/* * $Id: AbstractDispatcher.java 729832 2008-12-29 05:12:58Z pbenedict $ * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.struts.dispatcher; import org.apache.struts.action.Action; import org.apache.struts.chain.contexts.ActionContext; import org.apache.struts.config.ActionConfig; import org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources; import java.io.Serializable; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * This abstract class is the stock template for {@link Dispatcher} * implementations. * * @version $Rev: 729832 $ * @since Struts 1.4 */ public abstract class AbstractDispatcher implements Dispatcher, Serializable { // Package message bundle keys static final String LOCAL_STRINGS = "org.apache.struts.dispatcher.LocalStrings"; static final String MSG_KEY_DISPATCH_ERROR = "dispatcher.error"; static final String MSG_KEY_MISSING_METHOD = "dispatcher.missingMethod"; static final String MSG_KEY_MISSING_METHOD_LOG = "dispatcher.missingMethod.log"; static final String MSG_KEY_MISSING_MAPPING_PARAMETER = "dispatcher.missingMappingParameter"; static final String MSG_KEY_UNSPECIFIED = "dispatcher.unspecified"; /** * The name of the <code>cancelled</code> method. * * @see ActionContext#getCancelled() */ public static final String CANCELLED_METHOD_NAME = "cancelled"; /** * The name of the <code>execute</code> method. */ public static final String EXECUTE_METHOD_NAME = "execute"; /** * The message resources for this package. */ static MessageResources messages = MessageResources.getMessageResources(LOCAL_STRINGS); /** * Shared commons Logging instance among subclasses. */ protected transient final Log log; /** * The dictionary of {@link Method} objects we have introspected for this * class, keyed by method name. This collection is populated as different * methods are called, so that introspection needs to occur only once per * method name. */ private transient final HashMap methods; private final MethodResolver methodResolver; /** * Constructs a new dispatcher with the specified method resolver. * * @param methodResolver the method resolver */ public AbstractDispatcher(MethodResolver methodResolver) { this.methodResolver = methodResolver; log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); methods = new HashMap(); } /** * Constructs the arguments that will be passed to the dispatched method. * The construction is delegated to the method resolver instance. * * @param context the current action context * @param method the target method of this dispatch * @return the arguments array * @throws IllegalStateException if the method does not have a supported * signature * @see MethodResolver#buildArguments(ActionContext, Method) */ Object[] buildMethodArguments(ActionContext context, Method method) { Object[] args = methodResolver.buildArguments(context, method); if (args == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported method signature: " + method.toString()); } return args; } public Object dispatch(ActionContext context) throws Exception { // Resolve the method name; fallback to default if necessary String methodName = resolveMethodName(context); if ((methodName == null) || "".equals(methodName)) { methodName = getDefaultMethodName(); } // Ensure there is a specified method name to invoke. // This may be null if the user hacks the query string. if (methodName == null) { return unspecified(context); } // Identify the method object to dispatch Method method; try { method = getMethod(context, methodName); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // The log message reveals the offending method name... String path = context.getActionConfig().getPath(); String message = messages.getMessage(MSG_KEY_MISSING_METHOD_LOG, path, methodName); log.error(message, e); // ...but the exception thrown does not // See r383718 (XSS vulnerability) String userMsg = messages.getMessage(MSG_KEY_MISSING_METHOD, path); NoSuchMethodException e2 = new NoSuchMethodException(userMsg); e2.initCause(e); throw e2; } // Invoke the named method and return its result return dispatchMethod(context, method, methodName); } /** * Dispatches to the specified method. * * @param context the current action context * @param method The method to invoke * @param name The name of the method to invoke * @return the return value of the method * @throws Exception if the dispatch fails with an exception * @see #buildMethodArguments(ActionContext, Method) */ protected final Object dispatchMethod(ActionContext context, Method method, String name) throws Exception { Action target = context.getAction(); String path = context.getActionConfig().getPath(); Object[] args = buildMethodArguments(context, method); return invoke(target, method, args, path); } /** * Empties the method cache. * * @see #getMethod(ActionContext, String) */ final void flushMethodCache() { synchronized (methods) { methods.clear(); } } /** * Retrieves the name of the method to fallback upon if no method name can * be resolved. The default implementation returns * {@link #EXECUTE_METHOD_NAME}. * * @return the fallback method name; can be <code>null</code> * @see #resolveMethodName(ActionContext) * @see #EXECUTE_METHOD_NAME */ protected String getDefaultMethodName() { return EXECUTE_METHOD_NAME; } /** * Introspects the action to identify a method of the specified name that * will be the target of the dispatch. This implementation caches the method * instance for subsequent invocations. * * @param context the current action context * @param methodName the name of the method to be introspected * @return the method of the specified name * @throws NoSuchMethodException if no such method can be found * @see #resolveMethod(ActionContext, String) * @see #flushMethodCache() */ protected final Method getMethod(ActionContext context, String methodName) throws NoSuchMethodException { synchronized (methods) { // Key the method based on the class-method combination StringBuffer keyBuf = new StringBuffer(100); keyBuf.append(context.getAction().getClass().getName()); keyBuf.append(":"); keyBuf.append(methodName); String key = keyBuf.toString(); Method method = (Method) methods.get(key); if (method == null) { method = resolveMethod(context, methodName); methods.put(key, method); } return method; } } /** * Convenience method to help dispatch the specified method. The method is * invoked via reflection. * * @param target the target object * @param method the method of the target object * @param args the arguments for the method * @param path the mapping path * @return the return value of the method * @throws Exception if the dispatch fails with an exception */ protected final Object invoke(Object target, Method method, Object[] args, String path) throws Exception { try { Object retval = method.invoke(target, args); if (method.getReturnType() == void.class) { retval = void.class; } return retval; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { String message = messages.getMessage(MSG_KEY_DISPATCH_ERROR, path); log.error(message + ":" + method.getName(), e); throw e; } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { // Rethrow the target exception if possible so that the // exception handling machinery can deal with it Throwable t = e.getTargetException(); if (t instanceof Exception) { throw (Exception) t; } else { String message = messages.getMessage(MSG_KEY_DISPATCH_ERROR, path); log.error(message + ":" + method.getName(), e); throw new Exception(t); } } } /** * Determines whether the current form's cancel button was pressed. The * default behavior method will check if the * {@link ActionContext#getCancelled()} context property is set , which * normally occurs if the cancel button generated by <strong>CancelTag</strong> * was pressed by the user in the current request. * * @param context the current action context * @return <code>true</code> if the request is cancelled; otherwise * <code>false</code> */ protected boolean isCancelled(ActionContext context) { Boolean cancelled = context.getCancelled(); return (cancelled != null) && cancelled.booleanValue(); } /** * Decides the appropriate method instance for the specified method name. * Implementations may introspect for any desired method signature. This * resolution is only invoked if {@link #getMethod(ActionContext, String)} * does not find a match in its method cache. * * @param context the current action context * @param methodName the method name to use for introspection * @return the method to invoke * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an appropriate method cannot be found * @see #getMethod(ActionContext, String) * @see #invoke(Object, Method, Object[], String) */ Method resolveMethod(ActionContext context, String methodName) throws NoSuchMethodException { return methodResolver.resolveMethod(context, methodName); } /** * Decides the method name that can handle the request. * * @param context the current action context * @return the method name or <code>null</code> if no name can be resolved * @see #getDefaultMethodName() * @see #resolveMethod(ActionContext, String) */ abstract String resolveMethodName(ActionContext context); /** * Services the case when the dispatch fails because the method name cannot * be resolved. The default behavior throws an {@link IllegalStateException}. * Subclasses should override this to provide custom handling such as * sending an HTTP 404 error or dispatching elsewhere. * * @param context the current action context * @return the return value of the dispatch * @throws Exception if an error occurs * @see #resolveMethodName(ActionContext) */ protected Object unspecified(ActionContext context) throws Exception { ActionConfig config = context.getActionConfig(); String msg = messages.getMessage(MSG_KEY_UNSPECIFIED, config.getPath()); log.error(msg); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } }