/** * <p> * This package contains a quick and dirty Vaadin application meant to be used as a light stub-version of ViLLE to get a more distraction free environment for * developing new exercise-types for ViLLE. * </p> * <p> * The stub depends on interfaces on stable {@link fi.utu.ville.exercises.model} -package as does the real ViLLE. Stub however implements only the functionality * directly related to exercises and does that in a quick and dirty way. The current version of stub can be used reliably only for single-user testing. * </p> * <p> * For correct behavior in real ViLLE, exercise-types developed in the stub are not allowed to rely any implementation detail of the stub (apart from the * general look-and-feel). New versions of stub with more features are likely. * </p> * <p> * Packages {@link fi.utu.ville.exercises.model}, {@link fi.utu.ville.exercises.helpers}, and {@link fi.utu.ville.standardutils} can be relied on. Those * packages will mostly be updated in a backwards-compatible way, though it is possible that some more profound changes will be needed from time to time. * </p> */ package fi.utu.ville.exercises.stub;