package org.apache.mina.http; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.mina.api.IdleStatus; import org.apache.mina.api.IoFilter; import org.apache.mina.api.IoSession; import org.apache.mina.filterchain.ReadFilterChainController; import org.apache.mina.filterchain.WriteFilterChainController; import org.apache.mina.http.api.HttpEndOfContent; import org.apache.mina.http.api.HttpMethod; import org.apache.mina.http.api.HttpResponse; import org.apache.mina.http.api.HttpVersion; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; public class HttpServerCodec implements IoFilter { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpServerCodec.class); /** Key for decoder current state */ private static final String DECODER_STATE_ATT = "http.ds"; /** Key for the partial HTTP requests head */ private static final String PARTIAL_HEAD_ATT = ""; /** Key for the number of bytes remaining to read for completing the body */ private static final String BODY_REMAINING_BYTES = "http.brb"; /** Regex to parse HttpRequest Request Line */ public static final Pattern REQUEST_LINE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(" "); /** Regex to parse out QueryString from HttpRequest */ public static final Pattern QUERY_STRING_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\?"); /** Regex to parse out parameters from query string */ public static final Pattern PARAM_STRING_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\&|;"); /** Regex to parse out key/value pairs */ public static final Pattern KEY_VALUE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("="); /** Regex to parse raw headers and body */ public static final Pattern RAW_VALUE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\r\\n\\r\\n"); /** Regex to parse raw headers from body */ public static final Pattern HEADERS_BODY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\r\\n"); /** Regex to parse header name and value */ public static final Pattern HEADER_VALUE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(": "); /** Regex to split cookie header following RFC6265 Section 5.4 */ public static final Pattern COOKIE_SEPARATOR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(";"); @Override public void sessionCreated(IoSession session) { session.setAttribute(DECODER_STATE_ATT, DecoderState.NEW); } @Override public void sessionOpened(IoSession session) { } @Override public void sessionClosed(IoSession session) { session.removeAttribute(DECODER_STATE_ATT); session.removeAttribute(PARTIAL_HEAD_ATT); } @Override public void sessionIdle(IoSession session, IdleStatus status) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void messageReceived(IoSession session, Object message, ReadFilterChainController controller) { if (!(message instanceof ByteBuffer)) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid message type : " + message.getClass()); } ByteBuffer msg = (ByteBuffer) message; DecoderState state = session.getAttribute(DECODER_STATE_ATT); switch (state) { case HEAD: LOG.debug("decoding HEAD"); // grab the stored a partial HEAD request ByteBuffer oldBuffer = session.getAttribute(PARTIAL_HEAD_ATT); // concat the old buffer and the new incoming one msg = ByteBuffer.allocate(oldBuffer.remaining() + msg.remaining()).put(oldBuffer).put(msg); msg.flip(); // now let's decode like it was a new message case NEW: LOG.debug("decoding NEW"); HttpRequestImpl rq = parseHttpRequestHead(msg); if (rq == null) { // no request decoded, we accumulate session.setAttribute(PARTIAL_HEAD_ATT, msg); session.setAttribute(DECODER_STATE_ATT, DecoderState.HEAD); return; } else { controller.callReadNextFilter(session, rq); // is it a request with some body content ? if (rq.getMethod() == HttpMethod.POST || rq.getMethod() == HttpMethod.PUT) { LOG.debug("request with content"); session.setAttribute(DECODER_STATE_ATT, DecoderState.BODY); String contentLen = rq.getHeader("content-length"); if (contentLen != null) { LOG.debug("found content len : {}", contentLen); session.setAttribute(BODY_REMAINING_BYTES, new Integer(contentLen)); } else { throw new RuntimeException("no content length !"); } } else { LOG.debug("request without content"); session.setAttribute(DECODER_STATE_ATT, DecoderState.NEW); } } break; case BODY: LOG.debug("decoding BODY"); int chunkSize = msg.remaining(); // send the chunk of body controller.callReadNextFilter(session, msg); // do we have reach end of body ? int remaining = session.getAttribute(BODY_REMAINING_BYTES); remaining -= chunkSize; if (remaining <= 0) { LOG.debug("end of HTTP body"); controller.callReadNextFilter(session, new HttpEndOfContent()); session.setAttribute(DECODER_STATE_ATT, DecoderState.NEW); session.removeAttribute(BODY_REMAINING_BYTES); } else { session.setAttribute(BODY_REMAINING_BYTES, new Integer(remaining)); } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknonwn decoder state : " + state); } } @Override public void messageWriting(IoSession session, Object message, WriteFilterChainController controller) { if (message instanceof HttpResponse) { HttpResponse msg = (HttpResponse) message; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(msg.getStatus().line()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> header : msg.getHeaders().entrySet()) { sb.append(header.getKey()); sb.append(": "); sb.append(header.getValue()); sb.append("\r\n"); } sb.append("\r\n"); byte[] bytes = sb.toString().getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); controller.callWriteNextFilter(session, ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)); } else if (message instanceof ByteBuffer) { controller.callWriteNextFilter(session, message); } else if (message instanceof HttpEndOfContent) { // end of HTTP content // keep alive ? session.close(false); } } private HttpRequestImpl parseHttpRequestHead(ByteBuffer buffer) { String raw = new String(buffer.array(), 0, buffer.limit(), Charsets.ISO_8859_1); String[] headersAndBody = RAW_VALUE_PATTERN.split(raw, -1); if (headersAndBody.length <= 1) { // we didn't receive the full HTTP head return null; } String[] headerFields = HEADERS_BODY_PATTERN.split(headersAndBody[0]); headerFields = ArrayUtil.dropFromEndWhile(headerFields, ""); String requestLine = headerFields[0]; Map<String, String> generalHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 1; i < headerFields.length; i++) { String[] header = HEADER_VALUE_PATTERN.split(headerFields[i]); generalHeaders.put(header[0].toLowerCase(), header[1]); } String[] elements = REQUEST_LINE_PATTERN.split(requestLine); HttpMethod method = HttpMethod.valueOf(elements[0]); HttpVersion version = HttpVersion.fromString(elements[2]); String[] pathFrags = QUERY_STRING_PATTERN.split(elements[1]); String requestedPath = pathFrags[0]; // we put the buffer position where we found the beginning of the HTTP body buffer.position(headersAndBody[0].length()); return new HttpRequestImpl(version, method, requestedPath, generalHeaders); } private enum DecoderState { NEW, // waiting for a new HTTP requests, the session is new of last request was completed HEAD, // accumulating the HTTP request head (everything before the body) BODY // receiving HTTP body slices } }