package fi.utu.ville.exercises.helpers; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import com.vaadin.event.LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent; import com.vaadin.event.LayoutEvents.LayoutClickListener; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.DateField; import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Image; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.NativeSelect; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; import com.vaadin.ui.Slider; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; import com.vaadin.ui.Window.CloseEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Window.CloseListener; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.BaseTheme; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.helpers.StatsGiverHelper.DateFilter; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.helpers.StatsGiverHelper.EvaluationFilter; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.helpers.StatsGiverHelper.InvertedFilter; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.helpers.StatsGiverHelper.MatchAllFilter; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.helpers.StatsGiverHelper.MatchAnyFilter; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.helpers.StatsGiverHelper.StatSubmInfoFilter; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.helpers.StatsGiverHelper.StatSubmInfoFilterConnector; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.helpers.StatsGiverHelper.TimeOnTaskFilter; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.model.SubmissionInfo; import fi.utu.ville.standardutils.Localizer; import fi.utu.ville.standardutils.StandardIcon.Icon; import fi.utu.ville.standardutils.StandardUIFactory; /** * <p> * This class provides a GUI through which a user can create instances of different {@link StatSubmInfoFilter}s, connect them by {@link MatchAllFilter} or * {@link MatchAnyFilter} and invert them by {@link InvertedFilter}. * </p> * <p> * By default editors for three default filter-types ({@link DateFilter}, {@link TimeOnTaskFilter} and {@link EvaluationFilter}) are present. * </p> * <p> * Editors for more filter-types can be added by implementing {@link FilterEditorFactory}-interface that can provide a user with general info about certain * filter and instantiate {@link FilterEditor}-implementor that can be used to create and edit an instance of certain {@link StatSubmInfoFilter} -implementor. * To make the new implementor available to the user construct this class with the implementor included in 'extraFilterFactories'-list. * </p> * * @author Riku Haavisto * * @param <S> * accepted {@link SubmissionInfo} implementor */ public class StatSubmInfoFilterEditor<S extends SubmissionInfo> implements Serializable { /** * Implementor of this interface can show certain general information about certain {@link StatSubmInfoFilter} and instantiate {@link FilterEditor}s that * can be used for creating and editing instances of that {@link StatSubmInfoFilter}-type. * * @author Riku Haavisto * * @param <A> * accepted {@link SubmissionInfo} implementor */ public interface FilterEditorFactory<A extends SubmissionInfo> { /** * Instantiates a new instance of the represented {@link FilterEditor}. * * @param localizer * {@link Localizer} that can be passed to new instance {@link FilterEditor} help localizing UI * @return a new {@link FilterEditor}-instance */ FilterEditor<A> newEditorInstance(Localizer localizer); /** * Gives a short description of the represented filter that can be created and edited by editor fetched from this {@link FilterEditorFactory}. * * @param localizer * {@link Localizer} for localizing UI * @return short description of represented filter */ String getFilterDesc(Localizer localizer); /** * Gives a name of the represented filter that can be created and edited by editor fetched from this {@link FilterEditorFactory}. * * @param localizer * {@link Localizer} for localizing UI * @return name of represented filter */ String getFilterName(Localizer localizer); /** * Returns an icon representing the filter that can be created and edited by editor fetched from this {@link FilterEditorFactory}. * * @return {@link Resource} of icon for represented filter */ Resource getFilterIcon(); } /** * An implementor of this class can create and edit certain {@link StatSubmInfoFilter}-implementor. * * @author Riku Haavisto * * @param <A> * accepted {@link SubmissionInfo} implementor */ public interface FilterEditor<A extends SubmissionInfo> { /** * Returns a new independent copy of this {@link FilterEditor} instance with matching state. * * @return an independent copy of this editor */ FilterEditor<A> getCopy(); /** * Return {@link StatSubmInfoFilter}-implementor matching current state of this {@link FilterEditor}. * * @return {@link StatSubmInfoFilter} matching editor's current state */ StatSubmInfoFilter<A> getFilter(); /** * <p> * Return a string-presentation of the current state of this {@link FilterEditor}. * </p> * <p> * This can be for example (localized) filter-name : values of editable variables. eg. Evaluation : from 0.4 to 0.8 . * </p> * * @return a textual localized description of this editor's current state */ String getFilterStateDesc(); /** * Return a {@link Component} containing a GUI through which a user can edit variables of this filter. * * @return a GUI for editing variables of a certain filter-implementor */ Component getFilterEditView(); /** * <p> * Returns a {@link Component} representing minimized view of this {@link FilterEditor}s state. * </p> * <p> * This view should be really compact. Default implementations use as their minified-view the icon of represented filter-type (as returned by * corresponding {@link FilterEditorFactory #getFilterIcon()} with {@link #getFilterStateDesc()} as its tooltip. * </p> * * @return a minified view of the type and current state of this filter-editor */ Component getMinifiedView(); /** * This method is called whenever user has edited this {@link FilterEditor} through {@link #getFilterEditView()} and tries to 'commit' the edits. If the * filter-editor is left in an inconsistent state this method should return false. It is also possible (and nice) to notify the user on what is wrong * with the current state of the editor ( by eg. adding info to the edit-view or by showing a {@link Notification}). * * @return true if editor is in consistent state */ boolean checkAndNotify(); } /* * * Implementation of actual 'StatSubmInfoFilterEditor' that can be shown to * user starts here. */ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 40221094607340126L; private EditorConnectorView<S> mainLevelFilter; private final FilterFactoryKeeper<S> ffKeeper = new FilterFactoryKeeper<S>(); private final StatSubmInfoFilterTable<S> applyTo; private final Localizer localizer; private Button clearBtn; private Button hideShowEditorBtn; private Button applyBtn; private boolean minimized = false; private final Panel mainLevelPanel = new Panel(); private final VerticalLayout centeringLayout = new VerticalLayout(); private final VerticalLayout mainLayout = new VerticalLayout(); private final ClickListener clickListener = new ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { if (event.getButton() == applyBtn) { applyFilter(); } else if (event.getButton() == clearBtn) { clearFilter(); } else if (event.getButton() == hideShowEditorBtn) { setMinimized(!minimized); } } }; /** * Constructs a new {@link StatSubmInfoFilterEditor} that can be used to provide the user with a GUI for creating and editing a {@link StatSubmInfoFilter} * that can be applied to given {@link StatSubmInfoFilterTable}. * * @param applyTo * {@link StatSubmInfoFilterTable} that is filtered by this editor * @param localizer * {@link Localizer} for localizing UI * @param extraFilterFactories * {@link Collection} of all {@link FilterEditorFactory} -implementors that will be added to enable generating custom filters; can be null if * only default filter-types are required */ public StatSubmInfoFilterEditor(StatSubmInfoFilterTable<S> applyTo, Localizer localizer, Collection<FilterEditorFactory<S>> extraFilterFactories) { this.localizer = localizer; this.applyTo = applyTo; if (this.localizer == null || this.applyTo == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "localizer and applyTo must be non-null: localizer= " + localizer + "; applyTo= " + applyTo); } mainLevelFilter = new EditorConnectorView<S>(null, ffKeeper, localizer); init(); if (extraFilterFactories != null) { for (FilterEditorFactory<S> extraFF : extraFilterFactories) { ffKeeper.registerFilterEditorFactory(extraFF); } } doLayout(); } private void init() { ffKeeper.registerFilterEditorFactory(new DateIntervalFilterEditor<S>( localizer)); ffKeeper.registerFilterEditorFactory(new TimeonTaskFilterEditor<S>( localizer)); ffKeeper.registerFilterEditorFactory(new EvaluationilterEditor<S>( localizer)); } /** * Clears the current filter of this {@link StatSubmInfoFilterEditor} and updates the table to a non-filtered state. */ public void clearFilter() { mainLevelFilter = new EditorConnectorView<S>(null, ffKeeper, localizer); centeringLayout.removeAllComponents(); centeringLayout.addComponent(mainLevelFilter); centeringLayout.setComponentAlignment(mainLevelFilter, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); applyTo.setFilter(getTotalFilter()); } /** * Applies the filter currently represented by this {@link StatSubmInfoFilterEditor} to the controlled {@link StatSubmInfoFilterTable}. */ public void applyFilter() { applyTo.setFilter(getTotalFilter()); } /** * Minimizes or maximizes the actual filter-editor-view. * * @param minimized * true if filter-editor should be minimized */ public void setMinimized(boolean minimized) { this.minimized = minimized; updateMinimState(); } /** * Returns the {@link StatSubmInfoFilter} matching the current state of this {@link StatSubmInfoFilterEditor}. The returned {@link StatSubmInfoFilter} might * actually be made of several {@link StatSubmInfoFilter}s connected by {@link StatSubmInfoFilterConnector}s. * * @return {@link StatSubmInfoFilter} matching the current state of this {@link StatSubmInfoFilterEditor} */ public StatSubmInfoFilter<S> getTotalFilter() { return mainLevelFilter.asFilter(); } /** * Returns a GUI through which the user can control this filter-editor. * * @return GUI for this filter-editor */ public Component getView() { return mainLayout; } private void doLayout() { mainLevelPanel.setWidth("100%"); centeringLayout.setWidth("100%"); centeringLayout.setMargin(true); mainLevelPanel.setContent(centeringLayout); centeringLayout.addComponent(mainLevelFilter); centeringLayout.setComponentAlignment(mainLevelFilter, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); mainLayout.addComponent(mainLevelPanel); hideShowEditorBtn = StandardUIFactory.getButton("show editor", null); hideShowEditorBtn.addClickListener(clickListener); clearBtn = StandardUIFactory.getButton("clear filter", null); clearBtn.addClickListener(clickListener); applyBtn = StandardUIFactory.getButton("apply filter", Icon.ATTACH); applyBtn.addClickListener(clickListener); HorizontalLayout buttons = new HorizontalLayout(); buttons.addComponents(hideShowEditorBtn, clearBtn, applyBtn); buttons.setSpacing(true); buttons.setMargin(true); buttons.setSizeUndefined(); mainLayout.addComponent(buttons); mainLayout.setComponentAlignment(buttons, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); updateMinimState(); } private void updateMinimState() { if (minimized) { hideShowEditorBtn.setCaption("show"); mainLevelPanel.setVisible(false); } else { hideShowEditorBtn.setCaption("hide"); mainLevelPanel.setVisible(true); } } private static class FilterFactoryKeeper<B extends SubmissionInfo> { private final List<FilterEditorFactory<B>> factories = new ArrayList<FilterEditorFactory<B>>(); public void registerFilterEditorFactory(FilterEditorFactory<B> feFactory) { factories.add(feFactory); } public List<FilterEditorFactory<B>> getAllEditorFactories() { return new ArrayList<FilterEditorFactory<B>>(factories); } } // *SPECIAL*-FilterEditor implementor used to provide somewhat similar // interface to editing filter-connector as normal filter-editors use // // should not be added to factory-keeper as instances of // connectors are created (and must be created) in a special way that // gives them some other editors to connect // there could also be different factory-collection for adding // new 'ConnectorTypes' but that would probably be mostly confusing // and I cannot think of a situation where one would really need // connectors like match-any-two private static class FilterConnectorEditor<S extends SubmissionInfo> implements FilterEditor<S> { public enum ConnectorType { ALL("&"), ANY("|"); public final String connector; private ConnectorType(String connector) { this.connector = connector; } } private final NativeSelect typeSel = new NativeSelect(); public FilterConnectorEditor() { for (ConnectorType ct : ConnectorType.values()) { typeSel.addItem(ct); typeSel.setItemCaption(ct,; } typeSel.setNullSelectionAllowed(false);; } @Override public StatSubmInfoFilter<S> getFilter() { if (getCurrType() == ConnectorType.ALL) { return new MatchAllFilter<S>(); } else { return new MatchAnyFilter<S>(); } } @Override public Component getFilterEditView() { return typeSel; } private ConnectorType getCurrType() { return (ConnectorType) typeSel.getValue(); } @Override public Component getMinifiedView() { Image img = new Image(); img.setDescription(getFilterStateDesc()); return img; } @Override public FilterConnectorEditor<S> getCopy() { FilterConnectorEditor<S> res = new FilterConnectorEditor<S>();; return res; } @Override public String getFilterStateDesc() { return getCurrType().name(); } @Override public boolean checkAndNotify() { // always in 'ok'-state return true; } } /* * The actual editor implementation starts here and is pretty nasty and * hacky: connector-editor extends normal filter-editor and overrides almost * all of its methods, and also has to check by 'instanceof' whether certain * of its children is actually a connector-editor in some places. * * This hacky implementation should be kept well hidden from the public * interface. */ private static class EditorConnectorView<B extends SubmissionInfo> extends FilterEditorView<B> implements ClickListener { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -2768397561770574721L; private final FilterFactoryKeeper<B> ffKeeper; private final List<FilterEditorView<B>> children = new ArrayList<FilterEditorView<B>>(); // extra buttons private final Button addEditorBtn = new Button(); private final Button groupToConnectorBtn = new Button(); // direct access to filter-connector editor ( no need to do castings // that often...), this is just casted 'theEditor' private FilterConnectorEditor<B> actEditor; public EditorConnectorView(EditorConnectorView<B> parent, FilterFactoryKeeper<B> ffKeeper, Localizer localizer) { super(new FilterConnectorEditor<B>(), parent, localizer); this.actEditor = (FilterConnectorEditor<B>) theEditor; this.ffKeeper = ffKeeper; ctrlMinified = false; initLayout(); } public EditorConnectorView(EditorConnectorView<B> parent, FilterFactoryKeeper<B> ffKeeper, Localizer localizer, FilterConnectorEditor<B> editorToUse, boolean inverted, List<FilterEditorView<B>> childrenToCopy, boolean ctrlMinified) { super(editorToUse, parent, localizer, inverted, ctrlMinified); this.actEditor = editorToUse; this.ffKeeper = ffKeeper; for (FilterEditorView<B> childToCopy : childrenToCopy) { children.add(childToCopy.getCopy(this)); } initLayout(); } private void initLayout() { if (parent == null) { minMaxCtrlBtn.setVisible(false); ctrlMinified = false; } addEditorBtn.setDescription("Add editor"); addEditorBtn.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); addEditorBtn.addClickListener(this); groupToConnectorBtn.setDescription("Group to connector"); groupToConnectorBtn.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); groupToConnectorBtn.addClickListener(this); HorizontalLayout extraControlBtns = new HorizontalLayout(); extraControlBtns.addComponents(addEditorBtn, groupToConnectorBtn); controlsLayout.addComponent(new Label("|")); controlsLayout.addComponent(extraControlBtns); updateGroupToState(); updateLayout(); } @Override public StatSubmInfoFilter<B> asFilter() { /* * Get base-filter from the super-classes asFilter()-method. If this * filter is inverted the actual connnector-filter must be fetched * from the inverted-filter */ StatSubmInfoFilterConnector<B> baseFilter; if (!inverted) { baseFilter = (StatSubmInfoFilterConnector<B>) super.asFilter(); } else { baseFilter = (StatSubmInfoFilterConnector<B>) ((InvertedFilter<B>) super.asFilter()).getUnderlyingFilter(); } // add all the children to the connector for (FilterEditorView<B> filterEdit : children) { baseFilter.connectFilter(filterEdit.asFilter()); } // as the underlying connector filter was fetched to be able to add // children to it, re-wrap it to inverted-filter if needed if (inverted) { return new InvertedFilter<B>(baseFilter); } else { return baseFilter; } } private void updateGroupToState() { // no mind in adding a sub-group if there is less than three // children if (children.size() >= 3) { groupToConnectorBtn.setEnabled(true); groupToConnectorBtn.setVisible(true); } else { groupToConnectorBtn.setEnabled(false); groupToConnectorBtn.setVisible(false); } } @Override protected void updateBackingEditor(FilterEditor<B> newEditor) { this.actEditor = (FilterConnectorEditor<B>) theEditor; super.updateBackingEditor(newEditor); } @Override protected void updateLayout() { // override to update-layout mechanic completely to draw // also the children, and to also implement minimizing differently mainStateView.removeAllComponents(); mainStateView.setSpacing(true); if (ctrlMinified) { controlsLayout.setVisible(false); Image img = new Image(); String connector = actEditor.getCurrType().connector; String desc = actEditor.getCurrType().name() + ": ( "; for (int i = 0, n = children.size(); i < n; i++) { if (children.get(i).inverted) { desc += "NOT "; } desc += children.get(i).theEditor.getFilterStateDesc(); if (i < n - 1) { desc += " " + connector + " "; } } desc += ")"; img.setDescription(desc); mainStateView.addComponent(img); } else { controlsLayout.setVisible(true); String connector = actEditor.getCurrType().connector; Label startLbl = new Label("("); mainStateView.addComponent(startLbl); mainStateView.setComponentAlignment(startLbl, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); if (children.isEmpty()) { mainStateView.addComponent(new Label("EMPTY")); } else { for (int i = 0, n = children.size(); i < n; i++) { Component childComp = children.get(i); mainStateView.addComponent(childComp); mainStateView.setComponentAlignment(childComp, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); if (i < n - 1) { Label connLbl = new Label(connector); mainStateView.addComponent(connLbl); mainStateView.setComponentAlignment(connLbl, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } } } Label endLbl = new Label(")"); mainStateView.addComponent(endLbl); mainStateView.setComponentAlignment(endLbl, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } updateGroupToState(); } public void removeEditor(FilterEditorView<B> toRem) { // check whether the child is normal child or a connector; // if it is a connector, do not delete its children but // add them as children of this connector instead if (toRem instanceof EditorConnectorView) { EditorConnectorView<B> childConnView = (EditorConnectorView<B>) toRem; List<FilterEditorView<B>> childsChildren = new ArrayList<FilterEditorView<B>>( childConnView.children); children.remove(childConnView); List<FilterEditorView<B>> reAddChildren = new ArrayList<FilterEditorView<B>>(); for (FilterEditorView<B> childChild : childsChildren) { reAddChildren.add(childChild.getCopy(this)); } children.addAll(reAddChildren); } // if the child to remove is not a connector, just remove it else { children.remove(toRem); } updateLayout(); } @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { super.buttonClick(event); if (event.getButton() == addEditorBtn) { showAddNewPopup(); } else if (event.getButton() == groupToConnectorBtn) { showGroupToPopup(); } else if (event.getButton() == minMaxCtrlBtn) { updateLayout(); } } private FilterEditorView<B> addNewFilterEditor(FilterEditor<B> toAdd) { FilterEditorView<B> wrappedEditor = new FilterEditorView<B>(toAdd, this, localizer); children.add(wrappedEditor); updateLayout(); return wrappedEditor; } @Override public EditorConnectorView<B> getCopy(EditorConnectorView<B> newParent) { // this copy constructor will handle copying children by adding them // to new list // and calling their getCopy(parent) method with itself as the new // parent EditorConnectorView<B> res = new EditorConnectorView<B>(newParent, ffKeeper, localizer, actEditor.getCopy(), inverted, children, ctrlMinified); return res; } private void showAddNewPopup() { final Window popup = new Window(); popup.setWidth("400px"); popup.setHeight("400px");; popup.setModal(true); VerticalLayout cont = new VerticalLayout(); cont.setMargin(true); cont.setSpacing(true); GridLayout factories = new GridLayout(3, 3); factories.setSpacing(true); factories.setMargin(true); for (final FilterEditorFactory<B> fef : ffKeeper .getAllEditorFactories()) { VerticalLayout aFactory = new VerticalLayout(); Image img = new Image(null, fef.getFilterIcon()); img.setDescription(fef.getFilterDesc(localizer)); aFactory.addComponent(img); aFactory.addComponent(new Label(fef.getFilterName(localizer))); aFactory.addLayoutClickListener(new LayoutClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -6943926604606589576L; @Override public void layoutClick(LayoutClickEvent event) { FilterEditor<B> newEditor = fef .newEditorInstance(localizer); FilterEditorView<B> wrappedEditor = addNewFilterEditor(newEditor); UI.getCurrent().removeWindow(popup); wrappedEditor.showEditFilterPopup(); } }); factories.addComponent(aFactory); } cont.addComponent(factories); popup.setContent(cont); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(popup); } @Override protected void setNoControls(boolean noControls) { super.setNoControls(noControls); // override this to also set this for all the children for (FilterEditorView<B> child : children) { child.setNoControls(noControls); } } private void showGroupToPopup() { final Window popup = new Window(); popup.setWidth("400px"); popup.setHeight("400px");; popup.setModal(true); VerticalLayout cont = new VerticalLayout(); cont.setMargin(true); cont.setSpacing(true); HorizontalLayout selLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); selLayout.setMargin(true); selLayout.setSpacing(true); // add all chhildren in no-controls mode // and list of checkboxes under them to enable user to select which // of the children to group under the new connector final ArrayList<CheckBox> selChildren = new ArrayList<CheckBox>(); for (int i = 0, n = children.size(); i < n; i++) { VerticalLayout aChild = new VerticalLayout(); FilterEditorView<B> copied = children.get(i).getCopy(null); copied.setNoControls(true); aChild.addComponent(copied); CheckBox childCheckbox = new CheckBox(); selChildren.add(i, childCheckbox); aChild.addComponent(childCheckbox); selLayout.addComponent(aChild); } cont.addComponent(selLayout); Button okButton = StandardUIFactory.getOKButton(localizer); okButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -8713670656337690394L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { HashSet<Integer> selIndexes = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < selChildren.size(); i++) { if (selChildren.get(i).getValue()) { selIndexes.add(i); } } if (selIndexes.isEmpty() || selIndexes.size() == children.size()) { Notification .show("You must select some but not all children to the new group!"); } else { EditorConnectorView<B> newConnector = new EditorConnectorView<B>( EditorConnectorView.this, ffKeeper, localizer); ArrayList<FilterEditorView<B>> movedChildren = new ArrayList<FilterEditorView<B>>(); // a bit hacky solution but should work: // remove items backwards from the children-list so that // any index-shifting won't affect sub-sequent removals for (int bI = children.size() - 1; bI > 0; bI--) { if (selIndexes.contains(bI)) { FilterEditorView<B> addToNew = children .remove(bI); // add to start of the movedChildren to // re-invert the order regardless // of the backwards iteration FilterEditorView<B> copiedToNewParent = addToNew .getCopy(newConnector); movedChildren.add(0, copiedToNewParent); } } // now add the moved children to new connector for (int i = 0, n = movedChildren.size(); i < n; i++) { // this is more efficient than using the public // API... newConnector.children.add(movedChildren.get(i)); } newConnector.updateLayout(); children.add(newConnector); updateLayout(); UI.getCurrent().removeWindow(popup); } } }); cont.addComponent(okButton); popup.setContent(cont); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(popup); } } /* * BASIC-filter-editor that is sub-classed by the filter-connector-editor */ private static class FilterEditorView<B extends SubmissionInfo> extends VerticalLayout implements ClickListener { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -3738173460239017664L; protected FilterEditor<B> theEditor; protected final Localizer localizer; protected final EditorConnectorView<B> parent; protected boolean inverted; protected boolean ctrlMinified; // buttons private final Button remButton = new Button(); private final Button editButton = new Button(); private final Button invertButton = new Button(); protected final Button minMaxCtrlBtn = new Button(); // layouts protected final HorizontalLayout mainStateView = new HorizontalLayout(); protected final HorizontalLayout invAndStateView = new HorizontalLayout(); protected final VerticalLayout ctrlAndMinMaxLayout = new VerticalLayout(); protected final HorizontalLayout controlsLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); public FilterEditorView(FilterEditor<B> theEditor, EditorConnectorView<B> parent, Localizer localizer) { this.theEditor = theEditor; this.parent = parent; this.inverted = false; this.ctrlMinified = true; this.localizer = localizer; doLayout(); } public FilterEditorView(FilterEditor<B> theEditor, EditorConnectorView<B> parent, Localizer localizer, boolean inverted, boolean ctrlMinified) { this.theEditor = theEditor; this.parent = parent; this.inverted = inverted; this.ctrlMinified = ctrlMinified; this.localizer = localizer; doLayout(); } public StatSubmInfoFilter<B> asFilter() { // add inverted-wrapping if needed if (inverted) { InvertedFilter<B> asInverted = new InvertedFilter<B>( theEditor.getFilter()); return asInverted; } else { return theEditor.getFilter(); } } private void doLayout() { invertButton.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); invertButton.addClickListener(this); // set initial invert-state icon updateInvertedIndicator(); invAndStateView.addComponent(invertButton); invAndStateView.setComponentAlignment(invertButton, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); mainStateView.addComponent(theEditor.getMinifiedView()); invAndStateView.addComponent(mainStateView); minMaxCtrlBtn.setDescription("Minim-maxim"); minMaxCtrlBtn.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); minMaxCtrlBtn.addClickListener(this); remButton.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); remButton.addClickListener(this); if (parent == null) { remButton.setEnabled(false); remButton.setVisible(false); } editButton.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); editButton.addClickListener(this); controlsLayout.addComponents(editButton, remButton); controlsLayout.setMargin(true); controlsLayout.addStyleName("ville-mild-bg"); ctrlAndMinMaxLayout.addComponents(controlsLayout, minMaxCtrlBtn); ctrlAndMinMaxLayout.setComponentAlignment(controlsLayout, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); ctrlAndMinMaxLayout.setComponentAlignment(minMaxCtrlBtn, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); addComponents(ctrlAndMinMaxLayout, invAndStateView); setComponentAlignment(ctrlAndMinMaxLayout, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); setComponentAlignment(invAndStateView, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); addStyleName("ville-dashed-border"); setMargin(true); setSpacing(true); setSizeUndefined(); updateMinMaxCrtl(); } protected void updateBackingEditor(FilterEditor<B> newEditor) { // overrides the 'theEditor' with new editor instance copied // from it; this is used to ensure that the filter-editor under edit // is disconnected from actual filter-editor in is 'committed' only // when the editor-under-edit is in consistent state (and user wants // to commit the changes); also enables canceling the editing this.theEditor = newEditor; updateLayout(); } protected void updateLayout() { mainStateView.removeAllComponents(); mainStateView.addComponent(theEditor.getMinifiedView()); } protected void setNoControls(boolean noControls) { // hide control-layout and remove listener from invert-button (but // do not hide the button as it also indicates current invert-state) ctrlAndMinMaxLayout.setVisible(!noControls); if (noControls) { invertButton.removeClickListener(this); } else { invertButton.addClickListener(this); } } public FilterEditorView<B> getCopy(EditorConnectorView<B> newParent) { FilterEditorView<B> res = new FilterEditorView<B>( theEditor.getCopy(), newParent, localizer, inverted, ctrlMinified); return res; } private void updateMinMaxCrtl() { if (ctrlMinified) { controlsLayout.setVisible(false); } else { controlsLayout.setVisible(true); } } private void updateInvertedIndicator() { if (inverted) { } else { } } private void showEditFilterPopup() { final Window popup = new Window(); popup.setWidth("400px"); popup.setHeight("400px");; popup.setModal(true); VerticalLayout cont = new VerticalLayout(); cont.setMargin(true); cont.setSpacing(true); final FilterEditor<B> editCopy = theEditor.getCopy(); cont.addComponent(editCopy.getFilterEditView()); popup.setContent(cont); popup.addCloseListener(new CloseListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 8568957374426173040L; @Override public void windowClose(CloseEvent e) { updateLayout(); } }); // edit's are committed only if OK-button is clicked and // editor's checkAndNotify returns true; // closing the popup with other methods effectively cancel // any edits done Button okButton = StandardUIFactory.getOKButton(localizer); okButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -6979725003624509202L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { if (editCopy.checkAndNotify()) { UI.getCurrent().removeWindow(popup); updateBackingEditor(editCopy); } } }); cont.addComponent(okButton); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(popup); } @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { if (event.getButton() == invertButton) { inverted = !inverted; updateInvertedIndicator(); } else if (event.getButton() == remButton) { if (parent != null) { parent.removeEditor(this); } } else if (event.getButton() == editButton) { showEditFilterPopup(); } else if (event.getButton() == minMaxCtrlBtn) { ctrlMinified = !ctrlMinified; updateMinMaxCrtl(); } } } /* * * Implementations for editors of three general filter-types ( done-time, * evaluation, time-on-task) start here. * * All of these implementations implement both FilterEditor and * FilterEditorFactory at the same time, but that is of course not required; * it is convenient (as eg. icon is readily available to in FilterEditor) * but maybe a bit confusing... */ // TODO: localization of default editors private static class DateIntervalFilterEditor<A extends SubmissionInfo> implements FilterEditor<A>, FilterEditorFactory<A> { private DateField start = new DateField(); private DateField end = new DateField(); private final Localizer localizer; public DateIntervalFilterEditor(Localizer localizer) { this.localizer = localizer; } @Override public FilterEditor<A> newEditorInstance(Localizer localizer) { return new DateIntervalFilterEditor<A>(localizer); } @Override public String getFilterDesc(Localizer localizer) { return "date-range-editor"; } @Override public String getFilterName(Localizer localizer) { return "date-range-editor"; } @Override public Resource getFilterIcon() { return null; } @Override public StatSubmInfoFilter<A> getFilter() { long startMillis = (start.getValue() != null ? start.getValue() .getTime() : 0L); long endMillis = (end.getValue() != null ? end.getValue().getTime() : Long.MAX_VALUE); return new DateFilter<A>(startMillis, endMillis); } @Override public Component getFilterEditView() { VerticalLayout res = new VerticalLayout(); res.addComponent(new Label("start")); res.addComponent(start); res.addComponent(new Label("end")); res.addComponent(end); return res; } @Override public Component getMinifiedView() { Image img = new Image(); img.setSource(getFilterIcon()); img.setDescription(getFilterStateDesc()); return img; } @Override public DateIntervalFilterEditor<A> getCopy() { DateField newStart = new DateField(); DateField newEnd = new DateField(); newStart.setValue(start.getValue()); newEnd.setValue(end.getValue()); DateIntervalFilterEditor<A> res = new DateIntervalFilterEditor<A>( localizer); res.end = newEnd; res.start = newStart; return res; } @Override public String getFilterStateDesc() { return getFilterName(localizer) + ": from " + start.getValue() + " to " + end.getValue(); } @Override public boolean checkAndNotify() { long startMillis = (start.getValue() != null ? start.getValue() .getTime() : 0L); long endMillis = (end.getValue() != null ? end.getValue().getTime() : Long.MAX_VALUE); if (endMillis > startMillis) { return true; } else { Notification .show("If both are specified, start-date must come before end-date"); return false; } } } private static class EvaluationilterEditor<A extends SubmissionInfo> implements FilterEditor<A>, FilterEditorFactory<A> { private final Slider min; private final Slider max; private final Localizer localizer; public EvaluationilterEditor(Localizer localizer) { this.localizer = localizer; min = new Slider(); max = new Slider(); min.setMin(0.0); min.setMax(1.0); max.setMin(0.0); max.setMax(1.0); min.setResolution(2); max.setResolution(2); min.setWidth("50%"); max.setWidth("50%"); } @Override public FilterEditor<A> newEditorInstance(Localizer localizer) { return new EvaluationilterEditor<A>(localizer); } @Override public String getFilterDesc(Localizer localizer) { return "evaluation-range-editor"; } @Override public String getFilterName(Localizer localizer) { return "evaluation-range-editor"; } @Override public Resource getFilterIcon() { return null; // return StandardIcon.STAR_MEDIUM.getIcon(); } @Override public StatSubmInfoFilter<A> getFilter() { return new EvaluationFilter<A>(min.getValue(), max.getValue()); } @Override public Component getFilterEditView() { VerticalLayout res = new VerticalLayout(); res.setSpacing(true); res.setMargin(true); res.setWidth("100%"); res.addComponent(new Label("min")); res.addComponent(min); res.addComponent(new Label("max")); res.addComponent(max); return res; } @Override public Component getMinifiedView() { Image img = new Image(); img.setSource(getFilterIcon()); img.setDescription(getFilterStateDesc()); return img; } @Override public EvaluationilterEditor<A> getCopy() { EvaluationilterEditor<A> res = new EvaluationilterEditor<A>( localizer); res.min.setValue(min.getValue()); res.max.setValue(max.getValue()); return res; } @Override public String getFilterStateDesc() { return getFilterName(localizer) + ": from " + min.getValue() + " to " + max.getValue(); } @Override public boolean checkAndNotify() { if (min.getValue() < max.getValue()) { return true; } else {"Max must be at least equal to min"); return false; } } } private static class TimeonTaskFilterEditor<A extends SubmissionInfo> implements FilterEditor<A>, FilterEditorFactory<A> { private final TextField min; private final TextField max; private final Localizer localizer; public TimeonTaskFilterEditor(Localizer localizer) { min = new TextField(); max = new TextField(); this.localizer = localizer; } @Override public TimeonTaskFilterEditor<A> newEditorInstance(Localizer localizer) { return new TimeonTaskFilterEditor<A>(localizer); } @Override public String getFilterDesc(Localizer localizer) { return "time-on-task-range-editor"; } @Override public String getFilterName(Localizer localizer) { return "time-on-task-range-editor"; } @Override public Resource getFilterIcon() { return null; // return StandardIcon.STOP_WATCH_MEDIUM.getIcon(); } @Override public TimeOnTaskFilter<A> getFilter() { return new TimeOnTaskFilter<A>(getMin(), getMax()); } private int getMin() { String val = min.getValue(); if (val.length() == 0) { return 0; } else { return Integer.parseInt(val); } } private int getMax() { String val = max.getValue(); if (val.length() == 0) { return 0; } else { return Integer.parseInt(val); } } @Override public Component getFilterEditView() { VerticalLayout res = new VerticalLayout(); res.addComponent(new Label("min")); res.addComponent(min); res.addComponent(new Label("max")); res.addComponent(max); return res; } @Override public Component getMinifiedView() { Image img = new Image(); img.setSource(getFilterIcon()); img.setDescription(getFilterStateDesc()); return img; } @Override public TimeonTaskFilterEditor<A> getCopy() { TimeonTaskFilterEditor<A> res = new TimeonTaskFilterEditor<A>( localizer); res.min.setValue(getMin() + ""); res.max.setValue(getMax() + ""); return res; } @Override public String getFilterStateDesc() { return getFilterName(localizer) + ": from " + getMin() + " to " + getMax(); } @Override public boolean checkAndNotify() { if (getMin() <= getMax()) { return true; } else {"Max must be at least equal to min"); return false; } } } }