package; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; /** * TODO javadoc * This ... * * @author Adrian Bobrowski <> * @date 19.02.2016 */ public class CenterContent extends Content { /** * Default constructor * @param content * @throws NullPointerException */ public CenterContent(Content content) { if(null == content) { throw new NullPointerException("content can't be null"); } content.addParent(this); this.content = content; content.refresh(); // updateOffsetPoint(); } /** * @see Content#refreshDown() */ @Override protected void refreshDown() { updateOffsetPoint(); super.refreshDown(); content.refreshDown(); } @Override protected void refreshUp() { Rectangle2D minimalBounds = getMinimalBounds(); setWidth(minimalBounds.getWidth()); setHeight(minimalBounds.getHeight()); super.refreshUp(); } /** * @return minimal bounds of this element */ @Override public Rectangle2D getMinimalBounds() { return content.getMinimalBounds(); } /** * Defines how to draw element * * @param graphics */ @Override public void draw(Graphics2D graphics) { content.draw(graphics, offset); } private void updateOffsetPoint() { Rectangle2D selfBounds = getBounds(); Rectangle2D contentBounds = content.getBounds(); offset = new Point2D.Double( selfBounds.getX() + (selfBounds.getWidth() - contentBounds.getWidth())/2, selfBounds.getY() + (selfBounds.getHeight() - contentBounds.getHeight())/2 ); } private Point2D offset; private Content content; }