package com.horstmann.violet.framework.file.persistence; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.beans.DefaultPersistenceDelegate; import java.beans.Encoder; import java.beans.ExceptionListener; import java.beans.Statement; import java.beans.XMLDecoder; import java.beans.XMLEncoder; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.horstmann.violet.framework.injection.bean.ManiocFramework.ManagedBean; import; import; import com.horstmann.violet.product.diagram.abstracts.AbstractGraph; import com.horstmann.violet.product.diagram.abstracts.IGraph; import com.horstmann.violet.product.diagram.abstracts.Id; import com.horstmann.violet.product.diagram.abstracts.edge.IEdge; import com.horstmann.violet.product.diagram.abstracts.node.AbstractNode; import com.horstmann.violet.product.diagram.abstracts.node.INode; import; import com.horstmann.violet.product.diagram.common.node.ImageNode; /** * Standard Java implementation of IFilePersistenceService * @author alex * */ @ManagedBean(registeredManually=true) public class StandardJavaFilePersistenceService implements IFilePersistenceService { @Override public void write(IGraph graph, OutputStream out) { XMLEncoder encoder = getXMLEncoder(Violet016BackportFormatService.convertToViolet016(out)); encoder.writeObject(graph); encoder.close(); } @Override public IGraph read(InputStream in) throws IOException { XMLDecoder reader = new XMLDecoder(Violet016BackportFormatService.convertFromViolet016(in), null, new ExceptionListener() { public void exceptionThrown(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); IGraph graph = (IGraph) reader.readObject(); in.close(); return graph; } /** * Creates a new instance of XML Encoder pre-configured for Violet beans serailization * * @param out * @return configured encoder */ private XMLEncoder getXMLEncoder(OutputStream out) { XMLEncoder encoder = new XMLEncoder(out); encoder.setExceptionListener(new ExceptionListener() { public void exceptionThrown(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }); configure(encoder); return encoder; } /** * Configures the given XML encoder by setting custom persistenceDelegate * @param encoder */ private void configure(XMLEncoder encoder) { encoder.setPersistenceDelegate(Point2D.Double.class, new DefaultPersistenceDelegate() { protected void initialize(Class<?> type, Object oldInstance, Object newInstance, Encoder out) { super.initialize(type, oldInstance, newInstance, out); Point2D p = (Point2D) oldInstance; out.writeStatement(new Statement(oldInstance, "setLocation", new Object[] { new Double(p.getX()), new Double(p.getY()) })); } }); encoder.setPersistenceDelegate(Line2D.class, new DefaultPersistenceDelegate() { protected void initialize(Class<?> type, Object oldInstance, Object newInstance, Encoder out) { super.initialize(type, oldInstance, newInstance, out); Line2D l = (Line2D) oldInstance; out.writeStatement(new Statement(oldInstance, "setLine", new Object[] { new Double(l.getX1()), new Double(l.getY1()), new Double(l.getX2()), new Double(l.getY2()) })); } }); encoder.setPersistenceDelegate(Rectangle2D.class, new DefaultPersistenceDelegate() { protected void initialize(Class<?> type, Object oldInstance, Object newInstance, Encoder out) { super.initialize(type, oldInstance, newInstance, out); Rectangle2D r = (Rectangle2D) oldInstance; out.writeStatement(new Statement(oldInstance, "setRect", new Object[] { new Double(r.getX()), new Double(r.getY()), new Double(r.getWidth()), new Double(r.getHeight()) })); } }); encoder.setPersistenceDelegate(BentStyleChoiceList.class, new CustomPersistenceDelegate()); encoder.setPersistenceDelegate(LineStyleChoiceList.class, new CustomPersistenceDelegate()); encoder.setPersistenceDelegate(ArrowheadChoiceList.class, new CustomPersistenceDelegate()); encoder.setPersistenceDelegate(URL.class, new DefaultPersistenceDelegate(new String[] { "protocol", "host", "port", "file" })); encoder.setPersistenceDelegate(Map.class, new DefaultPersistenceDelegate() { protected void initialize(Class<?> type, Object oldInstance, Object newInstance, Encoder out) { super.initialize(type, oldInstance, newInstance, out); Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) oldInstance; for (Iterator<?> it = map.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object key =; Object value = map.get(key); out.writeStatement(new Statement(oldInstance, "put", new Object[] { key, value })); } } }); encoder.setPersistenceDelegate(AbstractNode.class, new DefaultPersistenceDelegate() { protected void initialize(Class<?> type, Object oldInstance, Object newInstance, Encoder out) { super.initialize(type, oldInstance, newInstance, out); INode n = (INode) oldInstance; List<INode> children = new ArrayList<INode>(n.getChildren()); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { INode c = (INode) children.get(i); Point2D p = c.getLocation(); out.writeStatement(new Statement(oldInstance, "addChild", new Object[] { c, p })); } boolean isWriteId = false; // Keep for further refinement if (isWriteId) { Id id = n.getId(); out.writeStatement(new Statement(oldInstance, "setId", new Object[] { id })); } } }); encoder.setPersistenceDelegate(AbstractGraph.class, new DefaultPersistenceDelegate() { protected void initialize(Class<?> type, Object oldInstance, Object newInstance, Encoder out) { super.initialize(type, oldInstance, newInstance, out); AbstractGraph g = (AbstractGraph) oldInstance; for ( INode n : g.getAllNodes()) { INode parent = n.getParent(); if (parent != null) continue; Point2D p = n.getLocation(); out.writeStatement(new Statement(oldInstance, "addNode", new Object[] { n, p })); } for (IEdge e : g.getAllEdges()) { out.writeStatement(new Statement(oldInstance, "connect", new Object[] { e, e.getStartNode(), e.getStartLocation(), e.getEndNode(), e.getEndLocation() })); } } }); // encoder.setPersistenceDelegate(AbstractEdge.class, new DefaultPersistenceDelegate() // { // protected void initialize(Class<?> type, Object oldInstance, Object newInstance, Encoder out) // { // super.initialize(type, oldInstance, newInstance, out); // IEdge e = (IEdge) oldInstance; // out.writeStatement(new Statement(oldInstance, "connect", new Object[] // { // e.getStartNode(), // e.getEndNode() // })); // } // }); encoder.setPersistenceDelegate(ImageNode.class, new DefaultPersistenceDelegate() { protected void initialize(Class<?> type, Object oldInstance, Object newInstance, Encoder out) { super.initialize(type, oldInstance, newInstance, out); ImageNode n = (ImageNode) oldInstance; try { String imageContent = n.getImageContent(); int width = n.getImageWidth(); int height = n.getImageHeight(); out.writeStatement(new Statement(oldInstance, "setImageContent", new Object[] { imageContent, width, height })); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error while serializing ImageNode", e); } } }); } }