method; if the reflection operations throw exceptions, * this will return the url encoded with the old URLEncoder.encode() * method. * * @param enc The character encoding the urlencode is performed on. * @return String The encoded url. */ public String encodeURL(String url, String enc) { return ResponseUtils.encodeURL(url, enc); } /** * Filter the specified string for characters that are senstive to HTML * interpreters, returning the string with these characters replaced by * the corresponding character entities. * * @param value The string to be filtered and returned */ public String filter(String value) { return ResponseUtils.filter(value); } /** * Return the form action converted into an action mapping path. The * value of the <code>action</code> property is manipulated as follows in * computing the name of the requested mapping: * * <ul> * * <li>Any filename extension is removed (on the theory that extension * mapping is being used to select the controller servlet).</li> * * <li>If the resulting value does not start with a slash, then a slash is * prepended.</li> * * </ul> */ public String getActionMappingName(String action) { String value = action; int question = action.indexOf("?"); if (question >= 0) { value = value.substring(0, question); } int pound = value.indexOf("#"); if (pound >= 0) { value = value.substring(0, pound); } int slash = value.lastIndexOf("/"); int period = value.lastIndexOf("."); if ((period >= 0) && (period > slash)) { value = value.substring(0, period); } return value.startsWith("/") ? value : ("/" + value); } /** * Return the form action converted into a server-relative URL. */ public String getActionMappingURL(String action, PageContext pageContext) { return getActionMappingURL(action, null, pageContext, false); } /** * Return the form action converted into a server-relative URL. */ public String getActionMappingURL(String action, String module, PageContext pageContext, boolean contextRelative) { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest(); String contextPath = request.getContextPath(); StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer(); // Avoid setting two slashes at the beginning of an action: // the length of contextPath should be more than 1 // in case of non-root context, otherwise length==1 (the slash) if (contextPath.length() > 1) { value.append(contextPath); } ModuleConfig moduleConfig = getModuleConfig(module, pageContext); if ((moduleConfig != null) && (!contextRelative)) { value.append(moduleConfig.getPrefix()); } // Use our servlet mapping, if one is specified String servletMapping = (String) pageContext.getAttribute(Globals.SERVLET_KEY, PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE); if (servletMapping != null) { String queryString = null; int question = action.indexOf("?"); if (question >= 0) { queryString = action.substring(question); } String actionMapping = getActionMappingName(action); if (servletMapping.startsWith("*.")) { value.append(actionMapping); value.append(servletMapping.substring(1)); } else if (servletMapping.endsWith("/*")) { value.append(servletMapping.substring(0, servletMapping.length() - 2)); value.append(actionMapping); } else if (servletMapping.equals("/")) { value.append(actionMapping); } if (queryString != null) { value.append(queryString); } } // Otherwise, assume extension mapping is in use and extension is // already included in the action property else { if (!action.startsWith("/")) { value.append("/"); } value.append(action); } return value.toString(); } /** * Retrieves the value from request scope and if it isn't already an * <code>ActionMessages</code>, some classes are converted to one. * * @param pageContext The PageContext for the current page * @param paramName Key for parameter value * @return ActionErrors in page context. * @throws JspException */ public ActionMessages getActionMessages(PageContext pageContext, String paramName) throws JspException { ActionMessages am = new ActionMessages(); Object value = pageContext.findAttribute(paramName); if (value != null) { try { if (value instanceof String) { am.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage((String) value)); } else if (value instanceof String[]) { String[] keys = (String[]) value; for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { am.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage(keys[i])); } } else if (value instanceof ActionErrors) { ActionMessages m = (ActionMessages) value; am.add(m); } else if (value instanceof ActionMessages) { am = (ActionMessages) value; } else { throw new JspException(messages.getMessage( "actionMessages.errors", value.getClass().getName())); } } catch (JspException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Unable to retieve ActionMessage for paramName : " + paramName, e); } } return am; } /** * Return the default ModuleConfig object if it exists, null if * otherwise. * * @param pageContext The page context. * @return the ModuleConfig object */ public ModuleConfig getModuleConfig(PageContext pageContext) { return getModuleConfig(null, pageContext); } /** * Return the specified ModuleConfig object for the given prefix if it * exists, otherwise a NullPointerException will be thrown. * * @param module The module prefix * @param pageContext The page context. * @return the ModuleConfig object * @throws NullPointerException Thrown when module cannot be found */ public ModuleConfig getModuleConfig(String module, PageContext pageContext) { ModuleConfig config = ModuleUtils.getInstance().getModuleConfig(module, (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest(), pageContext.getServletContext()); // ModuleConfig not found if (config == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Module '" + module + "' not found."); } return config; } /** * Converts the scope name into its corresponding PageContext constant * value. * * @param scopeName Can be "page", "request", "session", or "application" * in any case. * @return The constant representing the scope (ie. PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE). * @throws JspException if the scopeName is not a valid name. */ public int getScope(String scopeName) throws JspException { Integer scope = (Integer) scopes.get(scopeName.toLowerCase()); if (scope == null) { throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("lookup.scope", scope)); } return scope.intValue(); } /** * Look up and return current user locale, based on the specified * parameters. * * @param pageContext The PageContext associated with this request * @param locale Name of the session attribute for our user's Locale. * If this is <code>null</code>, the default locale key * is used for the lookup. * @return current user locale */ public Locale getUserLocale(PageContext pageContext, String locale) { return RequestUtils.getUserLocale((HttpServletRequest) pageContext .getRequest(), locale); } /** * Returns true if the custom tags are in XHTML mode. */ public boolean isXhtml(PageContext pageContext) { String xhtml; try { xhtml = (String) lookup(pageContext, Globals.XHTML_KEY, null); return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(xhtml); } catch (JspException e) { log.error("Failed xhtml lookup", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Locate and return the specified bean, from an optionally specified * scope, in the specified page context. If no such bean is found, return * <code>null</code> instead. If an exception is thrown, it will have * already been saved via a call to <code>saveException()</code>. * * @param pageContext Page context to be searched * @param name Name of the bean to be retrieved * @param scopeName Scope to be searched (page, request, session, * application) or <code>null</code> to use * <code>findAttribute()</code> instead * @return JavaBean in the specified page context * @throws JspException if an invalid scope name is requested */ public Object lookup(PageContext pageContext, String name, String scopeName) throws JspException { if (scopeName == null) { return pageContext.findAttribute(name); } try { return pageContext.getAttribute(name, instance.getScope(scopeName)); } catch (JspException e) { saveException(pageContext, e); throw e; } } /** * Locate and return the specified property of the specified bean, from an * optionally specified scope, in the specified page context. If an * exception is thrown, it will have already been saved via a call to * <code>saveException()</code>. * * @param pageContext Page context to be searched * @param name Name of the bean to be retrieved * @param property Name of the property to be retrieved, or * <code>null</code> to retrieve the bean itself * @param scope Scope to be searched (page, request, session, * application) or <code>null</code> to use * <code>findAttribute()</code> instead * @return property of specified JavaBean * @throws JspException if an invalid scope name is requested * @throws JspException if the specified bean is not found * @throws JspException if accessing this property causes an * IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, * InvocationTargetException, or NoSuchMethodException */ public Object lookup(PageContext pageContext, String name, String property, String scope) throws JspException { // Look up the requested bean, and return if requested Object bean = lookup(pageContext, name, scope); if (bean == null) { JspException e = null; if (scope == null) { e = new JspException(messages.getMessage("lookup.bean.any", name)); } else { e = new JspException(messages.getMessage("lookup.bean", name, scope)); } saveException(pageContext, e); throw e; } if (property == null) { return bean; } // Locate and return the specified property try { return PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, property); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { saveException(pageContext, e); throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("lookup.access", property, name), e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { saveException(pageContext, e); throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("lookup.argument", property, name), e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Throwable t = e.getTargetException(); if (t == null) { t = e; } saveException(pageContext, t); throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("lookup.target", property, name), e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { saveException(pageContext, e); String beanName = name; // Name defaults to Contants.BEAN_KEY if no name is specified by // an input tag. Thus lookup the bean under the key and use // its class name for the exception message. if (Constants.BEAN_KEY.equals(name)) { Object obj = pageContext.findAttribute(Constants.BEAN_KEY); if (obj != null) { beanName = obj.getClass().getName(); } } throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("lookup.method", property, beanName), e); } } /** * Look up and return a message string, based on the specified * parameters. * * @param pageContext The PageContext associated with this request * @param bundle Name of the servlet context attribute for our * message resources bundle * @param locale Name of the session attribute for our user's Locale * @param key Message key to be looked up and returned * @return message string * @throws JspException if a lookup error occurs (will have been saved in * the request already) */ public String message(PageContext pageContext, String bundle, String locale, String key) throws JspException { return message(pageContext, bundle, locale, key, null); } /** * Look up and return a message string, based on the specified * parameters. * * @param pageContext The PageContext associated with this request * @param bundle Name of the servlet context attribute for our * message resources bundle * @param locale Name of the session attribute for our user's Locale * @param key Message key to be looked up and returned * @param args Replacement parameters for this message * @return message string * @throws JspException if a lookup error occurs (will have been saved in * the request already) */ public String message(PageContext pageContext, String bundle, String locale, String key, Object[] args) throws JspException { MessageResources resources = retrieveMessageResources(pageContext, bundle, false); Locale userLocale = getUserLocale(pageContext, locale); String message = null; if (args == null) { message = resources.getMessage(userLocale, key); } else { message = resources.getMessage(userLocale, key, args); } if ((message == null) && log.isDebugEnabled()) { // log missing key to ease debugging log.debug(resources.getMessage("message.resources", key, bundle, locale)); } return message; } /** * <p>Return the context-relative URL that corresponds to the specified * <code>page</code> attribute value, calculated based on the * <code>pagePattern</code> property of the current module's {@link * ModuleConfig}.</p> * * @param request The servlet request we are processing * @param page The module-relative URL to be substituted in to the * <code>pagePattern</code> pattern for the current module * (<strong>MUST</strong> start with a slash) * @return context-relative URL */ public String pageURL(HttpServletRequest request, String page, ModuleConfig moduleConfig) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String pagePattern = moduleConfig.getControllerConfig().getPagePattern(); if (pagePattern == null) { sb.append(moduleConfig.getPrefix()); sb.append(page); } else { boolean dollar = false; for (int i = 0; i < pagePattern.length(); i++) { char ch = pagePattern.charAt(i); if (dollar) { switch (ch) { case 'M': sb.append(moduleConfig.getPrefix()); break; case 'P': sb.append(page); break; case '$': sb.append('$'); break; default: ; // Silently swallow } dollar = false; continue; } else if (ch == '$') { dollar = true; } else { sb.append(ch); } } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Return true if a message string for the specified message key is * present for the specified <code>Locale</code> and bundle. * * @param pageContext The PageContext associated with this request * @param bundle Name of the servlet context attribute for our * message resources bundle * @param locale Name of the session attribute for our user's Locale * @param key Message key to be looked up and returned * @return true if a message string for message key exists * @throws JspException if a lookup error occurs (will have been saved in * the request already) */ public boolean present(PageContext pageContext, String bundle, String locale, String key) throws JspException { MessageResources resources = retrieveMessageResources(pageContext, bundle, true); Locale userLocale = getUserLocale(pageContext, locale); return resources.isPresent(userLocale, key); } /** * Returns the appropriate MessageResources object for the current module * and the given bundle. * * @param pageContext Search the context's scopes for the resources. * @param bundle The bundle name to look for. If this is * <code>null</code>, the default bundle name is * used. * @param checkPageScope Whether to check page scope * @return MessageResources The bundle's resources stored in some scope. * @throws JspException if the MessageResources object could not be * found. */ public MessageResources retrieveMessageResources(PageContext pageContext, String bundle, boolean checkPageScope) throws JspException { MessageResources resources = null; if (bundle == null) { bundle = Globals.MESSAGES_KEY; } if (checkPageScope) { resources = (MessageResources) pageContext.getAttribute(bundle, PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE); } if (resources == null) { resources = (MessageResources) pageContext.getAttribute(bundle, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE); } if (resources == null) { ModuleConfig moduleConfig = getModuleConfig(pageContext); resources = (MessageResources) pageContext.getAttribute(bundle + moduleConfig.getPrefix(), PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE); } if (resources == null) { resources = (MessageResources) pageContext.getAttribute(bundle, PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE); } if (resources == null) { JspException e = new JspException(messages.getMessage("message.bundle", bundle)); saveException(pageContext, e); throw e; } return resources; } /** * Save the specified exception as a request attribute for later use. * * @param pageContext The PageContext for the current page * @param exception The exception to be saved */ public void saveException(PageContext pageContext, Throwable exception) { pageContext.setAttribute(Globals.EXCEPTION_KEY, exception, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE); } /** * Write the specified text as the response to the writer associated with * this page. <strong>WARNING</strong> - If you are writing body content * from the <code>doAfterBody()</code> method of a custom tag class that * implements <code>BodyTag</code>, you should be calling * <code>writePrevious()</code> instead. * * @param pageContext The PageContext object for this page * @param text The text to be written * @throws JspException if an input/output error occurs (already saved) */ public void write(PageContext pageContext, String text) throws JspException { JspWriter writer = pageContext.getOut(); try { writer.print(text); } catch (IOException e) { saveException(pageContext, e); throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("write.io", e.toString()), e); } } /** * Write the specified text as the response to the writer associated with * the body content for the tag within which we are currently nested. * * @param pageContext The PageContext object for this page * @param text The text to be written * @throws JspException if an input/output error occurs (already saved) */ public void writePrevious(PageContext pageContext, String text) throws JspException { JspWriter writer = pageContext.getOut(); if (writer instanceof BodyContent) { writer = ((BodyContent) writer).getEnclosingWriter(); } try { writer.print(text); } catch (IOException e) { saveException(pageContext, e); throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("write.io", e.toString()), e); } } }