package com.horstmann.violet.framework.userpreferences; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.horstmann.violet.framework.file.IFile; import com.horstmann.violet.framework.injection.bean.ManiocFramework.InjectedBean; import com.horstmann.violet.framework.injection.bean.ManiocFramework.ManagedBean; import com.horstmann.violet.framework.theme.BlueAmbianceTheme; /** * Manages all user preferences * * @author alexandre de pellegrin * */ @ManagedBean public class UserPreferencesService { public void setPreferedLookAndFeel(String className) { IUserPreferencesDao pService = PreferencesServiceFactory.getInstance(); pService.put(PreferencesConstant.LOOK_AND_FEEL, className); } public String getPreferedLookAndFeel() { IUserPreferencesDao pService = PreferencesServiceFactory.getInstance(); String preferedLAF = pService.get(PreferencesConstant.LOOK_AND_FEEL, BlueAmbianceTheme.class.getName()); return preferedLAF; } /** * @return the list of lastest opened files (as path strings) */ public List<IFile> getRecentFiles() { List<PreferredFile> recentFiles = new ArrayList<PreferredFile>(); String recent = this.dao.get(PreferencesConstant.RECENT_FILES, "").trim(); String[] strings = recent.split(PreferencesConstant.FILE_SEPARATOR.toString()); for (String anEntry : strings) { try { PreferredFile aRecentFile = new PreferredFile(anEntry); if (!aRecentFile.getDirectory().equals("null") && !recentFiles.contains(aRecentFile)) { recentFiles.add(aRecentFile); } } catch (IOException e) { // Nothing to do, will be automatically deleted on dao.put() action } } updateRecentFileList(recentFiles); return new ArrayList<IFile>(recentFiles); } /** * add recently opened file into user preferences * * @param aFile file */ public void addRecentFile(IFile aFile) { PreferredFile newPreferredFile = new PreferredFile(aFile); List<PreferredFile> recentFileList = new ArrayList<PreferredFile>(); recentFileList.add(newPreferredFile); for (IFile file : getRecentFiles()) { PreferredFile aPreferredFile = new PreferredFile(file); if (aPreferredFile.equals(newPreferredFile)) { continue; } recentFileList.add(aPreferredFile); } while (recentFileList.size() > DEFAULT_MAX_RECENT_FILES) { recentFileList.remove(recentFileList.get(recentFileList.size() - 1)); } updateRecentFileList(recentFileList); } /** * Update user preferences * * @param recentFiles - set of recentFiles to be saved */ private void updateRecentFileList(List<PreferredFile> recentFiles) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(""); for (IFile aFile : recentFiles) { PreferredFile aPreferredFile = new PreferredFile(aFile); result.append(aPreferredFile.toString()).append(PreferencesConstant.FILE_SEPARATOR.toString()); } this.dao.put(PreferencesConstant.RECENT_FILES, result.toString()); } /** * Gets opened files on last session. Used to restore workspace after restart * * @return file list */ public List<IFile> getOpenedFilesDuringLastSession() { String list = this.dao.get(PreferencesConstant.OPENED_FILES_ON_WORKSPACE, ""); String[] strings = list.split(PreferencesConstant.FILE_SEPARATOR.toString()); List<PreferredFile> result = new ArrayList<PreferredFile>(); for (String anEntry : strings) { try { PreferredFile aFile = new PreferredFile(anEntry); result.add(aFile); } catch (IOException a) { // We should purge list from unparsable entries } } updateOpenedFileList(result); return new ArrayList<IFile>(result); } /** * Saves newly opened file path into user preferences * * @param aFile file path (should be relative or absolute) */ public void addOpenedFile(IFile aFile) { PreferredFile newPreferredFile = new PreferredFile(aFile); List<PreferredFile> openedFileList = new ArrayList<PreferredFile>(); for (IFile file : getOpenedFilesDuringLastSession()) { openedFileList.add(new PreferredFile(file)); } openedFileList.add(newPreferredFile); updateOpenedFileList(openedFileList); } /** * Removes newly closed file from user preferences * * @param aFile file path (could be relative or absolute) */ public void removeOpenedFile(IFile aFile) { PreferredFile newPreferredFile = new PreferredFile(aFile); List<PreferredFile> openedFileList = new ArrayList<PreferredFile>(); for (IFile file : getOpenedFilesDuringLastSession()) { openedFileList.add(new PreferredFile(file)); } openedFileList.remove(newPreferredFile); updateOpenedFileList(openedFileList); } /** * Update user preferences * * @param openedFiles set of Opened Files to be saved */ private void updateOpenedFileList(List<PreferredFile> openedFiles) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(""); for (PreferredFile aPreferredFile : openedFiles) { result.append(aPreferredFile.toString()).append(PreferencesConstant.FILE_SEPARATOR.toString()); } this.dao.put(PreferencesConstant.OPENED_FILES_ON_WORKSPACE, result.toString()); } /** * Indicates which diagram is currently focused on workspace and saves it into user preferences * * @param aFile file path (could be relative or absolute) */ public void setActiveDiagramFile(IFile aFile) { if (aFile != null) { PreferredFile preferredFile = new PreferredFile(aFile); this.dao.put(PreferencesConstant.ACTIVE_FILE, preferredFile.toString()); } } /** * Gets from user preferences which diagram was setted as focused * * @return file path (could be relative or absolute). Returns null by default. */ public IFile getActiveDiagramFile() { String entry = this.dao.get(PreferencesConstant.ACTIVE_FILE, ""); IFile aFile = null; try { aFile = new PreferredFile(entry); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO : logger needed } return aFile; } /** * Clear user preferences */ public void reset() { this.dao.reset(); } /** * Allows to store and retrieve preferences */ @InjectedBean private IUserPreferencesDao dao; /** * Recent opened files list capacity */ private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_RECENT_FILES = 10; }